This module defines ProseMirror's content model, the data structures used to represent and work with documents.
A ProseMirror document is a tree. At each level, a node describes the type of the content, and holds a fragment containing its children.
@Node @Fragment @Mark @Slice @Attrs @ReplaceError
Positions in a document can be represented as integer offsets. But you'll often want to use a more convenient representation.
@ResolvedPos @NodeRange
Every ProseMirror document conforms to a schema, which describes the set of nodes and marks that it is made out of, along with the relations between those, such as which node may occur as a child node of which other nodes.
@SchemaSpec @NodeSpec @MarkSpec @AttributeSpec
@NodeType @MarkType
Because representing a document as a tree of DOM nodes is central to the way ProseMirror operates, DOM parsing and serializing is integrated with the model.
(But note that you do not need to have a DOM implementation loaded to use this module.)
@DOMParser @ParseOptions @GenericParseRule @TagParseRule @StyleParseRule @ParseRule
@DOMSerializer @DOMOutputSpec