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PrzemyslawLukasikPrzemyslaw Lukasik
Przemyslaw Lukasik
Feb 20, 2025
67018de · Feb 20, 2025


225 lines (159 loc) · 7.99 KB

File metadata and controls

225 lines (159 loc) · 7.99 KB

POC - GH Automation

automation of Git using GH

Environment Configuration

Project Structure


Environment Configuration

Virtual environment and dependency manager

Poetry is a tool for Python packaging and dependency management. It allows you to declare libraries needed for your project and manage them.

Poetry installation

WARNING: Before installing poetry in the project, create .venv folder first. This way poetry environment will be installed locally in the project folder.

To install poetry run

python3 -m pip install poetry

Poetry virual environment usage

To just execute a command using the virtual environment (for example by a CI) run:

poetry run command_to_be_executted

Above command will execute command in the virtual environment. If we want to enter the virtual environment, we need to execute:

poetry shell

To exit the poetry you can execute command: poetry exit but it won't deactivate the environmnet. to deactivate it, you need to execute deactivate command while in the virtual environment.

Pre-Commits code formating

To keep the code clean we'll use a few tools that will make sure everything in the code is looking the proper (pythonic) way. Those tools are:

  • flake8 - which includes: Pyflakes, McCabe and pycodestyle
  • isort - which sorts all the imports the right way
  • black - code formatter.


  1. Install poetry:

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

    python3 -m pip install poetry

    poetry install --no-root

  2. Run poetry to install dependecies and setup virtual environment: To execute tests from outside of the environment (for example on CI):

    poetry run python3 -m pytest <params>

    To enter virtual environment execute:

    poetry shell


  1. Install playwright nodes Below command will download multiple playwright browser nodes, they are required to execute tests.

    poetry run playwright install

  2. Set Logging Logging can be set in the ./ :

    LOGGERS = "TEST,PAGE,FIXTURE,API,GENERATOR" - enabling loggers LOG_LEVEL = "debug" - setting level

  3. Set Testing suite Suite configuration can be set in pytest.ini file in the -m parameter. Just logicaly connect marks that needs to be used: -m="UI or API" - will execute all tests that have UI or API mark

  4. Account Settings: To setup account for tests use .env file:



To execute tests run: - pytest - for series execution - pytest -n auto - for parallel execution


All available parameters are noted in below table:

Parameter Required Description
-m Yes Specify markers to select suite of tests. Check pytest.ini for available marks
--screenshots No Path for the screenshots. Default: artefacts/screenshots
--html No Path for the reports: default: artefacts/reports
--headed No headless or headed mode
--junitxml No JUnit XML report
--traceing No Playwright traceing options

Analyzing failure with the playwright trace file

When the --traceing option is used, playwright will create a test-results folder with the file for each test in the ../tests/tests-results/ directory.

There are to options to open the trace file:

  1. Open the site and load the file there.
  2. Execute playwright show-trace <path to trace file>

This will open the UI mode where you can inspect each step and verify why test has failed.

Project Structure

Artefacts directory

This folder includes all the artefacts mainly screenshots and reports


All the main functionality: helpers, fixtures, PO and tests


Overall fixtures not related to a specific functionality.


A helper methods not related directly to pages or endpoints


Pages are representations of the pages in the tested project. In most cases each page will be divided into 2 or more files:

  1. page file - This is a browser tab representation. It will include the page url, name and basic methods like visit. It will include Page Objects too.
  2. page object file - Elements on the page are grouped into page objects. Page object file will include:
    • Locators of the elements
    • Texts used in the tests for each page
    • Statics - emails, logins, any static data
    • simple methods that use the locators
    • advanced methods that will use simple methods.

This way we'll make sure those files won't be too big and everything will be organized. Folder includes 2 base files:

  • - it includes basic actions that are valid for all pages
  • - it includes model classes for page object file.


This folder includes all the test modules. Each module name has to start with the test_ word. It's required by the pytest to automatically discover tests modules. The same goes for the Class and method names.

In the tests folder there is one additional file called It is automatically loaded by pytest and here it's used to change pages and endpoints into fixtures.


Flake8 is a wrapper around these tools:

  • PyFlakes - A simple program which checks Python source files for errors. Pyflakes analyzes programs and detects various errors
  • pycodestyle - pycodestyle is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8.
  • Ned Batchelder's McCabe script - Ned's script to check McCabe complexity.


It's a configuration file for pre-commit hooks. Whenever a git commit command is used, pre-commit hook is triggered and executes: black, flake8 and isort. This way code will always be properly formatted on the remote repository.

Pytest configuration file that is triggered on the framework start. It includes basic configuration like add-options, make_report or pytest_configure.


INFO: This file is autogenerated by poetry.

List of user external modules in the project with strict versions.


Pytest project configuration file for external tools, which includes:

  • poetry config
  • poetry dependencies list
  • black configuration
  • isort configuration


Pytest configuration file that include:

  • list of pytest marks
  • default input parameters - if setup here then they don't need to be sent during project execution.

This file.


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