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The RISE Journal Club aims to create a friendly environment to discuss the latest state-of-the-art papers in the areas of medical image analysis, AI and computer vision. The main objective of this bi-weekly reading group is to help you develop/improve your critical and design thinking skills, which are essential skills for researchers and will help you when presenting or writing your own work.

To date, we have held two editions in which participants joined us remotely from different continents in highly engaging and stimulating sessions.

During each session, the moderators briefly introduce the paper and then moderate a discussion where everyone is welcome to provide their thoughts and ask any questions on the paper. The topics of the papers will vary, and we will try to cover different areas of medical data analysis, e.g., registration, segmentation, federated learning, fairness, and reinforcement learning —among others. Similarly, we will review papers from the machine and deep learning communities, providing you with a broader overview of the state-of-the-art method.

Upcoming Journal Club Sessions

{% assign today = 'now' | date: '%Y-%m-%d' %} {% for session in %} {% if session.speaker != "" %} {% assign session_date_parts = | split: '/' %} {% assign session_date = session_date_parts[2] | append: '-' | append: session_date_parts[1] | append: '-' | append: session_date_parts[0] %} {% if session_date >= today %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Date Speaker Title Conference Link (Paper) Zoom Link Calendar
{{ }} {{ session.speaker }} {{ session.paper_title }} {{ session.conference }} Link Join Zoom Save Calendar
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