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File metadata and controls

887 lines (683 loc) · 30 KB



The New Errata Workflow Automation (NEWA) is an attempt to replace legacy testing workflow with a new one based on the use of tmt (Test Management Tool), Testing Farm, Jira and ReportPortal. It ensures transparency and consistency by “standardizing” the errata testing.

NEWA based workflow

This is the assumed workflow utilizing NEWA in short:

  1. The tester (in the future an automated job in Jenkins) runs NEWA command on erratum update.
  2. NEWA populates Jira with issues that will be used for tracking testing progress.
  3. For Jira issues associated with a recipe file NEWA will trigger Testing Farm jobs.
  4. When all TF jobs are finished NEWA updates the respective Jira issue with a link to RP launch so that a tester can review test results and eventually mark the issue as Done.

NEWA configuration

The workflow described above requires NEWA to be properly configured by a user. In particular, a user needs to prepare:

  • NEWA configuration file providing URLs and access tokens to individual tools.
  • NEWA issue-config YAML file defining which Jira issues should be created. These issues could represent fully manual steps (like errata checklist items) or steps that are fully or partially automated through the associated recipe YAML file.
  • NEWA recipe YAML file containing necessary metadata for the test execution, for example test repository and tmt plans to be executed. These plans are parametrized using environment variables defined by the recipe file, ensuring that all required scenarios are tested.

All these files are described in detail below.

NEWA configuration file

By default, NEWA settings is loaded from file $HOME/.newa.

Below is an example of such a file.

url = https://..
enable_comments = 1
url = https://...
token = *JIRATOKEN*
url = https://...
token = *RP_TOKEN*
project = my_personal
recheck_delay = 120

This settings can be overriden by environment variables that take precedence.


Jira issue configuration file

This is a configuration for the newa jira subcommand and typically it targets a particular package and event, e.g. it prescribes which Jira issues should be created for an advisory. This configuration file is passed to newa command like this:

newa ... jira --issue-config CONFIG_FILE ...

Issue config file may utilize Jinja2 templates in order to adjust configuration with event specific data.

Example of the Jira issue configuration file:

include: global_settings.yaml

project: MYPROJECT

board: 'My team board'

    - Closed
    - Closed.Obsolete
    - In Progress
    - Closed.Done

   assignee: '{{ ERRATUM.people_assigned_to }}'
#  fields:
#    "Pool Team": "my_great_team"
#    "Story Points": 0


 - summary: "ER#{{ }} - {{ ERRATUM.summary }} (testing)"
   description: "{{ ERRATUM.url }}\n{{ ERRATUM.components|join(' ') }}"
   type: epic
   id: errata_epic
   on_respin: keep
     - jira

 - summary: "ER#{{ }} - Sanity and regression testing {{ ERRATUM.builds|join(' ') }}"
   description: "Run all automated tests"
   type: task
   id: task_regression
   parent_id: errata_epic
   on_respin: close
   auto_transition: True
   job_recipe: https://path/to/my/NEWA/recipe/errata.yaml
     - execute
     - report
     Sprint: active

Individual settings are described below.

board and fields.Sprint

board is either a name (string) or a numeric ID (integer) of Jira Board that will be used to determine the currently active and future sprints. Sprint value has to be defined under fields settings for a particular issue item. The possible values are 'active', 'future' or a numeric ID of a given Sprint.

See the example above.


Defines environment variables that will be set when sheduling a recipe. Variable value may be overriden by the recipe. Environment definition is not inherited by child Jira issues.


 - summary: "regression testing"
   descriptin: "task descryption"
   type: task
     MYVAR: myvalue


Defines custom tmt context setting that will be set when scheduling a recipe. Context value may be overriden by the recipe. Context definition is not inherited by child Jira issues.


 - summary: "regression testing"
   descriptin: "task descryption"
   type: task
     swtpm: yes


Allows user to import snippet of a file from a different URL location or a file. If the same section exists in both files, definitions from the included file has lower priority and the whole section is replaced completely. The only exceptions are are issues and defaults which are merged. To unset a value defined in an included file one can set the value to null.


Enables a user to do multiple copies of the respective action that differ in some parameters. These parameters will be automatically added to environment variable definition used for a recipe. Multiple variables can be defined for a single iteration, those will eventually override identical variables defined in environment attribute.

Example: In this example two subtasks will be created with variables FOO and DESCRIPTION being set accordingly.

 - summary: "regression testing - FOO={{ ENVIRONMENT.FOO }}"
   description: "{{ ENVIRONMENT.DESCRIPTION }}"
   type: subtask
     MYVAR: thisismyvar
     DESCRIPTION: default description
     # this is the first iteration
     - FOO: bar
       DESCRIPTION: non-default description
     # this is the second iteration
     - FOO: baz

project and group

Defines Jira project to be used by NEWA and optionally also a user group for access restrictions.


project: MYPROJECT
group: "Company users"


This is a mapping which tells NEWA which particular issue states (and resolutions) it should be using. This settings depends on a particular Jira project. It is also possible to specify resolution separated by a dot, e.g. Closed.Obsolete.

The following transitions can be defined:

  • closed - Required, multiple states can be listed. Used to identify closed Jira issues.
  • dropped - Required, single state required. Tells NEWA which state to use when an issue is obsoleted by a newer issue.
  • processed - Optional, single state required. Necessary when auto_transition is True. This state is used when issue processing is finished by NEWA.
  • passed - Optional, single state required. Necessary when auto_transition is True. This state is used when all automated tests scheduled by NEWA pass.


    - Closed
    - Closed.Obsolete
    - In Progress
# here, not using transition for passed tests
# passed:
#  - Closed.Done


Defines the default settings for individual records in the issues list. This settings can be overriden by a value defined in a particular issue.


   assignee: '{{ ERRATUM.people_assigned_to }}'
     "Pool Team": "my_great_team"
     "Story Points": 1

See issues section below for available options.


Each record represents a single Jira issue that will be processed by NEWA. The following options are available:

  • summary: Jira issue summary to use
  • description: Jira issue description to use
  • type: Jira issue type, could be epic, task, sub-task
  • id: unique identifier within the scope of issue-config file, it is used to identify this specific config item.
  • parent_id: refers to item id which should become a parent Jira issue of this issue.
  • on_respin: Defines action when the issue is obsoleted by a newer version (due to erratum respin). Possible values are close (i.e. create a new issue) and keep (i.e. reuse existing issue).
  • auto_transition: Defines if automatic issue state transitions are enabled (True) or not (False, a default value).
  • erratum_comment_triggers - For specified triggers, provides an update in an erratum through a comment. This functionality needs to be enabled also in the newa.conf file through enable_comments = 1. The following triggers are currently supported:
    • jira - Adds a comment when a Jira issue is initially 'adopted' by NEWA (either created or taken over due to jira --map-issue parameter).
    • execute - Adds a comment when automated tests are initiated by NEWA.
    • report - Adds a comment when automated tests results are reported by NEWA.
  • when: A condition that restricts when an item should be used. See "In-config tests" section for examples.
  • fields: A dictionary identifying additional Jira issue fields that should be set for the issue. Currently, fields Reporter, Sprint, Status and other fields having type "number", "string", "list/select" should be supported.

NEWA_COMMENT_FOOTER environment variable

This environment variable can be used to extend a comment that NEWA adds to a Jira issue. Users can use it e.g. to append a link to a Jenkins job.

Recipe config file

This configuration prescribes which automated jobs should be triggered in Testing Farm. A recipe file is associated with a Jira issue through the job_recipe attribute in the issue config file and this Jira issue gets later updated with test results once all Testing Farm requests are completed. Recipe files may also utilize Jinja2 templates in order to adjust configuration with event specific data.

Recipe configuration file enables users to describe a complex test matrix. This is achieved by using a set of parameters passed to each Testing Farm requests and parameterized tmt plans enabling runtime adjustments.

A recipe file configuration is split into two sections. The first section is named fixtures and contains configuration that is relevant to all test jobs triggered by the recipe file.

The second section is named dimensions and it outlines how the test matrix looks like. Each dimension is identified by its name and defines a list of possible values, each value representing a configuration snippet that would be used for the respective test job. newa does a Cartesian product of defined dimensions, building all possible combinations. Those will be saved for further execution.

When mergine attributes from fixtures and dimensions, value from a particular dimension may override a value from fixtures. This is on purpose so that fixtures may provide sane defaults that could be possibly overriden (yes, bad naming). A recipe can also override context or environment value obtained from the jira- YAML file (e.g. specified in issue-config file). However, a recipe can't override a value that has been defined on a command line directly using newa --context ..., newa --environment ... or newa schedule --fixture ... options.

Example: Using the recipe file

        PLANET: Earth
        - environment:
              STATE: USA
        - environment:
              STATE: India
        - environment:
              CITY: Salem
        - environment:
              CITY: Delhi

newa will generate the following combinations:

PLANET=Earth, STATE=India, CITY=Salem
PLANET=Earth, STATE=India, CITY=Delhi

Individual dimension values may also contain additional keys like context, reportportal etc. Individual options are described below.


Defines environment varibles to use. See the example above.


Defines custom tmt context setting that will be passed to TestingFarm / tmt.


    swtpm: yes


Optional attribute. Defines if requests should be run through Testing Farm or tmt. The default value is testingfarm. Request execution through tmt is not implemented, just an empty launch is created. However, a user can see the respective tmt command in execute- YAML files in a state-dir.


Identifies test plans that should be executed. Possible parameters are:

  • url: URL of a repository with tmt plans.
  • ref: Git repo ref within a repository.
  • path: Path to tmt root within a repository.
  • plan: Identifies tmt test plans to execute, a regexp used to filter plans by name.
  • cli_args: Sets tmt run arguments when how: tmt is used. When configured by a user, newa will automatically append only the plan --name ... parameter, utilizing the above option. It is up to a user to pass all the subsequent tmt subcommands discover provision prepare execute report finish with required parameters! When cli_args is not set, newa will add all these subcommands automatically.


May define additional options passed to the testing-farm request ... command. The only possible option is:

  • cli_args: String containing extra CLI options.


    cli_args: "--pipeline-type tmt-multihost"


Contains ReportPortal launch and suite related settings. Possible parameters are:

  • launch_name: RP launch name to use.
  • launch_description: RP launch description.
  • suite_description: RP suite description.
  • launch_attributes: RP launch attributes (tags) to set for a given launch (and suite). In addition to this attributes, tmt contexts used for a particular tmt plan will be set as attributes of the respective RP suite.


    launch_name: "keylime"
    launch_description: "keylime_server system role interoperability"
    suite_description: "Testing keylime_server role on {{ ENVIRONMENT.COMPOSE_CONTROLLER }} against keylime on {{ ENVIRONMENT.COMPOSE_KEYLIME }}"
      tier: 1
      trigger: build


A condition that restricts when an item should be used. See "In-config tests" section for examples.


      - environment:
            COMPOSE_VERIFIER: "{{ }}"
            COMPOSE_REGISTRAR: "{{ }}"
            COMPOSE_AGENT: "{{ }}"
            COMPOSE_AGENT2: RHEL-9.5.0-Nightly
        when: ' is not match("RHEL-9.5.0-Nightly")'

In-config tests

Both NEWA issue-config and recipe files may contain Jinja templates that enable user to parametrize files with details obtain from the event.

A couple of examples:

# Checking if event type equals to "errata", "compose", ...
when: EVENT is erratum
when: EVENT is not erratum

when: JOB is erratum
when: JOB is not erratum

# Checking if errata number starts with (or contains or matches regexp) string "RHSA"
when: is match("f.*")
when: is match("b.*")

when: is match("f.*")
when: is match("b.*")

# Checking if errata release starts with (or contains or matches regexp) string "rhel-x.y"
when: JOB.erratum.release is match("RHEL-.*")
when: JOB.erratum.release is match("(?i)rhel-.*")
when: JOB.erratum.release is match("RHEL-9.7.0")

# Maybe we could add custom tests, e.g.:
when: JOB is RHEL
when: JOB is RHEL_9
when: JOB is not RHEL_9_5_0

# Negations of all checks above
when: JOB.erratum.release is not match("RHEL-.*")
when: JOB.erratum.release is not match("(?i)rhel-.*")
when: JOB.erratum.release is not match("RHEL-9.7.0")

Quick demo

Make sure you have your $HOME/.newa configuration file defined prior running this file.

$ REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 jira --issue-config demodata/jira-compose-config.yaml schedule execute report


$ REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem newa event --erratum 124115 jira --issue-config demodata/jira-errata-config.yaml schedule execute report

NEWA options and subcommands

NEWA options

Option --conf-file

Tells newa to use alternate config file location (default is ~/.newa.conf).


$ newa --conf-file ~/.newa.stage event --erratum=12345

Option --debug

Enables debug level logging.

Option --help

Prints newa usage help to a console.


$ newa --help
$ newa event --help
$ newa jira --help

Option --state-dir, -D

By default, newa will create a new state-dir with each invocation. This option tells newa which (existing) directory to use for storing and processing YAML metadata files. Typically, one would use this option to follow up on some former newa invocation, either for skipping or re-doing some phases.


$ newa event --erratum 12345
Using --state-dir=/var/tmp/newa/run-123
$ newa --state-dir /var/tmp/newa/run-123 jira --issue-config my-issue-config.yaml
Using --state-dir=/var/tmp/newa/run-123

Option --prev-state-dir

Similar to --state-dir, however no directory is specified. Instead, newa will use the most recent (modified) directory used by newa process issued from the current shell (so the functionality won't collidate with newa processes from different terminals).


$ newa event --erratum 12345
Using --state-dir=/var/tmp/newa/run-123
$ newa --prev-state-dir jira --issue-config my-issue-config.yaml
Using --state-dir=/var/tmp/newa/run-123

Option --extract-state-dir

Similar to --state-dir, however in this case the argument is URL of an archive containing NEWA YAML metadata files. For example, it could be used to follow up on a state-dir created and shared by an automation.


$ newa --extract-state-dir https://path/to/some/newa-run-1234.tar.gz list

Option --context, -c

Allows custom tmt context definition on a cmdline. Such a context can be used in issue-config YAML file through Jinja template through CONTEXT.<name>. Option can be used multiple times. Such a CLI definition has the highest priority and the value won't be overriden in NEWA issue-config or recipe file.


$ newa -c foo=bar event --compose Fedora-40 ...

Option --environment, -e

Allows custom tmt environment variable definition on a cmdline. Such a variable can be used in issue-config YAML file through Jinja template through ENVIRONMENT.<name>. Option can be used multiple times. Such a CLI definition has the highest priority and the value won't be overriden in NEWA issue-config or recipe file.


$ newa --environment FOO=bar event --compose Fedora-40 ...

Option --force

Enables YAML files rewrite when they already exist in state-dir.

Subcommand event

This subcommand is associated with a particular event (like an erratum) and it attempts to read details about it so that this data can be utilized in later parts of the workflow. While we are using erratum as an event example, other event types could be supported in the future (e.g. compose, build, GitLab MR etc.).

event subcommands reads event details either from a command line.

newa event --erratum 12345

or from a files having init- prefix.

Produces multiple files based on the event (erratum) details, splitting them according to the product release and populating them with the event and erratum keys.

For example:

$ cat state/event-128049-RHEL-9.4.0.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-9.4.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum

$ cat state/event-128049-RHEL-8.10.0.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-8.10.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum

Option --erratum

Directs NEWA to the erratum-type event it should use, in particular erratum ID. Option can be used multiple times but each event will be processed individually.


$ newa event --erratum 12345

Option --compose

Directs NEWA to the compose-type event it should use, in particular a compose provided by Testing Farm. Option can be used multiple times but each event will be processed individually.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-10

Option --compose-mapping

Instructs NEWA how to map erratum release to a TF compose. Use in case the default mapping doesn't work properly. Option can be specified multiple times.


$ newa event --erratum 12345 --compose-mapping RHEL-9.4.0.Z.MAIN+EUS=RHEL-9.4.0-Nightly

Option --prev-event

Copies event- files from a previously used NEWA state-dir into a new (current) state-dir. See --prev-state-dir option above to see details how the "previous" state-dir is identified.


$ newa event --erratum 12345
$ newa event --prev-event jira ...

Subcommand jira

This subcommand is responsible for interaction with Jira. It reads details previously gathered by the event subcommand and identifies Jira issues that should be used for tracking of individual steps of the testing process. These steps are defined in a so-called NEWA issue-config file.

Specifically, it processes multiple files having event- prefix. For each event/file it reads NEWA issue-config and for each item from the configuration it creates or updates a Jira issue and produces jira- file, populating it with jira and recipe keys.

For example:

$ cat state/jira-128049-RHEL-8.10.0-NEWA-12.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-8.10.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum
  id: NEWA-12
  url: https://path/to/recipe.yaml

$ cat state/jira-128049-RHEL-9.4.0-NEWA-6.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-9.4.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum
  id: NEWA-6
  url: https://path/to/recipe.yaml

Option --assignee

Instructs NEWA to assign a newly created Jira issues to a particular Jira user, instead of using the value derived from the issue-config file.


$ newa ... jira --issue-config issue-config.yaml --assignee [email protected] ...

Option --unassigned

Instructs NEWA not to assign a newly created Jira issues to a particular Jira user derived from the issue-config file.


$ newa ... jira --issue-config issue-config.yaml --unassigned ...

Option --issue-config TEXT

Instructs newa which issue-config file to use. Could be either a local file or URL. See 'Jira issue configuration file' section above for details.

Option --map-issue

Instructs NEWA to use an existing Jira issue instead of creating it according to the issue-config file. This option maps id identifier from the issue-config file to a Jira issue ID. NEWA will update Jira issue description with its identifier so that the next time it able to find it and there is no need to provide the mapping again. This option has to be used together with the --issue-config file option. It could be used multiple times.


$ head issue-config.yaml

 - summary: "ER#{{ }} - {{ ERRATUM.summary }} (testing)"
   description: "{{ ERRATUM.url }}\n{{ ERRATUM.components|join(' ') }}"
   type: epic
   id: errata_epic
   on_respin: keep
     - jira
$ newa ... jira --issue-config issue-config.yaml --map-issue errata_epic=RHEL-12345 ...

Option --recreate

By default, NEWA won't create a new Jira issue if a matching one but closed is found. With this option, NEWA will created a new Jira issue instead.


$ newa ... jira --issue-config issue-config.yaml --recreate ...

Option --issue

This option works only when used together with --job-recipe option. It instructs NEWA which Jira issue to update with test results.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 jira --job-recipe path/to/recipe.yaml --issue RHEL-12345 schedule execute report

Option --prev-issue

This option works only when used together with --job-recipe option. Similarly to the --issue option, it instructs NEWA which Jira issue to update, however this time the previously used Jira issue key is automatically chosen. It works only if exactly one Jira issue key is found in the previous NEWA state-dir. See the --prev-state-dir option for details how the previous NEWA state-dir is identified.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 jira --issue-config testing.yaml
$ newa event --prev-event jira --prev-issue --job-recipe testing_part2.yaml

Option --job-recipe

This option should not be used together with the --issue-config option. This option tells NEWA a location of the NEWA recipe YAML file (either a local path or URL) and completely bypasses issue-config file processing step. Instead, NEWA will use the provided recipe YAML for scheduling. Could be used together with --issue option.


$ newa ... jira --job-recipe path/to/recipe.yaml --issue RHEL-12345 schedule execute report

Subcommand schedule

This subcommand does apply only when a particular item from the Jira (issue) configuration file contains a recipe attribute which points to a specific recipe YAML file. Also, it generates all relevant combinations that will be later executed.

Specifically, it processes multiple files having jira- prefix. For each such file it reads recipe details from recipe.url and according to that recipe it produces multiple request- files, populating it with recipe key.

For example:

$ cat state/request-128049-RHEL-8.10.0-NEWA-12-REQ-1.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-8.10.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum
  id: NEWA-12
  url: https://path/to/recipe.yaml
    distro: rhel-8.10.0
  environment: {}
  git_ref: ''
  git_url: ''
  id: REQ-1
  tmt_path: ''

$ cat state/request-128049-RHEL-8.10.0-NEWA-12-REQ-2.yaml
  builds: []
  release: RHEL-8.10.0
  id: '128049'
  type_: erratum
  id: NEWA-12
  url: https://path/to/recipe.yaml
    distro: rhel-8.10.0
  environment: {}
  git_ref: ''
  git_url: ''
  id: REQ-2
  tmt_path: ''

Option --arch

By default, tests are scheduled for all relevant architectures. This option can be used to limit scheduling to a particular architecture. This option can be used multiple times.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 job-recipe path/to/recipe.yaml schedule --arch x86_64 --arch aarch64 execute report

Subcommand cancel

Cancels TF reqests found in execute- files within the given state-dir.


$ newa --prev-state-dir cancel

Subcommand execute

This subcommand does the actual execution. It triggers multiple Testing Farm requests in parallel (single request per one generated combination) and waits until these requests are finished and all individual test results are available in ReportPortal.

Specifically, it processes multiple files having schedule- prefix. For each such file it reads request details from the inside and proceeds with the actual execution. When tests are finished it produces files having execute- prefix updated with details of the execution.


$ cat state/execute-RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9-RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9-BASEQESEC-1227-REQ-1.2.yaml
  id: RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9
erratum: null
  id: RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9
  type_: compose
  batch_id: 49aa0321898d
  return_code: 0
  id: BASEQESEC-1227
  compose: RHEL-9.5.0-20240519.9
    color: blue
    CITY: Brno
    PLANET: Earth
  git_ref: main
  id: REQ-1.2
  plan: /plan1
  rp_launch: recipe1
  tmt_path: demodata
  when: null

Option --continue, -C

This option is useful e.g. when a user wants to continue with a previously terminated newa execute session. It is assumed that a user will use this option together with --state-dir option because newa is going to re-use former data.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 jira --job-recipe path/to/recipe.yaml schedule execute report
Using --state-dir /var/tmp/newa/run-123
Ctrl+C  # during the execute step
$ newa --state-dir /var/tmp/newa/run-123 execute --continue report

Option --no-wait

This option instructs newa to not to wait for TF request finishing. It is expected that a user will eventually follow up on this newa session later.


$ newa event --compose CentOS-Stream-9 jira --job-recipe path/to/recipe.yaml schedule execute --no-wait
Using --state-dir /var/tmp/newa/run-123
$ newa --state-dir /var/tmp/newa/run-123 execute --continue report

Option --restart-request, -R

This option can be used to reschedule specific NEWA request, specified by the request ID (e.g. --restart-request REQ-1.2.1). This option can be used multiple times. Implies --continue.


newa --prev-state-dir execute -R REQ-1.2.1 -R REQ-2.2.2 report

Option --restart-result

This option can be used to reschedule NEWA request that have ended with a particular result - passed, failed, error. For example, --restart-result error. Result can be either passed, failed or error where 'error' means that test execution hasn't been finished correctly. This option can be used multiple times. Implies --continue.

Subcommand report

This subcommand updates RP launch with recipe status and updates the respective Jira issue with a comment and a link to RP launch containing all test results.

It processes multiple files having execute- prefix, reads RP launch details and searches for all the relevant launches, subsequently merging them into a single launch. Later, it updates the respective Jira issue with a note about test results availalability and a link to ReportPortal launch. This subcommand doesn't produce any files.

Subcommand list

With this subcommand you get a brief listing of the most recent newa invocations. This information is based on state-directories on the default path /var/tmp/newa.


$ newa list


Currently the code expects a stable Fedora release.

$ make system/fedora
$ hatch env create dev
$ hatch -e dev shell
$ newa
Usage: newa [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...