layout | redirect_from | title | |
page |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Thanks for using the GTN! If you have any questions regarding the GTN, Galaxy, or any of the topics covered by the tutorials, you can check one of the FAQ pages below to see if your question is among them.
Common questions about the Galaxy platform, or about the GTN itself, can be found on the following pages:
{% include _includes/button.html link="/faqs/galaxy" colour="yellow" label="Galaxy FAQs" buttonsize="large" %}
{% include _includes/button.html link="/faqs/gtn" colour="purple" label="GTN FAQs" buttonsize="large" %}
Each topic in the GTN also has a dedicated FAQ page:
{% assign sorted_topics = site | list_topics_by_category: "non-tag" %}
{% assign buttonnum = 0 %} {% for topic in sorted_topics %} {% if topic[1].enable != false and topic[1].type == 'use' %} {% assign l = topic[1].name | prepend: "/topics/" | append: "/faqs/" %} {% assign lab = topic[1].title %} {% assign i = buttonnum | modulo: buttoncolours.size %} {% assign col = buttoncolours[i] %}
{% include _includes/button.html link=l label=lab buttonsize="large" colour=col %}
{% assign buttonnum = buttonnum | plus: 1 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% assign l = topic[1].name | prepend: "/topics/" | append: "/faqs/" %}
{% assign lab = topic[1].title %}
{% assign i = buttonnum | modulo: buttoncolours.size %}
{% assign col = buttoncolours[i] %}
{% include _includes/button.html link=l label=lab buttonsize="large" colour=col %}
{% assign buttonnum = buttonnum | plus: 1 %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
Tutorials may also have FAQ pages associated with them, you can find the link to these in the overview box in the tutorial page itself.
Couldn't find the answer to your question here? Please feel free to ask in the GTN Gitter channel, or on the Galaxy Help Forum as well.