title | layout | redirect_from | |||||||||||||||||||||
GTN Videos |
page |
{% assign sorted_topics = "" | split: "," %} {% assign sorted_topics_pre = site.data | sort | order: "title" %}
{% for topic in sorted_topics_pre %} {% if topic[0] == "introduction" %} {% assign sorted_topics = sorted_topics | unshift: topic %} {% else %} {% assign sorted_topics = sorted_topics | push: topic %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
The GTN now generates videos for selected slide decks. Click on a topic below to jump to the video page for that topic!
{% for topic in sorted_topics %} {% assign topic_id = topic[0] %} {% assign t = site.data[topic_id] %}
{% assign has_video = false %}
{% assign topic_material = site | topic_filter:topic[0] %}
{% for material in topic_material %}
{% if material.video %}
{% assign has_video = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_video == true %}
{% for material in topic_material %}
{% if material.video %}
{% capture vid %}{{ topic_id }}/tutorials/{{ material.tutorial_name }}/slides{% endcapture %}
{% for lang in material.translations.slides %}
{% capture vid %}{{ topic_id }}/tutorials/{{ material.tutorial_name }}/slides_{{ lang | upcase }}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}