- An example of using this mechanism to configure a static option is as follows:
- <dotnetrdf-configure:VDS.RDF.Options#UsePLinqEvaluation> dnr:configure false .
- Class and property names must be fully qualified, to specify static options outside of dotNetRDF itself you can add an additional path segment with the assembly name after the initial configure keyword. If the class/property does not exist or the value of the literal cannot be appropriately converted to the type of the property then an exception will be thrown. If there is a problem setting the property (e.g. it does not have a public setter) then an exception will be thrown.
+ Infers additional values for properties based on SKOS Concept Hierarcies. If there is a Triple whose value is a Concept from the hierarchy then new versions of that Triple will be inferred where the object becomes each concept higher in the hierarchy.