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Database System Note

数据库系统讲义 | Database System Note

Database System Note系列是Harbour基于他在CMU所学课程基础上,为普及数据库相关知识所开设的数据库系统讲义。

课程目录 | Outline

1、大纲、数据库及数据库管理系统 | Outline, DB and DBMS


  1. 数据库定义
    • 对现实世界的某些方面进行建模的相互关联的数据的有组织的集合
  2. 数据库在产业链中的位置
    • 在整个IT产业链中位于中游,其上游是网络硬件厂商,例如服务器厂商,网络设备厂商,CPU厂商等;其下游是应用开发商,例如集成商,软件开发商;与数据库厂商同属中游的还包括操作系统厂商和中间件厂商
  3. 数据库举例及基础问题
  4. 数据库管理系统及发展历史
    • 数据管理系统
    • 数据库40年发展历史
      • 1980-1990:关系型数据库,例如Oracle,sybase等,该类数据库模型通过对刻画数据的一个或多个关 系表格进行分类,合并,链接,选取等运算实现数据管理
      • 1991-2000:分析型数据库,例如Teradata,Greenplum等,该类数据库旨在建立随着大数据发展的专 业分析型数据库
      • 2001-2010:非结构化和半结构化的海量数据处理系统,例如NoSQL
      • 2010-2020:多源异构数据类型,例如NoSQL+Data Lake

English Summary

  1. Definition of Database
    • An organized collection of interrelated data that models certain aspects of the real world.
  2. The Position of Database in the Industrial Chain
    • It is located in the middle of the whole IT industry chain. Its upstream is network hardware manufacturers, such as server manufacturers, network equipment manufacturers, CPU manufacturers, etc. Its downstream is application developers, such as integrators and software developers. Besides, operating system manufacturers and middleware manufacturers also belong to the midstream, together with the database manufacturers.
  3. An Instance of Database and its Related Issues
    • To construct a online music database for recording artists and their albums.
  4. Database Management System and its History
    • Database Management System
    • 40-year Development History of Database Management System
      • 1980-1990:Relational Database, such as Oracle, Sybase, etc. This kind of database model realizes data management by classifying, merging, linking, selecting and other operations on one or more relational tables depicting data.
      • 1991-2000: Analytical database, such as Teradata, Greenplum, etc. This kind of database aims to establish a professional analytical database with the development of big data.
      • 2001-2010: Unstructured and semi-structured massive data processing systems, such as NoSQL.
      • 2010-2020: Multi-source heterogeneous data types, such as NoSQL + data Lake.

课程视频 | Video

课程讲义 | Notes