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05e8f98 · Nov 30, 2020


67 lines (49 loc) · 2.59 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (49 loc) · 2.59 KB


When browsing the web with the Developer Tools open you can record the Network Activities (requests perform by your browser & responses you get from servers). Then you can export all these data into an HAR file (Http ARchive). With har2py you can convert HAR file into valid python code that reproduce the requests perform by your browser.


Just a simple pip install, i.e. python3 -m pip install har2py


  1. Navigate the web with your browser while recording your activity. Then save the data in HAR file. Here is an example with Chrome Devs Tools har.gif

  2. Go to the directory where is located the har file you want to convert and type

har2py my_har_file.har

This will generate valid python code base on requests library from my_har_file.har. The generated file will be called and be located in the same directory of the input file.

Additional arguemnts are describe in the help

> har2py -h

usage: har2py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TEMPLATE] [-f FILTERS] [-w] input

positional arguments:
  input                 har input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        py output file. If not the define use the same name of the har
                        file with py extension.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        jinja2 template used to generate py code. Default to requests.
                        (For now "requests" is the only available template)
  -f FILTERS, --filters FILTERS
                        commas value separeted string of the resource type you want to
                        include in py generated code. Supported type are `xhr`,
                        `script`, `stylesheet`, `image`, `font`, `document`, `other`.
                        Default to xhr,document,other.
  -w, --overwrite       overwrite py file if one previous py file with the same name
                        already exists.

Similar projects

I like to develope my own program so I can extend easly by adding new jinja2 templates. In the past I use this other projects and from them I have been ispired to build har2py.

  • curlconverter: Convert cURL syntax to native Python, Go, PHP, JavaScript, R, Elixir and Dart HTTP code
  • har2requests: Generate Python Requests code from your browser activity