code pal for ABAP > Documentation > Number of Events Check
This check counts the number of events of an ABAP object and reports a finding when this exceeds a configurable threshold. When a class has too many events, this can be an indicator that the single responsibility principle (SRP) is violated.
The check counts EVENTS
statements within a global or local class definition or interface definition. Inherited events are not counted.
Split the class or interface into multiple classes or interfaces, each containing a subset of its current events.
In exceptional cases, you can suppress this finding by using the pseudo comment "#EC NUMBER_EVENTS
which should be placed right after the class definition header.
Note that this check is equivalent to a subset of the "OO Size Metrics" check delivered by SAP. That check accepts no pseudo comments or pragmas. We recommend that you either use this Code Pal check or the SAP-delivered check, but not both, since if you use both you get two findings for the exact same issue.
EVENTS event_name_one.
CLASS-EVENTS event_name_two.