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269 lines (217 loc) · 5.67 KB

File metadata and controls

269 lines (217 loc) · 5.67 KB

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Table of Contents

The app (mobile client)

Tools needed:

  • Git
  • Node 10.x or later / NPM
  • Android Studio (optional)
  • Expo Mobile App (optional)

To see the app, either Android Studio or the Expo App is needed.


Clone this repository and navigate to it.

$ git clone
$ cd sardonyx

Install dependencies.

$ npm install

In evn.json, set the BASE_URL environment variable to the url of the sardonyx-server.

  "BASE_URL": "http://192.168.x.x:3000" 


Run development mode.

$ npm start

When ready, do one of the following:

  • Press a to start Android Emulation on Android Studio
  • Scan the QR code on the terminal on the Expo Mobile App to test on an actual Android device.
  • Press i and following the instructions to test on an iOS device.


Jest is included with Expo for testing.

$ npm test


See Expo documentation.

Produce Android app.

$ npm run android

Produce iOS app.

$ npm run ios



$ npm run eject

Ejection is only necessary when native code is needed.

The server (backend)

Tools needed:

  • Git
  • Node (8.x) / NPM
  • MySQL (5.7) or MariaDB (10.13)

Node 10.x is known to have testing problems.

MySQL 8 will not work with the Node MySQL client unless it is set to authenticate with mysql_native_password.

Anything lower than MySQL 5.6 will require shorter VARCHAR sizes.


Clone this repository and navigate to it.

$ git clone
$ cd sardonyx-server

Install dependencies.

$ npm install

Configure MySQL to use utf8mb4. (This may not be needed for some Linux installations.)

Modify (or create) my.cnf:




Start MySQL.

Open the mysql prompt (steps may differ), and create the database.

$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p
mysql > CREATE DATABASE sardonyx;
mysql > USE sardonyx;
mysql > source /path/to/setup.sql

Check character set variables. The names set in my.cnf should be correct.

mysql > SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'char%';

Navigate to the sardonyx-server directory, create and edit a .env file. (touch and vi command only available on Bash: on windows, just use a text editor)

$ touch .env
$ vi .env

Define environment variables as appropriate.

PRIVATE_KEY="abcdef" # Used to encode JWTs
MODE="development" # Options: development or production 
DB_TYPE="cloudsql" # Options: cloudsql, ssl or tcp

DB_LOGIN="root" # Or however you have set the database up in your machine
DB_DATABASE="sardonyx" # Name of the database 
DB_INSTANCE="sardony-app:asia-northeast1:sardonyx-db" # <project name>:<region>:<instance connection name>

# CA="------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nA..."
# Only needed for no-mb-gae branch

Check the server files and define any other variables necessary. Variables in .env are referred to as process.env.VARIABLE_NAME.


Front End

Start Webpack watch.

$ npm run client-dev

Navigate to localhost:8080.

Back End

Start the Express server using nodemon. Server will be started at HOST:PORT as defined in .env.

$ npm run server-dev

Full Stack

Start both Webpack watch and the Express server.

$ npm run dev


Jest tests can be used to test the Express server.

$ npm test

To run a specific test suite, append the name of the test.

$ npm test api

To run a custom test, create a tmp.test.js file under __tests__.


Front End

Compile files using Webpack.

$ npm run client

Back End

Start the Express server. Server will be started at localhost:PORT as defined in .env.

$ npm start

Full Stack

Compile front end files using Webpack and start the Express server that serves the compiled files.

$ npm run build

Navigate to localhost:PORT as defined in .env


Do not deploy broken builds.

Login to Google Cloud Platform.

Navigate to App Engine and open the shell.

Make sure the .env file is defined properly, as listed in the Installation and Testing sections above.

Execute the following:

$ cd sardonyx-server
$ npm ci
$ npm run client 

Make sure that the server starts properly:

$ npm start

Then, deploy.

$ gcloud app deploy



The following colors are primarily used:

  • Brown (Primary): #d17b46
  • Brown (Secondary): #6e4d12
  • Black: #332729
  • Gray 1: #d8d8e0
  • Gray 2: #babbc2
  • White: #fff
  • Background Gray: #8c8c8b

See sardonyx/src/styles.js for more colors.


Prefer SVG and transparent background.

Platform Support

iOS and Android versions supported by React Native and Expo.