Expression | Description |
^ |
Start of string |
$ |
End of string |
. |
Any single character |
**`(a | b)`** |
(...) |
Group section |
[abc] |
In range (a, b or c) |
[^abc] |
Not in range |
\s |
White space |
a? |
Zero or one of a |
a* |
Zero or more of a |
a*? |
Zero or more, ungreedy |
a+ |
One or more of a |
a+? |
One or more, ungreedy |
a{3} |
Exactly 3 of a |
a{3,} |
3 or more of a |
a{,6} |
Up to 6 of a |
a{3,6} |
3 to 6 of a |
a{3,6}? |
3 to 6 of a, ungreedy |
\\ |
Escape character |
[:punct:] |
Any punctuation symbol |
[:space:] |
Any space character |
[:blank:] |
Space or tab |
Modifier | Description |
g |
Global match |
i |
Case-insensitive |
m |
Multiple lines |
s |
Treat string as a single line |
x |
Allow comments and whitespace in pattern |
e |
Evaluate replacement |
U |
Ungreedy pattern |
Method | Description |
compile() |
Recompiles the regular expression |
exec() |
Executes a match and returns results |
test() |
Tests if pattern exists in string |
lastIndex |
Returns the last index matched |
lastMatch |
Returns the last match found |
lastParen |
Returns the last captured group |
Event Handler | Description |
onabort |
Triggered when an operation is aborted |
onmousedown |
Mouse button pressed down |
onblur |
When an element loses focus |
onmouseover |
When mouse pointer hovers over an element |
onclick |
When an element is clicked |
onkeydown |
When a key is pressed down |
onkeyup |
When a key is released |
onload |
When the page or image is loaded |
Method | Description |
concat() |
Combines two or more arrays |
slice() |
Returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array |
join() |
Joins elements of an array into a string |
sort() |
Sorts the elements of an array |
push() |
Adds an element to the end of an array |
pop() |
Removes the last element from an array |
Method | Description |
abs() |
Returns the absolute value |
max() |
Returns the largest number |
min() |
Returns the smallest number |
pow() |
Returns base raised to the power of exponent |
sqrt() |
Returns the square root |
random() |
Returns a random number between 0 and 1 |
Method | Description |
toSource() |
Returns a string representing the Boolean object |
valueOf() |
Returns the primitive value of a Boolean |
Method | Description |
Date() |
Returns the current date and time |
getDate() |
Gets the day of the month |
getDay() |
Gets the day of the week |
setFullYear() |
Sets the year for a date object |
setTime() |
Sets the date and time in milliseconds |
Method | Description |
charAt() |
Returns the character at a specified position |
indexOf() |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring |
toLowerCase() |
Converts a string to lowercase |
toUpperCase() |
Converts a string to uppercase |
replace() |
Replaces occurrences of a substring with another |
Method | Description |
decodeURI() |
Decodes a URI string |
isNaN() |
Checks if a value is NaN |
encodeURI() |
Encodes a URI string |
parseInt() |
Converts a string to an integer |
eval() |
Executes a string of code |