this is a block comment
-- this is a test of inline comment
this is a module comment
This is a list
- first
- second
- third
This is a link.
This is a bold text.
This is a inline code
This is a block code:
def hoge : Nat := 0
This is an italic text.
variable (P Q : Prop)
example (hQ : Q) : P → Q := by
-- test of lean codes
intro _
exact hQ
/-- test of doc comment -/
example (h : P) : P ∨ Q := by
test of inner block comments
apply Or.inl
exact h
/-- doc comment
/- test of block comment in doc -/
macro "foo" : term => `(0)
inductive MyNat where
| zero
| succ (n : MyNat)
-- Here is a sample of converting doc comment to block comment
/- info: : MyNat -/
namespace MyNat
/- ## indent block -/
/- info: zero.succ : MyNat -/
#check MyNat.succ
end MyNat
macro "echo" x:str : command => `(#eval $x)
Here is a sample of nested block comment: /- Hi. I am a nested comment! -/
Here is another example of nested block comment:
/-! ### sample -/
/- wao. this is another sample!! -/
/-- this is doc comment in comment block -/
def foo : Nat := 0
-- test for language metadata for code block
echo "Hello, world!"