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guardiaen logo with text

Telegram Group spammer muter / kicker bot


None of the major telegram moderation bots allow to identify spammers that are already present in a group.

Guardiæn is designed to help administrators of large Telegram groups manage and mute or remove users who have been flagged as spammers in the Combot Anti-Spam (CAS) system. The bot performs an initial scan for spammers by cross-referencing group members with a local CAS-banned users list, and then userrs that are allowed to use the bot, can mute / unmute or kick and ban them out.


  • Initial Group Member Scan: Cross-checks group members against a local cas_users.csv CAS-banned list and generates a matched_users.csv file with any matches.
  • Mute, Unmute, and Kick-ban : Automate management by muting, unmuting, or kicking/banning flagged members.
  • Access Control: Only specified Telegram users can control the bot.
  • Detailed Logging: Logs events to both console and a file with a rotating handler.
  • Admin Verification: Ensures the bot has access to necessary permissions.

Setup Guide


  1. Python 3.6+: Make sure Python is installed. Check your version with:

    python3 --version

    If you don't have python3 installed you can install it (Ubuntu/Debian) by running:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

After installing you can verify the installation with:

python3 --version
pip3 --version
  1. Telegram API ID and API Hash:
  • Go to and log in.
  • Navigate to "API Development Tools" and create a new application.
  • Telegram will provide an API ID and API Hash for you to use. Paste those values in the API_ID and API_HASH code placeholders.
  1. Bot Token:
  • In Telegram, start a chat with @BotFather.
  • Use /newbot to create a bot and follow the instructions.
  • BotFather will provide a bot token for you to use. Paste that token in the BOT_TOKEN code placeholder
  1. Group ID:
  • Add your bot to the target group as an admin with permission to ban users.
  • You can find the group ID by using TelegramDB Search Bot ( @tgdb_bot) and using commands to retrieve the group ID or by checking your group’s settings. Paste that token in the Group_ID code placeholder

Required Libraries

Install the necessary Python packages by running:

pip3 install telethon requests

Preparing the CAS CSV Files

  • Download the CAS-banned list using the CAS API ( and save it as cas_users.csv in the same directory as the bot script.
  • matched_users.csv will be generated by the bot after the initial scan to display detected spammers.

Configuration and Running the Bot

  • Clone this repository or download the file.
  • Open in a text editor.
  • Replace the following placeholders with your actual credentials:
  • api_id = YOUR_API_ID (your API ID from
  • api_hash = 'YOUR_API_HASH' (your API Hash from
  • bot_token = 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' (your bot token from BotFather)
  • group_id = 'YOUR_GROUP_ID' (the target group ID where the bot will operate)
  • allowed_users = 'ALLOWED_USERS' (comma separated list with the telegram ID's of users allowed to run the commands)
  • Save the file and run the bot:



The bot provides the following commands for managing group members:

  • /scan_for_spammers:

Scans all group members against the local CAS-banned list (cas_users.csv) and saves any matches to matched_users.csv. Use this command first to perform a one-time check and review the results before taking action.

  • /mute_listed_spammers:

Mutes users found in matched_users.csv.

  • /unmute_listed_spammers:

Unmutes users in matched_users.csv.

  • /kick_listed_spammers:

Kicks and bans all users listed in matched_users.csv. Run this command after reviewing the list of matches. The mute function can be reverted by the bot using unmute, but unbanning requires manual action by one of the group admins.

  • /ping:

Responds with "Pong!" to confirm bot functionality.

  • /help:

Displays a help message with an overview of available commands.


Logging and Monitoring

The bot utilizes both console and file logging with rotating files for bot_activity.log, capturing all events, and interactions.


You can also check the actions taken in the "recent actions" admin section of your telegram group.


Running as a System Service

With this setup you should keep the session of the bot host machine connected for the bot to work. If you want to keep the bot running continuously:

Create the Service File

Open a new service file using a text editor. For example:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/guardiaen_bot.service

Paste the following configuration into the file:

Description=Guardiæn Telegram Bot Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/bot_directory/

  • WorkingDirectory: Replace /path/to/your/bot_directory with the actual directory where your bot script is located.

  • ExecStart: This command starts your bot. Ensure the path points to the Python 3 executable and your bot script.

  • Restart: This option will restart the bot if it fails.

  • RestartSec: Sets a delay of 10 seconds before restarting after a failure.

  • StandardOutput and StandardError: Directs both output and error logs to bot_activity.log in your bot directory.

    Save and exit the editor. In nano, save changes by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, and press Enter.

Start and Enable the Service

sudo systemctl start guardiaen_bot
sudo systemctl enable guardiaen_bot

Check Bot Status

sudo systemctl status guardiaen_bot

Restart the bot

sudo systemctl restart guardiaen_bot

Stop the bot

sudo systemctl stop guardiaen_bot

Check real time logs

sudo journalctl -u guardiaen_bot -f