This module aims to show you how to work with images in a variety of ways. You will learn how to synthesise graphics and how to process visual signals. You will learn about the mathematical ideas that underpin digital representations of graphics; how digital media files represent graphics, and how to handle and manipulate them; and the basics of working with simulated physics and 3D graphics.
- Dr. Theo Papatheodorou
- Introduction to graphics
- Coordinate transformations
- Number generators: noise/sine
- Images, pixels, colors
- Image processing
- Computer Vision: introduction
- Computer Vision: advanced
- Simulating physical systems
- 3D graphics
- Recap and review
Coursework only (Type II)
- Collision Detection - Uses Processing (deprecated), which is similar to but not the same as p5js. "This book explains the algorithms behind [...] collisions using basic shapes like circles, rectangles, and lines so you can implement them into your own projects.".
- Image Processing in p5.js - "Basic setup, filters, layers, animation setup, blur, edge detection."