This project has been developed as part of a graduate level course(Cloud Computing) at University of Cincinnati. The main objective of the project is to mine and analyse wikipedia data(in the form of articles) and provide basic statistics like avergae word, character lengths per article, longest and shortest articles(by words, characters) etc. It also finds top 10 and bottom 10 keywords among all the articles based on "term frequency" metric(which indicates how many times a word has been observed in an article).
It is a map-reduce chain job which takes input data from HDFS(Hadoop File System) and computes the above mentioned statistics. The jobs have been developed in JAVA using Map Reduce API and are chained one after another. All of them are called from the main "Driver" class where Tool Runner class has been used to run the jobs. The main program takes two command line arguments, one input path and one output path. All the intermediate outputs are handled by the job itself. Sample output files are present in the "Sample Outputs" folder.
All the jobs are run in a HADOOP cluster environment with multiple nodes. The first job runs on the input data and finds word related statistics like word count for each unique word in every article, top 10 and bottom 10 articles based on word count, average word count etc. The output from first job is fed into the second job which finds the term frequency metric and lists the top 10 and bottom 10 words from each article based on this value. The third and fourth jobs do the same work but instead of working on word counts, they work on character counts. Intermediate outputs created will be accessible even in any of the further jobs are failed.
To improve the performance and reduce the running time of the job, custom InputFormat and RecordReader classes have been created. By default, for a text file(TextInputFormat) each line would act as the key and the byte offset would act as the value. But since each file is one article and we need article bases statistics, I created a custom input format called WholeFileInputFormat which makes use of a custom record reader class WholeFileRecordReader and reads the entire file(article) as the value and article name as the key. This not only made the job faster by about 50%, the number of jobs needed were also halved.
#Steps to Run
- Import the project folder into Eclipse IDE.
- Export the project as a JAR file by selecting as the main class.
- Upload the jar onto the cluster using a scp or any ftp tool.
- Assuming HADOOP is running properly on the cluster, go to the folder where the jar is placed and run the below command
hadoop jar jarfilename InputFolder finaloutputFolder
Note: The finaloutputFolder should not be present already and the Input folder should be a HDFS path.