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96 lines (68 loc) · 1.95 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (68 loc) · 1.95 KB

Dev Readme

Useful Commands

For normal setup, follow the steps below:

To install all dependencies:

composer install 

run built in PHP 7.1 development web server

php bin/console server:run

drop the database

php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --force

create database

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

update database schema

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

validate database schema

php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate

import database information by importing the clsp.sql file in the project root directory into the database, untick "enable foreign key checks"

update database.php in AppBundle directory so that the parameters match your database credentials and information

Additional Commands

run the seeder

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

clear all caches

php bin/console cache:clear

regenerate Entity getters and stters

php bin/console doctrine:generate:entities AppBundle

create an entity

php bin/console doctrine:generate:entity

create new controller

php app/console generate:controller

Setting Up MySQL to use UTF-8


add the following lines to your my.cnf or my.ini file. Check your version of MySQL's documenation for the actual file.

collation-server     = utf8_unicode_ci
character-set-server = utf8           

More information in the "Setting up the Database to be UTF8" section of the Symfony doctrine documentation

Generating keys for JWT

You MUST generate keys for authentication - and by extension this application - to work

The instructions below assume that you're one a Linux system. Modify the instructions appropriately if you're on a Windows or Mac system

mkdir var/jwt-keys
openssl genrsa -out var/jwt-keys/private.pem -aes256 4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in var/jwt-keys/private.pem -out var/jwt-keys/public.pem