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A header-only C++17 priority queue based on Clock::time_points


Classes defined in header lyn/timer_queue.hpp.


    class R, class... Args
    class Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock,
    class TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<Clock>,
    bool SetDelayEnabled = true
> class timer_queue; /* undefined */

template<class R, class... Args, class Clock, class TimePoint, bool SetDelayEnabled>
class timer_queue<R(Args...), Clock, TimePoint>;

A timer queue provides constant time lookup of the first event to timeout, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction.

Template parameters

Parameter Description
R The return type of events to store in the queue.
Args... The arguments to pass to events stored in the queue.
Clock The clock type used to keep time. std::chrono::steady_clock by default.
TimePoint std::chrono::time_point<Clock>
SetDelayEnabled If true, enables set_delay_until and related functionality.
Member types Definitions
event_type The type you extract in the event loop
clock_type Clock
duration Clock::duration
time_point TimePoint
event_container unspecified - Has a member function bool pop(event_type& ev) - see wait_pop_all
schedule_at_type std::pair<time_point, event_type>
schedule_in_type std::pair<duration, event_type>

Public member functions
timer_queue() Constructs the timer_queue (with zero delay for events added using emplace_do)
explicit timer_queue(const duration& now_delay) Constructs the timer_queue with now_delay delay for events added using emplace_do. This overload only participates in overload resolution if SetDelayEnabled is true.
timer_queue(const timer_queue&) = delete
timer_queue(timer_queue&&) = delete
timer_queue& operator=(const timer_queue&) = delete
timer_queue& operator=(timer_queue&&) = delete
~timer_queue() Destroys the timer_queue after waiting for all registered users to have unregistered

Functions to add single events
void emplace_do(event_type ev) Add an event. If SetDelayEnabled is true, adds now_delay to the current time. This is also affected by set_delay_until (see below).
void emplace_do_urgently(event_type ev) Add an event, placing the event last among those added with emplace_do_urgently, but before all other events in queue
void emplace_do_at(time_point tp, event_type ev) Add an event that is due at the specified time_point
void emplace_do_in(duration dur, event_type) Add an event that is due after the specified duration

Functions to add events in bulk
template<class Iter>
void emplace_schedule(Iter first, Iter last)
Place a number of events in queue. If SetDelayEnabled, adds now_delay to the current time. This overload only participates in overload resolution if std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is event_type. This overload is also affected by set_delay_until (see below).
template<class Iter>
void emplace_schedule(Iter first, Iter last)
Place a number of events in queue. This overload only participates in overload resolution if std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is schedule_at_type.
template<class Iter>
void emplace_schedule(Iter first, Iter last)
Place a number of events in queue in relation to clock_type::now(). This overload only participates in overload resolution if std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is schedule_in_type.
template<class Iter>
void emplace_schedule(time_point T0, Iter first, Iter last)
Place a number of events in queue in relation to T0. This overload only participates in overload resolution if std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is schedule_in_type.

Functions to perform synchronized tasks
template<class Re, class Func>
Re synchronize(Func&& func)
Execute func, that should return Re, in the task queue and wait for the execution to complete. This overload only participates in overload resolution if R is void.
template<class Re, class Func>
Re synchronize(Func&& func, R&& event_loop_return_value = R{})
Execute func, that should return Re, in the task queue and wait for the execution to complete. The value returned by the event when executed in the event loop is stored in event_loop_return_value. This overload only participates in overload resolution if R is not void.

Functions to extract events
bool wait_pop(event_type& ev) Wait until an event is due and populate ev. Returns true if an event was successfully extracted or false if the queue was shutdown.
bool wait_pop_all(event_container& in_out) Wait until an event is due and extracts all events that are due. Returns true unless the queue was shutdown in which case it returns false. Use in_out.pop(event_type&) to extract events in a lock-free way. If there is only one thread processing events put in the queue and adding events to the queue is only done using emplace_do or emplace_schedule (where std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is event_type), using wait_pop_all may be more efficient than extracting one event at a time with wait_pop.

Misc. rarely used
void set_delay_until(const time_point& tp) Delay all events added with emplace_do and emplace_schedule (where std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type is event_type) until the supplied time_point. Events added while tp has not yet occured will be processed in the order they were added, only delayed until after tp. This function only exists if SetDelayEnabled is true.
void shutdown() Shutdown the queue, leaving unprocessed events in the queue
void clear() Removes unprocessed events from the queue
void restart() Restarts the queue with unprocessed events intact
std::size_t size() const Returns the number of events in queue
bool operator!() const Returns true if shutdown() has been called, false otherwise
bool is_open() const Returns true if shutdown() has not been called, falseotherwise
explicit operator bool() const Returns the same as is_open()

Queue registration
Usually only used by lyn::mq::timer_queue_registrator
timer_queue& reg() Registers a user (usually a thread) of the timer_queue.
void unreg() Unregisters a user (usually a thread) of the timer_queue.


template<class QT>
class timer_queue_registrator;

A timer_queue_registrator is a RAII wrapper used to register a user (usually a thread) to a timer_queue and to unregister from the timer_queue when the timer_queue_registrator is destroyed.

Template parameters

Parameter Description
QT The specific timer_queue type
Member types Definitions
timer_queue QT
event_type timer_queue::event_type
event_container timer_queue::event_container

Public member functions
timer_queue_registrator() = delete
timer_queue_registrator(queue_type& tq) Constructs the timer_queue_registrator and registers to the supplied timer_queue
timer_queue_registrator(std::reference_wrapper<queue_type> tqrw) Constructs the timer_queue_registrator and registers to the wrapped timer_queue
timer_queue_registrator(const timer_queue_registrator&) = delete
timer_queue_registrator(timer_queue_registrator&& other) noexcept A timer_queue_registrator is move-constructible
timer_queue_registrator& operator=(const timer_queue_registrator&) = delete
timer_queue_registrator& operator=(timer_queue_registrator&& other) noexcept A timer_queue_registrator is move-assignable
~timer_queue_registrator() Unregisters from the timer_queue supplied at construction

queue_type& queue() Returns a reference to the timer_queue supplied at construction


One thread adding events and one thread processing events with SetDelayEnabled = true

Compiler OS CPU events / second
g++12 Fedora 37 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430 0 @ 2.20GHz 700,000 - 1,400,000
clang++15 Fedora 37 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2430 0 @ 2.20GHz 1,200,000 - 1,500,000
g++12 Ubuntu 22.04 WSL
Windows 11
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz 1,350,000 - 1,600,000
clang++15 Ubuntu 22.04 WSL
Windows 11
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz 1,400,000 - 1,500,000
VS 17.5.0
MSVC 19.35
Windows 11 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz 2,300,000 - 2,700,000