The language specification is listed below, everything from function variables, and the build systems that are planned to be implemented or are already implemented are below.
Note: To determine whether a feature currently exists check for the keywords: Implemented, WIP, and Planned.
Current Status: WIP
Core Type | Description |
i32 |
By default, all integer types are designated to 32 bits unless specified differently. |
i64 |
64 bit integer is separate and is using for longer integer values. |
u32 |
Unsigned 32 bit integer. |
u64 |
Unsigned 64 bit integer. |
f32 |
32 bit decimal value. |
f64 |
64 bit decimal value. |
bool |
Boolean Value: true or false. |
fn(Arg Types...) -> Ret |
Function Lambda. |
char |
A 1 byte character. |
str |
Array of characters |
None |
Optional value for None |
Annotation | Description |
box |
Designates a type as smart pointer value |
* |
Type is a pointer. |
? |
Optional type. Either None or the value. |
& |
allocator reference to the location of an object (or a pass by reference). |
Current Status: Completed
Operator | Description |
+ |
Addition. |
- |
Subtraction. |
/ |
Division. |
* |
Multiplication. |
% |
Modulus. |
^ |
XOR. |
& |
Bitwise AND. |
<< |
Shift Left. |
>> |
Shift Right. |
~ |
Bitwise Not and Concat. |
** |
Exponential Power. |
! |
Logical Not. |
======= | |
?? |
Then operator |
Current Status: Completed
The programming language is gradually typed. Static typing is only required when the compiler cannot infer the type. Variables may be declared in two different ways:
my_variable := 23;
another_variable: bool = false;
All variables are immutable by default (except for lists), and require the mut
keyword in order to change the way you
interact with that variable.
cant_change_me := 2324;
cant_change_me = 24354; // Compiler error!
mut change_me := 3342;
change_me = 23424; // Ok
Custom initialization is specified in with different primitive datatypes (ie: lists and tuples). Other than these two, the specification is standard for all data types.
Current Status: WIP
We wanted arrays to be simple and easy to initalize like in Python.
mut list := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // Can now add values to the list
fixed: [5,i32] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Current Status: Planned
Lists are mutable by default (unlike most of the other data types) because they are most commonly dynamic and require mutability. Since we like to acknowledge the strengths of some languages and weaknesses of others, one may consider a similar example of initalizing an array using designated initalizers in Jet.
list: [256,i32] = [
['>'] = 2323, ['3'] = 343,
The advantages of such a method reduce excess array initalization code, and allow for better readability to the programmer. This feature is currently not available in Rust or in C++, while only existing as a C99 extension. We feel that this as a design principle is good for dealing with code that relies on jump comparisons.
Current Status: Planned
Length is checked in a similar global length function that can find the length of various types, including lists.
Current Status: Planned
list[ Initial : End : IndexJump ]
List slicing works just as expected in Python and has the same exact effect. For example, list[::-1]
reverses the list.
Current Status: WIP
Functions like anything else are declared explicitly in structs or are declared
in the global module scope. If functions are not exported, they are only viewable to the members in
the module that it was declared in. The export
keyword is equivalent to the public
keyword in other
Current Status: WIP
my_func => (a: i32, b: i32, c: str) {
parameters are ordered in the format of VariableName -> Typename. A variable of type str
with a name of name
would be
written as name str
. For those familiar with Golang, it follows a similar naming convention. Generic functions are also
generics => ($a, $b) {
Generic function parameters have anonymous traits bounded to them which means that their functions and generated code is guarnteed to be valid otherwise a compile-time error will be thrown otherwise. This allows for a mix of static and dynamic typing flexibility for types that can be generalized for similar actions. To make it easier for anonymous trait building, it is best for the programmer to statically define their variables to make it easier for the compiler.
default_values := (a: int = 0xffff, b: str) {
Default values allow for flexibility in programming, especially when you want to handle a case without passing in a parameter. Currently it is not planned to have default values for parameters that don't have their type explicitely stated.
Current Status: Planned
Lambdas are small anonymous functions that can be passed in as callbacks into functions to be called. They are generally declared as a parameters by the following method:
func => (lambda: fn(i32) -> i32) {
lambda(23); // Calling the function
You may pass in lambdas through generic parameters as well and call them as long as function definition generation works as intended. An Example for this function call may be (in reference to the above example):
func(|x| => {
return x * x
for i in range(1, 2) {
// code here ...
For Loops use range-based syntax and are very similar to how Python for loops work. The range function has 3 values (start, end, step).
- Start: Start of the loop iteration variable
- End: End of the loop iteration variable
- Step: Incrementation of the loop iteration variable (optional default is 1)
Another example with a list:
my_list := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for value in my_list {
// code here ...
variable := 23;
while variable <= 23 {
// do stuff ...
Condition statements do not require ()
around the statement to be valid.
variable := 23;
if variable > 23 {
// do stuff ...
elif variable is 23 {
// do stuff ..
else {
// do stuff...
Condition statements do not require ()
around the statement to be valid. These work as typical if-else-elif conditional branches.
Current Status: WIP
The way a module system of a programming language dictates its entire package functionality structure. In order to be able to give the programmer a lot of control we have decided to make it explicit as to functions / types are exported out in the file's module.
Current Status: WIP
import SomeModuleName
This is how most modules will be imported directly.
Note: Sub module structure like
are still in debate as of now, and this will be updated in the future to reflect language changes.
Current Status: Planned
import '' as SomeModule
This is especially a very interesting part of the programming language. We will have support for open source imports. These projects will need to be Jet projects that can be recognizable and imported directly into your project. This may be a good way to consistantly ensure that you have the latest stable version of the git repository imported into your programming language.
Current Status: Planned
export my_func => (...) { ... }
export MyStruct => struct {
export MyGlobalVariable := 32;
values are explicitly exported from the file (each file is a module with exported functions and types). This is denoted by the prefix
of the export
before the declaration.
// Evaluated at compile-time
some_value := static {
return calling_a_function();
Match statements allow for expressing complex situations in shorter and more readable code. Examples:
match value {
0 -> {
// do seomthing
. -> {
// default
Struct declarations will emulate C in which they are handled. The language aims to be as simple as possible while allowing for zero cost abstractions to take place. Examples:
MyStruct => struct {
prop: str;
another: i32;
Enum Declarations will be the core foundation for applying complex principles in the language. Tagged unions as well as constant values may be implemented. Regular Enum:
Opcodes => enum {
Tagged Enums:
Operation => enum {
Add {
lhs: i32
rhs: i32
Sub {
lhs: i32
rhs: i32
// etc ...
You made it to the end? Wow, thank you for the interest in reading the language. Before we you lose your attention, please consider contributing.