Explain middleware, answer as though I were a non-technical recruiter. Middleware is software that lies between an operating system and the applications running on it. The basics of what this means is that the middleware acts a translator for the data that is this trying to transfer accross different files. It acts much like a translator would for people that speak different languages so they can communicate better.
Express the most popular __ __ ____. The most popular backend frame work used for node.js
Express is “unopinionated.” What does that mean? It means that express wont force you into doing anything one particular way, there is no "right" way to do something. It is very open and flexible.
What is a module and why is modularity useful to us as developers? Modular software design is done by breaking the larger code into smaller sections, think modules, that hold specific functions. Modular design is shown to improve the design process by allowing better re-usability, workload handling, and easier debugging processes.
What version of npm are you running on your machine? 9.6.4
What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’ into your node project? npm i jshint or npm install jshint
Explain why tests are important. Please explain as though I were your non technical elder. Test are important because they make sure that the code we are writing or the work that is being done, will be successful when we send it out on the internet. Tests are checks and balance for devoplers to enure their time and energy isn't being wasted.
What are three expected benefits of testing. The benefits of testing include preventing bugs, reducing development costs and improving performance.
Name at lest 2 individual pitfalls and at least 2 team pitfalls commonly encountered while writing tests. Individual pitfalls: forgetting to run tests frequently, writing too many tests at once. Team pitfalls: partial adoption – only a few developers on the team use TDD, poor maintenance of the test suite – most commonly leading to a test suite with a prohibitively long running time.
What are three benefits of Continuous Integration? Faster Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR), Smaller Backlog, and Increase Team Transparency and Accountability
What is the difference between Continuos Delivery and Continuous Deployment? Continuous delivery automates deployment of a release to an environment for staging or testing. Continuous deployment automatically deploys every release through your pipeline (including testing) and to production. While they are different, continuous deployment is an extension of the continuous delivery concept.
Explain how GitHub fits into this process assuming the listener comes from a non-technical background. Github si extremely useful when writing code in general but especially when writing tests.Think of it as a place where everyone and anyone can work on a project at the same time without having to step on each other toes. It also has built in features that will let you know if the tests and code you are writing will work. Hub is in the name and for good reason, it is a hub for devlopers to write, see, and collect data. Devlopers can also use it as (again) a hub for all the third party tools like render and netlify that help to delpoy and manage a website.