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DONFN edited this page May 23, 2021 · 11 revisions


Welcome to saffron's docs! Saffron was built to help teams collect and compile huge lists of aggregated news and announcement content intuitively and efficiently.


Saffron is currently under its alpha development release. This version is just a proof-of-concept, while we're working on more features such as distributed scraping nodes, the peer-2-peer WebSocket communication between them (the Grid), more diverse database drivers, a dashboard, and many more.


Saffron's architecture is based on a main node that issues scraping instructions and several worker nodes that do the scraping & upload the data to the offload database.

The term offload database is used here because saffron has 2 separate databases. One for saving the articles it collects - namely offload database- and one to sync the scraping jobs between its worker nodes, namely the grid (because it sounds cool).

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