This page covers how to train using the ML-Agents toolkit
- Download the correct version of MarathonEnvs for your platform and put it in the
- You will need to replace the path
- On MacOS
- Replace
"envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe"
- Replace
- On Linux
- Replace
"envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe"
with"envs/MarathonEnvs/Unity Environment.x86_64"
- Replace
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=10 --run-id=Hopper538 --env-args --spawn-env=Hopper-v0 --num-spawn-envs=50
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=10 --run-id=Walker2d-502 --env-args --spawn-env=Walker2d-v0 --num-spawn-envs=50
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=Ant401 --env-args --spawn-env=Ant-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=MarathonMan401 --env-args --spawn-env=MarathonMan-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=MarathonManSparse401 --env-args --spawn-env=MarathonManSparse-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=TerrainHopper401 --env-args --spawn-env=TerrainHopper-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=TerrainWalker2d401 --env-args --spawn-env=TerrainWalker2d-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=TerrainAnt401 --env-args --spawn-env=TerrainAnt-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=1 --run-id=TerrainMarathonMan401 --env-args --spawn-env=TerrainMarathonMan-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
mlagents-learn config\marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env="envs\MarathonEnvs\Unity Environment.exe" --num-envs=4 --no-graphics --run-id=MarathonManBackflip --env-args --spawn-env=MarathonManBackflip-v0 --num-spawn-envs=64
Legacy Turotial: Getting Started With MarathonEnvs
This is a legacy tutorial from an older version of MarathonEnvs. The tutorial covers:
- How to setup your Development Environment (Unity, MarthonEnvs + ML-Agents + TensorflowSharp)
- How to run each agent with their pre-trained models.
- How to retrain the hopper agent and follow training in Tensorboard.
- How to modify the hopper reward function and train it to jump.
- See tutorial here
There are several steps to update the style transfer environment. This sections gives an overview of the steps required to update, build, and train your own environment on a server.
In order to switch from imitatin a Backflip animation, to, say Kick animation, you need to
first open the UnitySDK/ package. Then, in the Unity editor, double click the
prefab. Select the AnimatorBase/Animator
gameObject in the editor, and drag the desired animation onto Animator Controller:
Now you can make the changes to the scripts that work with style transfer. Mainly, these are
, StyleTransfer002Animator.csv
, and StyleTransfer002Agent.csv
. Then, in the
Unity Editor, click File->BuildSettings
. In order to build on linux system, make these selections:
Then, copy over the Build to your linux server. You need these files:
Put these files into the directory on your server:
Now, you can run the shell command on your server in order to start training:
mlagents-learn config/marathon_envs_config.yaml --train --env marathon-envs/marathon_envs/envs/MarathonEnvsLinux/MarathonEnvsLinux.x86_64 --num-envs=7 --run-id=MarathonManBackflip123 --load --no-graphics --env-args --spawn-env=MarathonManBackflip-v0 --num-spawn-envs=100
Run tensorboard and watch the training process:
tensorboard --logdir=summaries
Once happy with the model training progress, you can see it in action. Copy over the trained model found
on the server at models/MarathonManBackflip123/MarathonManBackflip-v0.nn
into your Unity Editor
Now, activate Scenes/MarathonEnvs' scene, click Play, and select the
BackflipEnvironment`. Your trained
model agent will be shown in action.
The animations provided with the repo are trainable within a reasonable timeframe from several hours to
a day. The reward function works equally well for all of them. However, you must adjust the stopping
conditions for each animation by changing the reward threshold in the StyleTransfer002Agent.cs
if (reward < 0.5)
For example, if you set threshold too high for the running animation, the agent will be reset too soon,
before it had a chance to accelerate. Setting the threshold too low, however, will result in the agent
running on its knees. Check out the video results
showing the target animations along with the agents. Each video file describes the length of training
and the reward threshold. For example,
says that an agent was trained on Backfilp
animation for 8 hours
with a
reward threshold of 0.5