diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f5f13de..293bf46 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 7c2947b..cb78009 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ RUN ./install_rtimulib.sh
 RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
-VOLUME /dev/geigerCounter
+VOLUME /dev/uart
+VOLUME /dev/i2c-0
 VOLUME /dev/i2c-1
 VOLUME /data
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26d08f0..ebfc415 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,7 +19,20 @@ Note that this step is completely optional and that it should be done only if no
 ### Installing and Running
-To run the project, a container must be created with this image and the correct parameters, including the unless-stopped restart policy and the correct volume links to any devices. Instructions will be added here shortly.
+To run the project, a container must be created with this image and the correct parameters, including the unless-stopped restart policy and the correct volume links to any devices. For example:
+docker create \
+    --name=verne
+    -v /dev/ttyAMA0:/dev/uart \
+    -v /dev/i2c-0:/dev/i2c-0 \
+    -v /dev/i2c-0:/dev/i2c-1 \
+    -v /home/pi/vernedata:/data \
+    --restart=unless-stopped \
+    gtviples/verne
+Then, the container can be started and stopped using the `docker start verne` and `docker stop verne` commands.
 ## Built With
diff --git a/RTIMULib.ini b/RTIMULib.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9fe2a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RTIMULib.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# #####################################################################
+# RTIMULib settings file
+# General settings
+# IMU type - 
+#   0 = Auto discover
+#   1 = Null (used when data is provided from a remote IMU
+#   2 = InvenSense MPU-9150
+#   3 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303D
+#   4 = STM L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC
+#   5 = STM LSM9DS0
+#   6 = STM LSM9DS1
+#   7 = InvenSense MPU-9250
+#   8 = STM L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC
+#   9 = Bosch BMX055
+#   10 = Bosch BNX055
+# Fusion type type - 
+#   0 - Null. Use if only sensor data required without fusion
+#   1 - Kalman STATE4
+#   2 - RTQF
+# Is bus I2C: 'true' for I2C, 'false' for SPI
+# I2C Bus (between 0 and 7) 
+# SPI Bus (between 0 and 7) 
+# SPI select (between 0 and 1) 
+# SPI Speed in Hz
+# I2C slave address (filled in automatically by auto discover) 
+# IMU axis rotation - see RTIMU.h for details
+# Pressure sensor type - 
+#   0 = Auto discover
+#   1 = Null (no hardware or don't use)
+#   2 = BMP180
+#   3 = LPS25H
+#   4 = MS5611
+#   5 = MS5637
+# I2C pressure sensor address (filled in automatically by auto discover) 
+# Humidity sensor type - 
+#   0 = Auto discover
+#   1 = Null (no hardware or don't use)
+#   2 = HTS221
+#   3 = HTU21D
+# I2C humidity sensor address (filled in automatically by auto discover) 
+# #####################################################################
+# Compass calibration settings
+# #####################################################################
+# Compass adjustment settings
+# Compass declination is in radians and is subtracted from calculated heading
+# #####################################################################
+# Compass ellipsoid calibration
+# #####################################################################
+# Accel calibration
+# #####################################################################
+# Saved gyro bias data
+# #####################################################################
+# MPU-9150 settings
+# Gyro sample rate (between 5Hz and 1000Hz) 
+# Compass sample rate (between 1Hz and 100Hz) 
+# Gyro/accel low pass filter - 
+#   0 - gyro: 256Hz, accel: 260Hz
+#   1 - gyro: 188Hz, accel: 184Hz
+#   2 - gyro: 98Hz, accel: 98Hz
+#   3 - gyro: 42Hz, accel: 44Hz
+#   4 - gyro: 20Hz, accel: 21Hz
+#   5 - gyro: 10Hz, accel: 10Hz
+#   6 - gyro: 5Hz, accel: 5Hz
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0  - +/- 250 degress per second
+#   8  - +/- 500 degress per second
+#   16 - +/- 1000 degress per second
+#   24 - +/- 2000 degress per second
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0  - +/- 2g
+#   8  - +/- 4g
+#   16 - +/- 8g
+#   24 - +/- 16g
+# #####################################################################
+# MPU-9250 settings
+# Gyro sample rate (between 5Hz and 1000Hz plus 8000Hz and 32000Hz) 
+# Compass sample rate (between 1Hz and 100Hz) 
+# Gyro low pass filter - 
+#   0x11 - 8800Hz, 0.64mS delay
+#   0x10 - 3600Hz, 0.11mS delay
+#   0x00 - 250Hz, 0.97mS delay
+#   0x01 - 184Hz, 2.9mS delay
+#   0x02 - 92Hz, 3.9mS delay
+#   0x03 - 41Hz, 5.9mS delay
+#   0x04 - 20Hz, 9.9mS delay
+#   0x05 - 10Hz, 17.85mS delay
+#   0x06 - 5Hz, 33.48mS delay
+# Accel low pass filter - 
+#   0x08 - 1130Hz, 0.75mS delay
+#   0x00 - 460Hz, 1.94mS delay
+#   0x01 - 184Hz, 5.80mS delay
+#   0x02 - 92Hz, 7.80mS delay
+#   0x03 - 41Hz, 11.80mS delay
+#   0x04 - 20Hz, 19.80mS delay
+#   0x05 - 10Hz, 35.70mS delay
+#   0x06 - 5Hz, 66.96mS delay
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0  - +/- 250 degress per second
+#   8  - +/- 500 degress per second
+#   16 - +/- 1000 degress per second
+#   24 - +/- 2000 degress per second
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0  - +/- 2g
+#   8  - +/- 4g
+#   16 - +/- 8g
+#   24 - +/- 16g
+# #####################################################################
+# L3GD20H + LSM303D settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 12.5Hz 
+#   1 = 25Hz 
+#   2 = 50Hz 
+#   3 = 100Hz 
+#   4 = 200Hz 
+#   5 = 400Hz 
+#   6 = 800Hz 
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 245 degrees per second 
+#   1 = 500 degrees per second 
+#   2 = 2000 degrees per second 
+# Gyro high pass filter - 
+#   0 - 9 but see the L3GD20H manual for details
+# Gyro bandwidth - 
+#   0 - 3 but see the L3GD20H manual for details
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   1 = 3.125Hz 
+#   2 = 6.25Hz 
+#   3 = 12.5Hz 
+#   4 = 25Hz 
+#   5 = 50Hz 
+#   6 = 100Hz 
+#   7 = 200Hz 
+#   8 = 400Hz 
+#   9 = 800Hz 
+#   10 = 1600Hz 
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g 
+#   1 = +/- 4g 
+#   2 = +/- 6g 
+#   3 = +/- 8g 
+#   4 = +/- 16g 
+# Accel low pass filter - 
+#   0 = 773Hz
+#   1 = 194Hz
+#   2 = 362Hz
+#   3 = 50Hz
+# Compass sample rate - 
+#   0 = 3.125Hz 
+#   1 = 6.25Hz 
+#   2 = 12.5Hz 
+#   3 = 25Hz 
+#   4 = 50Hz 
+#   5 = 100Hz 
+# Compass full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 200 uT 
+#   1 = +/- 400 uT 
+#   2 = +/- 800 uT 
+#   3 = +/- 1200 uT 
+# #####################################################################
+# L3GD20 + LSM303DLHC settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 95z 
+#   1 = 190Hz 
+#   2 = 380Hz 
+#   3 = 760Hz 
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 250 degrees per second 
+#   1 = 500 degrees per second 
+#   2 = 2000 degrees per second 
+# Gyro high pass filter - 
+#   0 - 9 but see the L3GD20 manual for details
+# Gyro bandwidth - 
+#   0 - 3 but see the L3GD20 manual for details
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   1 = 1Hz 
+#   2 = 10Hz 
+#   3 = 25Hz 
+#   4 = 50Hz 
+#   5 = 100Hz 
+#   6 = 200Hz 
+#   7 = 400Hz 
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g 
+#   1 = +/- 4g 
+#   2 = +/- 8g 
+#   3 = +/- 16g 
+# Compass sample rate - 
+#   0 = 0.75Hz 
+#   1 = 1.5Hz 
+#   2 = 3Hz 
+#   3 = 7.5Hz 
+#   4 = 15Hz 
+#   5 = 30Hz 
+#   6 = 75Hz 
+#   7 = 220Hz 
+# Compass full scale range - 
+#   1 = +/- 130 uT 
+#   2 = +/- 190 uT 
+#   3 = +/- 250 uT 
+#   4 = +/- 400 uT 
+#   5 = +/- 470 uT 
+#   6 = +/- 560 uT 
+#   7 = +/- 810 uT 
+# #####################################################################
+# L3GD20H + LSM303DLHC settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 12.5Hz 
+#   1 = 25Hz 
+#   2 = 50Hz 
+#   3 = 100Hz 
+#   4 = 200Hz 
+#   5 = 400Hz 
+#   6 = 800Hz 
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 245 degrees per second 
+#   1 = 500 degrees per second 
+#   2 = 2000 degrees per second 
+# Gyro high pass filter - 
+#   0 - 9 but see the L3GD20H manual for details
+# Gyro bandwidth - 
+#   0 - 3 but see the L3GD20H manual for details
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   1 = 1Hz 
+#   2 = 10Hz 
+#   3 = 25Hz 
+#   4 = 50Hz 
+#   5 = 100Hz 
+#   6 = 200Hz 
+#   7 = 400Hz 
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g 
+#   1 = +/- 4g 
+#   2 = +/- 8g 
+#   3 = +/- 16g 
+# Compass sample rate - 
+#   0 = 0.75Hz 
+#   1 = 1.5Hz 
+#   2 = 3Hz 
+#   3 = 7.5Hz 
+#   4 = 15Hz 
+#   5 = 30Hz 
+#   6 = 75Hz 
+#   7 = 220Hz 
+# Compass full scale range - 
+#   1 = +/- 130 uT 
+#   2 = +/- 190 uT 
+#   3 = +/- 250 uT 
+#   4 = +/- 400 uT 
+#   5 = +/- 470 uT 
+#   6 = +/- 560 uT 
+#   7 = +/- 810 uT 
+# #####################################################################
+# LSM9DS0 settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 95z 
+#   1 = 190Hz 
+#   2 = 380Hz 
+#   3 = 760Hz 
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 250 degrees per second 
+#   1 = 500 degrees per second 
+#   2 = 2000 degrees per second 
+# Gyro high pass filter - 
+#   0 - 9 but see the LSM9DS0 manual for details
+# Gyro bandwidth - 
+#   0 - 3 but see the LSM9DS0 manual for details
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   1 = 3.125Hz 
+#   2 = 6.25Hz 
+#   3 = 12.5Hz 
+#   4 = 25Hz 
+#   5 = 50Hz 
+#   6 = 100Hz 
+#   7 = 200Hz 
+#   8 = 400Hz 
+#   9 = 800Hz 
+#   10 = 1600Hz 
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g 
+#   1 = +/- 4g 
+#   2 = +/- 6g 
+#   3 = +/- 8g 
+#   4 = +/- 16g 
+# Accel low pass filter - 
+#   0 = 773Hz
+#   1 = 194Hz
+#   2 = 362Hz
+#   3 = 50Hz
+# Compass sample rate - 
+#   0 = 3.125Hz 
+#   1 = 6.25Hz 
+#   2 = 12.5Hz 
+#   3 = 25Hz 
+#   4 = 50Hz 
+#   5 = 100Hz 
+# Compass full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 200 uT 
+#   1 = +/- 400 uT 
+#   2 = +/- 800 uT 
+#   3 = +/- 1200 uT 
+# #####################################################################
+# LSM9DS1 settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 95Hz 
+#   1 = 190Hz 
+#   2 = 380Hz 
+#   3 = 760Hz 
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 250 degrees per second 
+#   1 = 500 degrees per second 
+#   2 = 2000 degrees per second 
+# Gyro high pass filter - 
+#   0 - 9 but see the LSM9DS1 manual for details
+# Gyro bandwidth - 
+#   0 - 3 but see the LSM9DS1 manual for details
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   1 = 14.9Hz 
+#   2 = 59.5Hz 
+#   3 = 119Hz 
+#   4 = 238Hz 
+#   5 = 476Hz 
+#   6 = 952Hz 
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g 
+#   1 = +/- 16g 
+#   2 = +/- 4g 
+#   3 = +/- 8g 
+# Accel low pass filter - 
+#   0 = 408Hz
+#   1 = 211Hz
+#   2 = 105Hz
+#   3 = 50Hz
+# Compass sample rate - 
+#   0 = 0.625Hz 
+#   1 = 1.25Hz 
+#   2 = 2.5Hz 
+#   3 = 5Hz 
+#   4 = 10Hz 
+#   5 = 20Hz 
+#   6 = 40Hz 
+#   7 = 80Hz 
+# Compass full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 400 uT 
+#   1 = +/- 800 uT 
+#   2 = +/- 1200 uT 
+#   3 = +/- 1600 uT 
+# #####################################################################
+# BMX055 settings
+# Gyro sample rate - 
+#   0 = 2000Hz (532Hz filter)
+#   1 = 2000Hz (230Hz filter)
+#   2 = 1000Hz (116Hz filter)
+#   3 = 400Hz (47Hz filter)
+#   4 = 200Hz (23Hz filter)
+#   5 = 100Hz (12Hz filter)
+#   6 = 200Hz (64Hz filter)
+#   7 = 100Hz (32Hz filter)
+# Gyro full scale range - 
+#   0 = 2000 deg/s
+#   1 = 1000 deg/s
+#   2 = 500 deg/s
+#   3 = 250 deg/s
+#   4 = 125 deg/s
+# Accel sample rate - 
+#   0 = 15.63Hz
+#   1 = 31.25
+#   2 = 62.5
+#   3 = 125
+#   4 = 250
+#   5 = 500
+#   6 = 1000
+#   7 = 2000
+# Accel full scale range - 
+#   0 = +/- 2g
+#   1 = +/- 4g
+#   2 = +/- 8g
+#   3 = +/- 16g
+# Mag presets - 
+#   0 = Low power
+#   1 = Regular
+#   2 = Enhanced
+#   3 = High accuracy
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 5cc4b19..d0e5da7 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 import logging
 import signal
 import csv
+import time
+# TODO: Improve the time function!
+millis = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
 class GracefulKiller:
     kill_now = False
@@ -23,7 +27,7 @@ def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame):
     logger = logging.getLogger("verne")
     modules['imu'] = IMUModule(logger.getChild("imu"))
-    modules['geiger'] = GeigerCounterModule(logger.getChild("geiger"), "/dev/geigerCounter", 9600)
+    modules['geiger'] = GeigerCounterModule(logger.getChild("geiger"), "/dev/uart", 9600)
     for m in modules.keys():
         f = open('%s.csv' % m, 'wb')
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame):
             data = modules[m].poll()
             if len(data) > 0:
-                currentTime = None # Todo: get the time here.
+                currentTime = millis()
                 writer = csvs[m][0]
                 for datum in data: