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12 lines (10 loc) · 888 Bytes

File metadata and controls

12 lines (10 loc) · 888 Bytes

This repo presents a ROS2 version of the plugin: It fix the issue of pointcloud2 rotated in the rviz. The gazebo_ros_camera.cpp file is modified to use x-forward and z-up frame for pointcloud2. The plugin is compiled togheter multi_camera plugin, as required in the CMakeLists.txt. A simple demo ROS2 package has been included, named my_package, that takes the URDF of a robot model and spawn it in Gazebo with the depth camera. In the Rviz2 the pointcloud2 can be in the sequence displayed.

To run the demo: ros2 launch my_package

Remender to change the plugin path, in the simple_camera.urdf file, since the plugin version is not included in the path of gazebo_ros_pkgs. Find the .so file path at "/dev_ws/build/my_plugins/". Also, an empty src folder must be added inside the my_package before "colcon build".