+ Map your collections and document schemas to + beautiful tables and forms +
++ Everything you need to kickstart your Firebase based project +
++ Define your data types and validation to ensure consistency +
++ Link entities in different collections in a seamless way +
++ Define different app configurations based + on the logged user +
++ Custom form fields, hooks and full views based + on React +
++ Complete navigation for collections under other + entities +
++ In every view of your CMS, ideal for background + updates +
+ FireCMS is an open source CMS built by developers
+ for developers.
+ Get a back office app for your Firebase project in
+ no time.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur + adipisicing elit nemo + expedita voluptas culpa sapiente. +
+ + ++ Extend the functionality of your admin panel and your + complete project with all the capabilities of Firebase + and Google Cloud +
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