diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/fugitive.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/fugitive.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73b78b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/fugitive.lua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +vim.keymap.set("n", "gs", vim.cmd.Git); diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/harpoon.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/harpoon.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68ec7f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/harpoon.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +local mark = require('harpoon.mark') +local ui = require('harpoon.ui') + +vim.keymap.set("n", "a", mark.add_file) +vim.keymap.set("n", "", ui.toggle_quick_menu) + +vim.keymap.set("n", "1", function() ui.nav_file(1) end) +vim.keymap.set("n", "2", function() ui.nav_file(2) end) +vim.keymap.set("n", "3", function() ui.nav_file(3) end) +vim.keymap.set("n", "4", function() ui.nav_file(4) end) diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/lsp.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/lsp.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..356e89b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/lsp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +local lsp_zero = require('lsp-zero') + +lsp_zero.on_attach(function(client, bufnr) + lsp_zero.default_keymaps({ buffer = bufnr }) +end) + +require('mason').setup({}) +require('mason-lspconfig').setup({ + ensure_installed = { 'pylsp', 'emmet_language_server', 'eslint', 'lua_ls' }, + handlers = { + lsp_zero.default_setup, + lua_ls = function() + require('lspconfig').lua_ls.setup(lsp_zero.nvim_lua_ls()) + end, + pylsp = function() + require('lspconfig').pylsp.setup { + filetypes = { 'python' }, + settings = { + pylsp = { + plugins = { + jedi_signature_help = { enabled = true }, + -- Auto-completion + jedi_completion = { + include_params = true, + fuzzy = true, + }, + -- Type checker + pylsp_mypy = { enabled = true }, + -- Import sorting + pylsp_isort = { + enabled = true, + args = { '--profile black' } + }, + -- Linter + pylint = { + enabled = true, + executable = 'pylint' + }, + args = { + "--ignore=missing-module-docstring-", + "--ignore=missing-function-docstring", + "--max-line-length=120", + }, + pyflakes = { enabled = false }, + pycodestyle = { enabled = false }, + -- Formatter + black = { + enabled = true, + line_length = 120, + }, + autopep8 = { + enabled = false, + args = { + "--max-line-length=120", + "--experimental" + } + }, + yapf = { enabled = false }, + -- Refactoring + pylsp_rope = { enabled = true }, + } + } + } + } + end + }, +} +) diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/nightfox.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/nightfox.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44abdee --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/nightfox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +vim.cmd([[colorscheme terafox]]) +require('lualine').setup({}) diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/telescope.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/telescope.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72cf9d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/telescope.lua @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +local builtin = require('telescope.builtin') +vim.keymap.set('n', 'pf', builtin.find_files, {}) +vim.keymap.set('n', 'pr', builtin.lsp_references, {}) +vim.keymap.set('n', 'ps', function() + builtin.grep_string({ search = vim.fn.input("Grep > ")}); +end) diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/treesitter.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/treesitter.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c1e836 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/after/plugin/treesitter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { + -- A list of parser names, or "all" (the five listed parsers should always be installed) + ensure_installed = { "c", "lua", "vim", "vimdoc", "query", "python", "javascript", "markdown", "json", "html", "bash" }, + + -- Install parsers synchronously (only applied to `ensure_installed`) + sync_install = false, + + -- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer + -- Recommendation: set to false if you don't have `tree-sitter` CLI installed locally + auto_install = true, + + + highlight = { + enable = true, + + -- Setting this to true will run `:h syntax` and tree-sitter at the same time. + -- Set this to `true` if you depend on 'syntax' being enabled (like for indentation). + -- Using this option may slow down your editor, and you may see some duplicate highlights. + -- Instead of true it can also be a list of languages + additional_vim_regex_highlighting = true, + }, +} diff --git a/nvim/init.lua b/nvim/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb420d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require("bertaux") diff --git a/nvim/lazy-lock.json b/nvim/lazy-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b181b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lazy-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "Comment.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "0236521ea582747b58869cb72f70ccfa967d2e89" }, + "LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "df58ee1664cfda71479cd2bbd56114f56599eba6" }, + "cmp-nvim-lsp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "44b16d11215dce86f253ce0c30949813c0a90765" }, + "gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5fc573f2d2a49aec74dd6dc977e8b137429d1897" }, + "harpoon": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c1aebbad9e3d13f20bedb8f2ce8b3a94e39e424a" }, + "lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "96584866b9c5e998cbae300594d0ccfd0c464627" }, + "lexima.vim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "b1e1b1bde07c1efc97288c98c5912eaa644ee6e1" }, + "lsp-zero.nvim": { "branch": "v3.x", "commit": "8a9ee4e11a3e23101d1d1d11aaac3159ad925cc9" }, + "lualine.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "2248ef254d0a1488a72041cfb45ca9caada6d994" }, + "mason-lspconfig.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a5476087db0a20c05bd1163e1cd4a29b795e73a7" }, + "mason.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "41e75af1f578e55ba050c863587cffde3556ffa6" }, + "nightfox.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "eb82712f86319272f4b7b9dbb4ec6df650e6987f" }, + "nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "0b751f6beef40fd47375eaf53d3057e0bfa317e4" }, + "nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "553c4e0e667167640c5398573f6f3a488ff8047a" }, + "nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9d91101f71cc64cdef923a3b14130db82985bac6" }, + "nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "cdbcca210cf3655aa9b31ebf2422763ecd85ee5c" }, + "plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "366b0837486f60ae0e7550c15de8ff66d057c4cd" }, + "telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "7011eaae0ac1afe036e30c95cf80200b8dc3f21a" }, + "vim-fugitive": { "branch": "master", "commit": "46eaf8918b347906789df296143117774e827616" }, + "vim-surround": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3d188ed2113431cf8dac77be61b842acb64433d9" } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/lua/bertaux/init.lua b/nvim/lua/bertaux/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dc52d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/bertaux/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +require("bertaux.lazy") +require("bertaux.remap") +require("bertaux.set") diff --git a/nvim/lua/bertaux/lazy.lua b/nvim/lua/bertaux/lazy.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98a302e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/bertaux/lazy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" +if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then + vim.fn.system({ + "git", + "clone", + "--filter=blob:none", + "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git", + "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release + lazypath, + }) +end +vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) + +vim.g.mapleader = " " + +local plugins = { + { + "EdenEast/nightfox.nvim", + lazy = false, + priority = 1000, + }, + { + 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', + tag = '0.1.4', + dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' } + }, + { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', build = ':TSUpdate' }, + 'theprimeagen/harpoon', + 'tpope/vim-fugitive', + 'tpope/vim-surround', + 'numToStr/Comment.nvim', + 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim', + 'cohama/lexima.vim', + { 'VonHeikemen/lsp-zero.nvim', branch = 'v3.x' }, + 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', + 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp', + 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp', + 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip', + 'williamboman/mason.nvim', + 'williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim', + { + 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', + dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true } + }, +} + +require("lazy").setup(plugins, opt) diff --git a/nvim/lua/bertaux/remap.lua b/nvim/lua/bertaux/remap.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7473192 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/bertaux/remap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +vim.g.mapleader = " " +vim.keymap.set("n", "pv", vim.cmd.Ex) -- Use pv to open the file tree (pv = preview) +vim.keymap.set("n", "tt", function() + vim.cmd("tabnew") + vim.cmd("terminal") +end) + +-- Use J and K to move whole blocks of highlighted code in visual mode +vim.keymap.set("v", "J", ":m '>+1gv=gv") +vim.keymap.set("v", "K", ":m '<-2gv=gv") + +-- Keeps the cursor in the middle of the screen when jumping half pages +vim.keymap.set("n", "", "zz") +vim.keymap.set("n", "", "zz") + +-- Keeps the cursor in the middle when searching terms +vim.keymap.set("n", "n", "nzzzv") +vim.keymap.set("n", "N", "Nzzzv") + +-- Use p to paste without putting the replaced text in the buffer +vim.keymap.set("x", "p", [["_dP]]) + +-- Use y to yank to the system's clipboard +vim.keymap.set({"n", "v"}, "y", [["+y]]) +vim.keymap.set("n", "Y", [["+Y]]) + +-- Use d to delete to void register +vim.keymap.set({"n", "v"}, "d", [["_d]]) + +-- Tab management remaps +vim.keymap.set({"n", "t"}, "", vim.cmd.tabnew) -- Open new tab +vim.keymap.set({"n", "t"}, "", vim.cmd.tabc) -- Close current tab +vim.keymap.set({"n", "t"}, "l", vim.cmd.tabr) -- Move to tab right +vim.keymap.set({"n", "t"}, "h", vim.cmd.tabl) -- Move to tab left +vim.keymap.set({"n", "t"}, "", vim.cmd.tabn) -- Move to next tab diff --git a/nvim/lua/bertaux/set.lua b/nvim/lua/bertaux/set.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e8dde --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/bertaux/set.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +-- Line numbers and relative line numbersvim.opt.nu = true +vim.opt.relativenumber = true + +-- Tabulation +vim.opt.tabstop = 4 +vim.opt.softtabstop = 4 +vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 +vim.opt.expandtab = true + +-- Smart indenting +vim.opt.smartindent = true + +-- No line wrap +vim.opt.wrap = false + +-- No highlight search and incremental search +vim.opt.hlsearch = false +vim.opt.incsearch = true + +vim.opt.termguicolors = true + +vim.opt.colorcolumn = "100" + +vim.opt.scrolloff = 8 + +-- Show open tabs (=1 to only show it when more than one tab open) +vim.opt.showtabline=2 + +-- Decrease time required to enter a command +vim.opt.timeoutlen=500 diff --git a/tmux/tmux.conf b/tmux/tmux.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ba03a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tmux/tmux.conf @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +set -g mouse on + +# Sets the escape time +set -g escape-time 100 + +# set scrollback history to 10000 (10k) +set -g history-limit 10000 + +# Set the prefix to control + space +unbind C-b +set -g prefix C-Space +bind C-Space send-prefix + +# reload ~/.tmux.conf using PREFIX r +bind r source-file ~/.dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf \; display "Tmux config reloaded" + +# vi keys to navigate panes +bind -r k select-pane -U +bind -r j select-pane -D +bind -r h select-pane -L +bind -r l select-pane -R + +# colors, clock, and stuff +set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" +set -ga terminal-features ",xterm-256color:RGB" +set -g clock-mode-style 24 + +# Rename window to current directory +#set-option -g status-interval 1 +#set-option -g automatic-rename on +#set-option -g automatic-rename-format '#{b:pane_current_path}' +# set-option -g automatic-rename-format "#{?#{==:#{pane_current_command},zsh},#{b:pane_current_path},#{pane_current_command}}" + +set-option -g focus-events on + +source-file /Users/clement/.dotfiles/tmux/tmux.terafox.theme + diff --git a/tmux/tmux.terafox.theme b/tmux/tmux.terafox.theme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1764d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/tmux/tmux.terafox.theme @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +# Nightfox colors for Tmux +# Style: terafox +# Upstream: https://github.com/edeneast/nightfox.nvim/raw/main/extra/terafox/nightfox_tmux.tmux +set -g mode-style "fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8" +set -g message-style "fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8" +set -g message-command-style "fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8" +set -g pane-border-style "fg=#cbd9d8" +set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=#5a93aa" +set -g status "on" +set -g status-justify "left" +set -g status-style "fg=#cbd9d8,bg=#0f1c1e" +set -g status-left-length "100" +set -g status-right-length "100" +set -g status-left-style NONE +set -g status-right-style NONE +set -g status-left "#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#5a93aa,bold] #S #[fg=#5a93aa,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" +set -g status-right "#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#5a93aa,bg=#0f1c1e] #{prefix_highlight} #[fg=#cbd9d8,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8] %Y-%m-%d  %I:%M %p #[fg=#5a93aa,bg=#cbd9d8,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#5a93aa,bold] #h " +setw -g window-status-activity-style "underscore,fg=#587b7b,bg=#0f1c1e" +setw -g window-status-separator "" +setw -g window-status-style "NONE,fg=#587b7b,bg=#0f1c1e" +setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[default] #I  #W #F #[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" +setw -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=#0f1c1e,bg=#cbd9d8,bold] #I  #W #F #[fg=#cbd9d8,bg=#0f1c1e,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]" diff --git a/zsh/.p10k.zsh b/zsh/.p10k.zsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45d0e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/.p10k.zsh @@ -0,0 +1,1705 @@ +# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2023-11-25 at 19:12 CET. +# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-lean.zsh, checksum 61526. +# Wizard options: nerdfont-complete + powerline, small icons, unicode, lean, 24h time, +# 1 line, compact, few icons, concise, transient_prompt, instant_prompt=verbose. +# Type `p10k configure` to generate another config. +# +# Config for Powerlevel10k with lean prompt style. Type `p10k configure` to generate +# your own config based on it. +# +# Tip: Looking for a nice color? Here's a one-liner to print colormap. +# +# for i in {0..255}; do print -Pn "%K{$i} %k%F{$i}${(l:3::0:)i}%f " ${${(M)$((i%6)):#3}:+$'\n'}; done + +# Temporarily change options. +'builtin' 'local' '-a' 'p10k_config_opts' +[[ ! -o 'aliases' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('aliases') +[[ ! -o 'sh_glob' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('sh_glob') +[[ ! -o 'no_brace_expand' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('no_brace_expand') +'builtin' 'setopt' 'no_aliases' 'no_sh_glob' 'brace_expand' + +() { + emulate -L zsh -o extended_glob + + # Unset all configuration options. This allows you to apply configuration changes without + # restarting zsh. Edit ~/.p10k.zsh and type `source ~/.p10k.zsh`. + unset -m '(POWERLEVEL9K_*|DEFAULT_USER)~POWERLEVEL9K_GITSTATUS_DIR' + + # Zsh >= 5.1 is required. + [[ $ZSH_VERSION == (5.<1->*|<6->.*) ]] || return + + # The list of segments shown on the left. Fill it with the most important segments. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( + # os_icon # os identifier + dir # current directory + vcs # git status + prompt_char # prompt symbol + ) + + # The list of segments shown on the right. Fill it with less important segments. + # Right prompt on the last prompt line (where you are typing your commands) gets + # automatically hidden when the input line reaches it. Right prompt above the + # last prompt line gets hidden if it would overlap with left prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( + status # exit code of the last command + command_execution_time # duration of the last command + background_jobs # presence of background jobs + direnv # direnv status (https://direnv.net/) + asdf # asdf version manager (https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) + virtualenv # python virtual environment (https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html) + anaconda # conda environment (https://conda.io/) + pyenv # python environment (https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) + goenv # go environment (https://github.com/syndbg/goenv) + nodenv # node.js version from nodenv (https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv) + nvm # node.js version from nvm (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) + nodeenv # node.js environment (https://github.com/ekalinin/nodeenv) + # node_version # node.js version + # go_version # go version (https://golang.org) + # rust_version # rustc version (https://www.rust-lang.org) + # dotnet_version # .NET version (https://dotnet.microsoft.com) + # php_version # php version (https://www.php.net/) + # laravel_version # laravel php framework version (https://laravel.com/) + # java_version # java version (https://www.java.com/) + # package # name@version from package.json (https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json) + rbenv # ruby version from rbenv (https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) + rvm # ruby version from rvm (https://rvm.io) + fvm # flutter version management (https://github.com/leoafarias/fvm) + luaenv # lua version from luaenv (https://github.com/cehoffman/luaenv) + jenv # java version from jenv (https://github.com/jenv/jenv) + plenv # perl version from plenv (https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv) + perlbrew # perl version from perlbrew (https://github.com/gugod/App-perlbrew) + phpenv # php version from phpenv (https://github.com/phpenv/phpenv) + scalaenv # scala version from scalaenv (https://github.com/scalaenv/scalaenv) + haskell_stack # haskell version from stack (https://haskellstack.org/) + kubecontext # current kubernetes context (https://kubernetes.io/) + terraform # terraform workspace (https://www.terraform.io) + # terraform_version # terraform version (https://www.terraform.io) + aws # aws profile (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html) + aws_eb_env # aws elastic beanstalk environment (https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/) + azure # azure account name (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure) + gcloud # google cloud cli account and project (https://cloud.google.com/) + google_app_cred # google application credentials (https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production) + toolbox # toolbox name (https://github.com/containers/toolbox) + context # user@hostname + nordvpn # nordvpn connection status, linux only (https://nordvpn.com/) + ranger # ranger shell (https://github.com/ranger/ranger) + nnn # nnn shell (https://github.com/jarun/nnn) + lf # lf shell (https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) + xplr # xplr shell (https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr) + vim_shell # vim shell indicator (:sh) + midnight_commander # midnight commander shell (https://midnight-commander.org/) + nix_shell # nix shell (https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html) + chezmoi_shell # chezmoi shell (https://www.chezmoi.io/) + # vpn_ip # virtual private network indicator + # load # CPU load + # disk_usage # disk usage + # ram # free RAM + # swap # used swap + todo # todo items (https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-cli) + timewarrior # timewarrior tracking status (https://timewarrior.net/) + taskwarrior # taskwarrior task count (https://taskwarrior.org/) + per_directory_history # Oh My Zsh per-directory-history local/global indicator + # cpu_arch # CPU architecture + time # current time + # ip # ip address and bandwidth usage for a specified network interface + # public_ip # public IP address + # proxy # system-wide http/https/ftp proxy + # battery # internal battery + # wifi # wifi speed + # example # example user-defined segment (see prompt_example function below) + ) + + # Defines character set used by powerlevel10k. It's best to let `p10k configure` set it for you. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=nerdfont-complete + # When set to `moderate`, some icons will have an extra space after them. This is meant to avoid + # icon overlap when using non-monospace fonts. When set to `none`, spaces are not added. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=none + + # Basic style options that define the overall look of your prompt. You probably don't want to + # change them. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND= # transparent background + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_{LEFT,RIGHT}_WHITESPACE= # no surrounding whitespace + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR=' ' # separate segments with a space + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR= # no end-of-line symbol + + # When set to true, icons appear before content on both sides of the prompt. When set + # to false, icons go after content. If empty or not set, icons go before content in the left + # prompt and after content in the right prompt. + # + # You can also override it for a specific segment: + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT=false + # + # Or for a specific segment in specific state: + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_NOT_WRITABLE_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT=true + + # Add an empty line before each prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=false + + # Connect left prompt lines with these symbols. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX= + # Connect right prompt lines with these symbols. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX= + + # The left end of left prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL= + # The right end of right prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL= + + # Ruler, a.k.a. the horizontal line before each prompt. If you set it to true, you'll + # probably want to set POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=false above and + # POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR=' ' below. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_RULER=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RULER_CHAR='─' # reasonable alternative: '·' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RULER_FOREGROUND=242 + + # Filler between left and right prompt on the first prompt line. You can set it to '·' or '─' + # to make it easier to see the alignment between left and right prompt and to separate prompt + # from command output. It serves the same purpose as ruler (see above) without increasing + # the number of prompt lines. You'll probably want to set POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_RULER=false + # if using this. You might also like POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=false for more compact + # prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR=' ' + if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR != ' ' ]]; then + # The color of the filler. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND=242 + # Add a space between the end of left prompt and the filler. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL=' ' + # Add a space between the filler and the start of right prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL=' ' + # Start filler from the edge of the screen if there are no left segments on the first line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EMPTY_LINE_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL='%{%}' + # End filler on the edge of the screen if there are no right segments on the first line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EMPTY_LINE_RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL='%{%}' + fi + + #################################[ os_icon: os identifier ]################################## + # OS identifier color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_OS_ICON_FOREGROUND= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_OS_ICON_CONTENT_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################################[ prompt_char: prompt symbol ]################################ + # Green prompt symbol if the last command succeeded. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OK_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS,VIOWR}_FOREGROUND=76 + # Red prompt symbol if the last command failed. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_ERROR_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS,VIOWR}_FOREGROUND=196 + # Default prompt symbol. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIINS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❯' + # Prompt symbol in command vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VICMD_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❮' + # Prompt symbol in visual vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIVIS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='V' + # Prompt symbol in overwrite vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIOWR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='▶' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OVERWRITE_STATE=true + # No line terminator if prompt_char is the last segment. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL='' + # No line introducer if prompt_char is the first segment. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL= + + ##################################[ dir: current directory ]################################## + # Default current directory color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND=31 + # If directory is too long, shorten some of its segments to the shortest possible unique + # prefix. The shortened directory can be tab-completed to the original. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY=truncate_to_unique + # Replace removed segment suffixes with this symbol. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER= + # Color of the shortened directory segments. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # Color of the anchor directory segments. Anchor segments are never shortened. The first + # segment is always an anchor. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # Display anchor directory segments in bold. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_ANCHOR_BOLD=true + # Don't shorten directories that contain any of these files. They are anchors. + local anchor_files=( + .bzr + .citc + .git + .hg + .node-version + .python-version + .go-version + .ruby-version + .lua-version + .java-version + .perl-version + .php-version + .tool-versions + .shorten_folder_marker + .svn + .terraform + CVS + Cargo.toml + composer.json + go.mod + package.json + stack.yaml + ) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER="(${(j:|:)anchor_files})" + # If set to "first" ("last"), remove everything before the first (last) subdirectory that contains + # files matching $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER. For example, when the current directory is + # /foo/bar/git_repo/nested_git_repo/baz, prompt will display git_repo/nested_git_repo/baz (first) + # or nested_git_repo/baz (last). This assumes that git_repo and nested_git_repo contain markers + # and other directories don't. + # + # Optionally, "first" and "last" can be followed by ":" where is an integer. + # This moves the truncation point to the right (positive offset) or to the left (negative offset) + # relative to the marker. Plain "first" and "last" are equivalent to "first:0" and "last:0" + # respectively. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_TRUNCATE_BEFORE_MARKER=false + # Don't shorten this many last directory segments. They are anchors. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH=1 + # Shorten directory if it's longer than this even if there is space for it. The value can + # be either absolute (e.g., '80') or a percentage of terminal width (e.g, '50%'). If empty, + # directory will be shortened only when prompt doesn't fit or when other parameters demand it + # (see POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS and POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT below). + # If set to `0`, directory will always be shortened to its minimum length. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH=80 + # When `dir` segment is on the last prompt line, try to shorten it enough to leave at least this + # many columns for typing commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS=40 + # When `dir` segment is on the last prompt line, try to shorten it enough to leave at least + # COLUMNS * POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT * 0.01 columns for typing commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT=50 + # If set to true, embed a hyperlink into the directory. Useful for quickly + # opening a directory in the file manager simply by clicking the link. + # Can also be handy when the directory is shortened, as it allows you to see + # the full directory that was used in previous commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HYPERLINK=false + + # Enable special styling for non-writable and non-existent directories. See POWERLEVEL9K_LOCK_ICON + # and POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES below. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE=v3 + + # The default icon shown next to non-writable and non-existent directories when + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE is set to v3. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOCK_ICON='⭐' + + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES allows you to specify custom icons and colors for different + # directories. It must be an array with 3 * N elements. Each triplet consists of: + # + # 1. A pattern against which the current directory ($PWD) is matched. Matching is done with + # extended_glob option enabled. + # 2. Directory class for the purpose of styling. + # 3. An empty string. + # + # Triplets are tried in order. The first triplet whose pattern matches $PWD wins. + # + # If POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE is set to v3, non-writable and non-existent directories + # acquire class suffix _NOT_WRITABLE and NON_EXISTENT respectively. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES=( + # '~/work(|/*)' WORK '' + # '~(|/*)' HOME '' + # '*' DEFAULT '') + # + # Whenever the current directory is ~/work or a subdirectory of ~/work, it gets styled with one + # of the following classes depending on its writability and existence: WORK, WORK_NOT_WRITABLE or + # WORK_NON_EXISTENT. + # + # Simply assigning classes to directories doesn't have any visible effects. It merely gives you an + # option to define custom colors and icons for different directory classes. + # + # # Styling for WORK. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # # Styling for WORK_NOT_WRITABLE. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # # Styling for WORK_NON_EXISTENT. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # If a styling parameter isn't explicitly defined for some class, it falls back to the classless + # parameter. For example, if POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_FOREGROUND is not set, it falls + # back to POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND. + # + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES=() + + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PREFIX='%fin ' + + #####################################[ vcs: git status ]###################################### + # Branch icon. Set this parameter to '\UE0A0 ' for the popular Powerline branch icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON= + + # Untracked files icon. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. + # Change the value of this parameter to show a different icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON='?' + + # Formatter for Git status. + # + # Example output: master wip ⇣42⇡42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42. + # + # You can edit the function to customize how Git status looks. + # + # VCS_STATUS_* parameters are set by gitstatus plugin. See reference: + # https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/blob/master/gitstatus.plugin.zsh. + function my_git_formatter() { + emulate -L zsh + + if [[ -n $P9K_CONTENT ]]; then + # If P9K_CONTENT is not empty, use it. It's either "loading" or from vcs_info (not from + # gitstatus plugin). VCS_STATUS_* parameters are not available in this case. + typeset -g my_git_format=$P9K_CONTENT + return + fi + + if (( $1 )); then + # Styling for up-to-date Git status. + local meta='%f' # default foreground + local clean='%76F' # green foreground + local modified='%178F' # yellow foreground + local untracked='%39F' # blue foreground + local conflicted='%196F' # red foreground + else + # Styling for incomplete and stale Git status. + local meta='%244F' # grey foreground + local clean='%244F' # grey foreground + local modified='%244F' # grey foreground + local untracked='%244F' # grey foreground + local conflicted='%244F' # grey foreground + fi + + local res + + if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH ]]; then + local branch=${(V)VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} + # If local branch name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full. + # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12. + # Tip: To always show local branch name in full without truncation, delete the next line. + (( $#branch > 32 )) && branch[13,-13]="…" # <-- this line + res+="${clean}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON}${branch//\%/%%}" + fi + + if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_TAG + # Show tag only if not on a branch. + # Tip: To always show tag, delete the next line. + && -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH # <-- this line + ]]; then + local tag=${(V)VCS_STATUS_TAG} + # If tag name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full. + # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12. + # Tip: To always show tag name in full without truncation, delete the next line. + (( $#tag > 32 )) && tag[13,-13]="…" # <-- this line + res+="${meta}#${clean}${tag//\%/%%}" + fi + + # Display the current Git commit if there is no branch and no tag. + # Tip: To always display the current Git commit, delete the next line. + [[ -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH && -z $VCS_STATUS_TAG ]] && # <-- this line + res+="${meta}@${clean}${VCS_STATUS_COMMIT[1,8]}" + + # Show tracking branch name if it differs from local branch. + if [[ -n ${VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH:#$VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} ]]; then + res+="${meta}:${clean}${(V)VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH//\%/%%}" + fi + + # Display "wip" if the latest commit's summary contains "wip" or "WIP". + if [[ $VCS_STATUS_COMMIT_SUMMARY == (|*[^[:alnum:]])(wip|WIP)(|[^[:alnum:]]*) ]]; then + res+=" ${modified}wip" + fi + + if (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD || VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )); then + # ⇣42 if behind the remote. + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇣${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND}" + # ⇡42 if ahead of the remote; no leading space if also behind the remote: ⇣42⇡42. + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇡${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD}" + elif [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH ]]; then + # Tip: Uncomment the next line to display '=' if up to date with the remote. + # res+=" ${clean}=" + fi + + # ⇠42 if behind the push remote. + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇠${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND}" + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " + # ⇢42 if ahead of the push remote; no leading space if also behind: ⇠42⇢42. + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇢${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD}" + # *42 if have stashes. + (( VCS_STATUS_STASHES )) && res+=" ${clean}*${VCS_STATUS_STASHES}" + # 'merge' if the repo is in an unusual state. + [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_ACTION ]] && res+=" ${conflicted}${VCS_STATUS_ACTION}" + # ~42 if have merge conflicts. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED )) && res+=" ${conflicted}~${VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED}" + # +42 if have staged changes. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}+${VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED}" + # !42 if have unstaged changes. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}!${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED}" + # ?42 if have untracked files. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. + # See POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON above if you want to use a different icon. + # Remove the next line if you don't want to see untracked files at all. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED )) && res+=" ${untracked}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON}${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED}" + # "─" if the number of unstaged files is unknown. This can happen due to + # POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY (see below) being set to a non-negative number lower + # than the number of files in the Git index, or due to bash.showDirtyState being set to false + # in the repository config. The number of staged and untracked files may also be unknown + # in this case. + (( VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED == -1 )) && res+=" ${modified}─" + + typeset -g my_git_format=$res + } + functions -M my_git_formatter 2>/dev/null + + # Don't count the number of unstaged, untracked and conflicted files in Git repositories with + # more than this many files in the index. Negative value means infinity. + # + # If you are working in Git repositories with tens of millions of files and seeing performance + # sagging, try setting POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY to a number lower than the output + # of `git ls-files | wc -l`. Alternatively, add `bash.showDirtyState = false` to the repository's + # config: `git config bash.showDirtyState false`. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY=-1 + + # Don't show Git status in prompt for repositories whose workdir matches this pattern. + # For example, if set to '~', the Git repository at $HOME/.git will be ignored. + # Multiple patterns can be combined with '|': '~(|/foo)|/bar/baz/*'. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLED_WORKDIR_PATTERN='~' + + # Disable the default Git status formatting. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLE_GITSTATUS_FORMATTING=true + # Install our own Git status formatter. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter(1)))+${my_git_format}}' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_LOADING_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter(0)))+${my_git_format}}' + # Enable counters for staged, unstaged, etc. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_{STAGED,UNSTAGED,UNTRACKED,CONFLICTED,COMMITS_AHEAD,COMMITS_BEHIND}_MAX_NUM=-1 + + # Icon color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_COLOR=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_LOADING_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_COLOR=244 + # Custom icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX='%fon ' + + # Show status of repositories of these types. You can add svn and/or hg if you are + # using them. If you do, your prompt may become slow even when your current directory + # isn't in an svn or hg repository. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BACKENDS=(git) + + # These settings are used for repositories other than Git or when gitstatusd fails and + # Powerlevel10k has to fall back to using vcs_info. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CLEAN_FOREGROUND=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_FOREGROUND=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MODIFIED_FOREGROUND=178 + + ##########################[ status: exit code of the last command ]########################### + # Enable OK_PIPE, ERROR_PIPE and ERROR_SIGNAL status states to allow us to enable, disable and + # style them independently from the regular OK and ERROR state. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_EXTENDED_STATES=true + + # Status on success. No content, just an icon. No need to show it if prompt_char is enabled as + # it will signify success by turning green. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_FOREGROUND=70 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✔' + + # Status when some part of a pipe command fails but the overall exit status is zero. It may look + # like this: 1|0. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE_FOREGROUND=70 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✔' + + # Status when it's just an error code (e.g., '1'). No need to show it if prompt_char is enabled as + # it will signify error by turning red. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_FOREGROUND=160 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + # Status when the last command was terminated by a signal. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_FOREGROUND=160 + # Use terse signal names: "INT" instead of "SIGINT(2)". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE_SIGNAME=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + # Status when some part of a pipe command fails and the overall exit status is also non-zero. + # It may look like this: 1|0. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_FOREGROUND=160 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + ###################[ command_execution_time: duration of the last command ]################### + # Show duration of the last command if takes at least this many seconds. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD=3 + # Show this many fractional digits. Zero means round to seconds. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PRECISION=0 + # Execution time color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FOREGROUND=101 + # Duration format: 1d 2h 3m 4s. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FORMAT='d h m s' + # Custom icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PREFIX='%ftook ' + + #######################[ background_jobs: presence of background jobs ]####################### + # Don't show the number of background jobs. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VERBOSE=false + # Background jobs color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_FOREGROUND=70 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ direnv: direnv status (https://direnv.net/) ]######################## + # Direnv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIRENV_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIRENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ asdf: asdf version manager (https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) ]############### + # Default asdf color. Only used to display tools for which there is no color override (see below). + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_FOREGROUND. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FOREGROUND=66 + + # There are four parameters that can be used to hide asdf tools. Each parameter describes + # conditions under which a tool gets hidden. Parameters can hide tools but not unhide them. If at + # least one parameter decides to hide a tool, that tool gets hidden. If no parameter decides to + # hide a tool, it gets shown. + # + # Special note on the difference between POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES and + # POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW. Consider the effect of the following commands: + # + # asdf local python 3.8.1 + # asdf global python 3.8.1 + # + # After running both commands the current python version is 3.8.1 and its source is "local" as + # it takes precedence over "global". If POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW is set to false, + # it'll hide python version in this case because 3.8.1 is the same as the global version. + # POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES will hide python version only if the value of this parameter doesn't + # contain "local". + + # Hide tool versions that don't come from one of these sources. + # + # Available sources: + # + # - shell `asdf current` says "set by ASDF_${TOOL}_VERSION environment variable" + # - local `asdf current` says "set by /some/not/home/directory/file" + # - global `asdf current` says "set by /home/username/file" + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to (shell local global), it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SOURCES. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES=(shell local global) + + # If set to false, hide tool versions that are the same as global. + # + # Note: The name of this parameter doesn't reflect its meaning at all. + # Note: If this parameter is set to true, it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + + # If set to false, hide tool versions that are equal to "system". + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to true, it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SHOW_SYSTEM. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + + # If set to non-empty value, hide tools unless there is a file matching the specified file pattern + # in the current directory, or its parent directory, or its grandparent directory, and so on. + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to empty value, it won't hide tools. + # Note: SHOW_ON_UPGLOB isn't specific to asdf. It works with all prompt segments. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB. + # + # Example: Hide nodejs version when there is no package.json and no *.js files in the current + # directory, in `..`, in `../..` and so on. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.js|package.json' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB= + + # Ruby version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_FOREGROUND=168 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Python version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Go version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Node.js version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_FOREGROUND=70 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Rust version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # .NET Core version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_CORE_FOREGROUND=134 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_CORE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Flutter version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_FOREGROUND=38 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Lua version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Java version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Perl version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_FOREGROUND=67 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Erlang version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_FOREGROUND=125 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Elixir version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_FOREGROUND=129 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Postgres version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # PHP version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_FOREGROUND=99 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Haskell version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_FOREGROUND=172 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Julia version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_FOREGROUND=70 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + ##########[ nordvpn: nordvpn connection status, linux only (https://nordvpn.com/) ]########### + # NordVPN connection indicator color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_FOREGROUND=39 + # Hide NordVPN connection indicator when not connected. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_{DISCONNECTED,CONNECTING,DISCONNECTING}_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_{DISCONNECTED,CONNECTING,DISCONNECTING}_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #################[ ranger: ranger shell (https://github.com/ranger/ranger) ]################## + # Ranger shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################[ nnn: nnn shell (https://github.com/jarun/nnn) ]####################### + # Nnn shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NNN_FOREGROUND=72 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NNN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################[ lf: lf shell (https://github.com/gokcehan/lf) ]####################### + # lf shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LF_FOREGROUND=72 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LF_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################[ xplr: xplr shell (https://github.com/sayanarijit/xplr) ]################## + # xplr shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_XPLR_FOREGROUND=72 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_XPLR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########################[ vim_shell: vim shell indicator (:sh) ]########################### + # Vim shell indicator color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIM_SHELL_FOREGROUND=34 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIM_SHELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######[ midnight_commander: midnight commander shell (https://midnight-commander.org/) ]###### + # Midnight Commander shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #[ nix_shell: nix shell (https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html) ]## + # Nix shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_FOREGROUND=74 + + # Display the icon of nix_shell if PATH contains a subdirectory of /nix/store. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_INFER_FROM_PATH=false + + # Tip: If you want to see just the icon without "pure" and "impure", uncomment the next line. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################[ chezmoi_shell: chezmoi shell (https://www.chezmoi.io/) ]################## + # chezmoi shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CHEZMOI_SHELL_FOREGROUND=33 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CHEZMOI_SHELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################################[ disk_usage: disk usage ]################################## + # Colors for different levels of disk usage. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_NORMAL_FOREGROUND=35 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_FOREGROUND=220 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_FOREGROUND=160 + # Thresholds for different levels of disk usage (percentage points). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL=90 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_LEVEL=95 + # If set to true, hide disk usage when below $POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL percent. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_ONLY_WARNING=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################################[ ram: free RAM ]####################################### + # RAM color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_FOREGROUND=66 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################################[ swap: used swap ]###################################### + # Swap color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SWAP_FOREGROUND=96 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SWAP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################################[ load: CPU load ]###################################### + # Show average CPU load over this many last minutes. Valid values are 1, 5 and 15. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_WHICH=5 + # Load color when load is under 50%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND=66 + # Load color when load is between 50% and 70%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_WARNING_FOREGROUND=178 + # Load color when load is over 70%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_CRITICAL_FOREGROUND=166 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ todo: todo items (https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-cli) ]################ + # Todo color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_FOREGROUND=110 + # Hide todo when the total number of tasks is zero. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_HIDE_ZERO_TOTAL=true + # Hide todo when the number of tasks after filtering is zero. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_HIDE_ZERO_FILTERED=false + + # Todo format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_TODO_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT The total number of tasks. + # - P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT The number of tasks after filtering. + # + # These variables correspond to the last line of the output of `todo.sh -p ls`: + # + # TODO: 24 of 42 tasks shown + # + # Here 24 is P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT and 42 is P9K_TODO_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ timewarrior: timewarrior tracking status (https://timewarrior.net/) ]############ + # Timewarrior color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_FOREGROUND=110 + # If the tracked task is longer than 24 characters, truncate and append "…". + # Tip: To always display tasks without truncation, delete the following parameter. + # Tip: To hide task names and display just the icon when time tracking is enabled, set the + # value of the following parameter to "". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_CONTENT:0:24}${${P9K_CONTENT:24}:+…}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############[ taskwarrior: taskwarrior task count (https://taskwarrior.org/) ]############## + # Taskwarrior color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_FOREGROUND=74 + + # Taskwarrior segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT The number of pending tasks: `task +PENDING count`. + # - P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT The number of overdue tasks: `task +OVERDUE count`. + # + # Zero values are represented as empty parameters. + # + # The default format: + # + # '${P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT:+"!$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT/"}$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT' + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######[ per_directory_history: Oh My Zsh per-directory-history local/global indicator ]####### + # Color when using local/global history. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_LOCAL_FOREGROUND=135 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_GLOBAL_FOREGROUND=130 + + # Tip: Uncomment the next two lines to hide "local"/"global" text and leave just the icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_LOCAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION='' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_GLOBAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION='' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_LOCAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PER_DIRECTORY_HISTORY_GLOBAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################################[ cpu_arch: CPU architecture ]################################ + # CPU architecture color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CPU_ARCH_FOREGROUND=172 + + # Hide the segment when on a specific CPU architecture. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CPU_ARCH_X86_64_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CPU_ARCH_X86_64_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CPU_ARCH_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################################[ context: user@hostname ]################################## + # Context color when running with privileges. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_ROOT_FOREGROUND=178 + # Context color in SSH without privileges. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{REMOTE,REMOTE_SUDO}_FOREGROUND=180 + # Default context color (no privileges, no SSH). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_FOREGROUND=180 + + # Context format when running with privileges: bold user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_ROOT_TEMPLATE='%B%n@%m' + # Context format when in SSH without privileges: user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{REMOTE,REMOTE_SUDO}_TEMPLATE='%n@%m' + # Default context format (no privileges, no SSH): user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE='%n@%m' + + # Don't show context unless running with privileges or in SSH. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show context. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{DEFAULT,SUDO}_{CONTENT,VISUAL_IDENTIFIER}_EXPANSION= + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_PREFIX='%fwith ' + + ###[ virtualenv: python virtual environment (https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html) ]### + # Python virtual environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Don't show Python version next to the virtual environment name. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_SHOW_PYTHON_VERSION=false + # If set to "false", won't show virtualenv if pyenv is already shown. + # If set to "if-different", won't show virtualenv if it's the same as pyenv. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_SHOW_WITH_PYENV=false + # Separate environment name from Python version only with a space. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_{LEFT,RIGHT}_DELIMITER= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################[ anaconda: conda environment (https://conda.io/) ]###################### + # Anaconda environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_FOREGROUND=37 + + # Anaconda segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - CONDA_PREFIX Absolute path to the active Anaconda/Miniconda environment. + # - CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV Name of the active Anaconda/Miniconda environment. + # - CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER Configurable prompt modifier (see below). + # - P9K_ANACONDA_PYTHON_VERSION Current python version (python --version). + # + # CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER can be configured with the following command: + # + # conda config --set env_prompt '({default_env}) ' + # + # The last argument is a Python format string that can use the following variables: + # + # - prefix The same as CONDA_PREFIX. + # - default_env The same as CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV. + # - name The last segment of CONDA_PREFIX. + # - stacked_env Comma-separated list of names in the environment stack. The first element is + # always the same as default_env. + # + # Note: '({default_env}) ' is the default value of env_prompt. + # + # The default value of POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_CONTENT_EXPANSION expands to $CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER + # without the surrounding parentheses, or to the last path component of CONDA_PREFIX if the former + # is empty. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${${${${CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER#\(}% }%\)}:-${CONDA_PREFIX:t}}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ pyenv: python environment (https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv) ]################ + # Pyenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Hide python version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide python version if it's the same as global: + # $(pyenv version-name) == $(pyenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide python version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + + # Pyenv segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_CONTENT Current pyenv environment (pyenv version-name). + # - P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION Current python version (python --version). + # + # The default format has the following logic: + # + # 1. Display just "$P9K_CONTENT" if it's equal to "$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION" or + # starts with "$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION/". + # 2. Otherwise display "$P9K_CONTENT $P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_CONTENT}${${P9K_CONTENT:#$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION(|/*)}:+ $P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ goenv: go environment (https://github.com/syndbg/goenv) ]################ + # Goenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Hide go version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide go version if it's the same as global: + # $(goenv version-name) == $(goenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide go version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ nodenv: node.js version from nodenv (https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv) ]########## + # Nodenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Hide node version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide node version if it's the same as global: + # $(nodenv version-name) == $(nodenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide node version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############[ nvm: node.js version from nvm (https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) ]############### + # Nvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_FOREGROUND=70 + # If set to false, hide node version if it's the same as default: + # $(nvm version current) == $(nvm version default). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide node version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ############[ nodeenv: node.js environment (https://github.com/ekalinin/nodeenv) ]############ + # Nodeenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Don't show Node version next to the environment name. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_SHOW_NODE_VERSION=false + # Separate environment name from Node version only with a space. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_{LEFT,RIGHT}_DELIMITER= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############################[ node_version: node.js version ]############################### + # Node version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_FOREGROUND=70 + # Show node version only when in a directory tree containing package.json. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ go_version: go version (https://golang.org) ]######################## + # Go version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_FOREGROUND=37 + # Show go version only when in a go project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #################[ rust_version: rustc version (https://www.rust-lang.org) ]################## + # Rust version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_FOREGROUND=37 + # Show rust version only when in a rust project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ dotnet_version: .NET version (https://dotnet.microsoft.com) ]################ + # .NET version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_FOREGROUND=134 + # Show .NET version only when in a .NET project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################[ php_version: php version (https://www.php.net/) ]###################### + # PHP version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_FOREGROUND=99 + # Show PHP version only when in a PHP project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ laravel_version: laravel php framework version (https://laravel.com/) ]########### + # Laravel version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LARAVEL_VERSION_FOREGROUND=161 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LARAVEL_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ####################[ java_version: java version (https://www.java.com/) ]#################### + # Java version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_FOREGROUND=32 + # Show java version only when in a java project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Show brief version. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_FULL=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###[ package: name@version from package.json (https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json) ]#### + # Package color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_FOREGROUND=117 + # Package format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_PACKAGE_NAME The value of `name` field in package.json. + # - P9K_PACKAGE_VERSION The value of `version` field in package.json. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_PACKAGE_NAME//\%/%%}@${P9K_PACKAGE_VERSION//\%/%%}' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ rbenv: ruby version from rbenv (https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) ]############## + # Rbenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_FOREGROUND=168 + # Hide ruby version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide ruby version if it's the same as global: + # $(rbenv version-name) == $(rbenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide ruby version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ rvm: ruby version from rvm (https://rvm.io) ]######################## + # Rvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_FOREGROUND=168 + # Don't show @gemset at the end. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_SHOW_GEMSET=false + # Don't show ruby- at the front. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_SHOW_PREFIX=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ fvm: flutter version management (https://github.com/leoafarias/fvm) ]############ + # Fvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_FVM_FOREGROUND=38 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_FVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ luaenv: lua version from luaenv (https://github.com/cehoffman/luaenv) ]########### + # Lua color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_FOREGROUND=32 + # Hide lua version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide lua version if it's the same as global: + # $(luaenv version-name) == $(luaenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide lua version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ jenv: java version from jenv (https://github.com/jenv/jenv) ]################ + # Java color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_FOREGROUND=32 + # Hide java version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide java version if it's the same as global: + # $(jenv version-name) == $(jenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide java version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ plenv: perl version from plenv (https://github.com/tokuhirom/plenv) ]############ + # Perl color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_FOREGROUND=67 + # Hide perl version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide perl version if it's the same as global: + # $(plenv version-name) == $(plenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide perl version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ perlbrew: perl version from perlbrew (https://github.com/gugod/App-perlbrew) ]############ + # Perlbrew color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PERLBREW_FOREGROUND=67 + # Show perlbrew version only when in a perl project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PERLBREW_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Don't show "perl-" at the front. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PERLBREW_SHOW_PREFIX=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PERLBREW_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ############[ phpenv: php version from phpenv (https://github.com/phpenv/phpenv) ]############ + # PHP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_FOREGROUND=99 + # Hide php version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide php version if it's the same as global: + # $(phpenv version-name) == $(phpenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide php version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######[ scalaenv: scala version from scalaenv (https://github.com/scalaenv/scalaenv) ]####### + # Scala color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_FOREGROUND=160 + # Hide scala version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide scala version if it's the same as global: + # $(scalaenv version-name) == $(scalaenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide scala version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ haskell_stack: haskell version from stack (https://haskellstack.org/) ]########### + # Haskell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_FOREGROUND=172 + # Hide haskell version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + # + # shell: version is set by STACK_YAML + # local: version is set by stack.yaml up the directory tree + # global: version is set by the implicit global project (~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_SOURCES=(shell local) + # If set to false, hide haskell version if it's the same as in the implicit global project. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_ALWAYS_SHOW=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ kubecontext: current kubernetes context (https://kubernetes.io/) ]############# + # Show kubecontext only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show kubecontext. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='kubectl|helm|kubens|kubectx|oc|istioctl|kogito|k9s|helmfile|flux|fluxctl|stern|kubeseal|skaffold|kubent|kubecolor|cmctl|sparkctl' + + # Kubernetes context classes for the purpose of using different colors, icons and expansions with + # different contexts. + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current kubernetes context gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES defines the context class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current kubernetes context is "deathray-testing/default", its class is TEST + # because "deathray-testing/default" doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=134 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CONTENT_EXPANSION to specify the content displayed by kubecontext + # segment. Parameter expansions are very flexible and fast, too. See reference: + # http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Expansion.html#Parameter-Expansion. + # + # Within the expansion the following parameters are always available: + # + # - P9K_CONTENT The content that would've been displayed if there was no content + # expansion defined. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME The current context's name. Corresponds to column NAME in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER The current context's cluster. Corresponds to column CLUSTER in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE The current context's namespace. Corresponds to column NAMESPACE + # in the output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. If there is no + # namespace, the parameter is set to "default". + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_USER The current context's user. Corresponds to column AUTHINFO in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # + # If the context points to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), + # the following extra parameters are available: + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME Either "gke" or "eks". + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT Account/project ID. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE Availability zone. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER Cluster. + # + # P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_* parameters are derived from P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER. For example, + # if P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER is "gke_my-account_us-east1-a_my-cluster-01": + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME=gke + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT=my-account + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE=us-east1-a + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER=my-cluster-01 + # + # If P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER is "arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-cluster-01": + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME=eks + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT=123456789012 + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE=us-east-1 + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER=my-cluster-01 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + # Show P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER if it's not empty and fall back to P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME. + POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION+='${P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER:-${P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME}}' + # Append the current context's namespace if it's not "default". + POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION+='${${:-/$P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE}:#/default}' + + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX='%fat ' + + ################[ terraform: terraform workspace (https://www.terraform.io) ]################# + # Don't show terraform workspace if it's literally "default". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_SHOW_DEFAULT=false + # POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current terraform workspace gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES defines the workspace class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' OTHER) + # + # If your current terraform workspace is "project_test", its class is TEST because "project_test" + # doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' OTHER) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_OTHER_FOREGROUND=38 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_OTHER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ terraform_version: terraform version (https://www.terraform.io) ]############## + # Terraform version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_VERSION_FOREGROUND=38 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #[ aws: aws profile (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-profiles.html) ]# + # Show aws only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show aws. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='aws|awless|terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + + # POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current AWS profile gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES defines the profile class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current AWS profile is "company_test", its class is TEST + # because "company_test" doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=208 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # AWS segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_AWS_PROFILE The name of the current AWS profile. + # - P9K_AWS_REGION The region associated with the current AWS profile. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_AWS_PROFILE//\%/%%}${P9K_AWS_REGION:+ ${P9K_AWS_REGION//\%/%%}}' + + #[ aws_eb_env: aws elastic beanstalk environment (https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/) ]# + # AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_EB_ENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_EB_ENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ azure: azure account name (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure) ]########## + # Show azure only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show azure. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='az|terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + + # POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current azure account name gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_CLASSES defines the account class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' OTHER) + # + # If your current azure account is "company_test", its class is TEST because "company_test" + # doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' OTHER) + + # Azure account name color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_OTHER_FOREGROUND=32 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_OTHER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ gcloud: google cloud account and project (https://cloud.google.com/) ]########### + # Show gcloud only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show gcloud. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='gcloud|gcs|gsutil' + # Google cloud color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_FOREGROUND=32 + + # Google cloud format. Change the value of POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION and/or + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_COMPLETE_CONTENT_EXPANSION if the default is too verbose or not informative + # enough. You can use the following parameters in the expansions. Each of them corresponds to the + # output of `gcloud` tool. + # + # Parameter | Source + # -------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------- + # P9K_GCLOUD_CONFIGURATION | gcloud config configurations list --format='value(name)' + # P9K_GCLOUD_ACCOUNT | gcloud config get-value account + # P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID | gcloud config get-value project + # P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME | gcloud projects describe $P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID --format='value(name)' + # + # Note: ${VARIABLE//\%/%%} expands to ${VARIABLE} with all occurrences of '%' replaced with '%%'. + # + # Obtaining project name requires sending a request to Google servers. This can take a long time + # and even fail. When project name is unknown, P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is not set and gcloud + # prompt segment is in state PARTIAL. When project name gets known, P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME gets + # set and gcloud prompt segment transitions to state COMPLETE. + # + # You can customize the format, icon and colors of gcloud segment separately for states PARTIAL + # and COMPLETE. You can also hide gcloud in state PARTIAL by setting + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION and + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION to empty. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID//\%/%%}' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_COMPLETE_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME//\%/%%}' + + # Send a request to Google (by means of `gcloud projects describe ...`) to obtain project name + # this often. Negative value disables periodic polling. In this mode project name is retrieved + # only when the current configuration, account or project id changes. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_REFRESH_PROJECT_NAME_SECONDS=60 + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #[ google_app_cred: google application credentials (https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production) ]# + # Show google_app_cred only when the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show google_app_cred. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + + # Google application credentials classes for the purpose of using different colors, icons and + # expansions with different credentials. + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first + # element in each pair defines a pattern against which the current kubernetes context gets + # matched. More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion + # (see below) that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_*CONTENT_EXPANSION + # parameters, you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES defines the context class. Patterns are tried in order. + # The first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES=( + # '*:*prod*:*' PROD + # '*:*test*:*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current Google application credentials is "service_account deathray-testing x@y.com", + # its class is TEST because it doesn't match the pattern '* *prod* *' but does match '* *test* *'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES=( + # '*:*prod*:*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*:*test*:*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CONTENT_EXPANSION to specify the content displayed by + # google_app_cred segment. Parameter expansions are very flexible and fast, too. See reference: + # http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Expansion.html#Parameter-Expansion. + # + # You can use the following parameters in the expansion. Each of them corresponds to one of the + # fields in the JSON file pointed to by GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. + # + # Parameter | JSON key file field + # ---------------------------------+--------------- + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TYPE | type + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID | project_id + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLIENT_EMAIL | client_email + # + # Note: ${VARIABLE//\%/%%} expands to ${VARIABLE} with all occurrences of '%' replaced by '%%'. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID//\%/%%}' + + ##############[ toolbox: toolbox name (https://github.com/containers/toolbox) ]############### + # Toolbox color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_FOREGROUND=178 + # Don't display the name of the toolbox if it matches fedora-toolbox-*. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_TOOLBOX_NAME:#fedora-toolbox-*}' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_PREFIX='%fin ' + + ###############################[ public_ip: public IP address ]############################### + # Public IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FOREGROUND=94 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ########################[ vpn_ip: virtual private network indicator ]######################### + # VPN IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_FOREGROUND=81 + # When on VPN, show just an icon without the IP address. + # Tip: To display the private IP address when on VPN, remove the next line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + # Regular expression for the VPN network interface. Run `ifconfig` or `ip -4 a show` while on VPN + # to see the name of the interface. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_INTERFACE='(gpd|wg|(.*tun)|tailscale)[0-9]*|(zt.*)' + # If set to true, show one segment per matching network interface. If set to false, show only + # one segment corresponding to the first matching network interface. + # Tip: If you set it to true, you'll probably want to unset POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_SHOW_ALL=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ ip: ip address and bandwidth usage for a specified network interface ]########### + # IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_FOREGROUND=38 + # The following parameters are accessible within the expansion: + # + # Parameter | Meaning + # ----------------------+------------------------------------------- + # P9K_IP_IP | IP address + # P9K_IP_INTERFACE | network interface + # P9K_IP_RX_BYTES | total number of bytes received + # P9K_IP_TX_BYTES | total number of bytes sent + # P9K_IP_RX_BYTES_DELTA | number of bytes received since last prompt + # P9K_IP_TX_BYTES_DELTA | number of bytes sent since last prompt + # P9K_IP_RX_RATE | receive rate (since last prompt) + # P9K_IP_TX_RATE | send rate (since last prompt) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_IP_IP${P9K_IP_RX_RATE:+ %70F⇣$P9K_IP_RX_RATE}${P9K_IP_TX_RATE:+ %215F⇡$P9K_IP_TX_RATE}' + # Show information for the first network interface whose name matches this regular expression. + # Run `ifconfig` or `ip -4 a show` to see the names of all network interfaces. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE='[ew].*' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #########################[ proxy: system-wide http/https/ftp proxy ]########################## + # Proxy color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROXY_FOREGROUND=68 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROXY_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################################[ battery: internal battery ]################################# + # Show battery in red when it's below this level and not connected to power supply. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_THRESHOLD=20 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_FOREGROUND=160 + # Show battery in green when it's charging or fully charged. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_{CHARGING,CHARGED}_FOREGROUND=70 + # Show battery in yellow when it's discharging. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_DISCONNECTED_FOREGROUND=178 + # Battery pictograms going from low to high level of charge. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_STAGES='\uf58d\uf579\uf57a\uf57b\uf57c\uf57d\uf57e\uf57f\uf580\uf581\uf578' + # Don't show the remaining time to charge/discharge. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_VERBOSE=false + + #####################################[ wifi: wifi speed ]##################################### + # WiFi color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_FOREGROUND=68 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use different colors and icons depending on signal strength ($P9K_WIFI_BARS). + # + # # Wifi colors and icons for different signal strength levels (low to high). + # typeset -g my_wifi_fg=(68 68 68 68 68) # <-- change these values + # typeset -g my_wifi_icon=('WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi') # <-- change these values + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_CONTENT_EXPANSION='%F{${my_wifi_fg[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}}$P9K_WIFI_LAST_TX_RATE Mbps' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='%F{${my_wifi_fg[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}}${my_wifi_icon[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}' + # + # The following parameters are accessible within the expansions: + # + # Parameter | Meaning + # ----------------------+--------------- + # P9K_WIFI_SSID | service set identifier, a.k.a. network name + # P9K_WIFI_LINK_AUTH | authentication protocol such as "wpa2-psk" or "none"; empty if unknown + # P9K_WIFI_LAST_TX_RATE | wireless transmit rate in megabits per second + # P9K_WIFI_RSSI | signal strength in dBm, from -120 to 0 + # P9K_WIFI_NOISE | noise in dBm, from -120 to 0 + # P9K_WIFI_BARS | signal strength in bars, from 0 to 4 (derived from P9K_WIFI_RSSI and P9K_WIFI_NOISE) + + ####################################[ time: current time ]#################################### + # Current time color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FOREGROUND=66 + # Format for the current time: 09:51:02. See `man 3 strftime`. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FORMAT='%D{%H:%M:%S}' + # If set to true, time will update when you hit enter. This way prompts for the past + # commands will contain the start times of their commands as opposed to the default + # behavior where they contain the end times of their preceding commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_UPDATE_ON_COMMAND=false + # Custom icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_PREFIX='%fat ' + + # Example of a user-defined prompt segment. Function prompt_example will be called on every + # prompt if `example` prompt segment is added to POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS or + # POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS. It displays an icon and orange text greeting the user. + # + # Type `p10k help segment` for documentation and a more sophisticated example. + function prompt_example() { + p10k segment -f 208 -i '⭐' -t 'hello, %n' + } + + # User-defined prompt segments may optionally provide an instant_prompt_* function. Its job + # is to generate the prompt segment for display in instant prompt. See + # https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#instant-prompt. + # + # Powerlevel10k will call instant_prompt_* at the same time as the regular prompt_* function + # and will record all `p10k segment` calls it makes. When displaying instant prompt, Powerlevel10k + # will replay these calls without actually calling instant_prompt_*. It is imperative that + # instant_prompt_* always makes the same `p10k segment` calls regardless of environment. If this + # rule is not observed, the content of instant prompt will be incorrect. + # + # Usually, you should either not define instant_prompt_* or simply call prompt_* from it. If + # instant_prompt_* is not defined for a segment, the segment won't be shown in instant prompt. + function instant_prompt_example() { + # Since prompt_example always makes the same `p10k segment` calls, we can call it from + # instant_prompt_example. This will give us the same `example` prompt segment in the instant + # and regular prompts. + prompt_example + } + + # User-defined prompt segments can be customized the same way as built-in segments. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EXAMPLE_FOREGROUND=208 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EXAMPLE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Transient prompt works similarly to the builtin transient_rprompt option. It trims down prompt + # when accepting a command line. Supported values: + # + # - off: Don't change prompt when accepting a command line. + # - always: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line. + # - same-dir: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line unless this is the first command + # typed after changing current working directory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT=always + + # Instant prompt mode. + # + # - off: Disable instant prompt. Choose this if you've tried instant prompt and found + # it incompatible with your zsh configuration files. + # - quiet: Enable instant prompt and don't print warnings when detecting console output + # during zsh initialization. Choose this if you've read and understood + # https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#instant-prompt. + # - verbose: Enable instant prompt and print a warning when detecting console output during + # zsh initialization. Choose this if you've never tried instant prompt, haven't + # seen the warning, or if you are unsure what this all means. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=verbose + + # Hot reload allows you to change POWERLEVEL9K options after Powerlevel10k has been initialized. + # For example, you can type POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND=red and see your prompt turn red. Hot reload + # can slow down prompt by 1-2 milliseconds, so it's better to keep it turned off unless you + # really need it. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true + + # If p10k is already loaded, reload configuration. + # This works even with POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true. + (( ! $+functions[p10k] )) || p10k reload +} + +# Tell `p10k configure` which file it should overwrite. +typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE=${${(%):-%x}:a} + +(( ${#p10k_config_opts} )) && setopt ${p10k_config_opts[@]} +'builtin' 'unset' 'p10k_config_opts' diff --git a/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9 b/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6269a08 --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9 @@ -0,0 +1,2040 @@ +#files: 966 version: 5.9 + +_comps=( +'-' '_precommand' +'-array-value-' '_value' +'-assign-parameter-' '_assign' +'-brace-parameter-' '_brace_parameter' +'-command-' '_autocd' +'-command-line-' '_normal' +'-condition-' '_condition' +'-default-' '_default' +'-equal-' '_equal' +'-first-' '_first' +'-math-' '_math' +'-parameter-' '_parameter' +'-redirect-' '_redirect' +'-redirect-,-default-,-default-' '_files' +'-redirect-,<,bunzip2' '_bzip2' +'-redirect-,<,bzip2' '_bzip2' +'-redirect-,<,compress' '_compress' +'-redirect-,<,gunzip' '_gzip' +'-redirect-,<,gzip' '_gzip' +'-redirect-,<,uncompress' '_compress' +'-redirect-,<,unxz' '_xz' +'-redirect-,<,xz' '_xz' +'-redirect-,>,bzip2' '_bzip2' +'-redirect-,>,compress' '_compress' +'-redirect-,>,gzip' '_gzip' +'-redirect-,>,xz' '_xz' +'-subscript-' '_subscript' +'-tilde-' '_tilde' +'-value-' '_value' +'-value-,-default-,-command-' '_zargs' +'-value-,-default-,-default-' '_value' +'-value-,ADB_TRACE,-default-' '_adb' +'-value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default-' '_adb' +'-value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default-' '_adb' +'-value-,ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_ENABLED,-default-' '_ansible' +'-value-,ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK,-default-' '_ansible' +'-value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-' '_ant' +'-value-,CFLAGS,-default-' '_gcc' +'-value-,CPPFLAGS,-default-' '_gcc' +'-value-,CXXFLAGS,-default-' '_gcc' +'-value-,DISPLAY,-default-' '_x_display' +'-value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default-' '_grep' +'-value-,GZIP,-default-' '_gzip' +'-value-,LANG,-default-' '_locales' +'-value-,LANGUAGE,-default-' '_locales' +'-value-,LDFLAGS,-default-' '_gcc' +'-value-,LD_DEBUG,-default-' '_ld_debug' +'-value-,LESS,-default-' '_less' +'-value-,LESSCHARSET,-default-' '_less' +'-value-,LOOPDEV_DEBUG,-default-' '_losetup' +'-value-,LPDEST,-default-' '_printers' +'-value-,MPD_HOST,-default' '_mpc' +'-value-,P4CLIENT,-default-' '_perforce' +'-value-,P4MERGE,-default-' '_perforce' +'-value-,P4PORT,-default-' '_perforce' +'-value-,P4USER,-default-' '_perforce' +'-value-,PERLDOC,-default-' '_perldoc' +'-value-,PRINTER,-default-' '_printers' +'-value-,PROMPT,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PROMPT2,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PROMPT3,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PROMPT4,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PS1,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PS2,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PS3,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,PS4,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,RPROMPT,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,RPROMPT2,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,RPS1,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,RPS2,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,SPROMPT,-default-' '_ps1234' +'-value-,TERM,-default-' '_terminals' +'-value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default-' '_dir_list' +'-value-,TZ,-default-' '_time_zone' +'-value-,VALGRIND_OPTS,-default-' '_valgrind' +'-value-,WWW_HOME,-default-' '_urls' +'-value-,XML_CATALOG_FILES,-default-' '_xmlsoft' +'-value-,XZ_DEFAULTS,-default-' '_xz' +'-value-,XZ_OPT,-default-' '_xz' +'-vared-' '_in_vared' +'-zcalc-line-' '_zcalc_line' +'.' '_source' +'5g' '_go' +'5l' '_go' +'6g' '_go' +'6l' '_go' +'8g' '_go' +'8l' '_go' +'Mail' '_mail' +'Mosaic' '_webbrowser' +'SuSEconfig' '_SUSEconfig' +'_arguments' '__arguments' +'a2dismod' '_a2utils' +'a2dissite' '_a2utils' +'a2enmod' '_a2utils' +'a2ensite' '_a2utils' +'a2ps' '_a2ps' +'aaaa' '_hosts' +'aap' '_aap' +'abcde' '_abcde' +'ack' '_ack' +'ack-grep' '_ack' +'ack-standalone' '_ack' +'ack2' '_ack' +'acpi' '_acpi' +'acpitool' '_acpitool' +'acroread' '_acroread' +'adb' '_adb' +'add-zle-hook-widget' '_add-zle-hook-widget' +'add-zsh-hook' '_add-zsh-hook' +'admin' '_sccs' +'ali' '_mh' +'alias' '_alias' +'amaya' '_webbrowser' +'analyseplugin' '_analyseplugin' +'animate' '_imagemagick' +'anno' '_mh' +'ansible' '_ansible' +'ansible-config' '_ansible' +'ansible-console' '_ansible' +'ansible-doc' '_ansible' +'ansible-galaxy' '_ansible' +'ansible-inventory' '_ansible' +'ansible-playbook' '_ansible' +'ansible-pull' '_ansible' +'ansible-vault' '_ansible' +'ant' '_ant' +'antiword' '_antiword' +'aodh' '_openstack' +'aoss' '_precommand' +'apache2ctl' '_apachectl' +'apachectl' '_apachectl' +'aplay' '_alsa-utils' +'apm' '_apm' +'appletviewer' '_java' +'apropos' '_man' +'apt' '_apt' +'apt-cache' '_apt' +'apt-cdrom' '_apt' +'apt-config' '_apt' +'apt-file' '_apt-file' +'apt-get' '_apt' +'apt-mark' '_apt' +'apt-move' '_apt-move' +'apt-show-versions' '_apt-show-versions' +'aptitude' '_aptitude' +'apvlv' '_pdf' +'arduino-ctags' '_ctags' +'arecord' '_alsa-utils' +'arena' '_webbrowser' +'arp' '_arp' +'arping' '_arping' +'asciidoctor' '_asciidoctor' +'asciinema' '_asciinema' +'ash' '_sh' +'at' '_at' +'atq' '_at' +'atrm' '_at' +'attr' '_attr' +'augtool' '_augeas' +'auto-apt' '_auto-apt' +'autoload' '_typeset' +'avahi-browse' '_avahi' +'avahi-browse-domains' '_avahi' +'avahi-resolve' '_avahi' +'avahi-resolve-address' '_avahi' +'avahi-resolve-host-name' '_avahi' +'awk' '_awk' +'axi-cache' '_axi-cache' +'b2sum' '_md5sum' +'barbican' '_openstack' +'base32' '_base64' +'base64' '_base64' +'basename' '_basename' +'basenc' '_basenc' +'bash' '_bash' +'batch' '_at' +'baz' '_baz' +'beadm' '_beadm' +'beep' '_beep' +'bg' '_jobs_bg' +'bibtex' '_bibtex' +'bindkey' '_bindkey' +'bison' '_bison' +'bmake' '_make' +'bogofilter' '_bogofilter' +'bogotune' '_bogofilter' +'bogoutil' '_bogofilter' +'bpython' '_bpython' +'bpython-gtk' '_bpython' +'bpython-urwid' '_bpython' +'bpython2' '_bpython' +'bpython2-gtk' '_bpython' +'bpython2-urwid' '_bpython' +'bpython3' '_bpython' +'bpython3-gtk' '_bpython' +'bpython3-urwid' '_bpython' +'brctl' '_brctl' +'bsdconfig' '_bsdconfig' +'bsdgrep' '_grep' +'bsdinstall' '_bsdinstall' +'bsdtar' '_tar' +'btdownloadcurses' '_bittorrent' +'btdownloadgui' '_bittorrent' +'btdownloadheadless' '_bittorrent' +'btlaunchmany' '_bittorrent' +'btlaunchmanycurses' '_bittorrent' +'btmakemetafile' '_bittorrent' +'btreannounce' '_bittorrent' +'btrename' '_bittorrent' +'btrfs' '_btrfs' +'bts' '_bts' +'btshowmetainfo' '_bittorrent' +'bttrack' '_bittorrent' +'bug' '_bug' +'buildhash' '_ispell' +'builtin' '_builtin' +'bunzip2' '_bzip2' +'burst' '_mh' +'bzcat' '_bzip2' +'bzegrep' '_grep' +'bzfgrep' '_grep' +'bzgrep' '_grep' +'bzip2' '_bzip2' +'bzip2recover' '_bzip2' +'bzr' '_bzr' +'c++' '_gcc' +'cabal' '_cabal' +'caffeinate' '_caffeinate' +'cal' '_cal' +'calendar' '_calendar' +'cat' '_cat' +'catchsegv' '_precommand' +'cc' '_gcc' +'ccal' '_ccal' +'cd' '_cd' +'cdbs-edit-patch' '_cdbs-edit-patch' +'cdc' '_sccs' +'cdcd' '_cdcd' +'cdr' '_cdr' +'cdrdao' '_cdrdao' +'cdrecord' '_cdrecord' +'ceilometer' '_openstack' +'certtool' '_gnutls' +'cftp' '_twisted' +'chage' '_users' +'chattr' '_chattr' +'chcon' '_chcon' +'chdir' '_cd' +'chflags' '_chflags' +'chfn' '_users' +'chgrp' '_chown' +'chimera' '_webbrowser' +'chkconfig' '_chkconfig' +'chkstow' '_stow' +'chmod' '_chmod' +'choom' '_choom' +'chown' '_chown' +'chpass' '_chsh' +'chroot' '_chroot' +'chrt' '_chrt' +'chsh' '_chsh' +'ci' '_rcs' +'cifsiostat' '_sysstat' +'cinder' '_openstack' +'ckeygen' '_twisted' +'cksum' 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+'explodepkg' '_pkgtool' +'export' '_typeset' +'express' '_webbrowser' +'extcheck' '_java' +'extractres' '_psutils' +'fakeroot' '_fakeroot' +'false' '_nothing' +'fc' '_fc' +'fc-list' '_xft_fonts' +'fc-match' '_xft_fonts' +'feh' '_feh' +'fetch' '_fetch' +'fetchmail' '_fetchmail' +'ffmpeg' '_ffmpeg' +'fg' '_jobs_fg' +'fgrep' '_grep' +'figlet' '_figlet' +'filterdiff' '_patchutils' +'find' '_find' +'findaffix' '_ispell' +'findmnt' '_findmnt' +'finger' '_finger' +'fink' '_fink' +'firefox' '_mozilla' +'fixdlsrps' '_psutils' +'fixfmps' '_psutils' +'fixmacps' '_psutils' +'fixpsditps' '_psutils' +'fixpspps' '_psutils' +'fixscribeps' '_psutils' +'fixtpps' '_psutils' +'fixwfwps' '_psutils' +'fixwpps' '_psutils' +'fixwwps' '_psutils' +'flac' '_flac' +'flex' '_flex' +'flex++' '_flex' +'flipdiff' '_patchutils' +'flist' '_mh' +'flists' '_mh' +'float' '_typeset' +'flowadm' '_flowadm' +'fmadm' '_fmadm' +'fmt' '_fmt' +'fmttest' '_mh' +'fned' '_zed' +'fnext' '_mh' +'fold' '_fold' +'folder' '_mh' 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+'gnupod_INIT' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_INIT.pl' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_addsong' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_addsong.pl' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_check' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_check.pl' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_search' '_gnupod' +'gnupod_search.pl' '_gnupod' +'gnutls-cli' '_gnutls' +'gnutls-cli-debug' '_gnutls' +'gnutls-serv' '_gnutls' +'god' '_od' +'gofmt' '_go' +'gpasswd' '_gpasswd' +'gpaste' '_paste' +'gpatch' '_patch' +'gpg' '_gpg' +'gpg-zip' '_gpg' +'gpg2' '_gpg' +'gpgv' '_gpg' +'gphoto2' '_gphoto2' +'gprintenv' '_printenv' +'gprof' '_gprof' +'gqview' '_gqview' +'gradle' '_gradle' +'gradlew' '_gradle' +'grail' '_webbrowser' +'greadlink' '_readlink' +'grep' '_grep' +'grep-excuses' '_grep-excuses' +'grepdiff' '_patchutils' +'grm' '_rm' +'grmdir' '_rmdir' +'groff' '_groff' +'groupadd' '_user_admin' +'groupdel' '_groups' +'groupmod' '_user_admin' +'groups' '_users' +'growisofs' '_growisofs' +'gs' '_ghostscript' +'gsbj' '_pspdf' +'gsdj' '_pspdf' +'gsdj500' '_pspdf' +'gsed' '_sed' +'gseq' '_seq' +'gsettings' '_gsettings' 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+'guilt-status' '_guilt' +'guilt-top' '_guilt' +'guilt-unapplied' '_guilt' +'guname' '_uname' +'gunexpand' '_unexpand' +'guniq' '_uniq' +'gunzip' '_gzip' +'guptime' '_uptime' +'gv' '_gv' +'gview' '_vim' +'gvim' '_vim' +'gvimdiff' '_vim' +'gwc' '_wc' +'gwho' '_who' +'gxargs' '_xargs' +'gzcat' '_gzip' +'gzegrep' '_grep' +'gzfgrep' '_grep' +'gzgrep' '_grep' +'gzilla' '_webbrowser' +'gzip' '_gzip' +'hash' '_hash' +'hd' '_hexdump' +'hdiutil' '_hdiutil' +'head' '_head' +'heat' '_openstack' +'help' '_sccs' +'hexdump' '_hexdump' +'hilite' '_precommand' +'histed' '_zed' +'history' '_fc' +'host' '_host' +'hostname' '_hostname' +'hotjava' '_webbrowser' +'htop' '_htop' +'hwinfo' '_hwinfo' +'iceweasel' '_mozilla' +'icombine' '_ispell' +'iconv' '_iconv' +'iconvconfig' '_iconvconfig' +'id' '_id' +'identify' '_imagemagick' +'ifconfig' '_ifconfig' +'ifdown' '_net_interfaces' +'iftop' '_iftop' +'ifup' '_net_interfaces' +'ijoin' '_ispell' +'import' '_imagemagick' +'inc' '_mh' +'includeres' '_psutils' 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+'kdeconnect-cli' '_kdeconnect' +'kdump' '_kdump' +'keystone' '_openstack' +'keytool' '_java' +'kfmclient' '_kfmclient' +'kill' '_kill' +'killall' '_killall' +'killall5' '_killall' +'kioclient' '_kfmclient' +'kldload' '_kld' +'kldunload' '_kld' +'knock' '_knock' +'konqueror' '_webbrowser' +'kpartx' '_kpartx' +'kpdf' '_pdf' +'ksh' '_sh' +'ksh88' '_sh' +'ksh93' '_sh' +'ktrace' '_ktrace' +'kvno' '_kvno' +'last' '_last' +'lastb' '_last' +'latex' '_tex' +'latexmk' '_tex' +'ldap' '_ldap' +'ldconfig' '_ldconfig' +'ldconfig.real' '_ldconfig' +'ldd' '_ldd' +'less' '_less' +'let' '_math' +'lftp' '_ncftp' +'lha' '_lha' +'light' '_webbrowser' +'lighty-disable-mod' '_lighttpd' +'lighty-enable-mod' '_lighttpd' +'limit' '_limit' +'links' '_links' +'links2' '_links' +'lintian' '_lintian' +'lintian-info' '_lintian' +'linux' '_uml' +'lldb' '_lldb' +'llvm-g++' '_gcc' +'llvm-gcc' '_gcc' +'llvm-objdump' '_objdump' +'llvm-otool' '_otool' +'ln' '_ln' +'loadkeys' '_loadkeys' +'local' '_typeset' +'locale' 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'_matlab' +'mattrib' '_mtools' +'mcd' '_mtools' +'mcopy' '_mtools' +'md2' '_cksum' +'md4' '_cksum' +'md5' '_cksum' +'md5sum' '_md5sum' +'mdadm' '_mdadm' +'mdel' '_mtools' +'mdeltree' '_mtools' +'mdfind' '_mdfind' +'mdir' '_mtools' +'mdls' '_mdls' +'mdu' '_mtools' +'mdutil' '_mdutil' +'members' '_members' +'mencal' '_mencal' +'mere' '_mere' +'merge' '_rcs' +'mergechanges' '_mergechanges' +'metaflac' '_flac' +'mformat' '_mtools' +'mgv' '_pspdf' +'mhfixmsg' '_mh' +'mhlist' '_mh' +'mhmail' '_mh' +'mhn' '_mh' +'mhparam' '_mh' +'mhpath' '_mh' +'mhshow' '_mh' +'mhstore' '_mh' +'mii-tool' '_mii-tool' +'mistral' '_openstack' +'mixerctl' '_mixerctl' +'mkdir' '_mkdir' +'mkfifo' '_mkfifo' +'mkisofs' '_growisofs' +'mknod' '_mknod' +'mksh' '_sh' +'mkshortcut' '_mkshortcut' +'mkshortcut.exe' '_mkshortcut' +'mktemp' '_mktemp' +'mktunes' '_gnupod' +'mktunes.pl' '_gnupod' +'mkzsh' '_mkzsh' +'mkzsh.exe' '_mkzsh' +'mlabel' '_mtools' +'mlocate' '_locate' +'mmd' '_mtools' +'mmm' '_webbrowser' +'mmount' 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+'opera-next' '_webbrowser' +'opkg' '_opkg' +'opusdec' '_opustools' +'opusenc' '_opustools' +'opusinfo' '_opustools' +'osascript' '_osascript' +'osc' '_osc' +'otool' '_otool' +'p4' '_perforce' +'p4d' '_perforce' +'pack' '_pack' +'packf' '_mh' +'pandoc' '_pandoc' +'parsehdlist' '_urpmi' +'passwd' '_users' +'paste' '_paste' +'patch' '_patch' +'pax' '_pax' +'pbcopy' '_pbcopy' +'pbpaste' '_pbcopy' +'pbuilder' '_pbuilder' +'pcat' '_pack' +'pcp-htop' '_htop' +'pcred' '_pids' +'pdf2dsc' '_pdf' +'pdf2ps' '_pdf' +'pdffonts' '_pdf' +'pdfimages' '_pdf' +'pdfinfo' '_pdf' +'pdfjadetex' '_tex' +'pdflatex' '_tex' +'pdfopt' '_pdf' +'pdftex' '_tex' +'pdftexi2dvi' '_texinfo' +'pdftk' '_pdftk' +'pdftopbm' '_pdf' +'pdftops' '_pdf' +'pdftotext' '_pdf' +'pdksh' '_sh' +'perf' '_perf' +'perl' '_perl' +'perldoc' '_perldoc' +'pfctl' '_pfctl' +'pfexec' '_pfexec' +'pfiles' '_pids' +'pflags' '_pids' +'pg_config' '_postgresql' +'pg_ctl' '_postgresql' +'pg_dump' '_postgresql' +'pg_dumpall' '_postgresql' +'pg_isready' '_postgresql' +'pg_restore' '_postgresql' +'pg_upgrade' '_postgresql' +'pgrep' '_pgrep' +'php' '_php' +'pick' '_mh' +'picocom' '_picocom' +'pidof' '_pidof' +'pidstat' '_sysstat' +'pigz' '_gzip' +'pine' '_pine' +'pinef' '_pine' +'pinfo' '_texinfo' +'ping' '_ping' +'ping6' '_ping' +'piuparts' '_piuparts' +'pkg' '_pkg5' +'pkg-config' '_pkg-config' +'pkg_add' '_bsd_pkg' +'pkg_create' '_bsd_pkg' +'pkg_delete' '_bsd_pkg' +'pkg_info' '_bsd_pkg' +'pkgadd' '_pkgadd' +'pkgin' '_pkgin' +'pkginfo' '_pkginfo' +'pkgrm' '_pkgrm' +'pkgtool' '_pkgtool' +'pkill' '_pgrep' +'pldd' '_pids' +'plutil' '_plutil' +'pmake' '_make' +'pman' '_perl_modules' +'pmap' '_pmap' +'pmcat' '_perl_modules' +'pmdesc' '_perl_modules' +'pmeth' '_perl_modules' +'pmexp' '_perl_modules' +'pmfunc' '_perl_modules' +'pmload' '_perl_modules' +'pmls' '_perl_modules' +'pmpath' '_perl_modules' +'pmvers' '_perl_modules' +'podgrep' '_perl_modules' +'podpath' '_perl_modules' +'podtoc' '_perl_modules' +'poff' '_pon' +'policytool' '_java' +'pon' '_pon' +'popd' '_directory_stack' +'portaudit' '_portaudit' +'portlint' '_portlint' +'portmaster' '_portmaster' +'portsnap' '_portsnap' +'postconf' '_postfix' +'postgres' '_postgresql' +'postmaster' '_postgresql' +'postqueue' '_postfix' +'postsuper' '_postfix' +'powerd' '_powerd' +'pr' '_pr' +'prev' '_mh' +'print' '_print' +'printenv' '_printenv' +'printf' '_print' +'procstat' '_procstat' +'prompt' '_prompt' +'prove' '_prove' +'prs' '_sccs' +'prstat' '_prstat' +'prt' '_sccs' +'prun' '_pids' +'ps' '_ps' +'ps2ascii' '_pspdf' +'ps2epsi' '_postscript' +'ps2pdf' '_postscript' +'ps2pdf12' '_postscript' +'ps2pdf13' '_postscript' +'ps2pdf14' '_postscript' +'ps2pdfwr' '_postscript' +'ps2ps' '_postscript' +'psbook' '_psutils' +'pscp' '_pscp' +'pscp.exe' '_pscp' +'psed' '_sed' +'psig' '_pids' +'psmerge' '_psutils' +'psmulti' '_postscript' +'psnup' '_psutils' +'psql' '_postgresql' +'psresize' '_psutils' +'psselect' '_psutils' +'pstack' '_pids' +'pstoedit' '_pspdf' +'pstop' '_pids' +'pstops' '_psutils' +'pstotgif' '_pspdf' +'pswrap' '_postscript' +'ptree' '_ptree' +'ptx' '_ptx' +'pump' '_pump' +'pushd' '_cd' +'putclip' '_putclip' +'putclip.exe' '_putclip' +'pv' '_pv' +'pwait' '_pids' +'pwdx' '_pids' +'pwgen' '_pwgen' +'pyhtmlizer' '_twisted' +'qdbus' '_qdbus' +'qiv' '_qiv' +'qtplay' '_qtplay' +'querybts' '_bug' +'quilt' '_quilt' +'r' '_fc' +'rake' '_rake' +'ranlib' '_ranlib' +'rar' '_rar' +'rc' '_sh' +'rcctl' '_rcctl' +'rclone' '_rclone' +'rcp' '_rlogin' +'rcs' '_rcs' +'rcsdiff' '_rcs' +'rdesktop' '_rdesktop' +'read' '_read' +'readelf' '_readelf' +'readlink' '_readlink' +'readonly' '_typeset' +'readshortcut' '_readshortcut' +'readshortcut.exe' '_readshortcut' +'rebootin' '_rebootin' +'refile' '_mh' +'rehash' '_hash' +'reindexdb' '_postgresql' +'reload' '_initctl' +'removepkg' '_pkgtool' +'remsh' '_rlogin' +'renice' '_renice' +'repl' '_mh' +'reportbug' '_bug' +'reprepro' '_reprepro' +'restart' '_initctl' +'retawq' '_webbrowser' +'rgrep' '_grep' +'rgview' '_vim' +'rgvim' '_vim' +'ri' '_ri' +'rlogin' '_rlogin' +'rm' '_rm' +'rmadison' '_madison' +'rmd160' '_cksum' +'rmdel' '_sccs' +'rmdir' '_rmdir' +'rmf' '_mh' +'rmic' '_java' +'rmid' '_java' +'rmiregistry' '_java' +'rmm' '_mh' +'rmmod' '_modutils' +'route' '_route' +'rpm' '_rpm' +'rpmbuild' '_rpm' +'rpmkeys' '_rpm' +'rpmquery' '_rpm' +'rpmsign' '_rpm' +'rpmspec' '_rpm' +'rpmverify' '_rpm' +'rrdtool' '_rrdtool' +'rsh' '_rlogin' +'rsync' '_rsync' +'rtin' '_tin' +'rubber' '_rubber' +'rubber-info' '_rubber' +'rubber-pipe' '_rubber' +'ruby' '_ruby' +'ruby-mri' '_ruby' +'run-help' '_run-help' +'rup' '_hosts' +'rusage' '_precommand' +'rview' '_vim' +'rvim' '_vim' +'rwho' '_hosts' +'rxvt' '_urxvt' +'s2p' '_sed' +'sact' '_sccs' +'sadf' '_sysstat' +'sahara' '_openstack' +'sar' '_sysstat' +'savecore' '_savecore' +'say' '_say' +'sbuild' '_sbuild' +'sc_usage' '_sc_usage' +'scan' '_mh' +'sccs' '_sccs' +'sccsdiff' '_sccs' +'sched' '_sched' +'schedtool' '_schedtool' +'schroot' '_schroot' +'scl' '_scl' +'scons' '_scons' +'scp' '_ssh' +'screen' '_screen' +'script' '_script' +'scriptreplay' '_script' +'scselect' '_scselect' +'scutil' '_scutil' +'seaf-cli' '_seafile' +'sed' '_sed' +'senlin' '_openstack' +'seq' '_seq' +'serialver' '_java' +'service' '_service' +'set' '_set' +'setfacl' '_setfacl' +'setfacl.exe' '_setfacl' +'setfattr' '_attr' +'setopt' '_setopt' +'setpriv' '_setpriv' +'setsid' '_setsid' +'setxkbmap' '_setxkbmap' +'sftp' '_ssh' +'sh' '_sh' +'sha1' '_cksum' +'sha1sum' '_md5sum' +'sha224sum' '_md5sum' +'sha256' '_cksum' +'sha256sum' '_md5sum' +'sha384' '_cksum' +'sha384sum' '_md5sum' +'sha512' '_cksum' +'sha512sum' '_md5sum' +'sha512t256' '_cksum' +'shasum' '_shasum' +'shift' '_arrays' +'show' '_mh' +'showchar' '_psutils' +'showmount' '_showmount' +'shred' '_shred' +'shuf' '_shuf' +'shutdown' '_shutdown' +'signify' '_signify' +'sisu' '_sisu' +'skein1024' '_cksum' +'skein256' '_cksum' +'skein512' '_cksum' +'skipstone' '_webbrowser' +'slabtop' '_slabtop' +'slitex' 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+'sudo' '_sudo' +'sudoedit' '_sudo' +'sum' '_cksum' +'surfraw' '_surfraw' +'sv' '_runit' +'svcadm' '_svcadm' +'svccfg' '_svccfg' +'svcprop' '_svcprop' +'svcs' '_svcs' +'svn' '_subversion' +'svn-buildpackage' '_svn-buildpackage' +'svnadmin' '_subversion' +'svnadmin-static' '_subversion' +'svnlite' '_subversion' +'svnliteadmin' '_subversion' +'sw_vers' '_sw_vers' +'swaks' '_swaks' +'swanctl' '_swanctl' +'swift' '_swift' +'swiftc' '_swift' +'sync' '_nothing' +'sysclean' '_sysclean' +'sysctl' '_sysctl' +'sysmerge' '_sysmerge' +'syspatch' '_syspatch' +'sysrc' '_sysrc' +'systat' '_systat' +'system_profiler' '_system_profiler' +'sysupgrade' '_sysupgrade' +'tac' '_tac' +'tacker' '_openstack' +'tail' '_tail' +'talk' '_other_accounts' +'tar' '_tar' +'tardy' '_tardy' +'tcp_open' '_tcpsys' +'tcpdump' '_tcpdump' +'tcptraceroute' '_tcptraceroute' +'tcsh' '_sh' +'tda' '_devtodo' +'tdd' '_devtodo' +'tde' '_devtodo' +'tdr' '_devtodo' +'tee' '_tee' +'telnet' '_telnet' +'tex' '_tex' +'texi2any' 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+'tunes2pod' '_gnupod' +'tunes2pod.pl' '_gnupod' +'twidge' '_twidge' +'twist' '_twisted' +'twistd' '_twisted' +'txt' '_hosts' +'type' '_which' +'typeset' '_typeset' +'ulimit' '_ulimit' +'uml_mconsole' '_uml' +'uml_moo' '_uml' +'uml_switch' '_uml' +'umount' '_mount' +'unace' '_unace' +'unalias' '_aliases' +'uname' '_uname' +'uncompress' '_compress' +'unexpand' '_unexpand' +'unfunction' '_functions' +'unget' '_sccs' +'unhash' '_unhash' +'uniq' '_uniq' +'unison' '_unison' +'units' '_units' +'unix2dos' '_dos2unix' +'unix2mac' '_dos2unix' +'unlimit' '_limits' +'unlz4' '_lz4' +'unlzma' '_xz' +'unpack' '_pack' +'unpigz' '_gzip' +'unrar' '_rar' +'unset' '_vars' +'unsetopt' '_setopt' +'unshare' '_unshare' +'unwrapdiff' '_patchutils' +'unxz' '_xz' +'unzip' '_zip' +'update-alternatives' '_update-alternatives' +'update-rc.d' '_update-rc.d' +'upgradepkg' '_pkgtool' +'uptime' '_uptime' +'urpme' '_urpmi' +'urpmf' '_urpmi' +'urpmi' '_urpmi' +'urpmi.addmedia' '_urpmi' +'urpmi.removemedia' '_urpmi' +'urpmi.update' '_urpmi' +'urpmq' '_urpmi' +'urxvt' '_urxvt' +'urxvt256c' '_urxvt' +'urxvt256c-ml' '_urxvt' +'urxvt256c-mlc' '_urxvt' +'urxvt256cc' '_urxvt' +'urxvtc' '_urxvt' +'usbconfig' '_usbconfig' +'uscan' '_uscan' +'useradd' '_user_admin' +'userdel' '_users' +'usermod' '_user_admin' +'vacuumdb' '_postgresql' +'val' '_sccs' +'valgrind' '_valgrind' +'vared' '_vared' +'vcs_info_hookadd' '_vcs_info' +'vcs_info_hookdel' '_vcs_info' +'vi' '_vi' +'view' '_vi' +'vim' '_vim' +'vim-addons' '_vim-addons' +'vimdiff' '_vim' +'virsh' '_libvirt' +'virt-admin' '_libvirt' +'virt-host-validate' '_libvirt' +'virt-pki-validate' '_libvirt' +'virt-xml-validate' '_libvirt' +'visudo' '_visudo' +'vitrage' '_openstack' +'vmctl' '_vmctl' +'vmstat' '_vmstat' +'vncserver' '_vnc' +'vncviewer' '_vnc' +'vorbiscomment' '_vorbis' +'vpnc' '_vpnc' +'vpnc-connect' '_vpnc' +'vserver' '_vserver' +'w' '_w' +'w3m' '_w3m' +'wait' '_wait' +'wajig' '_wajig' +'wanna-build' '_wanna-build' +'watch' '_watch' +'watcher' '_openstack' +'wc' '_wc' +'wget' '_wget' +'what' '_sccs' +'whatis' '_man' +'whence' '_which' +'where' '_which' +'whereis' '_whereis' +'which' '_which' +'who' '_who' +'whoami' '_nothing' +'whois' '_whois' +'whom' '_mh' +'wiggle' '_wiggle' +'wipefs' '_wipefs' +'wodim' '_cdrecord' +'wpa_cli' '_wpa_cli' +'write' '_users_on' +'www' '_webbrowser' +'xargs' '_xargs' +'xattr' '_attr' +'xauth' '_xauth' +'xautolock' '_xautolock' +'xclip' '_xclip' +'xcode-select' '_xcode-select' +'xdpyinfo' '_x_utils' +'xdvi' '_xdvi' +'xelatex' '_tex' +'xetex' '_tex' +'xev' '_x_utils' +'xfd' '_x_utils' +'xfig' '_xfig' +'xfontsel' '_x_utils' +'xfreerdp' '_rdesktop' +'xhost' '_x_utils' +'xinput' '_xinput' +'xkill' '_x_utils' +'xli' '_xloadimage' +'xloadimage' '_xloadimage' +'xlsatoms' '_x_utils' +'xlsclients' '_x_utils' +'xml' '_xmlstarlet' +'xmllint' '_xmlsoft' +'xmlstarlet' '_xmlstarlet' +'xmms2' '_xmms2' +'xmodmap' '_xmodmap' +'xmosaic' '_webbrowser' +'xon' '_x_utils' +'xournal' '_xournal' +'xpdf' '_xpdf' +'xping' '_hosts' +'xprop' '_x_utils' +'xrandr' '_xrandr' +'xrdb' '_x_utils' +'xscreensaver-command' '_xscreensaver' +'xset' '_xset' +'xsetbg' '_xloadimage' +'xsetroot' '_x_utils' +'xsltproc' '_xmlsoft' +'xterm' '_xterm' +'xtightvncviewer' '_vnc' +'xtp' '_imagemagick' +'xv' '_xv' +'xview' '_xloadimage' +'xvnc4viewer' '_vnc' +'xvncviewer' '_vnc' +'xwd' '_x_utils' +'xwininfo' '_x_utils' +'xwit' '_xwit' +'xwud' '_x_utils' +'xxd' '_xxd' +'xz' '_xz' +'xzcat' '_xz' +'yafc' '_yafc' +'yash' '_sh' +'yast' '_yast' +'yast2' '_yast' +'ypbind' '_yp' +'ypcat' '_yp' +'ypmatch' '_yp' +'yppasswd' '_yp' +'yppoll' '_yp' +'yppush' '_yp' +'ypserv' '_yp' +'ypset' '_yp' +'ypwhich' '_yp' +'ypxfr' '_yp' +'ytalk' '_other_accounts' +'yum' '_yum' +'yumdb' '_yum' +'zargs' '_zargs' +'zcalc' '_zcalc' +'zcat' '_zcat' +'zcompile' '_zcompile' +'zcp' '_zmv' +'zdb' '_zfs' +'zdelattr' '_zattr' +'zdump' '_zdump' +'zeal' '_zeal' +'zed' '_zed' +'zegrep' '_grep' +'zen' '_webbrowser' +'zf_chgrp' '_chown' +'zf_chmod' '_chmod' +'zf_chown' '_chown' +'zf_ln' '_ln' +'zf_mkdir' '_mkdir' +'zf_mv' '_mv' +'zf_rm' '_rm' +'zf_rmdir' '_rmdir' +'zfgrep' '_grep' +'zfs' '_zfs' +'zgetattr' '_zattr' +'zgrep' '_grep' +'zip' '_zip' +'zipinfo' '_zip' +'zle' '_zle' +'zlistattr' '_zattr' +'zln' '_zmv' +'zlogin' '_zlogin' +'zmail' '_mail' +'zmodload' '_zmodload' +'zmv' '_zmv' +'zone' '_hosts' +'zoneadm' '_zoneadm' +'zparseopts' '_zparseopts' +'zpool' '_zfs' +'zpty' '_zpty' +'zsetattr' '_zattr' +'zsh' '_zsh' +'zsh-mime-handler' '_zsh-mime-handler' +'zsocket' '_zsocket' +'zstat' '_stat' +'zstyle' '_zstyle' +'ztodo' '_ztodo' +'zun' '_openstack' +'zxpdf' '_xpdf' +'zypper' '_zypper' +) + +_services=( +'-redirect-,<,bunzip2' 'bunzip2' +'-redirect-,<,bzip2' 'bzip2' +'-redirect-,<,compress' 'compress' +'-redirect-,<,gunzip' 'gunzip' +'-redirect-,<,gzip' 'gzip' +'-redirect-,<,uncompress' 'uncompress' +'-redirect-,<,unxz' 'unxz' +'-redirect-,<,xz' 'xz' +'-redirect-,>,bzip2' 'bunzip2' +'-redirect-,>,compress' 'uncompress' +'-redirect-,>,gzip' 'gunzip' +'-redirect-,>,xz' 'unxz' +'Mail' 'mail' +'bzcat' 'bunzip2' +'dch' 'debchange' +'gchgrp' 'chgrp' +'gchown' 'chown' +'gnupod_INIT.pl' 'gnupod_INIT' +'gnupod_addsong.pl' 'gnupod_addsong' +'gnupod_check.pl' 'gnupod_check' +'gnupod_search.pl' 'gnupod_search' +'gpg2' 'gpg' +'gzcat' 'gunzip' +'iceweasel' 'firefox' +'lzcat' 'unxz' +'lzma' 'xz' +'mailx' 'mail' +'mktunes.pl' 'mktunes' +'nail' 'mail' +'ncl' 'nc' +'nedit-nc' 'nc' +'pcat' 'unpack' +'remsh' 'rsh' +'slogin' 'ssh' +'svnadmin-static' 'svnadmin' +'svnlite' 'svn' +'svnliteadmin' 'svnadmin' +'tunes2pod.pl' 'tunes2pod' +'unlzma' 'unxz' +'xelatex' 'latex' +'xetex' 'tex' +'xzcat' 'unxz' +'zf_chgrp' 'chgrp' +'zf_chown' 'chown' +) + +_patcomps=( +'*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' '_init_d' +) + +_postpatcomps=( +'(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' '_pbm' +'(ruby|[ei]rb)[0-9.]#' '_ruby' +'(texi(2*|ndex))' '_texi' +'(tiff*|*2tiff|pal2rgb)' '_tiff' +'*/X11(|R<4->)/*' '_x_arguments' +'-value-,(ftp|http(|s))_proxy,-default-' '_urls' +'-value-,*PATH,-default-' '_dir_list' +'-value-,*path,-default-' '_directories' +'-value-,LC_*,-default-' '_locales' +'-value-,RUBY(LIB|OPT|PATH),-default-' '_ruby' +'_*' '_compadd' +'c++-*' '_gcc' +'g++-*' '_gcc' +'gcc-*' '_gcc' +'gem[0-9.]#' '_gem' +'lua[0-9.-]##' '_lua' +'php[0-9.-]' '_php' +'pip[0-9.]#' '_pip' +'pydoc[0-9.]#' '_pydoc' +'python[0-9.]#' '_python' +'qemu(|-system-*)' '_qemu' +'shasum(|5).*' '_shasum' +'yodl(|2*)' '_yodl' +'zf*' '_zftp' +) + +_compautos=( +'_call_program' '+X' +) + +zle -C _bash_complete-word .complete-word _bash_completions +zle -C _bash_list-choices .list-choices _bash_completions +zle -C _complete_debug .complete-word _complete_debug +zle -C _complete_help .complete-word _complete_help +zle -C _complete_tag .complete-word _complete_tag +zle -C _correct_filename .complete-word _correct_filename +zle -C _correct_word .complete-word _correct_word +zle -C _expand_alias .complete-word _expand_alias +zle -C _expand_word .complete-word _expand_word +zle 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_all_labels _all_matches _alsa-utils _alternative \ + _analyseplugin _ansible _ant _antiword _apachectl \ + _apm _approximate _apt _apt-file _apt-move \ + _apt-show-versions _aptitude _arch_archives _arch_namespace _arg_compile \ + _arguments _arp _arping _arrays _asciidoctor \ + _asciinema _assign _at _attr _augeas \ + _auto-apt _autocd _avahi _awk _axi-cache \ + _base64 _basename _basenc _bash _bash_completions \ + _baudrates _baz _be_name _beadm _beep \ + _bibtex _bind_addresses _bindkey _bison _bittorrent \ + _bogofilter _bpf_filters _bpython _brace_parameter _brctl \ + _bsd_disks _bsd_pkg _bsdconfig _bsdinstall _btrfs \ + _bts _bug _builtin _bzip2 _bzr \ + _cabal _cache_invalid _caffeinate _cal _calendar \ + _call_function _canonical_paths _capabilities _cat _ccal \ + _cd _cdbs-edit-patch _cdcd _cdr _cdrdao \ + _cdrecord _chattr _chcon _chflags _chkconfig \ + _chmod _choom _chown _chroot _chrt \ + _chsh _cksum _clay _cmdambivalent _cmdstring \ + _cmp _code _column _combination _comm \ + _command _command_names _comp_locale _compadd _compdef \ + _complete _complete_debug _complete_help _complete_help_generic _complete_tag \ + _completers _composer _compress _condition _configure \ + _coreadm _correct _correct_filename _correct_word _cowsay \ + _cp _cpio _cplay _cpupower _crontab \ + _cryptsetup _cscope _csplit _cssh _csup \ + _ctags _ctags_tags _cu _curl _cut \ + _cvs _cvsup _cygcheck _cygpath _cygrunsrv \ + _cygserver _cygstart _dak _darcs _date \ + _date_formats _dates _dbus _dchroot _dchroot-dsa \ + _dconf _dcop _dcut _dd _deb_architectures \ + _deb_codenames _deb_files _deb_packages _debbugs_bugnumber _debchange \ + _debcheckout _debdiff _debfoster _deborphan _debsign \ + _debsnap _debuild _default _defaults _delimiters \ + _describe _description _devtodo _df _dhclient \ + _dhcpinfo _dict _dict_words _diff _diff3 \ + _diff_options _diffstat _dig _dir_list _directories \ + _directory_stack _dirs _disable _dispatch _django \ + _dkms _dladm _dlocate _dmesg _dmidecode \ + _dnf _dns_types _doas _domains _dos2unix \ + _dpatch-edit-patch _dpkg _dpkg-buildpackage _dpkg-cross _dpkg-repack \ + _dpkg_source _dput _drill _dropbox _dscverify \ + _dsh _dtrace _dtruss _du _dumpadm \ + _dumper _dupload _dvi _dynamic_directory_name _e2label \ + _ecasound _echotc _echoti _ed _elfdump \ + _elinks _email_addresses _emulate _enable _enscript \ + _entr _env _eog _equal _espeak \ + _etags _ethtool _evince _exec _expand \ + _expand_alias _expand_word _extensions _external_pwds _fakeroot \ + _fbsd_architectures _fbsd_device_types _fc _feh _fetch \ + _fetchmail _ffmpeg _figlet _file_descriptors _file_flags \ + _file_modes _file_systems _files _find _find_net_interfaces \ + _findmnt _finger _fink _first _flac \ + _flex _floppy _flowadm _fmadm _fmt \ + _fold _fortune _free _freebsd-update _fs_usage \ + _fsh _fstat _functions _fuse_arguments _fuse_values \ + _fuser _fusermount _fw_update _gcc _gcore \ + _gdb _geany _gem _generic _genisoimage \ + _getclip _getconf _getent _getfacl _getmail \ + _getopt _ghostscript _git _git-buildpackage _global \ + _global_tags _globflags _globqual_delims _globquals _gnome-gv \ + _gnu_generic _gnupod _gnutls _go _gpasswd \ + _gpg _gphoto2 _gprof _gqview _gradle \ + _graphicsmagick _grep _grep-excuses _groff _groups \ + _growisofs _gsettings _gstat _guard _guilt \ + _gv _gzip _hash _have_glob_qual _hdiutil \ + _head _hexdump _history _history_complete_word _history_modifiers \ + _host _hostname _hosts _htop _hwinfo \ + _iconv _iconvconfig _id _ifconfig _iftop \ + _ignored _imagemagick _in_vared _inetadm _init_d \ + _initctl _install _invoke-rc.d _ionice _iostat \ + _ip _ipadm _ipfw _ipsec _ipset \ + _iptables _irssi _ispell _iwconfig _jail \ + _jails _java _java_class _jexec _jls \ + _jobs _jobs_bg _jobs_builtin _jobs_fg _joe \ + _join _jot _jq _kdeconnect _kdump \ + _kfmclient _kill _killall _kld _knock \ + _kpartx _ktrace _ktrace_points _kvno _last \ + _ld_debug _ldap _ldconfig _ldd _less \ + _lha _libvirt _lighttpd _limit _limits \ + _links _lintian _list _list_files _lldb \ + _ln _loadkeys _locale _localedef _locales \ + _locate _logger _logical_volumes _login_classes _look \ + _losetup _lp _ls _lsattr _lsblk \ + _lscfg _lsdev _lslv _lsns _lsof \ + _lspv _lsusb _lsvg _ltrace _lua \ + _luarocks _lynx _lz4 _lzop _mac_applications \ + _mac_files_for_application _madison _mail _mailboxes _main_complete \ + _make _make-kpkg _man _mat _mat2 \ + _match _math _math_params _matlab _md5sum \ + _mdadm _mdfind _mdls _mdutil _members \ + _mencal _menu _mere _mergechanges _message \ + _mh _mii-tool _mime_types _mixerctl _mkdir \ + _mkfifo _mknod _mkshortcut _mktemp _mkzsh \ + _module _module-assistant _module_math_func _modutils _mondo \ + _monotone _moosic _mosh _most_recent_file _mount \ + _mozilla _mpc _mplayer _mt _mtools \ + _mtr _multi_parts _mupdf _mutt _mv \ + _my_accounts _myrepos _mysql_utils _mysqldiff _nautilus \ + _nbsd_architectures _ncftp _nedit _net_interfaces _netcat \ + _netscape _netstat _networkmanager _networksetup _newsgroups \ + _next_label _next_tags _nginx _ngrep _nice \ + _nkf _nl _nm _nmap _normal \ + _nothing _npm _nsenter _nslookup _numbers \ + _numfmt _nvram _objdump _object_classes _object_files \ + _obsd_architectures _od _okular _oldlist _open \ + _openstack _opkg _options _options_set _options_unset \ + _opustools _osascript _osc _other_accounts _otool \ + _pack _pandoc _parameter _parameters _paste \ + _patch _patchutils _path_commands _path_files _pax \ + _pbcopy _pbm _pbuilder _pdf _pdftk \ + _perf _perforce _perl _perl_basepods _perl_modules \ + _perldoc _pfctl _pfexec _pgids _pgrep \ + _php _physical_volumes _pick_variant _picocom _pidof \ + _pids _pine _ping _pip _piuparts \ + _pkg-config _pkg5 _pkg_instance _pkgadd _pkgin \ + _pkginfo _pkgrm _pkgtool _plutil _pmap \ + _pon _portaudit _portlint _portmaster _ports \ + _portsnap _postfix _postgresql _postscript _powerd \ + _pr _precommand _prefix _print _printenv \ + _printers _process_names _procstat _prompt _prove \ + _prstat _ps _ps1234 _pscp _pspdf \ + _psutils _ptree _ptx _pump _putclip \ + _pv _pwgen _pydoc _python _python_modules \ + _qdbus _qemu _qiv _qtplay _quilt \ + _rake _ranlib _rar _rcctl _rclone \ + _rcs _rdesktop _read _read_comp _readelf \ + _readlink _readshortcut _rebootin _redirect _regex_arguments \ + _regex_words _remote_files _renice _reprepro _requested \ + _retrieve_cache _retrieve_mac_apps _ri _rlogin _rm \ + _rmdir _route _routing_domains _routing_tables _rpm \ + _rrdtool _rsync _rubber _ruby _run-help \ + _runit _samba _savecore _say _sbuild \ + _sc_usage _sccs _sched _schedtool _schroot \ + _scl _scons _screen _script _scselect \ + _scutil _seafile _sed _selinux_contexts _selinux_roles \ + _selinux_types _selinux_users _sep_parts _seq _sequence \ + _service _services _set _set_command _setfacl \ + _setopt _setpriv _setsid _setup _setxkbmap \ + _sh _shasum _showmount _shred _shuf \ + _shutdown _signals _signify _sisu _slabtop \ + _slrn _smartmontools _smit _snoop _socket \ + _sockstat _softwareupdate _sort _source _spamassassin \ + _split _sqlite _sqsh _ss _ssh \ + _ssh_hosts _sshfs _stat _stdbuf _stgit \ + _store_cache _stow _strace _strftime _strings \ + _strip _stty _su _sub_commands _sublimetext \ + _subscript _subversion _sudo _suffix_alias_files _surfraw \ + _svcadm _svccfg _svcprop _svcs _svcs_fmri \ + _svn-buildpackage _sw_vers _swaks _swanctl _swift \ + _sys_calls _sysclean _sysctl _sysmerge _syspatch \ + _sysrc _sysstat _systat _system_profiler _sysupgrade \ + _tac _tags _tail _tar _tar_archive \ + _tardy _tcpdump _tcpsys _tcptraceroute _tee \ + _telnet _terminals _tex _texi _texinfo \ + _tidy _tiff _tilde _tilde_files _time_zone \ + _timeout _tin _tla _tload _tmux \ + _todo.sh _toilet _toolchain-source _top _topgit \ + _totd _touch _tpb _tput _tr \ + _tracepath _transmission _trap _trash _tree \ + _truncate _truss _tty _ttyctl _ttys \ + _tune2fs _twidge _twisted _typeset _ulimit \ + _uml _umountable _unace _uname _unexpand \ + _unhash _uniq _unison _units _unshare \ + _update-alternatives _update-rc.d _uptime _urls _urpmi \ + _urxvt _usbconfig _uscan _user_admin _user_at_host \ + _user_expand _user_math_func _users _users_on _valgrind \ + _value _values _vared _vars _vcs_info \ + _vcs_info_hooks _vi _vim _vim-addons _visudo \ + _vmctl _vmstat _vnc _volume_groups _vorbis \ + _vpnc _vserver _w _w3m _wait \ + _wajig _wakeup_capable_devices _wanna-build _wanted _watch \ + _watch-snoop _wc _webbrowser _wget _whereis \ + _which _who _whois _widgets _wiggle \ + _wipefs _wpa_cli _x_arguments _x_borderwidth _x_color \ + _x_colormapid _x_cursor _x_display _x_extension _x_font \ + _x_geometry _x_keysym _x_locale _x_modifier _x_name \ + _x_resource _x_selection_timeout _x_title _x_utils _x_visual \ + _x_window _xargs _xauth _xautolock _xclip \ + _xcode-select _xdvi _xfig _xft_fonts _xinput \ + _xloadimage _xmlsoft _xmlstarlet _xmms2 _xmodmap \ + _xournal _xpdf _xrandr _xscreensaver _xset \ + _xt_arguments _xt_session_id _xterm _xv _xwit \ + _xxd _xz _yafc _yast _yodl \ + _yp _yum _zargs _zattr _zcalc \ + _zcalc_line _zcat _zcompile _zdump _zeal \ + _zed _zfs _zfs_dataset _zfs_pool _zftp \ + _zip _zle _zlogin _zmodload _zmv \ + _zoneadm _zones _zparseopts _zpty _zsh \ + _zsh-mime-handler _zsocket _zstyle _ztodo _zypper +autoload -Uz +X _call_program + +typeset -gUa _comp_assocs +_comp_assocs=( '' ) + +#omz revision: e11d81303753b0fefbc50ce10ec4612c7ff33e84 +#omz fpath: /Users/clement/.dotfiles/zsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/git /Users/clement/.dotfiles/zsh/ohmyzsh/functions /Users/clement/.dotfiles/zsh/ohmyzsh/completions /Users/clement/.dotfiles/zsh/ohmyzsh/cache/completions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.9/functions diff --git a/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9.zwc b/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9.zwc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a01b235 Binary files /dev/null and b/zsh/.zcompdump-CBE-5.9.zwc differ diff --git a/zsh/.zsh_history 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+ls +git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git $ZDOTDIR/powerlevel10k +ls +echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' .zshrc +cat .zshrc +touch .zshrc +echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >> .zshrc +cat .zshrc +source .zshrc +nvim .zshrc +source .zshrc +ls +cd $ZDOTDIR +ls +git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git $ZDOTDIR/powerlevel10k +ls +echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' .zshrc +cat .zshrc +touch .zshrc +echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >> .zshrc +cat .zshrc +source .zshrc +nvim .zshrc +source .zshrc + +cd $ZDOTDIR +ls +nvim terafox_iterm.itermcolors +nvim +vim +brew list +source .zshrc +ls +cat .zshrc +cd +ls +ls -la +source .zprofile +brew list +cd $ZDOTDIR +nvim terafox_iterm.itermcolors +exec zsh +ls +brew install tmux +cat .zprofile +vim .zshenv +source .zshenv +brew list +git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ./plugins/tpm +ls +nvim tmux.conf f +tmux source tmux.conf +s +ls +nvim tmux.conf +tmux source tmux.conf +nvim tmux.conf +\:q +cd .. +cd +cd .config +ls +ls -a +cd +cd $DOTFILES +cd $ZDOTDIR +ls +nvim .zshrc +zshreload +cd $DOTFILES +cd +ls -a +find .dotfiles +cd $ZDOTDIR +ls +nvim .zshrc +zshreload +cd $DOTFILES +ln -s tmux/ ~/.config/tmux +ls +cd +cd .config +ls +cd $DOTFILES +cd tmux +tmux source tmux.conf +exec zsh +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir nvim +cd nvim +nvim . +touch init.lua +nvim . +mkdir lua +cd lua +mkdir bertaux +mkdir after +mkdir plugins +ls +mv plugins plugin +ls +rm -r after +rm -r plugin +ls +cd .. +ls +mkdir -p after/plugin +mkdir plugin +tree +nvim . +nvim . +nvim . +source init.lua +nvim . +source init.lua +cd .. +ls +cd zsh +nvim .zshrc +zshreload +cd .. +cd nvim +vim . +vim . +cd .. +ln -s nvim/ ~/.config/nvim +nvim +nvim nvim +nvim nvim +cd nvim +nvim . +cd +ls .config/nvim +cd .config +ls +ls -a +ls -la +cd .. +ln -s $DOTFILES/nvim .config/nvim +rm -r .config/nvim +ln -s $DOTFILES/nvim .config/nvim +ls -la +cd .config +ls -la +ls +rm -r nvim +cd .. +echo $DOTFILES +cd $ZDOTDIR +nvim .zshrc +zshreload +cd +ln -s $DOTFILES/nvim .config/nvim +nvim +rm -r .config/tmux +ln -s $DOTFILES/tmux .config/tmux +cd .dotfiles +cd tmux +cd .. +cd nvim +nvim . +nvim . +nvim . +echo $TERM +tmux info | grep Tc +tmux info +echo $TERM +cd .. +cd nvim +nvim . +which python +which python3 +nvim . +python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pynvim\ + +nvim . +cd .. +cd tmux +nvim . +tmux source-file tmux.terafox.theme +tmux kill-server +nvim . +nvim . +\:q +tmux source-file tmux.conf +ls +nvim . +rm -r plugins +nvim . +ls +echo $DOTFILES +nvim . +tmux source-file tmux.conf +ls -a +ls -la +dirname +dirname tmux. +dirname tmux +readlink -f tmux.terafox.theme +readlink -f tmux.terafox.theme |ƒpbcopy +readlink -f tmux.terafox.theme | pbcopy +nvim . +nvim . +nvim . +cd .. +cd nvim +nvim . +brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting +echo "source /usr/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" >> $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc +exec zsh +brew search deezer +brew install deezer +brew search signal +brew install signal +brew list +cd $ZDOTDIR +ls +source .zshrc +ls +brew list +cd .. +cd zsh +nvim .zshrc +source .zshrc +nvim .zshrc +source .zshrc +zshreload +nvim .zshrc +zshreload +zshreload +cd .. +tmux +brew install tmux +mkdir tmux +ls +cd tmux +nvim tmux.conf +nvim tmux.conf +source tmux.conf +sourcefile tmux.conf +nvim tmux.conf +source-file tmux.conf +tmux +zshreload +tmux +echo $TERM +nvim . +tmux +tmux +tmux +tmux +tmux +tmux diff --git a/zsh/.zsh_sessions/8FD05C3F-2112-4ED3-896B-C774BCFDFEC9.session b/zsh/.zsh_sessions/8FD05C3F-2112-4ED3-896B-C774BCFDFEC9.session new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f3070b --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/.zsh_sessions/8FD05C3F-2112-4ED3-896B-C774BCFDFEC9.session @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +echo Restored session: "$(/bin/date -r 1700933158)" diff --git a/zsh/.zsh_sessions/_expiration_check_timestamp b/zsh/.zsh_sessions/_expiration_check_timestamp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/zsh/.zshrc b/zsh/.zshrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c69b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/.zshrc @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.dotfiles/zsh/.zshrc. +# Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n] +# confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below. +if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then + source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" +fi + +source $ZDOTDIR/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme + +# To customize prompt, run `p10k configure` or edit ~/.dotfiles/zsh/.p10k.zsh. +[[ ! -f ~/.dotfiles/zsh/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.dotfiles/zsh/.p10k.zsh + +# Aliases +alias vim="nvim" +alias ls="ls --color=auto" +alias zshreload="source $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc && echo 'sourced .zshrc'" + +# Exports +export DOTFILES="$HOME/.dotfiles" +source /opt/homebrew/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh diff --git a/zsh/README.md b/zsh/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb7047c --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Moving all zsh files away from $HOME + +Let's say you want to use ~/.dotfiles/zsh as your home. + +* First, set the ZDOTDIR variable: export ZDOTDIR=~/.dotfiles/zsh + +* Next, make sure ZDOTDIR exists with this command: mkdir -p $ZDOTDIR + +* Then, move the following files and directories: mv ~/.zsh* $ZDOTDIR; mv ~/.zlogin $ZDOTDIR + +* You can move .oh-my-zsh too (mv ~/.oh-my-zsh $ZDOTDIR), but you need to change your .zshrc to set your ZSH variable to the new location ZSH=$ZDOTDIR/.oh-my-zsh + +* While you're editing your .zshrc, set your new history file location AFTER your source Oh-My-Zsh: HISTFILE=$ZDOTDIR/.zsh_history + +* Now, here's the important part. You need to have one file, .zshenv, in your home directory to set your ZDOTDIR for future sessions. That file should have one line: +` export ZDOTDIR=~/.config/zsh; [ -f $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv ] && . $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv ` + +*(Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/zsh/comments/wycqlq/move_config_files_away_from_home/)* + diff --git a/zsh/powerlevel10k b/zsh/powerlevel10k new file mode 160000 index 0000000..174ce9b --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/powerlevel10k @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 174ce9bf0166c657404a21f4dc9608da935f7325 diff --git a/zsh/terafox_iterm.itermcolors b/zsh/terafox_iterm.itermcolors new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a4bab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/zsh/terafox_iterm.itermcolors @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ + + + + + + + + Ansi 0 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.22352941176471 + Green Component + 0.19607843137255 + Red Component + 0.1843137254902 + + Ansi 1 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.31764705882353 + Green Component + 0.36078431372549 + Red Component + 0.90980392156863 + + Ansi 10 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.68627450980392 + Green Component + 0.69803921568627 + Red Component + 0.55686274509804 + + Ansi 11 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.57254901960784 + Green Component + 0.69803921568627 + Red Component + 0.9921568627451 + + Ansi 12 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.71764705882353 + Green Component + 0.63921568627451 + Red Component + 0.45098039215686 + + Ansi 13 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.56470588235294 + Green Component + 0.45490196078431 + Red Component + 0.72549019607843 + + Ansi 14 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.87058823529412 + Green Component + 0.83137254901961 + Red Component + 0.68627450980392 + + Ansi 15 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.93333333333333 + Green Component + 0.93333333333333 + Red Component + 0.93333333333333 + + Ansi 2 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.63137254901961 + Green Component + 0.64313725490196 + Red Component + 0.47843137254902 + + Ansi 3 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.49803921568627 + Green Component + 0.64313725490196 + Red Component + 0.9921568627451 + + Ansi 4 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.66666666666667 + Green Component + 0.57647058823529 + Red Component + 0.35294117647059 + + Ansi 5 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.48627450980392 + Green Component + 0.36078431372549 + Red Component + 0.67843137254902 + + Ansi 6 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.84705882352941 + Green Component + 0.80392156862745 + Red Component + 0.63137254901961 + + Ansi 7 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.92156862745098 + Green Component + 0.92156862745098 + Red Component + 0.92156862745098 + + Ansi 8 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.34117647058824 + Green Component + 0.31764705882353 + Red Component + 0.30588235294118 + + Ansi 9 Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.41960784313725 + Green Component + 0.45490196078431 + Red Component + 0.92156862745098 + + Background Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.15686274509804 + Green Component + 0.14509803921569 + Red Component + 0.082352941176471 + + Bold Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.91764705882353 + Green Component + 0.91764705882353 + Red Component + 0.90196078431373 + + Cursor Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.91764705882353 + Green Component + 0.91764705882353 + Red Component + 0.90196078431373 + + Cursor Text Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.15686274509804 + Green Component + 0.14509803921569 + Red Component + 0.082352941176471 + + Foreground Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.91764705882353 + Green Component + 0.91764705882353 + Red Component + 0.90196078431373 + + Selected Text Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.91764705882353 + Green Component + 0.91764705882353 + Red Component + 0.90196078431373 + + Selection Color + + Color Space + sRGB + Blue Component + 0.25098039215686 + Green Component + 0.24313725490196 + Red Component + 0.16078431372549 + + +