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This branch is 2285 commits behind jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot:master.


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Apr 3, 2019
Apr 5, 2019
Apr 17, 2019
Aug 7, 2019
Oct 23, 2013
Jun 5, 2019
Apr 11, 2019
Jun 5, 2019
Mar 21, 2019
May 10, 2019
Oct 12, 2016


JSK original ROS package for NAO and Pepper. The package name comes from Naoqi OS they use.

How to start up ROS nodes for a naoqi robot?

Your PC becomes ROS master. Your PC connects to a naoqi robot and starts up ROS nodes (jsk_nao_startup.launch and jsk_pepper_startup.launch).
You can control NAO and Pepper via roseus (naoeus and peppereus). For more information about these programs, please refer to here for NAO and here for Pepper.

How to turn on/off a naoqi robot?

  • On

Please refer to NAO's page and Pepper's page.

  • Off

Please refer to NAO's page and Pepper's page.

  • Disable AutonomousLife

Naoqi robot has AutonomousLife in addition to a normal concept of servo on and off.

When you're a developer, you'll want to disable AutonomousLife (it includes servo off) and servo on a robot to try codes you write.

If you want to know how to disable it, please refer to using a chest button. Link is for Pepper, but same as NAO.

Or please refer to using ROS service.

How to connect your PC and a robot to a same network?

  • Network with DHCP

To connect NAO and Pepper to wifi for the first time, please refer to here.

  • Network without DHCP (link-local addressing)

Please refer to here.

[2019.03.01: Trouble shooting]

When you connect Pepper and your PC via network without DHCP, power on Pepper and launch Setting from Pepper's tablet, setting wizard sometimes becomes zombie process. You may not exit Setting as described here, which causes a failure of AutonomousLife setting.

[ERROR] [1550641271.575637]: Exception while disabling life state: ALAutonomousLife::setState AutonomousLife::setState Calls to the setState method are not currently allowed. Did you finish the getting started wizard?

If this happens, please connect Pepper to network with DHCP and exit Setting.

Setup Environment

% First, you need to install ros. For ros kinetic, please refer to install guide like here

  1. Install Python NAOqi SDK You can download it from here. (You may need an account.)
    Please unzip the downloaded file.
    Please create pynaoqi folder in your home directory.
    Then put the file under your pynaoqi folder.

  2. Export environment variables in your .bashrc

# Python NAOqi SDK version >= 2.5.5
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/pynaoqi/pynaoqi-python2.7-$PYTHONPATH

# Python NAOqi SDK version < 2.5.5
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/pynaoqi/<your Python SDK package name>:$PYTHONPATH

export NAO_IP="" % OR IP address like ""
export ROS_IP="133.11.216.yyy" % OR run rossetip command to set ROS_IP

% in naoqi_pose package imports NaoqiNode from in naoqi_driver_py package.

% imports ALProxy from

% is located under pynaoqi-python2.7-

% NAO_IP is IP address of Pepper. Pepper tells you their address when pushing their belly button.

% Please install ros-kinetic-jsk-tools to use rossetip command.

  1. Install ROS packages for NAO and Pepper
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd  catkin_ws
wstool init src
wstool merge -t src
wstool update -t src
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src

Then, please install Nao/ Pepper mesh files from deb with manual approval of license.

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pepper-meshes
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-nao-meshes

If you have ROS kinetic, please use naoqi_dashboard (kochigami-develop).
This includes Important PR for ROS kinetic.

cd  catkin_ws/src
wstool set naoqi_dashboard --git
wstool update naoqi_dashboard
cd naoqi_dashboard
git remote add kochigami
git fetch kochigami
git checkout -b modify-for-kinetic kochigami/kochigami-develop

Finally, please compile them.

catkin build --continue-on-failure
source devel/setup.bash

% Inside jsk_robot package, there are many packages which are not required for jsk_naoqi_robot. If we fail to compile them, building process might stop and jsk_naoqi_robot packages might not be compiled. We might need to continue compiling (catkin build --continue-on-failure) in that case.

  1. (optional) For NAO and Pepper developers

Please add following source codes which you need for debugging.

cd  catkin_ws/src
wstool set nao_robot --git
wstool set pepper_robot --git
wstool set naoqi_driver --git
wstool set naoqi_bridge --git
wstool set naoqi_bridge_msgs --git
wstool set naoqi_dashboard --git

Interface when controlling NAO and Pepper via roseus

Common methods for NAO and Pepper are defined in naoqieus/naoqi-interface.l. NAO-specific methods are defined in naoeus/nao-interface.l. Pepper-specific methods are defined in peppereus/pepper-interface.l. For further details about each method, please refer to naoqieus, naoeus, and peppereus respectively.
For some methods, they require specific branch (kochigami-develop) because they are not merged into master. If you need this, please change your branch of naoqi_driver, naoqi_bridge and naoqi_bridge_msgs as follows:

cd catkin_ws/src
wstool set naoqi_driver --git
wstool update naoqi_driver
cd naoqi_driver
git remote add kochigami
git fetch kochigami
git checkout -b kochigami-develop kochigami/kochigami-develop

cd .. # catkin_ws/src
wstool set naoqi_bridge --git
wstool update naoqi_bridge
cd naoqi_bridge
git remote add kochigami
git fetch kochigami
git checkout -b kochigami-develop kochigami/kochigami-develop

cd .. # catkin_ws/src
wstool set naoqi_bridge_msgs --git
wstool update naoqi_bridge_msgs
cd naoqi_bridge_msgs
git remote add kochigami
git fetch kochigami
git checkout -b kochigami-develop kochigami/kochigami-develop

In addition, if you have ROS kinetic, please fetch the source of nao_interaction (master branch) for the time being (related issue).

cd .. # catkin_ws/src
wstool set nao_interaction --git
wstool update nao_interaction

NAO & Pepper


  • common interface package for controlling NAO and Pepper via roseus

To connect NAO and Pepper to wifi, please refer to here.

To control multiple robots in one PC, please refer to here.

To control NAO and Pepper via gazebo simulator and roseus, please refer to here.



  • contains ROS launch files for NAO


  • package for controlling NAO via roseus



  • contains ROS launch files for Pepper


  • package for controlling Pepper via roseus


  • demo package which Pepper introduces themselves