- Fixed for recent changes to chess.com stylesheets.
- Fixed for world championship games.
- Fixed support for archived games against computers.
- Fixed for change to chess.com download button.
- Fixed for change to chess.com download button.
- Chrome manifest v3 does not support jQuery calls from background. Refactored.
- Fixed chessgames.com support which now requires https.
- Migrated to Chrome manifest v3. (Thanks russelldavis!)
- Improved support for chesstempo.com.
- Prevented chess.com analysis from being sent to lichess. (Thanks russelldavis!)
- Fixed for chess.com with download button (Thanks guidezpl!)
- Fixed for chess.com daily games
- Now works from chess.com event pages
- Fixed for chess.com analysis pages. (Thanks Johannes!)
- Upgraded to jQuery 3.5.1.
- Now works from the chess.com analysis pages.
- Updated for recent changes to chess.com. (Thanks danickfort!)
- Fixed problems related to url changes in chess.com and chesstempo.com.
- Support for the new url format on chess.com. (Thanks mhssmnn!)
- Updated for recent changes to chess.com.
- Updated for recent changes to chess.com.
- Workaround for chess.com bug where the 'result' field in the pgn is not updated after a player times out.
- Support for games from chessgames.com, chess-db.com and chesstempo.com.
- Improved manifest to limit permissions as much as possible.
- Icon now becomes enabled only when there is a valid game to analyse.
- Improved colour of icon so that it is clear when it is available.
- Fixed for immediately finished live games.
- Updated for recent changes to chess.com. Calls are now async. (Thanks 0ddFell0w!)
- Added support for analysis of daily games.
- Updated for recent changes to Lichess import page.
- Link was not working immediately from live games.
- Upgraded to jQuery 3.3.1.
- Fixed broken link when analysing after game has finished.
- Now works from live analysis board (urls with 'live#a=1234567').
- Print-friendly PDF has been removed to a separate extension (Lichess Print-friendly PDF)[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lichess-print-friendly-pd/goijhimgdjppmhmjkaglhggoapkgobfg].
- Print-friendly PDF export now uses AWS lambda.
- Games lost on time were not being detected as such during lichess import.
- Added support for 'Print-friendly PDF export' which was removed from lichess in November 2016.
- Fixed support for analysing live games.
- 'Export to PDF' from lichess was not correctly determining the winner owing to an anomaly in the chess.com pgn.
- Fixed css name clash.
- Analyse any live game! (in v3).
- Fixes to support chess.com changes in v3.
- Improved method of pgn retrieval in v3. Much smoother transition.
- Warning message is displayed when the game is still in progress.
- Fixed to support https changes on lichess.org.
- Improved reliability of toggling 'computer analysis' before submitting pgn to lichess.
- Fixed since chess.com change to 'switch to old chess.com' which now requires POST.