Group Member Name | GitHub Username (GitHub URL) |
Zikun Fu | ZikunFu |
Chen Yang | ChenYang-OTU |
Chen Yang | xsyyyccc |
Yanguang Yang | Yanguang-Yang |
Note: Chen Yang participates with "ChenYang-OTU" and commits and pushes code as "xsyyyccc"
GoMoKu Game is a strategy board game. It is played on Go pieces (black and white) on the Go board. The victory condition are defined by "if 5 go pieces are in the same row/ column/diagonal". In this final project we made, we achieved all the conditions that a game should have including rank, profile, changing and saving password, login, register, and guide linked to youtube videos with api.
- YouTube API Integration
- Implemented in Guide page
- See the following PDF:
Our database is hosted on cloud MongoDB Atlas
Exsisting Sample data in database:
_id | username | password | win | loss | createdAt | updatedAt |
62608e60fc8173653c310382 | xsyyyccc | jas8324938 | 1 | 0 | 2022-04-20T22:51:12.043Z | 2022-04-20T22:51:12.043Z |
6260930097841aa337b91673 | mikeJ | MiK000111 | 6 | 3 | 2022-04-20T23:10:56.302Z | 2022-04-20T23:10:56.302Z |
6266f362b2f043414b59e3e8 | FuZiKun | 123456 | 4 | 0 | 2022-04-25T19:15:46.375Z | 2022-04-27T13:56:12.768Z |
6266fab52e2d78729fd2a387 | 1 | 123 | 20 | 0 | 2022-04-25T19:47:01.471Z | 2022-04-27T15:19:09.413Z |
62694c94fe9cfb660ed8a1de | Cypher | 457597152 | 7 | 3 | 2022-04-27T14:00:52.416Z | 2022-04-27T14:00:52.416Z |
62694cb2b9ab666295ed4143 | Reyna | 775348114 | 10 | 9 | 2022-04-27T14:01:22.460Z | 2022-04-27T14:01:22.460Z |
62694ccca0747a2d7ab96791 | Chris | 125874 | 16 | 1 | 2022-04-27T14:01:48.013Z | 2022-04-27T14:01:48.013Z |
62695d9e592f35615d0e99e8 | testuser | testuser | 0 | 0 | 2022-04-27T15:13:34.052Z | 2022-04-27T15:13:34.052Z |
62695e2a44c950cfcd88482d | test2 | test | 0 | 0 | 2022-04-27T15:15:54.729Z | 2022-04-27T15:15:54.729Z |
The following function make addition to the database
app.get('/add-info', (req,res)=>{
const info = new Info({
username: 'mikeJ',
password: 'MiK000111',
win: 6,
loss: 3
This debug page shows all content in the database
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongoose
- running cmd and type
npm install express -g
npm install mongoose -g
- open cmd and type following command line to to visit the folder you pulled from github
cd "your local path"\WebDev-FinalProject
- in the cmd then type
node app.js
- you can get following result
Server Started(Port=...)
mangoDB connected
- port is set to your system ENVS variable
- You should Register/Login before accessing the Game and Profile page
- However, Guide/Rank page do not require Login
- Fill your Go(white piece or Black piece) pieces. Win condition is to fill 5 consecutive peices in a row or column or diagonal
- You can change the difficulty and other settings for the game in game page
- Your win and loss will be recorded and saved into the database, you could see al user information in the profile page
- If you want to know what place you are you could go check Rank, it shows the Top Three placements all player scores
Contributors names and contact info
- Chen Yang [email protected]
- Zikun Fu [email protected]
- Yanguang Yang [email protected]