Useful Links:
Exam Tips:
- Deployment Types - Image baking vs Bootstrapping:
- A flexible deployment of EC2? AMI baking is not the way to go.
- Need to deploy something at a certain speed?
- If using bootstrapping, additional processing time is added.
- Gain flexibility but lose speed.
- Autoscaling Groups:
- Know the dividing line between launch configurations and ASG.
- ASG:
- Where and when to deploy instances.
- MIN, MAX, Desired.
- Has built-in health check.
- Launch configuration (Legacy):
- What to deploy:
- Instance type.
- Specify on-demand or spot.
- Can enable detailed monitoring.
- Security groups.
- Key pairs.
- Immutable, can create but not edit!
- Any changes require a new launch configuration and then change the association in the ASG.
- What to deploy:
- Launch templates:
- Very similar to launch configuration.
- Allow template versioning.
- Multi-AZ Implementations:
- Be sure to plan placement based on requirements.
- Understand nominal instances required.
- May not be able to accept lost availability zones.
- Make sure you can cope with a failure by using the least amount of buffer infrastructure.
- Deployment Types - Image baking vs Bootstrapping: