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Using Expo for web in a react-native init project

This is a preview and subject to breaking changes. Do not use this in production yet.

Here is how to use Unimodules in a project bootstrapped with react-native-cli

  • Install React Native for Web and React DOM: yarn add react-native-web react-dom

  • Create index.web.js

    import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
    import App from './App';
    import { name as appName } from './app.json';
    AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
    AppRegistry.runApplication(appName, {
      rootTag: document.getElementById('root'),
  • Add the following to your app.json:

        "name": "reactnativeinitdemo",
        "displayName": "React Native init web demo",
    +    "expo": {
    +        "platforms": ["web"]
    +    }
  • Install the expo-cli with npm i -g expo-cli

  • Start the project with expo start --web

    • You may want to add .expo to your .gitignore.
    • (--web) will automatically open the web page in your browser.
    • Expo will only start the webpack dev server (and not metro) because "web" is the only platform defined in "platforms".
    • You can prevent the debug screen from opening with: --non-interactive
    • Toggle the production environment variable with --no-dev. This will persist commands so remember to turn it off with --dev.

💙 Using Unimodules in Web

Now you can install cross-platform Unimodules like Camera, Sensors, Permissions, ect...

  • First add the core dependencies: yarn add @unimodules/core @unimodules/react-native-adapter
    • The treeshaking in babel-preset-expo can remove most of this based on usage 🤓
  • Now install any of the Unimodules: yarn add expo-camera

More Expo Functionality

Expo web support was designed to use as much or as little of the Expo SDK as you want. Here are some optional Expo features you can add (All of which are in expo init by default).

Babel Preset

babel-preset-expo extends @babel/preset-env on web and is what we use to test and build web Unimodules. It won't compile your modules to core.js, meaning that you get optimal treeshaking and dead code elimination.

  • Install: yarn add -D babel-preset-expo
  • Change the babel preset in babel.config.js
    module.exports = {
    -   presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset']
    +   presets: ['babel-preset-expo']

App Entry

Expo AppEntry has built in support for error boundary in dev mode. In the future Notifications and Splash Screen features may be added as well. At the moment AppEntry is a part of expo, but when used with babel-preset-expo you can shake almost everything you aren't using (There is a very small logging sideEffect that isn't shaken in this beta release 😅). This means if you only import AppEntry, then things like Constants, and Camera will be completely removed during the production build!

  • Install: yarn add expo
    • You may also want to install the expo fork of react-native, it's something like: "react-native": "", notice that the Expo version is defined in the URL.
  • Change the main field in package.json
    -   "main": "index",
    +   "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js",
  • Delete the index.js and index.web.js because AppEntry uses the App.js file in your root directory as the main component.
    • You don't need to invoke ReactDOM.render or AppRegistry.registerComponent because AppEntry will do this for you.

Consider that this means your native app will also use the Expo AppEntry. You can avoid this by re-exporting node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js from your index.web.js, and leaving the main assigned to index.

PWA Config

Very undocumented in beta

Configuring the app.json

The PWA manifest can share almost all of the data from your native app when you configure it through the expo field of the app.json. For instance assigning up the expo.icon will auto generate the correct icons for usage on all platforms that accept PWAs. Splash screens can be generated for the correct expo.orientation and tablets with expo.supportsTablet. Even the "Native App Install Banners" can be generated when the expo.ios or fields are populated.