Once more, with feeling! (Yes, this is a Buffy reference)
identifiers x, y
• is a special empty identifier
struct names S
naturals n ∈ ℕ
concrete fractions ƒ ::= n | ƒ / ƒ | ƒ + ƒ
immediate path Π ::= x | n
paths π ::= ε | Π | Π.π ;; π is (Π(.Π)*)?
mutability μ ::= imm | mut
kinds κ ::= ★ | RGN | FRAC | ID
type variables ς ::= α -- by convention, of kind ★
| ϱ -- by convention, of kind RGN
| ζ -- by convention, of kind FRAC
| χ -- by convention, of kind ID
base types bt ::= bool | u32
primitives prim ::= true | false | n
region types r ::= ϱ -- region variables
| ρ -- concrete regions
identifier type ι ::= χ -- identifer variables
| x -- concrete identifiers
fraction types f ::= ζ -- fraction variables
| ƒ -- concrete fractions
types τ ::= ς
;; weirdly-kinded types
| r | ι | f
;; ★-kind types
| bt
| &r f^ι τ -- fraction f of τ-value in region r aliased from ι
| &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n → τ_ret -- ordinary closure
| &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ↝ τ_ret -- move closure
| unit
| τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n
| ∀ς: κ. τ
| S
expressions e ::= prim
| x
| alloc e
| borrow μ x.π -- Rust syntax: &μ x / &μ x.π
| drop x
| let μ x: τ = e_1 in e_2
| |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
| move |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
| e_1 e_2
| ()
| let () = e_1 in e_2
| (e_1, ..., e_n)
| let (μ_1 x_1, ..., μ_n x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = e_1 in e_2
| S { x_1: e_1, ..., x_n: e_n }
| S(e_1, ..., e_n)
| Λς: κ. e
| e [τ]
| e.Π
type environments Γ ::= • | Γ, x ↦ stk τ r f ι
kind environments Δ ::= • | Δ, ς : κ
data environments Σ ::= •
| Σ, struct S<α_1, ..., α_n> { x_1: τ_1, ..., x_n: τ_n }
| Σ, struct S<α_1, ..., α_n>(τ_1, ..., τ_n)
region environments Ρ ::= • | Ρ, ρ : τ
Shorthand: ∀α. τ ≝ ∀α:★. τ
and Λα. e ≝ Λα:★. e
Shorthand: &r f τ ≝ &r f^• τ
Judgment: Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : τ ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Meaning: In a data environment Σ, kind environment Δ, region environment Ρ and type environment Γ,
expression e has type τ and produces the updated environments Ρ' and Γ'.
------------------------------------------------------------- T-Id
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ, x ↦ stk τ r f ι ⊢ x : τ ⇒ Ρ; Γ, x ↦ stk τ r f ι
fresh ρ
Σ; Δ; Γ ⊢ e : τ
---------------------------------------------- T-Alloc
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ alloc e : &ρ 1 τ • ⇒ Ρ, ρ : τ; Γ
Γ(x) = stk τ r f ι
f ≠ 0
f / 2 ↓ f_n
Σ; τ ⊢ π : τ_π
------------------------------------------------------------------- T-BorrowImm
Σ; Δ; Γ ⊢ borrow imm x.π : &r f_n^x τ_π ⇒ Γ, x ↦ stk τ r f_n ι
Γ(x) = stk τ r 1 ι
Σ; τ ⊢ π : τ_π
--------------------------------------------------------------- T-BorrowMut
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ borrow mut x : &r 1^x τ_π ⇒ Ρ; Γ, x ↦ stk τ r 0 ι
Γ(x_s) = stk τ_s r f_s ι
f + f_s ↓ f_n
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-Drop
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ, x ↦ stk τ r f x_s ⊢ drop x : unit ⇒ Ρ; Γ, x_s ↦ stk τ_s r f_n ι
---------------------------------------------------------- T-Free
Σ; Δ; Ρ, ρ : τ; Γ, x ↦ stk τ ρ 1 • ⊢ drop x : unit ⇒ Ρ; Γ
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
f_1 ≠ 0
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1, x ↦ stk τ_1 r_1 f_1 ι_1 ⊢ e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Γ_2(x) = stk τ_2 r_2 f_2 x_s
Γ_2(x_s) = stk τ_s r_2 f_s ι_s
f_2 + f_s ↓ f_n
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-LetImm
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ let imm x: τ_1 = e_1 in e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2, x_s ↦ stk τ_s r_2 f_n ι_s
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r_1 1^ι_1 τ_1 ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1, x ↦ stk τ_1 r_1 1 ι_1 ⊢ e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Γ_2(x) = stk τ_2 r_2 0 x_s
Γ_2(x_s) = stk τ_s r_2 1 ι_s
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-LetMut
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ let mut x: τ_1 = e_1 in e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2, x_s ↦ stk τ_s r_2 1 ι_s
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ, x_1 ↦ stk τ_1 r_1 f_1 ι_1,
x_n ↦ stk τ_n r_n f_n ι_n
⊢ e : τ_ret ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
-------------------------------------------------------------------- T-Closure
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n → τ_ret
⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Γ_1 ⊡ Γ_2 ⇝ Γ
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ_1, x_1 ↦ stk τ_1 r_1 f_1 ι_1,
x_n ↦ stk τ_n r_n f_n ι_n
⊢ e : τ_ret ⇒ Ρ'; Γ_ignored
------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-MoveClosure
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ move |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ↝ τ_ret
⇒ Ρ'; Γ_2
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n → τ_ret ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1 ⊢ e_2 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-App
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 e_2 : τ_ret ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ⇝ τ_ret ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1 ⊢ e_2 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-MoveApp
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 e_2 : τ_ret ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
--------------------------------- T-True
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ true : bool ⇒ Ρ; Γ
---------------------------------- T-False
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ false : bool ⇒ Ρ; Γ
----------------------------- T-u32
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ n : u32 ⇒ Ρ; Γ
------------------------------- T-Unit
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ () : unit ⇒ Ρ; Γ
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : unit ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1 ⊢ e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
-------------------------------------------------- T-LetUnit
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ let () = e_1 in e_2 : τ_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : τ_1 ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_n-1; Γ_n-1 ⊢ e_n : τ_n ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
----------------------------------------------------------- T-Tup
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ (e_1, ..., e_n) : τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r f^ι (τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n) ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
f ≠ 0
f / n ↓ f_n
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1, x_1 ↦ stk τ_1 r f_n ι,
x_n ↦ stk τ_n r f_n ι,
⊢ e_2 : t_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Γ_2(x_1) = stk τ_1_i r_1 f_1_i x_1_s Γ_2(x_1_s) = stk τ_1_s r_1 f_1_s ι_1_s
... ...
Γ_2(x_n) = stk τ_n_i r_n f_n_i x_n_s Γ_2(x_n_s) = stk τ_n_s r_n f_n_s ι_n_s
f_1_i + f_1_s ↓ f_1_t ... f_n_i + f_n_s ↓ f_n_t
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-LetTupImm
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ let (imm x_1, ..., imm x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = e_1 in e_2 : τ_2
⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2, x_1_s ↦ stk τ_1_s r_1 f_1_t ι_n_s, ..., x_n_s ↦ stk τ_n_s r_n f_n_t ι_n_s
mut ∈ {μ_1, ..., μ_n}
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : &r 1^ι (τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n) ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
fresh r_1 ... r_n
Σ; Δ; Ρ_1; Γ_1, x_1 ↦ stk τ_1 r_1 1 •,
x_n ↦ stk τ_n r_n 1 •
⊢ e_2 : t_2 ⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2
Γ_2(x_1) = stk τ_1_i r_1 1 x_1_s Γ_2(x_1_s) = stk τ_1_s r_1 0 ι_1_s
... ...
Γ_2(x_n) = stk τ_n_i r_n 1 x_n_s Γ_2(x_n_s) = stk τ_n_s r_n 0 ι_n_s
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-LetTupAnyMut
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ let (imm x_1, ..., imm x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = e_1 in e_2 : τ_2
⇒ Ρ_2; Γ_2, x_1_s ↦ stk τ_1_s r_1 1 ι_n_s, ..., x_n_s ↦ stk τ_n_s r_n 1 ι_n_s
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : τ_1 ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Γ_n-1 ⊢ e_n : τ_n ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
Σ ⊢ S { x_1: τ_1, ..., x_n: τ_n }
---------------------------------------------------------- T-StructRecord
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ S { x_1: e_1, ... x_n: e_n } : S ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : τ_1 ⇒ Ρ_1; Γ_1
Σ; Δ; Ρ_n-1; Γ_n-1 ⊢ e_n : τ_n ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
Σ ⊢ S(τ_1, ..., τ_n)
--------------------------------------------- T-StructTuple
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ S(e_1, ..., e_n) : S ⇒ Ρ_n; Γ_n
Σ; Δ, ς : κ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : τ ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
----------------------------------- T-TAbs
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ Λς: κ. e : τ ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 : ∀ς: κ. τ ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Δ ⊢ τ_2 : κ
---------------------------------------------- T-TApp
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e_1 [τ_2] : τ[τ_2 / ς] ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : &r f^ι S ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
struct S { x_1: τ_1, ..., x: τ, ..., x_n: τ_n } ∈ Σ
---------------------------------------------------- T-ProjFieldPath
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e.x : &r f^ι τ_t ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : &r f^ι S ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
struct S(τ_1, ..., τ_t, ..., τ_n) ∈ Σ
-------------------------------------- T-ProjIndexPathStruct
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e.t : &r f^ι τ_t ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : &r f^ι (τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_t ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n) ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
----------------------------------------------------------------- T-ProjIndexPathTup
Σ; Δ; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e.t : &r f^ι τ_t ⇒ Ρ'; Γ'
Judgment: Σ ⊢ e
Meaning: In a structure context Σ, the struct introducing expression e is well-formed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- WF-StructTuple
Σ, struct S { x_1: τ_1, ..., x_n: τ_n) ⊢ S { x_1: τ_1, ..., x_n: τ_n }
---------------------------------------------- WF-StructTuple
Σ, struct S(τ_1, ..., τ_n) ⊢ S(τ_1, ..., τ_n)
---------------- WF-StructUnit
Σ, struct S ⊢ S
expresions e ::= ...
| ptr ρ.π ƒ x
simple values sv ::= true | false
| n
| ptr ρ.π ƒ x
| ()
values v ::= sv
| (v_1, ... v_n)
| S { x_1: v_1, ... x_n: v_n }
| S(v_1, ..., v_n)
| |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
| move |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
evaluation contexts E ::= []
| alloc E
| let μ x: τ = E in e
| E e
| v E
| let () = E in e
| (v ..., E, e ...)
| let (μ_1 x_1, ..., μ_n x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = E in e
| S { x: v ..., x: E, x: e ... }
| S(v ..., E, e ...)
| E [τ]
| E.Π
regions ρ are maps from paths π to simple values sv.
region sets R map region names to regions.
stores σ are maps from identifiers x to pointers ptr ρ.π ƒ x
--------------------------------------------------- T-Ptr
Σ; Δ; Ρ, ρ : τ; Γ ⊢ ptr ρ.π ƒ x : &ρ ƒ^x τ ⇒ Ρ; Γ
Form: (σ, R, e) → (σ, R, e)
σ(x) = ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s
ƒ ≠ 0
canonize(π) = π_c
R(ρ)(π_c) = sv
----------------------- E-Id
(σ, R, x) → (σ, R, sv)
fresh ρ
------------------------------------------------------------ E-AllocSimple
(σ, R, alloc sv) → (σ, R ∪ { ρ ↦ { ε ↦ sv } }, ptr ρ.ε 1 •)
;; TODO: alloc for tuples and structs
;; general idea: recursively convert subvalues to sets of path-sv pairs and union them all together
σ(x) = ptr ρ.π_x ƒ x_s
ƒ ≠ 0
canonize(π_x.π) = π_c
π_c ∈ R(ρ)
ƒ / 2 ↓ ƒ_n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-BorrowImm
(σ, R, borrow imm x.π) → (σ ∪ { x ↦ ptr ρ.π_x ƒ_n x_s, R, ptr ρ.π_c ƒ_n x)
σ(x) = ptr ρ.π_x 1 x_s
canonize(π_x.π) = π_c
π_c ∈ R(ρ)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- E-BorrowMut
(σ, R, borrow mut x.π) → (σ ∪ { x ↦ ptr ρ.π_x 0 x_s, R, ptr ρ.π_c 1 x)
σ(x) = ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s
σ(x_s) = ptr ρ.π_s ƒ_s x_ss
ƒ + ƒ_s ↓ ƒ_n
--------------------------------------------------------------- E-Drop
(σ, R, drop x) ↦ (σ ∪ { x_s ↦ ptr ρ.π_s ƒ_n x_ss } / x, R, ())
σ(x) = ptr ρ.π 1 •
------------------------------------ E-Free
(σ, R, drop x) ↦ (σ / x, R / ρ, ())
μ = mut ⇒ ƒ = 1
ƒ ≠ 0
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Let
(σ, R, let μ x: τ = ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s in e) → (σ ∪ { x ↦ ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s }, R, e)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-App
(σ, R, (|x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }) (v_1, ..., v_n)) →
(σ ∪ { x_1 ↦ v_1, ..., x_n ↦ v_n }, R, e)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-MoveApp
(σ, R, (move |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }) (v_1, ..., v_n)) →
(σ ∪ { x_1 ↦ v_1, ..., x_n ↦ v_n }, R, e)
------------------------------------- E-LetUnit
(σ, R, let () = () in e) → (σ, R, e)
mut ∈ { μ_1, ..., μ_n } ⇒ ƒ_1 = 1 ∧ ... ∧ ƒ_n = 1
ƒ_1 ≠ 0 ∧ ... ∧ ƒ_n ≠ 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-LetTup
(σ, R, let (μ_1 x_1, ..., μ_n x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = (v_1, ..., v_n) in e) →
(σ ∪ { x_1 ↦ v_1, ..., x_n ↦ v_n }, R, e)
------------------------------------------ E-TApp
(σ, R, (Λς: κ. e) [τ]) → (σ, R, e[τ / ς])
---------------------------------------------------- E-ProjImmPath
(σ, R, (ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s).Π) → (σ, R, ptr ρ.π.Π ƒ x_s)
Lemma (Canonical Forms):
- if
is a value of typebool
, thenv
is eithertrue
. - if
is a value of typeu32
, thenv
is a numeric value on the range[0, 2^32)
. - if
is a value of typeunit
, thenv
. - if
is a value of type&ρ ƒ^x τ
, thenv
is of the formptr ρ.π ƒ x
. - if
is a value of type&r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n → τ_ret
, thenv
is of the form|x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
. - if
is a value of type&r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ↝ τ_ret
, thenv
is of the formmove |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
∀Ρ, Γ. ∃Σ, σ, R. (Σ; •; Ρ; Γ ⊢ e : τ ⇒ Γ) ∧ (Ρ ⊢ R) ∧ (Γ ⊢ σ) ⇒ (e ∈ v) ∨ (∃σ', R', e'. (σ, R, e) → (σ', R', e'))
I think we need to somehow bound Σ
here or something.
By induction on a derivation of e : τ
The T-True
, T-False
, T-Unit
, T-u32
, T-Ptr
, T-Closure
, and T-MvClosure
cases are all
immediate since e
is in all these cases a value. The other cases follow.
Case T-Id
: e = x
. From premise, we know Γ ⊢ σ
and thus, if x : τ
, x ∈ σ
. Thus, we can
take a step via E-Id
Case T-Alloc
: e = alloc e'
. By IH, either e ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the former case,
since e ∈ v
, we can apply E-Alloc
to step. In the latter case, we can step e'
to step e to
alloc e''
. ;; TODO: fix E-Alloc
Case T-BorrowImm
: e = borrow imm x.π
. From premise, we know Γ ⊢ σ
and Ρ ⊢ R
. Thus, we know
if x : τ
, x ∈ σ
. Looking up x
, we get σ(x) = ptr ρ.π_x ƒ x_s
. With this info and P ⊢ R
from our premise, we know that the canonize(π_x.π) ∈ R(ρ)
and so we can use E-BorrowImm
to step
Case T-BorrowMut
: e = borrow mut x.π
. From premise, we know Γ ⊢ σ
and Ρ ⊢ R
. Thus, we know
if x : τ
, x ∈ σ
. Looking up x
, we get σ(x) = ptr ρ.π_x 1 x_s
. With this info and P ⊢ R
from our premise, we know that the canonize(π_x.π) ∈ R(ρ)
and so we can use E-BorrowMut
to step
Case T-Drop
: e = drop x
. From premise, we know Γ ⊢ σ
and can thus conclude x ∈ σ
. Looking up
, we get σ(x) = ptr ρ.π ƒ x_s
and we can apply E-Drop
to take a step.
Case T-Free
: e = drop x
. From premise, we know Γ ⊢ σ
and can thus conclude x ∈ σ
. Looking up
, we get σ(x) = ptr ρ.π 1 •
(subject to constraints of T-Free
) and can apply E-Free
to take
a step.
Case T-LetImm
: e = let imm x: τ = e_1 in e_2
. By IH, either e_1 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In
the former case, e_1 ∈ v
and of type &ρ ƒ^x τ
from case, by Canonical Forms, e_1
is of the
form ptr ρ.π ƒ x
. Thus, we can use E-Let
to step.
Case T-LetMut
: e = let mut x: τ = e_1 in e_2
. By IH, either e_1 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In
the former case, e_1 ∈ v
and of type &ρ ƒ^x τ
from case, by Canonical Forms, e_1
is of the
form ptr ρ.π ƒ x
. Thus, we can use E-Let
to step.
Case T-App
: e = e_1 e_2
. By IH, either e_1 ∈ v
and e_2 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the
former case, we know e_1 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n → τ_ret
e_2 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n
, then by Canonical Forms e_1
is of the form
|x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
and e_2
is of the form
(ptr r_1.π_1 f_1 ι_1, ..., ptr r_n.π_n f_n ι_n)
. So, we can step using E-App
Case T-MoveApp
: e = e_1 e_2
. By IH, either e_1 ∈ v
and e_2 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the
former case, we know e_1 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n ↝ τ_ret
e_2 : &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n
, then by Canonical Forms e_1
is of the form
move |x_1: &r_1 f_1^ι_1 τ_1, ..., x_n: &r_n f_n^ι_n τ_n| { e }
and e_2
is of the form
(ptr r_1.π_1 f_1 ι_1, ..., ptr r_n.π_n f_n ι_n)
. So, we can step using E-MoveApp
Case T-LetUnit
: e = let () = e_1 in e_2
. By IH, either e_1 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the
former case, we know e_1 : unit
and thus by Canonical Forms e_1
is ()
. Thus, we can step using
Case T-LetTupImm
: e = let (imm x_1, ..., imm x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = e_1 in e_2
. By IH, either
e_1 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the former case, we know e_1 : τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n
and thus by
Canonical forms, e_1
is of the form (v_1, ..., v_n)
. Thus, we can step using E-LetTup
Case T-LetMutAnyMut
: e = let (μ_1 x_1, ..., μ_n x_n): τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n = e_1 in e_2
. By IH,
either e_1 ∈ v
or we can take a step. In the former case, we know e_1 : τ_1 ⊗ ... ⊗ τ_n
and thus
by Canonical forms, e_1
is of the form (v_1, ..., v_n)
. Thus, we can step using E-LetTup