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A custom view for Android that displays a duration in a circular fashion.

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screenshot recording


  • Displays a duration in a circular format.
  • The duration can be in seconds, minutes or hours.
  • The progress indicators can be animated or not.
  • The view is divided into three parts: hours, minutes and seconds.
  • For each part, a progress indicator is displayed to show the progress of that part of the duration.
  • A text view is displayed at the center of the view to show the duration in a readable format.


Attribute / Property Type Description Default Value in XML
indicatorSize dimension The size of the progress indicators. undefined yes
indicatorsGapSize dimension The gap size between the progress indicators. 5dp yes
indicatorsColor color The color of the progress indicators. colorPrimary yes
indicatorsTrackColor color The color of the track of the progress indicators. colorPrimary yes
indicatorsTrackGapSize dimension The gap size between the track of the progress indicators. 10dp yes
indicatorsTrackThickness dimension The thickness of the track of the progress indicators. 15dp yes
indicatorsTrackCornerRadius dimension The corner radius of the track of the progress indicators. 10dp yes
staggeredInfiniteAnimationDelay integer The delay between the animations of the progress indicators when the duration is infinite 50ms yes
animated boolean Whether the progress indicators are animated or not. true yes
hoursIndicatorMax integer The maximum value of the hours indicator. 24 yes
hoursIndicatorProgress integer The progress of the hours indicator. 0 yes
hoursIndicatorColor color The color of the hours indicator. colorPrimary yes
hoursIndicatorTrackColor color The color of the track of the hours indicator. colorPrimary yes
hoursIndicatorTrackGapSize dimension The gap size between the track of the hours indicator. undefined yes
hoursIndicatorTrackThickness dimension The thickness of the track of the hours indicator. undefined yes
hoursIndicatorTrackCornerRadius dimension The corner radius of the track of the hours indicator. undefined yes
minutesIndicatorProgress integer The progress of the minutes indicator. 0 yes
minutesIndicatorColor color The color of the minutes indicator. colorPrimary yes
minutesIndicatorTrackColor color The color of the track of the minutes indicator. colorPrimary yes
minutesIndicatorTrackGapSize dimension The gap size between the track of the minutes indicator. undefined yes
minutesIndicatorTrackThickness dimension The thickness of the track of the minutes indicator. undefined yes
minutesIndicatorTrackCornerRadius dimension The corner radius of the track of the minutes indicator. undefined yes
secondsIndicatorProgress integer The progress of the seconds indicator. 0 yes
secondsIndicatorColor color The color of the seconds indicator. colorPrimary yes
secondsIndicatorTrackColor color The color of the track of the seconds indicator. colorPrimary yes
secondsIndicatorTrackGapSize dimension The gap size between the track of the seconds indicator. undefined yes
secondsIndicatorTrackThickness dimension The thickness of the track of the seconds indicator. undefined yes
secondsIndicatorTrackCornerRadius dimension The corner radius of the track of the seconds indicator. undefined yes
text string The text to be displayed at the center of the view. undefined yes
progress Duration The progress of the duration. hoursProgress + minutesProgress + secondsProgress no
textColor color The color of the text. colorPrimary yes
textStyle flags The style of the text. normal yes
textAlign enum The alignment of the text. center yes
textPadding dimension The padding of the text. 0dp yes
textFontFamily reference The font family of the text. undefined yes
showSubText boolean Whether to show the sub text or not. This shows the sub-second value of the duration false yes
subTextPadding dimension The padding of the sub text. 5dp yes


Add the following dependency to your module build.gradle file:


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.abdalmoniem:CircularDurationView:1.1.1'

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {

Using Version Catalog

Add the following dependency to your module libs.versions.toml file:

circulardurationview = "1.1.1"

circulardurationview = { module = "com.github.abdalmoniem:CircularDurationView", version.ref = "circulardurationview" }

Add the following dependency to your module build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

XML layout

    app:textStyle="normal" />

From Code

val progressIndicator = findViewById<CircularDurationView>(
progressIndicator.hoursIndicatorProgress = 7
progressIndicator.minutesIndicatorProgress = 30
progressIndicator.secondsIndicatorProgress = 40
progressIndicator.text = "00:00:00"
progressIndicator.progress = 100.minutes

Note for Developers (and myself 😅)

Box-Circle Intersection

When I was developing the library, there was a need to calculate the intersection of the bounding box of the subtext and the seconds indicator (which is a circle).

Here is what I did:

1. Draw the bounding box of the subtext on a canvas.

2. Draw the bounding circle of the seconds indicator on a canvas.

3. Calculate the intersection of the two bounding boxes.

Breaking it down step by step:

1. Draw the bounding box of the subtext on a canvas.

1. First I needed to get the bounding box of the subtext. Here's how:

private fun getTextBounds(textStr: String, textX: Float, textY: Float, textPaint: Paint): RectF = Rect().let { textBounds ->
    textPaint.getTextBounds(textStr, 0, textStr.length, textBounds)

    val left = textX - textBounds.width() * 0.5f
    val top = textY +
    val right = textX + textBounds.width() * 0.5f
    val bottom = textY + textBounds.bottom

    RectF(left, top, right, bottom)

2. Draw the bounding circle of the seconds indicator on a canvas.

1. First I needed to get the bounding circle of the seconds indicator. This is was very simple to

get, since the seconds indicator is a circle and it's radius is already calculated based on the hours and minutes indicators.

  val secondsIndicatorRadius = mSecondsIndicator.indicatorSize * 0.5f - mSecondsIndicatorTrackThickness

3. Calculate the intersection of the two bounding boxes.

1. Now that I have the bounding box of the subtext and the bounding circle of the seconds

indicator, I can calculate the intersection of the two bounding boxes. By looping through all the points of the circle and checking if they are inside the text bounds, I can get the intersection of the bounding box of the subtext and the bounding circle of the seconds indicator.

private fun isTextBoundsOutsideRadius(textBounds: RectF, circleX: Float, circleY: Float, radius: Float): Boolean {
    // Loop through all possible angles and check if any cartesian point of the circle is inside the text bounds
    val stepSize = 0.5f
    generateSequence(0f) {
        if (it + stepSize <= 360f) it + stepSize else null
    }.forEach { angle ->
        val radians = Math.toRadians(angle.toDouble())
        val x = circleX + radius * cos(radians).toFloat()
        val y = circleY + radius * sin(radians).toFloat()

        if (x <= textBounds.right && x >= textBounds.left && y >= && y <= textBounds.bottom) return true

    return false

Notice that the step size is 0.5f, which means that I will loop through all the angles from 0 to 360 degrees, with a step size of 0.5f degrees. This will give me 720 angles to compare with the text bounds. By comparing the cartesian coordinates of the circle with the text bounds, I can determine if the circle is inside the text bounds or outside the text bounds. Playing with the step size will determine how accurate the intersection is but at the cost of performance.


Notice the yellow and magenta points, these are the cartesian coordinates of the circle that that lie between the top and bottom of the text bounds and the left and right of the text bounds respectively. the red points are the cartesian coordinates of the circle that lie both between the top and bottom of the text bounds and the left and right of the text bounds.

2. Now I can take action based on the intersection of the two bounding boxes.

mSubTextPaint.textSize = mTextPaint.textSize

val nanos = mProgress.toComponents { _, _, _, nanoseconds -> nanoseconds / 1_000_000 }
val subText = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, ".%03d", nanos % 1_000)
val subTextWidth = mSubTextPaint.measureText(subText)
val subTextHeight = mSubTextPaint.textHeight
var subTextX = textX + (textWidth * 0.5f) - (subTextWidth * 0.5f) - (mSecondsIndicatorTrackThickness * 0.5f) /* - mTextPadding */
val subTextY = textY - subTextHeight + mSubTextPadding
var subTextBounds = getTextBounds(subText, subTextX, subTextY, mSubTextPaint)
val secondsIndicatorRadius = mSecondsIndicator.indicatorSize * 0.5f - mSecondsIndicatorTrackThickness

while (isTextBoundsOutsideRadius(subTextBounds, textX, textY + textHeight * 0.5f, secondsIndicatorRadius)) {
    mSubTextPaint.textSize -= 0.1f
    subTextX -= 0.1f

    subTextBounds = getTextBounds(subText, subTextX, subTextY, mSubTextPaint)

Since the subtext's size is the same as the main text to start, I need to make sure that the subtext is inside the radius of the seconds indicator. If the subtext is outside the radius, I decrease the size of the subtext and move it to the left until it is inside the radius.

3. Finally, I draw the subtext on the canvas.