All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Add dlint and tweak deps.
- Tweak git-cliff to generate better changelog.
- Relax dependency on pytest
- More cruft file to check.
- Add
- Update docs.
- Add cliff config
- Update changelog
- Better help message.
- Fix/improve readme.
- Add link to slides.
- Try another way to embed the slides.
- No way to embed the slides, just provide a link.
- One last fix.
- Improve readme.
- Add TODO
- Support for multiple config files.
- Add more explanations in the README.
- Fix noxfile.
- Bump cleez version to fix douple command issue..
- Use cleez.
- Deduplicate code.
- Add the "format" command and refactor.
- "make-help" command wasn't imported.
- Proper exit code on failure.
- Tweak readme.
- Tag the right commit on bumpversion
- Add more explicit message.
- Add
adt help-make
- Cleanup a bit harder.
- Inport tasks selectively.
- Command "adt bump-version"
- Makefile parsing issue.
- Experimental support for Invoke tasks.
- Provide a convenient CLI.
- More checks in the CLI.
- Add "check-security" target for CLI
- Adding "adt clean" command.
- Properly call deptry and vulture.
- More secure.
- Chaneg toplevel package name and update deps.
- Make a README.
- Update readme.
- Update readme.
- More explicit help
- Add changelog
- Work on changelog config.
- Add simple test.
- Add checks that we need to ignore.