You may need to fork this project in GitHub.
git clone [email protected]:adhocore/php-cli-highlight.git
# OR if you have a fork
git clone [email protected]:<your_github_handle>/php-cli-highlight.git
# You may also add upstream
git remote add upstream
cd php-cli-highlight
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b $branch_name
# Install deps
composer install -o
# Open php-cli-highlight in IDE
subl php-cli-highlight
# ... and do the needful
# Optionally run the lint
for P in src tests; do find $P -type f -name '*.php' -exec php -l {} \;; done
# ... and phpcs fixer or stuffs like that!
# Run tests
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
# If your feature takes long your dev branch might be out of sync, you may want to
git checkout $branch_name
git pull upstream master # branch could be something else than master
Everything looking good?
# Commit your stuffs
git add $file ...$files
git commit -m "..."
# Push 'em
git push origin HEAD
Now goto GitHub, select your branch and create PR.
You have to wait. You have to address change requests. Be patient.
Thank you for contribution!
Lastly Please be informed that your works will be licensed same as the project license