This app shows my journey in coding, and a little bit about myself. I highlight and summarize my work experience and projects achievements and key skills that I demontrated throughout the process. I also give information about my education, and my current status in my career.
Click here to visit my portfolio!
Although I hope to maintain this app consistently, please do not hesitate to reach out to me regarding unlisted current projects, work experience, or really about anything!
This app was built using React, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. It also involved using various packages such as react-particles, react-icons, and @mui/material.
For hosting, the following AWS services were used:
- Cogito
- Amplify
- S3
- Route 53
- CloudWatch
I have utilized various AWS services to put this app into action. To allow access to the files I have stored in my S3 bucket, I configured IAM Roles and policies to attach to the Cognito identity pools.
Then, I used Amplify to host the static website. This involved integrating with Github to allow continious deployment (CI/CD) onto the actual website.
Finally, I acquired a custom domain and a SSL certificate through Route 53 for increased security and an easy to remember domain
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.