Quickly set up medial imaging deep learning research environment on Linux(singularity container based)
GPU acceleration (CUDA and cuDNN included)
Supported frameworks and packages:
- PyTorch
- Scikit-learn
- OpenCV
- SimpleITK
- Scikit-image
- Anaconda packages: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/packages/py3.6_linux-64/
your host system must has an NVIDIA GPU card and a driver installed(you don't need to install cuda and cudnn)
install singularity on your host
# ubuntu sudo apt-get install -y singularity-container
pull singularity image from singularity hub
singularity pull --name pytorch_gpu.simg shub://yinglilu/pytorch_gpu_singularity:1.3.0
# enter into singularityh container: imagine it as SSH into (passwordless) another machine
# --nv: leverage the nvidia gpu card
singularity shell --nv /containers/pytorch_gpu.simg
You will get:
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...
Singularity pytorch_gpu.simg:~>
You can type command now, for instance:
python /path/to/<your_script.py>
After finishing your work, type
to exit the container.
Singularity will bind your host's $HOME to container's $HOME automatically. That's mean, if you do modification on your host's home directory, you can see the modifications in the container's home directory, and vice versa.
If current working directory is in your home directory or bind path, Singularity will replicate your current working directory within the container.
can be a relative path or absolute path of your home or bind path.
singularity exec --nv pytorch_gpu.simg python /path/to/<your_script.py>