This part of the framework deals with the training of segmentation networks for point cloud data using range images.
First you need to install the nvidia driver and CUDA, so have fun!
CUDA Installation guide: link
System dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -yqq build-essential ninja-build \ python3-dev python3-pip apt-utils curl git cmake unzip autoconf autogen \ libtool mlocate zlib1g-dev python3-numpy python3-wheel wget \ software-properties-common openjdk-8-jdk libpng-dev \ libxft-dev ffmpeg python3-pyqt5.qtopengl $ sudo updatedb
Python dependencies
- first apt install python3-tk python3-distutils
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- install
. In order case they must be special versions, so must be installed manually (see requirements.txt file)
active the venv in which requirements were installed
cd train/tasks/semantic/
For inference:
python -d __pointcloud_folder__ -m __model_folder__ -ac __arch_cfg_yaml__
must be a path to a folder containing pointclouds recorded as .bin or .pcd. its structure must be__pointcloud_folder__/sequences/xx/velodyne/...
where 'xx' are numbers of sequences to be used (and corresponds to the those configured in data_cfg)__model_folder__
should contain the model and config files__arch_cfg_yaml__
should be the name of the arch config file to be used, iof not using the default 'arch_cfg.yaml'- see
python -h
for more args
In the end of the of the inference, the script will print the path to the log folder where the inference results were saved
Visualize inference results:
python -d __pointcloud_folder__ -s 00 -ac __arch_cfg_yaml__ -p __log_folder__
and ``arch_cfg_yaml` same as for inference__log_folder__
is the folder with the inference results