Releases: adsabs/montysolr
Releases · adsabs/montysolr
Bette logging
Upgraded to 6.3, to deal with the replication refetching the whole index
Bugfixes + schema changes
v61.1.0.4 Batch of bugfixes + new fields
For testing new index with read_count as int
v61.1.0.3 To reindex ready
Fixed 2nd order operator
v61.1.0.2 Temporary release, fixed 2nd order search
Deployment updated
Montysolr based on SOLR 6.1
v61.1.0.0 Montysolr pre-release based on 6.1
New release with solr v49
v49.1.0.0 Modified the citation-cache to honor autowarmCount (so that it can be…