Copyright 2024, Matrox Graphics Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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NDI (Network Display Interface) is an IP transport and control technology created by Newtek, a division of Vizrt Group. It allows the transport of multiplexed audio, video and data sub-streams over IP. Senders and Receivers using the NDI transport have their format
attribute set to urn:x-nmos:format:mux
and their transport
attribute set to urn:x-matrox:transport:ndi
. The media_type
attribute of an NDI Receiver is application/ndi
. The media_type
of a multiplexed Flow connected with an NDI Sender is application/ndi
NDI can be used to transport uncompress raw video and PCM audio sub-streams or H.254/H.265 compressed video and AAC compressed audio sub-streams. It currently transports one sub-stream of each format but this specification allows for future enhancement with multiple sub-streams of each format.
This specification allows for NDI Receivers to connect to non-NMOS aware active NDI producers and for non-NMOS NDI consumers to connect to active NDI Senders.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The NMOS terms 'Controller', 'Node', 'Source', 'Flow', 'Sender', 'Receiver' are used as defined in the NMOS Glossary.
A 'sub-Flow' is defined as a Flow of format urn:x-nmos:format:audio
, urn:x-nmos:format:video
or urn:x-nmos:format:data
which is part of an NDI Stream produced by a Sender.
A 'sub-Stream' is defined as a Stream of format urn:x-nmos:format:audio
, urn:x-nmos:format:video
or urn:x-nmos:format:data
which is part of an NDI Stream consumed by a Receiver.
A non-NMOS NDI Sender is an NDI sender device that is not an NMOS Node and as such not part of an NMOS system.
A non-NMOS NDI Receiver is an NDI receiver device that is not an NMOS Node and as such not part of an NMOS system.
Nodes implementing IS-04 v1.3 or higher, that are capable of transmitting NDI mux streams, MUST have Source, Flow and Sender resources in the IS-04 Node API.
A mux Source resource MUST indicate urn:x-nmos:format:mux
for the format
attribute and it MUST be associated with a mux Flow of the same format
through the source_id
attribute of the mux Flow. A Source of format urn:x-nmos:format:audio
, urn:x-nmos:format:video
or urn:x-nmos:format:data
, associated with a sub-Flow of said Flow, through the source_id
attribute of the sub-Flow, MUST be a member of said mux Source's parents
In addition to those attributes defined in IS-04 for audio, video and data Sources, the following attributes defined in the Source Attributes are used for NDI.
A Source of format urn:x-nmos:format:audio
, urn:x-nmos:format:video
or urn:x-nmos:format:data
having a non-null urn:x-matrox:receiver_id
attribute where the associated Receiver format
attribute is urn:x-nmos:format:mux
MUST have a urn:x-matrox:layer
attribute indicating the Receiver's sub-Stream providing the media content to the Source.
Examples Source resources are provided in Examples.
A mux Flow resource MUST indicate application/ndi
in the media_type
attribute and urn:x-nmos:format:mux
for the format
attribute. A mux Flow MUST have a source_id
attribute referencing a Source of the same format
. A sub-Flow of format urn:x-nmos:format:audio
, urn:x-nmos:format:video
or urn:x-nmos:format:data
, MUST be a member of said mux Flow's parents
In addition to those attributes defined in IS-04 for all mux Flows, the following attributes defined in the Flow Attributes are used for NDI.
A mux Flow MUST have urn:x-matrox:audio_layers
, urn:x-matrox:video_layers
and urn:x-matrox:data_layers
attributes indicating the number of sub-Flows of each format
making an NDI Stream. A non-mux Flow MUST NOT have such attributes. The NDI Stream MUST NOT have more or less sub-Streams than indicated by those attributes.
A mux Flow SHOULD have a urn:x-matrox:layer_compatibility_groups
attribute identifying the mux Flow compatibility with the sub-Flows making an NDI Stream. A mux Flow without a urn:x-matrox:layer_compatibility_groups
attribute MUST be assumed as being part of all groups. A Flow that is not a sub-Flow or a mux Flow MUST NOT have such attribute.
A sub-Flow MUST have a urn:x-matrox:layer
attribute identifying the sub-Flow within all the other sub-Flows of the same format
making an NDI Stream. A Flow that is not a sub-Flow MUST NOT have such attribute.
A sub-Flow SHOULD have a urn:x-matrox:layer_compatibility_groups
attribute identifying the sub-Flow compatibility with other sub-Flows making an NDI Stream. A sub-Flow without a urn:x-matrox:layer_compatibility_groups
attribute MUST be assumed as being part of all groups. A Flow that is not a sub-Flow or a mux Flow MUST NOT have such attribute.
The sub-Flows of an NDI multiplexed Stream SHOULD either all be uncompressed or all be compressed. However, a Sender MAY provide additional flexibility by combining compressed and uncompressed sub-Flows of different media types (e.g., compressed video with uncompressed audio).
The transport of uncompressed video and audio is referred to as the NDI "native" transport.
A sub-Flow having the media_type
attribute set to video/raw
enters and emerges from the NDI transport as video/raw
, possibly transformed during the transport by an NDI native codec.
A sub-Flow having the media_type
attribute set to audio/L16
, audio/L20
or audio/L24
enters and emerges from the NDI transport as audio/L16
, audio/L20
or audio/L24
, possibly transformed during the transport by an NDI native codec.
The transport of compressed video and audio is referred to as the NDI "advanced" transport.
A sub-Flow having the media_type
attribute set to video/H264
or video/H265
enters and emerges from the NDI transport as video/H264
or video/H265
respectively. It is transported as-is by NDI.
A sub-Flow having the media_type
attribute set to audio/mpeg4-generic
enters and emerges from the NDI transport as audio/mpeg4-generic
. It is transported as-is by NDI.
Examples Flow resources are provided in Examples.
An NDI Sender resource MUST indicate urn:x-nmos:transport:ndi
or urn:x-matrox:transport:ndi
for the transport
A Sender associated with a mux Flow through the flow_id
attribute MUST provide Sender's Capabilities for the mux Flow and if fully described, for each sub-Flow making an NDI Stream using the Constraint Set urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:format
, urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:layer
and urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:layer_compatibility_groups
attributes values matching the Sender's sub-Flows.
A mux Sender not exposing the sub-Streams MAY omit the Sender's Capabilities for the sub-Streams, indicating that it is unconstrained with respect to the individual sub-Streams making the NDI Stream and that it cannot be constrained as no sub-Flows are exposed.
The mux Sender MUST express its limitations or preferences regarding the NDI streams that it supports indicating constraints in accordance with the Sender Capabilities specification. The Sender SHOULD express its constraints as precisely as possible, to allow a Controller to determine with a high level of confidence the Sender's streams and sub-streams capabilities. It is not always practical for the constraints to indicate every type of Stream or sub-Stream that a Sender can or cannot produce; however, they SHOULD describe as many of its commonly used operating points as practical and any preferences among them.
The constraint_sets
parameter within the caps
object MUST be used to describe combinations of parameters which the sender can support, using the parameter constraints defined in the Capabilities register of the NMOS Parameter Registers and Matrox Capabilities.
The following parameter constraints can be used to express limits or preferences on the mux Stream:
Indicate the minimum and maximum audio layers supported in the NDI Stream. The Sender Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum number of layers. -
Indicate the minimum and maximum video layers supported in the NDI Stream. The Sender Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum number of layers. -
Indicate the minimum and maximum data layers supported in the NDI Stream. The Sender Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum number of layers.
A coded format specification MAY define additional parameter constraints that can be used to express limits or preferences on the audio, video and data sub-streams.
A coded format specification MAY define Sender's attributes and associated transport capabilities that, for the corresponding audio, video or data sub-Stream, MUST be assumed as having their default value.
Note: The Sender's attributes and associated transport capabilities of a coded format specification are assumed to exist for each sub-Stream, each having their default values. For example the parameter_sets_flow_mode
and parameter_sets_transport_mode
associated with some coded format specification are assumed as having their default value of dynamic
and in_band
An example Sender resource is provided in the Examples.
The manifest_href
MUST be null as there is no SDP transport file with NDI.
An NDI Receiver resource MUST indicate urn:x-nmos:transport:ndi
or urn:x-matrox:transport:ndi
for the transport
Nodes implementing IS-04 v1.3 or higher that are capable of receiving NDI multiplexed streams MUST have Receiver resources in the IS-04 Node API.
A mux Receiver MUST indicate urn:x-nmos:format:mux
for the format
attribute and MUST provide Receiver's Capabilities for the mux Stream and if fully described, for each sub-Stream using the Constraint Set urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:format
, urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:layer
and urn:x-matrox:cap:meta:layer_compatibility_groups
attributes values matching the Receiver's sub-Streams. An NDI mux Receiver MUST list application/ndi
in the media_types
array within the caps
A mux Receiver not exposing the sub-Streams MAY omit the Receiver's Capabilities for the sub-Streams, indicating that it is unconstrained with respect to the individual sub-Streams making the NDI Stream.
The mux Receiver MUST express its limitations or preferences regarding the NDI streams that it supports indicating constraints in accordance with the Receiver Capabilities or BCP-004-01 specifications. The Receiver SHOULD express its constraints as precisely as possible, to allow a Controller to determine with a high level of confidence the Receiver's compatibility with the available streams and sub-streams. It is not always practical for the constraints to indicate every type of Stream or sub-Stream that a Receiver can or cannot consume successfully; however, they SHOULD describe as many of its commonly used operating points as practical and any preferences among them.
The constraint_sets
parameter within the caps
object MUST be used to describe combinations of parameters which the receiver can support, using the parameter constraints defined in the Capabilities register of the NMOS Parameter Registers and Matrox Capabilities.
The following parameter constraints can be used to express limits or preferences on the mux Stream. For a given format, a mux Stream MUST provide at least the minimum number of layers supported by the Receiver. Sub-Streams that are not mapped to the Receiver's layers MUST be ignored.
Indicate the minimum and maximum audio layers supported from the NDI Stream. The Receiver Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum layers. -
Indicate the minimum and maximum video layers supported from the NDI Stream. The Receiver Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum layers. -
Indicate the minimum and maximum data layers supported from the NDI Stream. The Receiver Capabilities MUST provide Constraint Sets for as many as the maximum layers.
A coded format specification MAY define additional parameter constraints that can be used to express limits or preferences on the audio, video and data sub-streams.
An example Receiver resource is provided in the Examples.
Connection Management using IS-05 proceeds in exactly the same manner as for any other transports, using the NDI specific transport parameters defined in NDI Sender transport parameters and NDI Receiver transport parameters. Because of the one Sender to N Receivers relationship of the NDI transport the receiver_id
attribute of the NDI Sender's activation MUST be null
. The sender_id
attribute of the NDI Receiver's activation MUST be set to the id of an NDI Sender or null
if connecting to a non-NMOS NDI Sender or connecting without using IS-05.
NDI Senders and Receivers SHOULD be controlled through IS-05 only. The activation of a Sender / Receiver and the associated transport parameters SHOULD be under the control of IS-05 only. Vendor specific mechanisms MAY be used to control NDI Senders and Receivers, in which case such control MUST appear to the NMOS environment as if performed through IS-05.
The source_name
associated with a Sender MUST be made of the following characters: lower case characters from 'a' to 'z', upper case characters from 'A' to 'Z', numeric characters from '0' to '9', underscore character '_'. If the source_name
transport parameter is a Receiver is not null, it follows the same rule.
An NDI Receiver MUST search for NDI Senders first in the Public
group and then in other groups, unless configured differently through a vendor-specific mechanism.
Note: The NDI transport parameters of a Receiver do not include information about the Sender's group membership. A vendor-specific mechanism could be employed to configure NDI Senders and Receivers to utilize groups other than the default NDI
If the Receiver is not capable of consuming the Stream described by a PATCH
on the /staged endpoint, it SHOULD reject the request. If it is unable to assess the Stream compatibility because some parameters are not included in the PATCH
request, it MAY accept the request and postpone Stream compatibility assessment.
An NDI Receiver MAY connect to a non-NMOS NDI Sender. IS-05 is then used only on the Receiver side and an unspecified mechanism MUST be used to activate such non-NMOS NDI Sender.
An NDI Sender MUST be a member of the default Public
NDI group unless configured otherwise through a vendor-specific mechanism.
An NDI Sender MAY, unless constrained by IS-11, produce any NDI Stream that is compliant with the associated Flow urn:x-matrox:audio_layers
, urn:x-matrox:video_layers
and urn:x-matrox:data_layers
A non-NMOS NDI Receiver MAY connect to an NDI Sender. IS-05 is then used only on the Sender side and an unspecified mechanism MUST be used to activate such non-NMOS NDI Receiver.