diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
index 5c6e52ee58..df149cbf02 100644
--- a/.eslintignore
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ coverage
# Non-lintable source files
+## Polyfills for examples, retrieved from polyfill.io
## React-Native TypeScript wasn't supporting the mix of react 18 and 17
## Excluded from global typescript config
diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
index f0e0de1340..05b6b60f0e 100644
--- a/.prettierignore
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/index.html b/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/index.html
index fa7c0a33ca..f3699b4935 100755
--- a/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/index.html
+++ b/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/index.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
E-commerce demo (UMD) | Algolia
diff --git a/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/polyfills.js b/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/polyfills.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5098001d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/js/e-commerce-umd/polyfills.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5529 @@
+ * Polyfill service v3.111.0
+ * For detailed credits and licence information see https://polyfill.io.
+ *
+ * Features requested: Array.prototype.find,Array.prototype.findIndex,Array.prototype.includes,Object.assign,Object.entries,Promise,default
+ *
+ * - DocumentFragment, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.matches, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.closest, License: CC0
+ * - Node.prototype.contains, License: CC0
+ * - _DOMTokenList, License: ISC
+ * - DOMTokenList, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.classList, License: ISC
+ * - _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Call, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty, License: CC0
+ * - Object.keys, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.Get, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.HasOwnProperty, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsCallable, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToBoolean, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToObject, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetV, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetMethod, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Type, License: CC0
+ * - Number.isNaN, License: MIT
+ * - Object.isExtensible, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Construct, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsRegExp, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorClose, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorNext, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorStep, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorValue, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.SameValueZero, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToInteger, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToLength, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToString, License: CC0
+ * - Array.of, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.fill, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.find, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.findIndex, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.includes, License: MIT
+ * - Event, License: CC0
+ * - CustomEvent, License: CC0
+ * - Object.getOwnPropertyNames, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.endsWith, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.includes, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.startsWith, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToPropertyKey, License: CC0
+ * - Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, License: CC0
+ * - Object.assign, License: CC0
+ * - Symbol, License: MIT
+ * - Symbol.iterator, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetIterator, License: CC0
+ * - Symbol.species, License: MIT
+ * - Map, License: CC0
+ * - Set, License: CC0
+ * - Array.from, License: CC0
+ * - URL, License: CC0-1.0
+ * - Symbol.toStringTag, License: MIT
+ * - Promise, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.EnumerableOwnProperties, License: CC0
+ * - Object.entries, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.TrimString, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.trim, License: CC0
+ * - _mutation, License: CC0
+ * - DocumentFragment.prototype.append, License: CC0
+ * - DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.after, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.append, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.before, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.prepend, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.remove, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.replaceWith, License: CC0
+(function(self, undefined) {
+ if (typeof Object.entries !== 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ // DocumentFragment
+ (function (global) {
+ global.DocumentFragment = function DocumentFragment() {
+ return document.createDocumentFragment();
+ };
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype = Object.create(fragment.constructor.prototype)
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.matches
+ Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || function matches(selector) {
+ var element = this;
+ var elements = (element.document || element.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector);
+ var index = 0;
+ while (elements[index] && elements[index] !== element) {
+ ++index;
+ }
+ return !!elements[index];
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.closest
+ Element.prototype.closest = function closest(selector) {
+ var node = this;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node.matches(selector)) return node;
+ else node = 'SVGElement' in window && node instanceof SVGElement ? node.parentNode : node.parentElement;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ // Node.prototype.contains
+ (function() {
+ function contains(node) {
+ if (!(0 in arguments)) {
+ throw new TypeError('1 argument is required');
+ }
+ do {
+ if (this === node) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
+ } while (node = node && node.parentNode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // IE
+ if ('HTMLElement' in self && 'contains' in HTMLElement.prototype) {
+ try {
+ delete HTMLElement.prototype.contains;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ if ('Node' in self) {
+ Node.prototype.contains = contains;
+ } else {
+ document.contains = Element.prototype.contains = contains;
+ }
+ }());
+ // _DOMTokenList
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2016, John Gardner
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ */
+ var _DOMTokenList = (function() { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var dpSupport = true;
+ var defineGetter = function (object, name, fn, configurable) {
+ if (Object.defineProperty)
+ Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
+ configurable: false === dpSupport ? true : !!configurable,
+ get: fn
+ });
+ else object.__defineGetter__(name, fn);
+ };
+ /** Ensure the browser allows Object.defineProperty to be used on native JavaScript objects. */
+ try {
+ defineGetter({}, "support");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ dpSupport = false;
+ }
+ var _DOMTokenList = function (el, prop) {
+ var that = this;
+ var tokens = [];
+ var tokenMap = {};
+ var length = 0;
+ var maxLength = 0;
+ var addIndexGetter = function (i) {
+ defineGetter(that, i, function () {
+ preop();
+ return tokens[i];
+ }, false);
+ };
+ var reindex = function () {
+ /** Define getter functions for array-like access to the tokenList's contents. */
+ if (length >= maxLength)
+ for (; maxLength < length; ++maxLength) {
+ addIndexGetter(maxLength);
+ }
+ };
+ /** Helper function called at the start of each class method. Internal use only. */
+ var preop = function () {
+ var error;
+ var i;
+ var args = arguments;
+ var rSpace = /\s+/;
+ /** Validate the token/s passed to an instance method, if any. */
+ if (args.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
+ if (rSpace.test(args[i])) {
+ error = new SyntaxError('String "' + args[i] + '" ' + "contains" + ' an invalid character');
+ error.code = 5;
+ error.name = "InvalidCharacterError";
+ throw error;
+ }
+ /** Split the new value apart by whitespace*/
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ tokens = ("" + el[prop].baseVal).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(rSpace);
+ } else {
+ tokens = ("" + el[prop]).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(rSpace);
+ }
+ /** Avoid treating blank strings as single-item token lists */
+ if ("" === tokens[0]) tokens = [];
+ /** Repopulate the internal token lists */
+ tokenMap = {};
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
+ tokenMap[tokens[i]] = true;
+ length = tokens.length;
+ reindex();
+ };
+ /** Populate our internal token list if the targeted attribute of the subject element isn't empty. */
+ preop();
+ /** Return the number of tokens in the underlying string. Read-only. */
+ defineGetter(that, "length", function () {
+ preop();
+ return length;
+ });
+ /** Override the default toString/toLocaleString methods to return a space-delimited list of tokens when typecast. */
+ that.toLocaleString =
+ that.toString = function () {
+ preop();
+ return tokens.join(" ");
+ };
+ that.item = function (idx) {
+ preop();
+ return tokens[idx];
+ };
+ that.contains = function (token) {
+ preop();
+ return !!tokenMap[token];
+ };
+ that.add = function () {
+ preop.apply(that, args = arguments);
+ for (var args, token, i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; ++i) {
+ token = args[i];
+ if (!tokenMap[token]) {
+ tokens.push(token);
+ tokenMap[token] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Update the targeted attribute of the attached element if the token list's changed. */
+ if (length !== tokens.length) {
+ length = tokens.length >>> 0;
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ el[prop].baseVal = tokens.join(" ");
+ } else {
+ el[prop] = tokens.join(" ");
+ }
+ reindex();
+ }
+ };
+ that.remove = function () {
+ preop.apply(that, args = arguments);
+ /** Build a hash of token names to compare against when recollecting our token list. */
+ for (var args, ignore = {}, i = 0, t = []; i < args.length; ++i) {
+ ignore[args[i]] = true;
+ delete tokenMap[args[i]];
+ }
+ /** Run through our tokens list and reassign only those that aren't defined in the hash declared above. */
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
+ if (!ignore[tokens[i]]) t.push(tokens[i]);
+ tokens = t;
+ length = t.length >>> 0;
+ /** Update the targeted attribute of the attached element. */
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ el[prop].baseVal = tokens.join(" ");
+ } else {
+ el[prop] = tokens.join(" ");
+ }
+ reindex();
+ };
+ that.toggle = function (token, force) {
+ preop.apply(that, [token]);
+ /** Token state's being forced. */
+ if (undefined !== force) {
+ if (force) {
+ that.add(token);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ that.remove(token);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Token already exists in tokenList. Remove it, and return FALSE. */
+ if (tokenMap[token]) {
+ that.remove(token);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Otherwise, add the token and return TRUE. */
+ that.add(token);
+ return true;
+ };
+ that.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
+ return that;
+ };
+ return _DOMTokenList;
+ }());
+ // DOMTokenList
+ /* global _DOMTokenList */
+ (function (global) {
+ var nativeImpl = "DOMTokenList" in global && global.DOMTokenList;
+ if (
+ !nativeImpl ||
+ (
+ !!document.createElementNS &&
+ !!document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg') &&
+ !(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").classList instanceof DOMTokenList)
+ )
+ ) {
+ global.DOMTokenList = _DOMTokenList;
+ }
+ // Add second argument to native DOMTokenList.toggle() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.toggle('x', false);
+ if (!e.classList.contains('x')) return;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.toggle = function toggle(token /*, force*/) {
+ var force = arguments[1];
+ if (force === undefined) {
+ var add = !this.contains(token);
+ this[add ? 'add' : 'remove'](token);
+ return add;
+ }
+ force = !!force;
+ this[force ? 'add' : 'remove'](token);
+ return force;
+ };
+ }());
+ // Add multiple arguments to native DOMTokenList.add() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.add('a', 'b');
+ if (e.classList.contains('b')) return;
+ var native = e.classList.constructor.prototype.add;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.add = function () {
+ var args = arguments;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ native.call(this, args[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ }());
+ // Add multiple arguments to native DOMTokenList.remove() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.add('a');
+ e.classList.add('b');
+ e.classList.remove('a', 'b');
+ if (!e.classList.contains('b')) return;
+ var native = e.classList.constructor.prototype.remove;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.remove = function () {
+ var args = arguments;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ native.call(this, args[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ }());
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.classList
+ /* global _DOMTokenList */
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2016, John Gardner
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ */
+ (function (global) {
+ var dpSupport = true;
+ var defineGetter = function (object, name, fn, configurable) {
+ if (Object.defineProperty)
+ Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
+ configurable: false === dpSupport ? true : !!configurable,
+ get: fn
+ });
+ else object.__defineGetter__(name, fn);
+ };
+ /** Ensure the browser allows Object.defineProperty to be used on native JavaScript objects. */
+ try {
+ defineGetter({}, "support");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ dpSupport = false;
+ }
+ /** Polyfills a property with a DOMTokenList */
+ var addProp = function (o, name, attr) {
+ defineGetter(o.prototype, name, function () {
+ var tokenList;
+ var THIS = this,
+ /** Prevent this from firing twice for some reason. What the hell, IE. */
+ gibberishProperty = "__defineGetter__" + "DEFINE_PROPERTY" + name;
+ if(THIS[gibberishProperty]) return tokenList;
+ THIS[gibberishProperty] = true;
+ /**
+ * IE8 can't define properties on native JavaScript objects, so we'll use a dumb hack instead.
+ *
+ * What this is doing is creating a dummy element ("reflection") inside a detached phantom node ("mirror")
+ * that serves as the target of Object.defineProperty instead. While we could simply use the subject HTML
+ * element instead, this would conflict with element types which use indexed properties (such as forms and
+ * select lists).
+ */
+ if (false === dpSupport) {
+ var visage;
+ var mirror = addProp.mirror || document.createElement("div");
+ var reflections = mirror.childNodes;
+ var l = reflections.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
+ if (reflections[i]._R === THIS) {
+ visage = reflections[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ /** Couldn't find an element's reflection inside the mirror. Materialise one. */
+ visage || (visage = mirror.appendChild(document.createElement("div")));
+ tokenList = DOMTokenList.call(visage, THIS, attr);
+ } else tokenList = new _DOMTokenList(THIS, attr);
+ defineGetter(THIS, name, function () {
+ return tokenList;
+ });
+ delete THIS[gibberishProperty];
+ return tokenList;
+ }, true);
+ };
+ addProp(global.Element, "classList", "className");
+ addProp(global.HTMLElement, "classList", "className");
+ addProp(global.HTMLLinkElement, "relList", "rel");
+ addProp(global.HTMLAnchorElement, "relList", "rel");
+ addProp(global.HTMLAreaElement, "relList", "rel");
+ }(self));
+ // _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate
+ // ArrayCreate ( length [ , proto ] )
+ function ArrayCreate(length /* [, proto] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: length is an integer Number e 0.
+ // 2. If length is -0, set length to +0.
+ if (1 / length === -Infinity) {
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ // 3. If length>2^32-1, throw a RangeError exception.
+ if (length > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Invalid array length');
+ }
+ // 4. If proto is not present, set proto to the intrinsic object %ArrayPrototype%.
+ // 5. Let A be a newly created Array exotic object.
+ var A = [];
+ // 6. Set A's essential internal methods except for [[DefineOwnProperty]] to the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
+ // 7. Set A.[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in
+ // 8. Set A.[[Prototype]] to proto.
+ // 9. Set A.[[Extensible]] to true.
+ // 10. Perform ! OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(A, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: length, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).
+ A.length = length;
+ // 11. Return A.
+ return A;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Call
+ /* global IsCallable */
+ // 7.3.12. Call ( F, V [ , argumentsList ] )
+ function Call(F, V /* [, argumentsList] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
+ var argumentsList = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : [];
+ // 2. If IsCallable(F) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(F) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(F) + 'is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 3. Return ? F.[[Call]](V, argumentsList).
+ return F.apply(V, argumentsList);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty
+ // 7.3.4. CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V )
+ // NOTE
+ // This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator.
+ // Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist and is not configurable or if O is not extensible, [[DefineOwnProperty]] will return false.
+ function CreateDataProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ var newDesc = {
+ value: V,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ };
+ // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
+ try {
+ Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow
+ /* global CreateDataProperty */
+ // 7.3.6. CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V )
+ function CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V).
+ var success = CreateDataProperty(O, P, V);
+ // 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!success) {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot assign value `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(V) + '` to property `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(P) + '` on object `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O) + '`');
+ }
+ // 5. Return success.
+ return success;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty
+ // 7.3.5. CreateMethodProperty ( O, P, V )
+ function CreateMethodProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}.
+ var newDesc = {
+ value: V,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ };
+ // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
+ Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
+ }
+ // Object.keys
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty */
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, "keys", (function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // modified from https://github.com/es-shims/object-keys
+ var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
+ var hasDontEnumBug = !isEnumerable.call({ toString: null }, 'toString');
+ var hasPrototypeEnumBug = isEnumerable.call(function () { }, 'prototype');
+ function hasProtoEnumBug() {
+ // Object.create polyfill creates an enumerable __proto__
+ var createdObj;
+ try {
+ createdObj = Object.create({});
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If this fails the polyfil isn't loaded yet, but will be.
+ // Can't add it to depedencies because of it would create a circular depedency.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return isEnumerable.call(createdObj, '__proto__')
+ }
+ var dontEnums = [
+ 'toString',
+ 'toLocaleString',
+ 'valueOf',
+ 'hasOwnProperty',
+ 'isPrototypeOf',
+ 'propertyIsEnumerable',
+ 'constructor'
+ ];
+ var equalsConstructorPrototype = function (o) {
+ var ctor = o.constructor;
+ return ctor && ctor.prototype === o;
+ };
+ var excludedKeys = {
+ $console: true,
+ $external: true,
+ $frame: true,
+ $frameElement: true,
+ $frames: true,
+ $innerHeight: true,
+ $innerWidth: true,
+ $outerHeight: true,
+ $outerWidth: true,
+ $pageXOffset: true,
+ $pageYOffset: true,
+ $parent: true,
+ $scrollLeft: true,
+ $scrollTop: true,
+ $scrollX: true,
+ $scrollY: true,
+ $self: true,
+ $webkitIndexedDB: true,
+ $webkitStorageInfo: true,
+ $window: true
+ };
+ var hasAutomationEqualityBug = (function () {
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return false; }
+ for (var k in window) {
+ try {
+ if (!excludedKeys['$' + k] && has.call(window, k) && window[k] !== null && typeof window[k] === 'object') {
+ try {
+ equalsConstructorPrototype(window[k]);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }());
+ var equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy = function (o) {
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !hasAutomationEqualityBug) {
+ return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
+ }
+ try {
+ return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ function isArgumentsObject(value) {
+ var str = toStr.call(value);
+ var isArgs = str === '[object Arguments]';
+ if (!isArgs) {
+ isArgs = str !== '[object Array]' &&
+ value !== null &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ typeof value.length === 'number' &&
+ value.length >= 0 &&
+ toStr.call(value.callee) === '[object Function]';
+ }
+ return isArgs;
+ }
+ return function keys(object) {
+ var isFunction = toStr.call(object) === '[object Function]';
+ var isArguments = isArgumentsObject(object);
+ var isString = toStr.call(object) === '[object String]';
+ var theKeys = [];
+ if (object === undefined || object === null) {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
+ }
+ var skipPrototype = hasPrototypeEnumBug && isFunction;
+ if (isString && object.length > 0 && !has.call(object, 0)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
+ theKeys.push(String(i));
+ }
+ }
+ if (isArguments && object.length > 0) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < object.length; ++j) {
+ theKeys.push(String(j));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var name in object) {
+ if (!(hasProtoEnumBug() && name === '__proto__') && !(skipPrototype && name === 'prototype') && has.call(object, name)) {
+ theKeys.push(String(name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasDontEnumBug) {
+ var skipConstructor = equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy(object);
+ for (var k = 0; k < dontEnums.length; ++k) {
+ if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnums[k] === 'constructor') && has.call(object, dontEnums[k])) {
+ theKeys.push(dontEnums[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return theKeys;
+ };
+ }()));
+ // _ESAbstract.Get
+ // 7.3.1. Get ( O, P )
+ function Get(O, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, O).
+ return O[P];
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.HasOwnProperty
+ // 7.3.11 HasOwnProperty (O, P)
+ function HasOwnProperty(o, p) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
+ // 4. If desc is undefined, return false.
+ // 5. Return true.
+ // Polyfill.io - As we expect user agents to support ES3 fully we can skip the above steps and use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty to do them for us.
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsCallable
+ // 7.2.3. IsCallable ( argument )
+ function IsCallable(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ // 2. If argument has a [[Call]] internal method, return true.
+ // 3. Return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - Only function objects have a [[Call]] internal method. This means we can simplify this function to check that the argument has a type of function.
+ return typeof argument === 'function';
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible
+ // 7.2.1. RequireObjectCoercible ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
+ // Table 12: ToObject Conversions
+ /*
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Boolean | Return argument. |
+ | Number | Return argument. |
+ | String | Return argument. |
+ | Symbol | Return argument. |
+ | Object | Return argument. |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function RequireObjectCoercible(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
+ throw TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) + ' is not coercible to Object.');
+ }
+ return argument;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber
+ // 7.2.12. SameValueNonNumber ( x, y )
+ function SameValueNonNumber(x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(x) is not Number.
+ // 2. Assert: Type(x) is the same as Type(y).
+ // 3. If Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
+ // 4. If Type(x) is Null, return true.
+ // 5. If Type(x) is String, then
+ // a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of code units (same length and same code units at corresponding indices), return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 6. If Type(x) is Boolean, then
+ // a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 7. If Type(x) is Symbol, then
+ // a. If x and y are both the same Symbol value, return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 8. If x and y are the same Object value, return true. Otherwise, return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - We can skip all above steps because the === operator does it all for us.
+ return x === y;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToBoolean
+ // 7.1.2. ToBoolean ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToBoolean converts argument to a value of type Boolean according to Table 9:
+ /*
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Undefined | Return false. |
+ | Null | Return false. |
+ | Boolean | Return argument. |
+ | Number | If argument is +0, -0, or NaN, return false; otherwise return true. |
+ | String | If argument is the empty String (its length is zero), return false; otherwise return true. |
+ | Symbol | Return true. |
+ | Object | Return true. |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function ToBoolean(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ return Boolean(argument);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToObject
+ // 7.1.13 ToObject ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
+ // Table 12: ToObject Conversions
+ /*
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Boolean | Return a new Boolean object whose [[BooleanData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.3 for a description of Boolean objects. |
+ | Number | Return a new Number object whose [[NumberData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 20.1 for a description of Number objects. |
+ | String | Return a new String object whose [[StringData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 21.1 for a description of String objects. |
+ | Symbol | Return a new Symbol object whose [[SymbolData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.4 for a description of Symbol objects. |
+ | Object | Return argument. |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function ToObject(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
+ throw TypeError();
+ }
+ return Object(argument);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetV
+ /* global ToObject */
+ // 7.3.2 GetV (V, P)
+ function GetV(v, p) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 2. Let O be ? ToObject(V).
+ var o = ToObject(v);
+ // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, V).
+ return o[p];
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetMethod
+ /* global GetV, IsCallable */
+ // 7.3.9. GetMethod ( V, P )
+ function GetMethod(V, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 2. Let func be ? GetV(V, P).
+ var func = GetV(V, P);
+ // 3. If func is either undefined or null, return undefined.
+ if (func === null || func === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(func) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method not callable: ' + P);
+ }
+ // 5. Return func.
+ return func;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Type
+ // "Type(x)" is used as shorthand for "the type of x"...
+ function Type(x) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ switch (typeof x) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ return 'undefined';
+ case 'boolean':
+ return 'boolean';
+ case 'number':
+ return 'number';
+ case 'string':
+ return 'string';
+ case 'symbol':
+ return 'symbol';
+ default:
+ // typeof null is 'object'
+ if (x === null) return 'null';
+ // Polyfill.io - This is here because a Symbol polyfill will have a typeof `object`.
+ if ('Symbol' in self && (x instanceof self.Symbol || x.constructor === self.Symbol)) return 'symbol';
+ return 'object';
+ }
+ }
+ // Number.isNaN
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var that = self;
+ // Number.isNaN ( number )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isNaN', function isNaN(number) {
+ // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
+ if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If number is NaN, return true.
+ if (that.isNaN(number)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 3. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ }());
+ // Object.isExtensible
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
+ (function (nativeIsExtensible) {
+ // Object.isExtensible ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'isExtensible', function isExtensible(O) {
+ // 1. If Type(O) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(O) !== "object") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. Return ? IsExtensible(O).
+ return nativeIsExtensible ? nativeIsExtensible(O) : true;
+ });
+ }(Object.isExtensible));
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject
+ /* global Type, CreateDataProperty */
+ // 7.4.7. CreateIterResultObject ( value, done )
+ function CreateIterResultObject(value, done) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(done) is Boolean.
+ if (Type(done) !== 'boolean') {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
+ var obj = {};
+ // 3. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value).
+ CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value);
+ // 4. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done).
+ CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done);
+ // 5. Return obj.
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor
+ /* global Get, Type */
+ // 9.1.14. GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
+ function GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object. The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the [[Prototype]] value of an object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsCallable(constructor) is true.
+ // 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
+ var proto = Get(constructor, "prototype");
+ // 4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
+ if (Type(proto) !== 'object') {
+ // a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
+ // b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
+ proto = intrinsicDefaultProto;
+ }
+ // 5. Return proto.
+ return proto;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor
+ /* global GetPrototypeFromConstructor */
+ // 9.1.13. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
+ function OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var internalSlotsList = arguments[2] || {};
+ // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object.
+ // The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the[[Prototype]] value of an object.
+ // 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
+ var proto = GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto);
+ // 3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
+ // Polyfill.io - We do not pass internalSlotsList to Object.create because Object.create does not use the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
+ var obj = Object.create(proto);
+ for (var name in internalSlotsList) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(internalSlotsList, name)) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: internalSlotsList[name]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsConstructor
+ /* global Type */
+ // 7.2.4. IsConstructor ( argument )
+ function IsConstructor(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
+ // 3. Return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - `new argument` is the only way to truly test if a function is a constructor.
+ // We choose to not use`new argument` because the argument could have side effects when called.
+ // Instead we check to see if the argument is a function and if it has a prototype.
+ // Arrow functions do not have a [[Construct]] internal method, nor do they have a prototype.
+ return typeof argument === 'function' && !!argument.prototype;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Construct
+ /* global IsConstructor, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, Call */
+ // 7.3.13. Construct ( F [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] )
+ function Construct(F /* [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to F.
+ var newTarget = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : F;
+ // 2. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
+ var argumentsList = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : [];
+ // 3. Assert: IsConstructor(F) is true.
+ if (!IsConstructor(F)) {
+ throw new TypeError('F must be a constructor.');
+ }
+ // 4. Assert: IsConstructor(newTarget) is true.
+ if (!IsConstructor(newTarget)) {
+ throw new TypeError('newTarget must be a constructor.');
+ }
+ // 5. Return ? F.[[Construct]](argumentsList, newTarget).
+ // Polyfill.io - If newTarget is the same as F, it is equivalent to new F(...argumentsList).
+ if (newTarget === F) {
+ return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [null].concat(argumentsList)))();
+ } else {
+ // Polyfill.io - This is mimicking section 9.2.2 step 5.a.
+ var obj = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, Object.prototype);
+ return Call(F, obj, argumentsList);
+ }
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsRegExp
+ /* global Type, Get, ToBoolean */
+ // 7.2.8. IsRegExp ( argument )
+ function IsRegExp(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. Let matcher be ? Get(argument, @@match).
+ var matcher = 'Symbol' in self && 'match' in self.Symbol ? Get(argument, self.Symbol.match) : undefined;
+ // 3. If matcher is not undefined, return ToBoolean(matcher).
+ if (matcher !== undefined) {
+ return ToBoolean(matcher);
+ }
+ // 4. If argument has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, return true.
+ try {
+ var lastIndex = argument.lastIndex;
+ argument.lastIndex = 0;
+ RegExp.prototype.exec.call(argument);
+ return true;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) {} finally {
+ argument.lastIndex = lastIndex;
+ }
+ // 5. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorClose
+ /* global GetMethod, Type, Call */
+ // 7.4.6. IteratorClose ( iteratorRecord, completion )
+ function IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, completion) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]]) is Object.
+ if (Type(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // 2. Assert: completion is a Completion Record.
+ // Polyfill.io - Ignoring this step as there is no way to check if something is a Completion Record in userland JavaScript.
+ // 3. Let iterator be iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]].
+ var iterator = iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'];
+ // 4. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+ // Polyfill.io - We name it returnMethod because return is a keyword and can not be used as an identifier (E.G. variable name, function name etc).
+ var returnMethod = GetMethod(iterator, "return");
+ // 5. If return is undefined, return Completion(completion).
+ if (returnMethod === undefined) {
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // 6. Let innerResult be Call(return, iterator, + ;).
+ try {
+ var innerResult = Call(returnMethod, iterator);
+ } catch (error) {
+ var innerException = error;
+ }
+ // 7. If completion.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(completion).
+ if (completion) {
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // 8. If innerResult.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(innerResult).
+ if (innerException) {
+ throw innerException;
+ }
+ // 9. If Type(innerResult.[[Value]]) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(innerResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError("Iterator's return method returned a non-object.");
+ }
+ // 10. Return Completion(completion).
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete
+ /* global Type, ToBoolean, Get */
+ // 7.4.3 IteratorComplete ( iterResult )
+ function IteratorComplete(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
+ if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // 2. Return ToBoolean(? Get(iterResult, "done")).
+ return ToBoolean(Get(iterResult, "done"));
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorNext
+ /* global Call, Type */
+ // 7.4.2. IteratorNext ( iteratorRecord [ , value ] )
+ function IteratorNext(iteratorRecord /* [, value] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If value is not present, then
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], + ;).
+ var result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']);
+ // 2. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], + value ;).
+ result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'], [arguments[1]]);
+ }
+ // 3. If Type(result) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
+ }
+ // 4. Return result.
+ return result;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorStep
+ /* global IteratorNext, IteratorComplete */
+ // 7.4.5. IteratorStep ( iteratorRecord )
+ function IteratorStep(iteratorRecord) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let result be ? IteratorNext(iteratorRecord).
+ var result = IteratorNext(iteratorRecord);
+ // 2. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(result).
+ var done = IteratorComplete(result);
+ // 3. If done is true, return false.
+ if (done === true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 4. Return result.
+ return result;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorValue
+ /* global Type, Get */
+ // 7.4.4 IteratorValue ( iterResult )
+ function IteratorValue(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
+ if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // Return ? Get(iterResult, "value").
+ return Get(iterResult, "value");
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive
+ /* global Get, IsCallable, Call, Type */
+ // OrdinaryToPrimitive ( O, hint )
+ function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: Type(hint) is String and its value is either "string" or "number".
+ // 3. If hint is "string", then
+ if (hint === 'string') {
+ // a. Let methodNames be + "toString", "valueOf" ;.
+ var methodNames = ['toString', 'valueOf'];
+ // 4. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let methodNames be + "valueOf", "toString" ;.
+ methodNames = ['valueOf', 'toString'];
+ }
+ // 5. For each name in methodNames in List order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; ++i) {
+ var name = methodNames[i];
+ // a. Let method be ? Get(O, name).
+ var method = Get(O, name);
+ // b. If IsCallable(method) is true, then
+ if (IsCallable(method)) {
+ // i. Let result be ? Call(method, O).
+ var result = Call(method, O);
+ // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert to primitive.');
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.SameValueZero
+ /* global Type, SameValueNonNumber */
+ // 7.2.11. SameValueZero ( x, y )
+ function SameValueZero (x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
+ if (Type(x) !== Type(y)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If Type(x) is Number, then
+ if (Type(x) === 'number') {
+ // a. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
+ if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // b. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
+ if (1/x === Infinity && 1/y === -Infinity) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // c. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
+ if (1/x === -Infinity && 1/y === Infinity) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // d. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
+ if (x === y) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // e. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
+ return SameValueNonNumber(x, y);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToInteger
+ /* global Type */
+ // 7.1.4. ToInteger ( argument )
+ function ToInteger(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (Type(argument) === 'symbol') {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');
+ }
+ // 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
+ var number = Number(argument);
+ // 2. If number is NaN, return +0.
+ if (isNaN(number)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 3. If number is +0, -0, +, or -, return number.
+ if (1/number === Infinity || 1/number === -Infinity || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
+ return number;
+ }
+ // 4. Return the number value that is the same sign as number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(number)).
+ return ((number < 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToLength
+ /* global ToInteger */
+ // 7.1.15. ToLength ( argument )
+ function ToLength(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let len be ? ToInteger(argument).
+ var len = ToInteger(argument);
+ // 2. If len d +0, return +0.
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 3. Return min(len, 253-1).
+ return Math.min(len, Math.pow(2, 53) -1);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive
+ /* global Type, GetMethod, Call, OrdinaryToPrimitive */
+ // 7.1.1. ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] )
+ function ToPrimitive(input /* [, PreferredType] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var PreferredType = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Assert: input is an ECMAScript language value.
+ // 2. If Type(input) is Object, then
+ if (Type(input) === 'object') {
+ // a. If PreferredType is not present, let hint be "default".
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ var hint = 'default';
+ // b. Else if PreferredType is hint String, let hint be "string".
+ } else if (PreferredType === String) {
+ hint = 'string';
+ // c. Else PreferredType is hint Number, let hint be "number".
+ } else if (PreferredType === Number) {
+ hint = 'number';
+ }
+ // d. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive).
+ var exoticToPrim = typeof self.Symbol === 'function' && typeof self.Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol' ? GetMethod(input, self.Symbol.toPrimitive) : undefined;
+ // e. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then
+ if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) {
+ // i. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, + hint ;).
+ var result = Call(exoticToPrim, input, [hint]);
+ // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ // iii. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert exotic object to primitive.');
+ }
+ // f. If hint is "default", set hint to "number".
+ if (hint === 'default') {
+ hint = 'number';
+ }
+ // g. Return ? OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint).
+ return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint);
+ }
+ // 3. Return input
+ return input;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToString
+ /* global Type, ToPrimitive */
+ // 7.1.12. ToString ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToString converts argument to a value of type String according to Table 11:
+ // Table 11: ToString Conversions
+ /*
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Return "undefined". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Null | Return "null". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Boolean | If argument is true, return "true". |
+ | | If argument is false, return "false". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Number | Return NumberToString(argument). |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | String | Return argument. |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Symbol | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Object | Apply the following steps: |
+ | | Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String). |
+ | | Return ? ToString(primValue). |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function ToString(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ switch(Type(argument)) {
+ case 'symbol':
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
+ case 'object':
+ var primValue = ToPrimitive(argument, String);
+ return ToString(primValue); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ default:
+ return String(argument);
+ }
+ }
+ // Array.of
+ /* global ArrayCreate, Construct, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, CreateMethodProperty, IsConstructor, ToString */
+ // Array.of ( ...items )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'of', function of() {
+ // 1. Let len be the actual number of arguments passed to this function.
+ var len = arguments.length;
+ // 2. Let items be the List of arguments passed to this function.
+ var items = arguments;
+ // 3. Let C be the this value.
+ var C = this;
+ // 4. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, + len ;).
+ var A = Construct(C, [len]);
+ // 5. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
+ A = ArrayCreate(len);
+ }
+ // 6. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let kValue be items[k].
+ var kValue = items[k];
+ // b. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // c. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue);
+ // d. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true)
+ A.length = len;
+ // 9. Return A.
+ return A;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.fill
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToInteger, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.fill ( value [ , start [ , end ] ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'fill', function fill(value /* [ , start [ , end ] ] */) {
+ var start = arguments[1];
+ var end = arguments[2];
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. Let relativeStart be ? ToInteger(start).
+ var relativeStart = ToInteger(start);
+ // 4. If relativeStart < 0, let k be max((len + relativeStart), 0); else let k be min(relativeStart, len)
+ var k = relativeStart < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeStart), 0) : Math.min(relativeStart, len);
+ // 5. If end is undefined, let relativeEnd be len; else let relativeEnd be ? ToInteger(end).
+ var relativeEnd = end === undefined ? len : ToInteger(end);
+ // 6. If relativeEnd < 0, let final be max((len + relativeEnd), 0); else let final be min(relativeEnd, len).
+ var final = relativeEnd < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeEnd), 0) : Math.min(relativeEnd, len);
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < final
+ while (k < final) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Perform ? Set(O, Pk, value, true).
+ O[Pk] = value;
+ // c. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Return O.
+ return O;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.find
+ /* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.find ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', function find( predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
+ }
+ // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 5. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 6. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
+ // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, + kValue, k, O ;)).
+ var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O ]));
+ // d. If testResult is true, return kValue.
+ if (testResult) {
+ return kValue;
+ }
+ // e. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 7. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.findIndex
+ /* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.findIndex ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', function findIndex(predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
+ }
+ // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 5. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 6. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
+ // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, + kValue, k, O ;)).
+ var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O]));
+ // d. If testResult is true, return k.
+ if (testResult) {
+ return k;
+ }
+ // e. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 7. Return -1.
+ return -1;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.includes
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, SameValueZero, ToInteger, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', function includes(searchElement /* [ , fromIndex ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If len is 0, return false.
+ if (len === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex). (If fromIndex is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var n = ToInteger(arguments[1]);
+ // 5. If n e 0, then
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ // a. Let k be n.
+ var k = n;
+ // 6. Else n < 0,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let k be len + n.
+ k = len + n;
+ // b. If k < 0, let k be 0.
+ if (k < 0) {
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
+ var elementK = Get(O, ToString(k));
+ // b. If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true.
+ if (SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // c. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Event
+ (function () {
+ var unlistenableWindowEvents = {
+ click: 1,
+ dblclick: 1,
+ keyup: 1,
+ keypress: 1,
+ keydown: 1,
+ mousedown: 1,
+ mouseup: 1,
+ mousemove: 1,
+ mouseover: 1,
+ mouseenter: 1,
+ mouseleave: 1,
+ mouseout: 1,
+ storage: 1,
+ storagecommit: 1,
+ textinput: 1
+ };
+ // This polyfill depends on availability of `document` so will not run in a worker
+ // However, we asssume there are no browsers with worker support that lack proper
+ // support for `Event` within the worker
+ if (typeof document === 'undefined' || typeof window === 'undefined') return;
+ var existingProto = (window.Event && window.Event.prototype) || null;
+ function Event(type, eventInitDict) {
+ if (!type) {
+ throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
+ }
+ var event;
+ // Shortcut if browser supports createEvent
+ if ('createEvent' in document) {
+ event = document.createEvent('Event');
+ var bubbles = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.bubbles !== undefined ? eventInitDict.bubbles : false;
+ var cancelable = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.cancelable !== undefined ? eventInitDict.cancelable : false;
+ event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
+ return event;
+ }
+ event = document.createEventObject();
+ event.type = type;
+ event.bubbles = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.bubbles !== undefined ? eventInitDict.bubbles : false;
+ event.cancelable = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.cancelable !== undefined ? eventInitDict.cancelable : false;
+ return event;
+ }
+ Event.NONE = 0;
+ Event.AT_TARGET = 2;
+ window.Event = Window.prototype.Event = Event;
+ if (existingProto) {
+ Object.defineProperty(window.Event, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: existingProto
+ });
+ }
+ if (!('createEvent' in document)) {
+ window.addEventListener = Window.prototype.addEventListener = Document.prototype.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener() {
+ var
+ element = this,
+ type = arguments[0],
+ listener = arguments[1];
+ if (element === window && type in unlistenableWindowEvents) {
+ throw new Error('In IE8 the event: ' + type + ' is not available on the window object. Please see https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-service/issues/317 for more information.');
+ }
+ if (!element._events) {
+ element._events = {};
+ }
+ if (!element._events[type]) {
+ element._events[type] = function (event) {
+ var
+ list = element._events[event.type].list,
+ events = list.slice(),
+ index = -1,
+ length = events.length,
+ eventElement;
+ event.preventDefault = function preventDefault() {
+ if (event.cancelable !== false) {
+ event.returnValue = false;
+ }
+ };
+ event.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation() {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ };
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation = function stopImmediatePropagation() {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ event.cancelImmediate = true;
+ };
+ event.currentTarget = element;
+ event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement || null;
+ event.target = event.target || event.srcElement || element;
+ event.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
+ if (event.clientX) {
+ event.pageX = event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ event.pageY = event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ }
+ while (++index < length && !event.cancelImmediate) {
+ if (index in events) {
+ eventElement = events[index];
+ if (list.includes(eventElement) && typeof eventElement === 'function') {
+ eventElement.call(element, event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ element._events[type].list = [];
+ if (element.attachEvent) {
+ element.attachEvent('on' + type, element._events[type]);
+ }
+ }
+ element._events[type].list.push(listener);
+ };
+ window.removeEventListener = Window.prototype.removeEventListener = Document.prototype.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener() {
+ var
+ element = this,
+ type = arguments[0],
+ listener = arguments[1],
+ index;
+ if (element._events && element._events[type] && element._events[type].list) {
+ index = element._events[type].list.indexOf(listener);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ element._events[type].list.splice(index, 1);
+ if (!element._events[type].list.length) {
+ if (element.detachEvent) {
+ element.detachEvent('on' + type, element._events[type]);
+ }
+ delete element._events[type];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ window.dispatchEvent = Window.prototype.dispatchEvent = Document.prototype.dispatchEvent = Element.prototype.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(event) {
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
+ }
+ if (!event || typeof event.type !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error('DOM Events Exception 0');
+ }
+ var element = this, type = event.type;
+ try {
+ if (!event.bubbles) {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ var cancelBubbleEvent = function (event) {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ (element || window).detachEvent('on' + type, cancelBubbleEvent);
+ };
+ this.attachEvent('on' + type, cancelBubbleEvent);
+ }
+ this.fireEvent('on' + type, event);
+ } catch (error) {
+ event.target = element;
+ do {
+ event.currentTarget = element;
+ if ('_events' in element && typeof element._events[type] === 'function') {
+ element._events[type].call(element, event);
+ }
+ if (typeof element['on' + type] === 'function') {
+ element['on' + type].call(element, event);
+ }
+ element = element.nodeType === 9 ? element.parentWindow : element.parentNode;
+ } while (element && !event.cancelBubble);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Add the DOMContentLoaded Event
+ document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function() {
+ if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
+ document.dispatchEvent(new Event('DOMContentLoaded', {
+ bubbles: true
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }());
+ // CustomEvent
+ self.CustomEvent = function CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict) {
+ if (!type) {
+ throw Error('TypeError: Failed to construct "CustomEvent": An event name must be provided.');
+ }
+ var event;
+ eventInitDict = eventInitDict || {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: null};
+ if ('createEvent' in document) {
+ try {
+ event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ event.initCustomEvent(type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable, eventInitDict.detail);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // for browsers which don't support CustomEvent at all, we use a regular event instead
+ event = document.createEvent('Event');
+ event.initEvent(type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable);
+ event.detail = eventInitDict.detail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // IE8
+ event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
+ event.detail = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.detail || null;
+ }
+ return event;
+ };
+ CustomEvent.prototype = Event.prototype;
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyNames
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject */
+ (function() {
+ var toString = {}.toString;
+ var split = "".split;
+ var concat = [].concat;
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ var nativeGetOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || Object.keys;
+ var cachedWindowNames =
+ typeof self === "object" ? nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(self) : [];
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyNames ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(
+ Object,
+ "getOwnPropertyNames",
+ function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {
+ var object = ToObject(O);
+ if (toString.call(object) === "[object Window]") {
+ try {
+ return nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(object);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE bug where layout engine calls userland Object.getOwnPropertyNames for cross-domain `window` objects
+ return concat.call([], cachedWindowNames);
+ }
+ }
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ object =
+ toString.call(object) == "[object String]"
+ ? split.call(object, "")
+ : Object(object);
+ var result = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(object);
+ var extraNonEnumerableKeys = ["length", "prototype"];
+ for (var i = 0; i < extraNonEnumerableKeys.length; i++) {
+ var key = extraNonEnumerableKeys[i];
+ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && !result.includes(key)) {
+ result.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.includes("__proto__")) {
+ var index = result.indexOf("__proto__");
+ result.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ );
+ })();
+ // String.prototype.endsWith
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.endsWith ( searchString [ , endPosition ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'endsWith', function endsWith(searchString /* [ , endPosition ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var endPosition = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.endsWith must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 7. If endPosition is undefined, let pos be len, else let pos be ? ToInteger(endPosition).
+ var pos = endPosition === undefined ? len : ToInteger(endPosition);
+ // 8. Let end be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
+ var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. Let start be end - searchLength.
+ var start = end - searchLength;
+ // 11. If start is less than 0, return false.
+ if (start < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 12. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
+ if (S.substr(start, searchLength) === searchStr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 13. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // String.prototype.includes
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.includes ( searchString [ , position ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'includes', function includes(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var pos = ToInteger(position);
+ // 7. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLen be the length of searchStr.
+ // var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. If there exists any integer k not smaller than start such that k + searchLen is not greater than len, and for all nonnegative integers j less than searchLen, the code unit at index k+j within S is the same as the code unit at index j within searchStr, return true; but if there is no such integer k, return false.
+ return String.prototype.indexOf.call(S, searchStr, start) !== -1;
+ });
+ // String.prototype.startsWith
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.startsWith ( searchString [ , position ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'startsWith', function startsWith(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.startsWith must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var pos = ToInteger(position);
+ // 7. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
+ var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. If searchLength+start is greater than len, return false.
+ if (searchLength + start > len) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 11. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
+ if (S.substr(start).indexOf(searchString) === 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 12. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // _ESAbstract.ToPropertyKey
+ /* globals ToPrimitive, Type, ToString */
+ // 7.1.14. ToPropertyKey ( argument )
+ function ToPropertyKey(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let key be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String).
+ var key = ToPrimitive(argument, String);
+ // 2. If Type(key) is Symbol, then
+ if (Type(key) === 'symbol') {
+ // a. Return key.
+ return key;
+ }
+ // 3. Return ! ToString(key).
+ return ToString(key);
+ }
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject, ToPropertyKey, HasOwnProperty, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ var supportsDOMDescriptors = (function () {
+ try {
+ return Object.defineProperty(document.createElement('div'), 'one', {
+ get: function () {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }).one === 1;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ var toString = ({}).toString;
+ var split = ''.split;
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( O, P )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {
+ // 1. Let obj be ? ToObject(O).
+ var obj = ToObject(O);
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ obj = (Type(obj) === 'string' || obj instanceof String) && toString.call(O) == '[object String]' ? split.call(O, '') : Object(O);
+ // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(P).
+ var key = ToPropertyKey(P);
+ // 3. Let desc be ? obj.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).
+ // 4. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(desc).
+ // Polyfill.io Internet Explorer 8 natively supports property descriptors only on DOM objects.
+ // We will fallback to the polyfill implementation if the native implementation throws an error.
+ if (supportsDOMDescriptors) {
+ try {
+ return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (error) {}
+ }
+ if (HasOwnProperty(obj, key)) {
+ return {
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: obj[key]
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ }());
+ // Object.assign
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToObject */
+ // Object.assign ( target, ...sources )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'assign', function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let to be ? ToObject(target).
+ var to = ToObject(target);
+ // 2. If only one argument was passed, return to.
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return to;
+ }
+ // 3. Let sources be the List of argument values starting with the second argument
+ var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ // 4. For each element nextSource of sources, in ascending index order, do
+ var index1;
+ var index2;
+ var keys;
+ var from;
+ for (index1 = 0; index1 < sources.length; index1++) {
+ var nextSource = sources[index1];
+ // a. If nextSource is undefined or null, let keys be a new empty List.
+ if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) {
+ keys = [];
+ // b. Else,
+ } else {
+ // Polyfill.io - In order to get strings in ES3 and old V8 working correctly we need to split them into an array ourselves.
+ // i. Let from be ! ToObject(nextSource).
+ from = Object.prototype.toString.call(nextSource) === '[object String]' ? String(nextSource).split('') : ToObject(nextSource);
+ // ii. Let keys be ? from.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ /*
+ This step in our polyfill is not complying with the specification.
+ [[OwnPropertyKeys]] is meant to return ALL keys, including non-enumerable and symbols.
+ TODO: When we have Reflect.ownKeys, use that instead as it is the userland equivalent of [[OwnPropertyKeys]].
+ */
+ keys = Object.keys(from);
+ }
+ // c. For each element nextKey of keys in List order, do
+ for (index2 = 0; index2 < keys.length; index2++) {
+ var nextKey = keys[index2];
+ var enumerable;
+ try {
+ // i. Let desc be ? from.[[GetOwnProperty]](nextKey).
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, nextKey);
+ // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
+ enumerable = desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable === true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - We use Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable as a fallback
+ // because `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.location, 'hash')` causes Internet Explorer 11 to crash.
+ enumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(from, nextKey);
+ }
+ if (enumerable) {
+ // 1. Let propValue be ? Get(from, nextKey).
+ var propValue = Get(from, nextKey);
+ // 2. Perform ? Set(to, nextKey, propValue, true).
+ to[nextKey] = propValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Return to.
+ return to;
+ });
+ // Symbol
+ // A modification of https://github.com/WebReflection/get-own-property-symbols
+ // (C) Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Licensed
+ /* global Type */
+ (function (Object, GOPS, global) {
+ 'use strict'; //so that ({}).toString.call(null) returns the correct [object Null] rather than [object Window]
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ // supports getters
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, "t", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ var setDescriptor;
+ var id = 0;
+ var random = '' + Math.random();
+ var prefix = '__\x01symbol:';
+ var prefixLength = prefix.length;
+ var internalSymbol = '__\x01symbol@@' + random;
+ var emptySymbolLookup = {};
+ var DP = 'defineProperty';
+ var DPies = 'defineProperties';
+ var GOPN = 'getOwnPropertyNames';
+ var GOPD = 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor';
+ var PIE = 'propertyIsEnumerable';
+ var ObjectProto = Object.prototype;
+ var hOP = ObjectProto.hasOwnProperty;
+ var pIE = ObjectProto[PIE];
+ var toString = ObjectProto.toString;
+ var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
+ var cachedWindowNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self) : [];
+ var nGOPN = Object[GOPN];
+ var gOPN = function getOwnPropertyNames (obj) {
+ if (toString.call(obj) === '[object Window]') {
+ try {
+ return nGOPN(obj);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE bug where layout engine calls userland gOPN for cross-domain `window` objects
+ return concat.call([], cachedWindowNames);
+ }
+ }
+ return nGOPN(obj);
+ };
+ var gOPD = Object[GOPD];
+ var objectCreate = Object.create;
+ var objectKeys = Object.keys;
+ var freeze = Object.freeze || Object;
+ var objectDefineProperty = Object[DP];
+ var $defineProperties = Object[DPies];
+ var descriptor = gOPD(Object, GOPN);
+ var addInternalIfNeeded = function (o, uid, enumerable) {
+ if (!hOP.call(o, internalSymbol)) {
+ try {
+ objectDefineProperty(o, internalSymbol, {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ o[internalSymbol] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ o[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid] = enumerable;
+ };
+ var createWithSymbols = function (proto, descriptors) {
+ var self = objectCreate(proto);
+ gOPN(descriptors).forEach(function (key) {
+ if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, key)) {
+ $defineProperty(self, key, descriptors[key]);
+ }
+ });
+ return self;
+ };
+ var copyAsNonEnumerable = function (descriptor) {
+ var newDescriptor = objectCreate(descriptor);
+ newDescriptor.enumerable = false;
+ return newDescriptor;
+ };
+ var get = function get(){};
+ var onlyNonSymbols = function (name) {
+ return name != internalSymbol &&
+ !hOP.call(source, name);
+ };
+ var onlySymbols = function (name) {
+ return name != internalSymbol &&
+ hOP.call(source, name);
+ };
+ var propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) {
+ var uid = '' + key;
+ return onlySymbols(uid) ? (
+ hOP.call(this, uid) &&
+ this[internalSymbol] && this[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid]
+ ) : pIE.call(this, key);
+ };
+ var setAndGetSymbol = function (uid) {
+ var descriptor = {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ get: get,
+ set: function (value) {
+ setDescriptor(this, uid, {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: value
+ });
+ addInternalIfNeeded(this, uid, true);
+ }
+ };
+ try {
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, uid, descriptor);
+ } catch (e) {
+ ObjectProto[uid] = descriptor.value;
+ }
+ source[uid] = objectDefineProperty(
+ Object(uid),
+ 'constructor',
+ sourceConstructor
+ );
+ var description = gOPD(Symbol.prototype, 'description');
+ if (description) {
+ objectDefineProperty(
+ source[uid],
+ 'description',
+ description
+ );
+ }
+ return freeze(source[uid]);
+ };
+ var symbolDescription = function (s) {
+ var sym = thisSymbolValue(s);
+ // 3. Return sym.[[Description]].
+ if (supportsInferredNames) {
+ var name = getInferredName(sym);
+ if (name !== "") {
+ return name.slice(1, -1); // name.slice('['.length, -']'.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (emptySymbolLookup[sym] !== undefined) {
+ return emptySymbolLookup[sym];
+ }
+ var string = sym.toString();
+ var randomStartIndex = string.lastIndexOf("0.");
+ string = string.slice(10, randomStartIndex);
+ if (string === "") {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return string;
+ };
+ var Symbol = function Symbol() {
+ var description = arguments[0];
+ if (this instanceof Symbol) {
+ throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor');
+ }
+ var uid = prefix.concat(description || '', random, ++id);
+ if (description !== undefined && (description === null || isNaN(description) || String(description) === "")) {
+ emptySymbolLookup[uid] = String(description);
+ }
+ var that = setAndGetSymbol(uid);
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(that, "description", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: symbolDescription(that)
+ });
+ }
+ return that;
+ };
+ var source = objectCreate(null);
+ var sourceConstructor = {value: Symbol};
+ var sourceMap = function (uid) {
+ return source[uid];
+ };
+ var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(o, key, descriptor) {
+ var uid = '' + key;
+ if (onlySymbols(uid)) {
+ setDescriptor(o, uid, descriptor.enumerable ?
+ copyAsNonEnumerable(descriptor) : descriptor);
+ addInternalIfNeeded(o, uid, !!descriptor.enumerable);
+ } else {
+ objectDefineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
+ }
+ return o;
+ };
+ var onlyInternalSymbols = function (obj) {
+ return function (name) {
+ return hOP.call(obj, internalSymbol) && hOP.call(obj[internalSymbol], '@@' + name);
+ };
+ };
+ var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(o) {
+ return gOPN(o).filter(o === ObjectProto ? onlyInternalSymbols(o) : onlySymbols).map(sourceMap);
+ }
+ ;
+ descriptor.value = $defineProperty;
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, DP, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = $getOwnPropertySymbols;
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPS, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyNames(o) {
+ return gOPN(o).filter(onlyNonSymbols);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPN, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function defineProperties(o, descriptors) {
+ var symbols = $getOwnPropertySymbols(descriptors);
+ if (symbols.length) {
+ objectKeys(descriptors).concat(symbols).forEach(function (uid) {
+ if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, uid)) {
+ $defineProperty(o, uid, descriptors[uid]);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $defineProperties(o, descriptors);
+ }
+ return o;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, DPies, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = propertyIsEnumerable;
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, PIE, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = Symbol;
+ objectDefineProperty(global, 'Symbol', descriptor);
+ // defining `Symbol.for(key)`
+ descriptor.value = function (key) {
+ var uid = prefix.concat(prefix, key, random);
+ return uid in ObjectProto ? source[uid] : setAndGetSymbol(uid);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Symbol, 'for', descriptor);
+ // defining `Symbol.keyFor(symbol)`
+ descriptor.value = function (symbol) {
+ if (onlyNonSymbols(symbol))
+ throw new TypeError(symbol + ' is not a symbol');
+ return hOP.call(source, symbol) ?
+ symbol.slice(prefixLength * 2, -random.length) :
+ void 0
+ ;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Symbol, 'keyFor', descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, key) {
+ var descriptor = gOPD(o, key);
+ if (descriptor && onlySymbols(key)) {
+ descriptor.enumerable = propertyIsEnumerable.call(o, key);
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPD, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function create(proto, descriptors) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || typeof descriptors === "undefined" ?
+ objectCreate(proto) :
+ createWithSymbols(proto, descriptors);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, 'create', descriptor);
+ var strictModeSupported = (function(){ 'use strict'; return this; }).call(null) === null;
+ if (strictModeSupported) {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ } else {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ // https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-library/issues/164#issuecomment-486965300
+ // Polyfill.io this code is here for the situation where a browser does not
+ // support strict mode and is executing `Object.prototype.toString.call(null)`.
+ // This code ensures that we return the correct result in that situation however,
+ // this code also introduces a bug where it will return the incorrect result for
+ // `Object.prototype.toString.call(window)`. We can't have the correct result for
+ // both `window` and `null`, so we have opted for `null` as we believe this is the more
+ // common situation.
+ if (this === window) {
+ return '[object Null]';
+ }
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ }
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, 'toString', descriptor);
+ setDescriptor = function (o, key, descriptor) {
+ var protoDescriptor = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);
+ delete ObjectProto[key];
+ objectDefineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
+ if (o !== ObjectProto) {
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, key, protoDescriptor);
+ }
+ };
+ // The abstract operation thisSymbolValue(value) performs the following steps:
+ function thisSymbolValue(value) {
+ // 1. If Type(value) is Symbol, return value.
+ if (Type(value) === "symbol") {
+ return value;
+ }
+ // 2. If Type(value) is Object and value has a [[SymbolData]] internal slot, then
+ // a. Let s be value.[[SymbolData]].
+ // b. Assert: Type(s) is Symbol.
+ // c. Return s.
+ // 3. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw TypeError(value + " is not a symbol");
+ }
+ // Symbol.prototype.description
+ if (function () {
+ // supports getters
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, "t", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }()) {
+ var getInferredName;
+ try {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
+ getInferredName = Function("s", "var v = s.valueOf(); return { [v]() {} }[v].name;");
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) { }
+ var inferred = function () { };
+ var supportsInferredNames = getInferredName && inferred.name === "inferred" ? getInferredName : null;
+ // get Symbol.prototype.description
+ Object.defineProperty(global.Symbol.prototype, "description", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let s be the this value.
+ var s = this;
+ return symbolDescription(s);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }(Object, 'getOwnPropertySymbols', self));
+ // Symbol.iterator
+ Object.defineProperty(self.Symbol, 'iterator', { value: self.Symbol('iterator') });
+ // _ESAbstract.GetIterator
+ /* global GetMethod, Symbol, Call, Type, GetV */
+ // 7.4.1. GetIterator ( obj [ , method ] )
+ // The abstract operation GetIterator with argument obj and optional argument method performs the following steps:
+ function GetIterator(obj /*, method */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If method is not present, then
+ // a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+ var method = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : GetMethod(obj, Symbol.iterator);
+ // 2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
+ var iterator = Call(method, obj);
+ // 3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(iterator) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
+ }
+ // 4. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
+ var nextMethod = GetV(iterator, "next");
+ // 5. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: iterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false}.
+ var iteratorRecord = Object.create(null);
+ iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'] = iterator;
+ iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'] = nextMethod;
+ iteratorRecord['[[Done]]'] = false;
+ // 6. Return iteratorRecord.
+ return iteratorRecord;
+ }
+ // Symbol.species
+ /* global Symbol */
+ Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'species', { value: Symbol('species') });
+ // Map
+ /* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Type, Symbol */
+ (function (global) {
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ // Need an internal counter to assign unique IDs to a key map
+ var _uniqueHashId = 0;
+ // Create a unique key name for storing meta data on functions and objects to enable lookups in hash table
+ var _metaKey = Symbol('meta_' + ((Math.random() * 100000000) + '').replace('.', ''));
+ /**
+ * hashKey()
+ * Function that given a key of `any` type, returns a string key value to enable hash map optimization for accessing Map data structure
+ * @param {string|integer|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {string|false} - Returns a hashed string value or false if non extensible object key
+ */
+ var hashKey = function(recordKey) {
+ // Check to see if we are dealing with object or function type.
+ if (typeof recordKey === 'object' ? recordKey !== null : typeof recordKey === 'function') {
+ // Check to see if we are dealing with a non extensible object
+ if (!Object.isExtensible(recordKey)) {
+ // Return `false`
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(recordKey, _metaKey)) {
+ var uniqueHashKey = typeof(recordKey)+'-'+(++_uniqueHashId);
+ Object.defineProperty(recordKey, _metaKey, {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: uniqueHashKey
+ });
+ }
+ // Return previously defined hashed key
+ return recordKey[_metaKey];
+ }
+ // If this is just a primitive, we can cast it to a string and return it
+ return ''+recordKey;
+ };
+ /**
+ * getRecordIndex()
+ * Function that given a Map and a key of `any` type, returns an index number that coorelates with a record found in `this._keys[index]` and `this._values[index]`
+ * @param {Map} map - Map structure
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {number|false} - Returns either a index to access map._keys and map._values, or false if not found
+ */
+ var getRecordIndex = function(map, recordKey) {
+ var hashedKey = hashKey(recordKey); // Casts key to unique string (unless already string or number)
+ if (hashedKey === false) {
+ // We have to iterate through our Map structure because `recordKey` is non-primitive and not extensible
+ return getRecordIndexSlow(map, recordKey);
+ }
+ var recordIndex = map._table[hashedKey]; // O(1) access to record
+ return recordIndex !== undefined ? recordIndex : false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * getRecordIndexSlow()
+ * Alternative (and slower) function to `getRecordIndex()`. Necessary for looking up non-extensible object keys.
+ * @param {Map} map - Map structure
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {number|false} - Returns either a index to access map._keys and map._values, or false if not found
+ */
+ var getRecordIndexSlow = function(map, recordKey) {
+ // We have to iterate through our Map structure because `recordKey` is non-primitive and not extensible
+ for (var i = 0; i < map._keys.length; i++) {
+ var _recordKey = map._keys[i];
+ if (_recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(_recordKey, recordKey)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * setHashIndex()
+ * Function that given a map, key of `any` type, and a value, creates a new entry in Map hash table
+ * @param {Map} map
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Key to translate into normalized key for hash map
+ * @param {number|bool} recordIndex - new record index for the hashedKey or `false` to delete the record index for the hashedKey
+ * @returns {bool} - indicates success of operation
+ */
+ var setHashIndex = function(map, recordKey, recordIndex) {
+ var hashedKey = hashKey(recordKey);
+ if (hashedKey === false) {
+ // If hashed key is false, the recordKey is an object which is not extensible.
+ // That indicates we cannot use the hash map for it, so this operation becomes no-op.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (recordIndex === false) {
+ delete map._table[hashedKey];
+ } else {
+ map._table[hashedKey] = recordIndex;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Deleted map items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
+ var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
+ // Map ( [ iterable ] )
+ var Map = function Map(/* iterable */) {
+ // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!(this instanceof Map)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Constructor Map requires "new"');
+ }
+ // 2. Let map be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%MapPrototype%", + [[MapData]] ;).
+ var map = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Map.prototype, {
+ _table: {}, // O(1) access table for retrieving records
+ _keys: [],
+ _values: [],
+ _size: 0,
+ _es6Map: true
+ });
+ // 3. Set map.[[MapData]] to a new empty List.
+ // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
+ // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Map only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the map changes.
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(map, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ }
+ // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
+ var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
+ // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return map.
+ if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
+ return map;
+ }
+ // 6. Let adder be ? Get(map, "set").
+ var adder = map.set;
+ // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
+ throw new TypeError("Map.prototype.set is not a function");
+ }
+ // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
+ try {
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
+ // 9. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // b. If next is false, return map.
+ if (next === false) {
+ return map;
+ }
+ // c. Let nextItem be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextItem = IteratorValue(next);
+ // d. If Type(nextItem) is not Object, then
+ if (Type(nextItem) !== 'object') {
+ // i. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
+ try {
+ throw new TypeError('Iterator value ' + nextItem + ' is not an entry object');
+ } catch (error) {
+ // ii. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for steps: f, h, and j.
+ // e. Let k be Get(nextItem, "0").
+ var k = nextItem[0];
+ // f. If k is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, k).
+ // g. Let v be Get(nextItem, "1").
+ var v = nextItem[1];
+ // h. If v is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, v).
+ // i. Let status be Call(adder, map, + k.[[Value]], v.[[Value]] ;).
+ adder.call(map, k, v);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // j. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
+ if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
+ Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
+ // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
+ (!!iterable.callee)) {
+ var index;
+ var length = iterable.length;
+ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ adder.call(map, iterable[index][0], iterable[index][1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return map;
+ };
+ // Map.prototype
+ // The initial value of Map.prototype is the intrinsic object %MapPrototype%.
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ // get Map [ @@species ]
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, Symbol.species, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Return the this value.
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ } else {
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map, Symbol.species, Map);
+ }
+ // Map.prototype.clear ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = M._keys;
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // 5.a. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ M._keys[i] = undefMarker;
+ // 5.b. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ M._values[i] = undefMarker;
+ }
+ this._size = 0;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 5a. Clear lookup table
+ this._table = {};
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.constructor
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'constructor', Map);
+ // Map.prototype.delete ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'delete', function (key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 5a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
+ // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ // ii-a. Remove key from lookup table
+ // iii. Return true.
+ // 6. Return false.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ // Steps 4-5: Access record
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ // Get record's `key` (could be `any` type);
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ // 5a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ this._keys[recordIndex] = undefMarker;
+ // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ this._values[recordIndex] = undefMarker;
+ this._size = --this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // iia. Remove key from lookup table
+ setHashIndex(this, key, false);
+ // iii. Return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.entries ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'entries', function entries () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key+value").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, 'key+value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'forEach', function (callbackFn) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ if (arguments[1]) {
+ var T = arguments[1];
+ }
+ // 6. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = M._keys;
+ // 7. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} e that is an element of entries, in original key insertion order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
+ if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && M._values[i] !== undefMarker ) {
+ // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, + e.[[Value]], e.[[Key]], M ;).
+ callbackFn.call(T, M._values[i], M._keys[i], M);
+ }
+ }
+ // 8. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.get ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'get', function get(key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return p.[[Value]].
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ return M._values[recordIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.has ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'has', function has (key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof M !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return true.
+ // 6. Return false.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.keys ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'keys', function keys () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, "key");
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.set ( key, value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'set', function set(key, value) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 6. If key is -0, let key be +0.
+ // 7. Let p be the Record {[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value}.
+ // 8. Append p as the last element of entries.
+ // 9. Return M.
+ // Strictly following the above steps 4-9 will lead to an inefficient algorithm.
+ // Step 8 also doesn't seem to be required if an entry already exists
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ // update path
+ M._values[recordIndex] = value;
+ } else {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-compare-neg-zero
+ if (key === -0) {
+ key = 0;
+ }
+ var p = {
+ '[[Key]]': key,
+ '[[Value]]': value
+ };
+ M._keys.push(p['[[Key]]']);
+ M._values.push(p['[[Value]]']);
+ setHashIndex(M, key, M._keys.length - 1); // update lookup table
+ ++M._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ M.size = M._size;
+ }
+ }
+ return M;
+ });
+ // get Map.prototype.size
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. Let count be 0.
+ // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 6a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty, set count to count+1.
+ // 7. Return count.
+ // Implement 4-7 more efficently by returning pre-computed property
+ return this._size;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ }
+ // Map.prototype.values ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'values', function values () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "value").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, 'value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
+ // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the entries property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, Symbol.iterator, Map.prototype.entries);
+ // Map.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Map.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
+ if (!('name' in Map)) {
+ // name
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, 'name', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: 'Map'
+ });
+ }
+ // CreateMapIterator ( map, kind )
+ function CreateMapIterator(map, kind) {
+ // 1. If Type(map) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(map) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
+ }
+ // 2. If map does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (map._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
+ }
+ // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%MapIteratorPrototype%, + [[Map]], [[MapNextIndex]], [[MapIterationKind]] ;).
+ var iterator = Object.create(MapIteratorPrototype);
+ // 4. Set iterator.[[Map]] to map.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[Map]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: map
+ });
+ // 5. Set iterator.[[MapNextIndex]] to 0.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapNextIndex]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ // 6. Set iterator.[[MapIterationKind]] to kind.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapIterationKind]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: kind
+ });
+ // 7. Return iterator.
+ return iterator;
+ }
+ // The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
+ var MapIteratorPrototype = {};
+ // Polyfill.io - We use this as a quick way to check if an object is a Map Iterator instance.
+ Object.defineProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'isMapIterator', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: true
+ });
+ // %MapIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
+ // 1. Let O be the this value.
+ var O = this;
+ // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(O) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Map Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!O.isMapIterator) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 4. Let m be O.[[Map]].
+ var m = O['[[Map]]'];
+ // 5. Let index be O.[[MapNextIndex]].
+ var index = O['[[MapNextIndex]]'];
+ // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[MapIterationKind]].
+ var itemKind = O['[[MapIterationKind]]'];
+ // 7. If m is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ if (m === undefined) {
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ // 8. Assert: m has a [[MapData]] internal slot.
+ if (!m._es6Map) {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(m) + ' has a [[MapData]] internal slot.');
+ }
+ // 9. Let entries be the List that is m.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = m._keys;
+ // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
+ var numEntries = entries.length;
+ // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
+ // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
+ while (index < numEntries) {
+ // a. Let e be the Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} that is the value of entries[index].
+ var e = Object.create(null);
+ e['[[Key]]'] = m._keys[index];
+ e['[[Value]]'] = m._values[index];
+ // b. Set index to index+1.
+ index = index + 1;
+ // c. Set O.[[MapNextIndex]] to index.
+ O['[[MapNextIndex]]'] = index;
+ // d. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
+ if (e['[[Key]]'] !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. If itemKind is "key", let result be e.[[Key]].
+ if (itemKind === 'key') {
+ var result = e['[[Key]]'];
+ // ii. Else if itemKind is "value", let result be e.[[Value]].
+ } else if (itemKind === 'value') {
+ result = e['[[Value]]'];
+ // iii. Else,
+ } else {
+ // 1. Assert: itemKind is "key+value".
+ if (itemKind !== 'key+value') {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ // 2. Let result be CreateArrayFromList(+ e.[[Key]], e.[[Value]] ;).
+ result = [
+ e['[[Key]]'],
+ e['[[Value]]']
+ ];
+ }
+ // iv. Return CreateIterResultObject(result, false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(result, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // 13. Set O.[[Map]] to undefined.
+ O['[[Map]]'] = undefined;
+ // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ );
+ // %MapIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map Iterator".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ );
+ // Export the object
+ try {
+ CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Map', Map);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
+ // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
+ global.Map = Map;
+ }
+ }(self));
+ // Set
+ /* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Symbol */
+ (function (global) {
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ // Deleted set items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
+ var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
+ // Set ( [ iterable ] )
+ var Set = function Set(/* iterable */) {
+ // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!(this instanceof Set)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Constructor Set requires "new"');
+ }
+ // 2. Let set be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%SetPrototype%", + [[SetData]] ;).
+ var set = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Set.prototype, {
+ _values: [],
+ _size: 0,
+ _es6Set: true
+ });
+ // 3. Set set.[[SetData]] to a new empty List.
+ // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
+ // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Set only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the set changes.
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(set, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ }
+ // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
+ var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
+ // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return set.
+ if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
+ return set;
+ }
+ // 6. Let adder be ? Get(set, "add").
+ var adder = set.add;
+ // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
+ throw new TypeError("Set.prototype.add is not a function");
+ }
+ try {
+ // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
+ // 9. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // b. If next is false, return set.
+ if (next === false) {
+ return set;
+ }
+ // c. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
+ // d. Let status be Call(adder, set, + nextValue.[[Value]] ;).
+ try {
+ adder.call(set, nextValue);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // e. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
+ if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
+ Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
+ // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
+ (!!iterable.callee)) {
+ var index;
+ var length = iterable.length;
+ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ adder.call(set, iterable[index]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw (e);
+ }
+ }
+ return set;
+ };
+ // Set.prototype
+ // The initial value of Set.prototype is the intrinsic %SetPrototype% object.
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ // get Set [ @@species ]
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, Symbol.species, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Return the this value.
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ } else {
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set, Symbol.species, Set);
+ }
+ // Set.prototype.add ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'add', function add(value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ // i. Return S.
+ return S;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. If value is -0, let value be +0.
+ if (value === 0 && 1/value === -Infinity) {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ // 7. Append value as the last element of entries.
+ S._values.push(value);
+ this._size = ++this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 8. Return S.
+ return S;
+ });
+ // Set.prototype.clear ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // a. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
+ entries[i] = undefMarker;
+ }
+ this._size = 0;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Set.prototype.constructor
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'constructor', Set);
+ // Set.prototype.delete ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'delete', function (value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ // i. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
+ entries[i] = undefMarker;
+ this._size = --this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // ii. Return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.entries ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'entries', function entries() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "key+value").
+ return CreateSetIterator(S, 'key+value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'forEach', function forEach(callbackFn /*[ , thisArg ]*/) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ if (arguments[1]) {
+ var T = arguments[1];
+ }
+ // 6. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 7. For each e that is an element of entries, in original insertion order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, + e, e, S ;).
+ callbackFn.call(T, e, e, S);
+ }
+ }
+ // 8. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.has ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'has', function has(value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, return true.
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Polyfill.io - We need to define Set.prototype.values before Set.prototype.keys because keys is a reference to values.
+ // Set.prototype.values()
+ var values = function values() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "value").
+ return CreateSetIterator(S, "value");
+ };
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'values', values);
+ // Set.prototype.keys ( )
+ // The initial value of the keys property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'keys', values);
+ // get Set.prototype.size
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. Let count be 0.
+ var count = 0;
+ // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty, set count to count+1.
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ count = count + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 7. Return count.
+ return count;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ }
+ // Set.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
+ // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, Symbol.iterator, values);
+ // Set.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Set.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
+ if (!('name' in Set)) {
+ // name
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, 'name', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: 'Set'
+ });
+ }
+ // CreateSetIterator ( set, kind )
+ function CreateSetIterator(set, kind) {
+ // 1. If Type(set) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof set !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
+ }
+ // 2. If set does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (set._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
+ }
+ // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%SetIteratorPrototype%, + [[IteratedSet]], [[SetNextIndex]], [[SetIterationKind]] ;).
+ var iterator = Object.create(SetIteratorPrototype);
+ // 4. Set iterator.[[IteratedSet]] to set.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[IteratedSet]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: set
+ });
+ // 5. Set iterator.[[SetNextIndex]] to 0.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetNextIndex]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ // 6. Set iterator.[[SetIterationKind]] to kind.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetIterationKind]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: kind
+ });
+ // 7. Return iterator.
+ return iterator;
+ }
+ // The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
+ var SetIteratorPrototype = {};
+ //Polyfill.io - We add this property to help us identify what is a set iterator.
+ Object.defineProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'isSetIterator', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: true
+ });
+ // %SetIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
+ // 1. Let O be the this value.
+ var O = this;
+ // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof O !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Set Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!O.isSetIterator) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 4. Let s be O.[[IteratedSet]].
+ var s = O['[[IteratedSet]]'];
+ // 5. Let index be O.[[SetNextIndex]].
+ var index = O['[[SetNextIndex]]'];
+ // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[SetIterationKind]].
+ var itemKind = O['[[SetIterationKind]]'];
+ // 7. If s is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ if (s === undefined) {
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ // 8. Assert: s has a [[SetData]] internal slot.
+ if (!s._es6Set) {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(s) + ' does not have [[SetData]] internal slot.');
+ }
+ // 9. Let entries be the List that is s.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = s._values;
+ // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
+ var numEntries = entries.length;
+ // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
+ // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
+ while (index < numEntries) {
+ // a. Let e be entries[index].
+ var e = entries[index];
+ // b. Set index to index+1.
+ index = index + 1;
+ // c. Set O.[[SetNextIndex]] to index.
+ O['[[SetNextIndex]]'] = index;
+ // d. If e is not empty, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. If itemKind is "key+value", then
+ if (itemKind === 'key+value') {
+ // 1. Return CreateIterResultObject(CreateArrayFromList(+ e, e ;), false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject([e, e], false);
+ }
+ // ii. Return CreateIterResultObject(e, false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // 13. Set O.[[IteratedSet]] to undefined.
+ O['[[IteratedSet]]'] = undefined;
+ // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ });
+ // %SetIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set Iterator".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ );
+ // Export the object
+ try {
+ CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Set', Set);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
+ // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
+ global.Set = Set;
+ }
+ }(self));
+ // Array.from
+ /* globals
+ IsCallable, GetMethod, Symbol, IsConstructor, Construct, ArrayCreate, GetIterator, IteratorClose,
+ ToString, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, ToObject, ToLength, Get, CreateMethodProperty
+ */
+ (function () {
+ var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var stringMatch = String.prototype.match;
+ // A cross-realm friendly way to detect if a value is a String object or literal.
+ function isString(value) {
+ if (typeof value === 'string') { return true; }
+ if (typeof value !== 'object') { return false; }
+ return toString.call(value) === '[object String]';
+ }
+ // Array.from ( items [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'from', function from(items /* [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
+ // 1. Let C be the this value.
+ var C = this;
+ // 2. If mapfn is undefined, let mapping be false.
+ var mapfn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ if (mapfn === undefined) {
+ var mapping = false;
+ // 3. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(mapfn) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(mapfn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // b. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
+ if (thisArg !== undefined) {
+ var T = thisArg;
+ } else {
+ T = undefined;
+ }
+ // c. Let mapping be true.
+ mapping = true;
+ }
+ // 4. Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(items, @@iterator).
+ var usingIterator = GetMethod(items, Symbol.iterator);
+ // 5. If usingIterator is not undefined, then
+ if (usingIterator !== undefined) {
+ // a. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // i. Let A be ? Construct(C).
+ var A = Construct(C);
+ // b. Else,
+ } else {
+ // i. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(0).
+ A = ArrayCreate(0);
+ }
+ // c. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, usingIterator).
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(items, usingIterator);
+ // d. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // e. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // i. If k e 2^53-1, then
+ if (k >= (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1)) {
+ // 1. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
+ var error = new TypeError('Iteration count can not be greater than or equal 9007199254740991.');
+ // 2. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
+ }
+ // ii. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // iii. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // iv. If next is false, then
+ if (next === false) {
+ // 1. Perform ? Set(A, "length", k, true).
+ A.length = k;
+ // 2. Return A.
+ return A;
+ }
+ // v. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
+ // vi. If mapping is true, then
+ if (mapping) {
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step 2.
+ // 1. Let mappedValue be Call(mapfn, T, + nextValue, k ;).
+ var mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [nextValue, k]);
+ // 2. If mappedValue is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, mappedValue).
+ // 3. Let mappedValue be mappedValue.[[Value]].
+ } catch (e) {
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ // vii. Else, let mappedValue be nextValue.
+ } else {
+ mappedValue = nextValue;
+ }
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step ix.
+ // viii. Let defineStatus be CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
+ // ix. If defineStatus is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, defineStatus).
+ } catch (e) {
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ // x. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. NOTE: items is not an Iterable so assume it is an array-like object.
+ // 7. Let arrayLike be ! ToObject(items).
+ // Polyfill.io - For Strings we need to split astral symbols into surrogate pairs.
+ if (isString(items)) {
+ var arrayLike = stringMatch.call(items, /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?|[^\uD800-\uDFFF]|./g) || [];
+ } else {
+ arrayLike = ToObject(items);
+ }
+ // 8. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(arrayLike, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(arrayLike, "length"));
+ // 9. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, + len ;).
+ A = Construct(C, [len]);
+ // 10. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
+ A = ArrayCreate(len);
+ }
+ // 11. Let k be 0.
+ k = 0;
+ // 12. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(arrayLike, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(arrayLike, Pk);
+ // c. If mapping is true, then
+ if (mapping === true) {
+ // i. Let mappedValue be ? Call(mapfn, T, + kValue, k ;).
+ mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [kValue, k]);
+ // d. Else, let mappedValue be kValue.
+ } else {
+ mappedValue = kValue;
+ }
+ // e. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
+ // f. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 13. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true).
+ A.length = len;
+ // 14. Return A.
+ return A;
+ });
+ }());
+ // URL
+ /* global Symbol */
+ // URL Polyfill
+ // Draft specification: https://url.spec.whatwg.org
+ // Notes:
+ // - Primarily useful for parsing URLs and modifying query parameters
+ // - Should work in IE8+ and everything more modern, with es5.js polyfills
+ (function (global) {
+ 'use strict';
+ function isSequence(o) {
+ if (!o) return false;
+ if ('Symbol' in global && 'iterator' in global.Symbol &&
+ typeof o[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') return true;
+ if (Array.isArray(o)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ;(function() { // eslint-disable-line no-extra-semi
+ // Browsers may have:
+ // * No global URL object
+ // * URL with static methods only - may have a dummy constructor
+ // * URL with members except searchParams
+ // * Full URL API support
+ var origURL = global.URL;
+ var nativeURL;
+ try {
+ if (origURL) {
+ nativeURL = new global.URL('http://example.com');
+ if ('searchParams' in nativeURL) {
+ var url = new URL('http://example.com');
+ url.search = 'a=1&b=2';
+ if (url.href === 'http://example.com/?a=1&b=2') {
+ url.search = '';
+ if (url.href === 'http://example.com/') {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!('href' in nativeURL)) {
+ nativeURL = undefined;
+ }
+ nativeURL = undefined;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (_) {}
+ // NOTE: Doesn't do the encoding/decoding dance
+ function urlencoded_serialize(pairs) {
+ var output = '', first = true;
+ pairs.forEach(function (pair) {
+ var name = encodeURIComponent(pair.name);
+ var value = encodeURIComponent(pair.value);
+ if (!first) output += '&';
+ output += name + '=' + value;
+ first = false;
+ });
+ return output.replace(/%20/g, '+');
+ }
+ // NOTE: URL API accepts inputs like `?x=%`, `?x=%a`, and `?x=%2sf`
+ // as literals, whereas legacy decodeURIComponent would throw
+ // URIError (as specified by ECMAScript).
+ //
+ // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#percent-decode
+ function percent_decode(bytes) {
+ // NOTE:
+ // * Only decode pairs of exactly two bytes.
+ // * Only decode bytes in range 0-9, A-F, a-f.
+ // * Decode as many pairs at the same time as possible.
+ // This is because we're not actually operating on internal bytes,
+ // but on a valid UTF string, and the string must remain valid at
+ // all times, and decodeURIComponent will throw when attempting to
+ // decode a byte that represents only part of a codepoint, for example
+ // "%7F" separately from "%7F%C3%BF".
+ return bytes.replace(/((%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*)/g, function (_, m) {
+ return decodeURIComponent(m);
+ });
+ }
+ // NOTE: Doesn't do the encoding/decoding dance
+ //
+ // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-parser
+ function urlencoded_parse(input, isindex) {
+ var sequences = input.split('&');
+ if (isindex && sequences[0].indexOf('=') === -1)
+ sequences[0] = '=' + sequences[0];
+ var pairs = [];
+ sequences.forEach(function (bytes) {
+ if (bytes.length === 0) return;
+ var index = bytes.indexOf('=');
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ var name = bytes.substring(0, index);
+ var value = bytes.substring(index + 1);
+ } else {
+ name = bytes;
+ value = '';
+ }
+ name = name.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+ value = value.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+ pairs.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ });
+ var output = [];
+ pairs.forEach(function (pair) {
+ output.push({
+ name: percent_decode(pair.name),
+ value: percent_decode(pair.value)
+ });
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ function URLUtils(url) {
+ if (nativeURL)
+ return new origURL(url);
+ var anchor = document.createElement('a');
+ anchor.href = url;
+ return anchor;
+ }
+ function URLSearchParams(init) {
+ var $this = this;
+ this._list = [];
+ if (init === undefined || init === null) {
+ // no-op
+ } else if (init instanceof URLSearchParams) {
+ // In ES6 init would be a sequence, but special case for ES5.
+ this._list = urlencoded_parse(String(init));
+ } else if (typeof init === 'object' && isSequence(init)) {
+ Array.from(init).forEach(function(e) {
+ if (!isSequence(e)) throw TypeError();
+ var nv = Array.from(e);
+ if (nv.length !== 2) throw TypeError();
+ $this._list.push({name: String(nv[0]), value: String(nv[1])});
+ });
+ } else if (typeof init === 'object' && init) {
+ Object.keys(init).forEach(function(key) {
+ $this._list.push({name: String(key), value: String(init[key])});
+ });
+ } else {
+ init = String(init);
+ if (init.substring(0, 1) === '?')
+ init = init.substring(1);
+ this._list = urlencoded_parse(init);
+ }
+ this._url_object = null;
+ this._setList = function (list) { if (!updating) $this._list = list; };
+ var updating = false;
+ this._update_steps = function() {
+ if (updating) return;
+ updating = true;
+ if (!$this._url_object) return;
+ // Partial workaround for IE issue with 'about:'
+ if ($this._url_object.protocol === 'about:' &&
+ $this._url_object.pathname.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
+ $this._url_object.pathname = $this._url_object.pathname.split('?')[0];
+ }
+ $this._url_object.search = urlencoded_serialize($this._list);
+ updating = false;
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParams.prototype, {
+ append: {
+ value: function (name, value) {
+ this._list.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ 'delete': {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length;) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ this._list.splice(i, 1);
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ get: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ return this._list[i].value;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ getAll: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ result.push(this._list[i].value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ has: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ set: {
+ value: function (name, value) {
+ var found = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length;) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name) {
+ if (!found) {
+ this._list[i].value = value;
+ found = true;
+ ++i;
+ } else {
+ this._list.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ this._list.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ entries: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'key+value'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ keys: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'key'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ values: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'value'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ forEach: {
+ value: function(callback) {
+ var thisArg = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ this._list.forEach(function(pair) {
+ callback.call(thisArg, pair.value, pair.name);
+ });
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function () {
+ return urlencoded_serialize(this._list);
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ },
+ sort: {
+ value: function sort() {
+ var entries = this.entries();
+ var entry = entries.next();
+ var keys = [];
+ var values = {};
+ while (!entry.done) {
+ var value = entry.value;
+ var key = value[0];
+ keys.push(key);
+ if (!(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(values, key))) {
+ values[key] = [];
+ }
+ values[key].push(value[1]);
+ entry = entries.next();
+ }
+ keys.sort();
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ this["delete"](keys[i]);
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
+ key = keys[j];
+ this.append(key, values[key].shift());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function Iterator(source, kind) {
+ var index = 0;
+ this.next = function() {
+ if (index >= source.length)
+ return {done: true, value: undefined};
+ var pair = source[index++];
+ return {done: false, value:
+ kind === 'key' ? pair.name :
+ kind === 'value' ? pair.value :
+ [pair.name, pair.value]};
+ };
+ }
+ if ('Symbol' in global && 'iterator' in global.Symbol) {
+ Object.defineProperty(URLSearchParams.prototype, global.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries,
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
+ Object.defineProperty(Iterator.prototype, global.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: function() { return this; },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
+ }
+ function URL(url, base) {
+ if (!(this instanceof global.URL))
+ throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': Please use the 'new' operator.");
+ if (base) {
+ url = (function () {
+ if (nativeURL) return new origURL(url, base).href;
+ var iframe;
+ try {
+ var doc;
+ // Use another document/base tag/anchor for relative URL resolution, if possible
+ if (Object.prototype.toString.call(window.operamini) === "[object OperaMini]") {
+ iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ iframe.style.display = 'none';
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe);
+ doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ } else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) {
+ doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
+ } else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
+ doc = document.implementation.createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', null);
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElement('head'));
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElement('body'));
+ } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ doc = new window.ActiveXObject('htmlfile');
+ doc.write('');
+ doc.close();
+ }
+ if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported');
+ var baseTag = doc.createElement('base');
+ baseTag.href = base;
+ doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag);
+ var anchor = doc.createElement('a');
+ anchor.href = url;
+ return anchor.href;
+ } finally {
+ if (iframe)
+ iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
+ }
+ }());
+ }
+ // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL
+ // object or an HTMLAnchorElement instance) is used to perform the
+ // URL algorithms. With full ES5 getter/setter support, return a
+ // regular object For IE8's limited getter/setter support, a
+ // different HTMLAnchorElement is returned with properties
+ // overridden
+ var instance = URLUtils(url || '');
+ // Detect for ES5 getter/setter support
+ // (an Object.defineProperties polyfill that doesn't support getters/setters may throw)
+ var ES5_GET_SET = (function() {
+ if (!('defineProperties' in Object)) return false;
+ try {
+ var obj = {};
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, { prop: { get: function () { return true; } } });
+ return obj.prop;
+ } catch (_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ var self = ES5_GET_SET ? this : document.createElement('a');
+ var query_object = new URLSearchParams(
+ instance.search ? instance.search.substring(1) : null);
+ query_object._url_object = self;
+ Object.defineProperties(self, {
+ href: {
+ get: function () { return instance.href; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.href = v; tidy_instance(); update_steps(); },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ origin: {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this.protocol.toLowerCase() === "data:") {
+ return null
+ }
+ if ('origin' in instance) return instance.origin;
+ return this.protocol + '//' + this.host;
+ },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ protocol: {
+ get: function () { return instance.protocol; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.protocol = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ username: {
+ get: function () { return instance.username; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.username = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ password: {
+ get: function () { return instance.password; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.password = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ host: {
+ get: function () {
+ // IE returns default port in |host|
+ var re = {'http:': /:80$/, 'https:': /:443$/, 'ftp:': /:21$/}[instance.protocol];
+ return re ? instance.host.replace(re, '') : instance.host;
+ },
+ set: function (v) { instance.host = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ hostname: {
+ get: function () { return instance.hostname; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.hostname = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ port: {
+ get: function () { return instance.port; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.port = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ pathname: {
+ get: function () {
+ // IE does not include leading '/' in |pathname|
+ if (instance.pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') return '/' + instance.pathname;
+ return instance.pathname;
+ },
+ set: function (v) { instance.pathname = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ search: {
+ get: function () { return instance.search; },
+ set: function (v) {
+ if (instance.search === v) return;
+ instance.search = v; tidy_instance(); update_steps();
+ },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ searchParams: {
+ get: function () { return query_object; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ hash: {
+ get: function () { return instance.hash; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.hash = v; tidy_instance(); },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function() { return instance.toString(); },
+ enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ },
+ valueOf: {
+ value: function() { return instance.valueOf(); },
+ enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ }
+ });
+ function tidy_instance() {
+ var href = instance.href.replace(/#$|\?$|\?(?=#)/g, '');
+ if (instance.href !== href)
+ instance.href = href;
+ }
+ function update_steps() {
+ query_object._setList(instance.search ? urlencoded_parse(instance.search.substring(1)) : []);
+ query_object._update_steps();
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (origURL) {
+ for (var i in origURL) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(origURL, i) && typeof origURL[i] === 'function')
+ URL[i] = origURL[i];
+ }
+ }
+ global.URL = URL;
+ global.URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams;
+ })();
+ // Patch native URLSearchParams constructor to handle sequences/records
+ // if necessary.
+ (function() {
+ if (new global.URLSearchParams([['a', 1]]).get('a') === '1' &&
+ new global.URLSearchParams({a: 1}).get('a') === '1')
+ return;
+ var orig = global.URLSearchParams;
+ global.URLSearchParams = function(init) {
+ if (init && typeof init === 'object' && isSequence(init)) {
+ var o = new orig();
+ Array.from(init).forEach(function (e) {
+ if (!isSequence(e)) throw TypeError();
+ var nv = Array.from(e);
+ if (nv.length !== 2) throw TypeError();
+ o.append(nv[0], nv[1]);
+ });
+ return o;
+ } else if (init && typeof init === 'object') {
+ o = new orig();
+ Object.keys(init).forEach(function(key) {
+ o.set(key, init[key]);
+ });
+ return o;
+ } else {
+ return new orig(init);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ }(self));
+ // Symbol.toStringTag
+ /* global Symbol */
+ Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'toStringTag', {
+ value: Symbol('toStringTag')
+ });
+ // Promise
+ /*
+ Yaku v0.19.3
+ (c) 2015 Yad Smood. http://ysmood.org
+ License MIT
+ */
+ /*
+ Yaku v0.17.9
+ (c) 2015 Yad Smood. http://ysmood.org
+ License MIT
+ */
+ (function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ var $undefined
+ , $null = null
+ , isBrowser = typeof self === 'object'
+ , root = self
+ , nativePromise = root.Promise
+ , process = root.process
+ , console = root.console
+ , isLongStackTrace = true
+ , Arr = Array
+ , Err = Error
+ , $rejected = 1
+ , $resolved = 2
+ , $pending = 3
+ , $Symbol = 'Symbol'
+ , $iterator = 'iterator'
+ , $species = 'species'
+ , $speciesKey = $Symbol + '(' + $species + ')'
+ , $return = 'return'
+ , $unhandled = '_uh'
+ , $promiseTrace = '_pt'
+ , $settlerTrace = '_st'
+ , $invalidThis = 'Invalid this'
+ , $invalidArgument = 'Invalid argument'
+ , $fromPrevious = '\nFrom previous '
+ , $promiseCircularChain = 'Chaining cycle detected for promise'
+ , $unhandledRejectionMsg = 'Uncaught (in promise)'
+ , $rejectionHandled = 'rejectionHandled'
+ , $unhandledRejection = 'unhandledRejection'
+ , $tryCatchFn
+ , $tryCatchThis
+ , $tryErr = { e: $null }
+ , $noop = function () {}
+ , $cleanStackReg = /^.+\/node_modules\/yaku\/.+\n?/mg
+ ;
+ /**
+ * This class follows the [Promises/A+](https://promisesaplus.com) and
+ * [ES6](http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-promise-objects) spec
+ * with some extra helpers.
+ * @param {Function} executor Function object with two arguments resolve, reject.
+ * The first argument fulfills the promise, the second argument rejects it.
+ * We can call these functions, once our operation is completed.
+ */
+ var Yaku = function (executor) {
+ var self = this,
+ err;
+ // "this._s" is the internao state of: pending, resolved or rejected
+ // "this._v" is the internal value
+ if (!isObject(self) || self._s !== $undefined)
+ throw genTypeError($invalidThis);
+ self._s = $pending;
+ if (isLongStackTrace) self[$promiseTrace] = genTraceInfo();
+ if (executor !== $noop) {
+ if (!isFunction(executor))
+ throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ err = genTryCatcher(executor)(
+ genSettler(self, $resolved),
+ genSettler(self, $rejected)
+ );
+ if (err === $tryErr)
+ settlePromise(self, $rejected, err.e);
+ }
+ };
+ Yaku['default'] = Yaku;
+ extend(Yaku.prototype, {
+ /**
+ * Appends fulfillment and rejection handlers to the promise,
+ * and returns a new promise resolving to the return value of the called handler.
+ * @param {Function} onFulfilled Optional. Called when the Promise is resolved.
+ * @param {Function} onRejected Optional. Called when the Promise is rejected.
+ * @return {Yaku} It will return a new Yaku which will resolve or reject after
+ * @example
+ * the current Promise.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.resolve(10);
+ *
+ * p.then((v) => {
+ * console.log(v);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ then: function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ if (this._s === undefined) throw genTypeError();
+ return addHandler(
+ this,
+ newCapablePromise(Yaku.speciesConstructor(this, Yaku)),
+ onFulfilled,
+ onRejected
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * The `catch()` method returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only.
+ * It behaves the same as calling `Promise.prototype.then(undefined, onRejected)`.
+ * @param {Function} onRejected A Function called when the Promise is rejected.
+ * This function has one argument, the rejection reason.
+ * @return {Yaku} A Promise that deals with rejected cases only.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.reject(new Error("ERR"));
+ *
+ * p['catch']((v) => {
+ * console.log(v);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ 'catch': function (onRejected) {
+ return this.then($undefined, onRejected);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Register a callback to be invoked when a promise is settled (either fulfilled or rejected).
+ * Similar with the try-catch-finally, it's often used for cleanup.
+ * @param {Function} onFinally A Function called when the Promise is settled.
+ * It will not receive any argument.
+ * @return {Yaku} A Promise that will reject if onFinally throws an error or returns a rejected promise.
+ * Else it will resolve previous promise's final state (either fulfilled or rejected).
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Math.random() > 0.5 ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();
+ * p.finally(() => {
+ * console.log('finally');
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ 'finally': function (onFinally) {
+ return this.then(function (val) {
+ return Yaku.resolve(onFinally()).then(function () {
+ return val;
+ });
+ }, function (err) {
+ return Yaku.resolve(onFinally()).then(function () {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ // The number of current promises that attach to this Yaku instance.
+ _c: 0,
+ // The parent Yaku.
+ _p: $null
+ });
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.resolve(value)` method returns a Promise object that is resolved with the given value.
+ * If the value is a thenable (i.e. has a then method), the returned promise will "follow" that thenable,
+ * adopting its eventual state; otherwise the returned promise will be fulfilled with the value.
+ * @param {Any} value Argument to be resolved by this Promise.
+ * Can also be a Promise or a thenable to resolve.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.resolve(10);
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.resolve = function (val) {
+ return isYaku(val) ? val : settleWithX(newCapablePromise(this), val);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.reject(reason)` method returns a Promise object that is rejected with the given reason.
+ * @param {Any} reason Reason why this Promise rejected.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.reject(new Error("ERR"));
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.reject = function (reason) {
+ return settlePromise(newCapablePromise(this), $rejected, reason);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.race(iterable)` method returns a promise that resolves or rejects
+ * as soon as one of the promises in the iterable resolves or rejects,
+ * with the value or reason from that promise.
+ * @param {iterable} iterable An iterable object, such as an Array.
+ * @return {Yaku} The race function returns a Promise that is settled
+ * the same way as the first passed promise to settle.
+ * It resolves or rejects, whichever happens first.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.race([
+ * 123,
+ * Promise.resolve(0)
+ * ])
+ * .then((value) => {
+ * console.log(value); // => 123
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.race = function (iterable) {
+ var self = this
+ , p = newCapablePromise(self)
+ , resolve = function (val) {
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, val);
+ }
+ , reject = function (val) {
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, val);
+ }
+ , ret = genTryCatcher(each)(iterable, function (v) {
+ self.resolve(v).then(resolve, reject);
+ });
+ if (ret === $tryErr) return self.reject(ret.e);
+ return p;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.all(iterable)` method returns a promise that resolves when
+ * all of the promises in the iterable argument have resolved.
+ *
+ * The result is passed as an array of values from all the promises.
+ * If something passed in the iterable array is not a promise,
+ * it's converted to one by Promise.resolve. If any of the passed in promises rejects,
+ * the all Promise immediately rejects with the value of the promise that rejected,
+ * discarding all the other promises whether or not they have resolved.
+ * @param {iterable} iterable An iterable object, such as an Array.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.all([
+ * 123,
+ * Promise.resolve(0)
+ * ])
+ * .then((values) => {
+ * console.log(values); // => [123, 0]
+ * });
+ * ```
+ * @example
+ * Use with iterable.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.all((function * () {
+ * yield 10;
+ * yield new Promise(function (r) { setTimeout(r, 1000, "OK") });
+ * })())
+ * .then((values) => {
+ * console.log(values); // => [123, 0]
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.all = function (iterable) {
+ var self = this
+ , p1 = newCapablePromise(self)
+ , res = []
+ , ret
+ ;
+ function reject (reason) {
+ settlePromise(p1, $rejected, reason);
+ }
+ ret = genTryCatcher(each)(iterable, function (item, i) {
+ self.resolve(item).then(function (value) {
+ res[i] = value;
+ if (!--ret) settlePromise(p1, $resolved, res);
+ }, reject);
+ });
+ if (ret === $tryErr) return self.reject(ret.e);
+ if (!ret) settlePromise(p1, $resolved, []);
+ return p1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The ES6 Symbol object that Yaku should use, by default it will use the
+ * global one.
+ * @type {Object}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var core = require("core-js/library");
+ * var Promise = require("yaku");
+ * Promise.Symbol = core.Symbol;
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.Symbol = root[$Symbol] || {};
+ // To support browsers that don't support `Object.defineProperty`.
+ genTryCatcher(function () {
+ Object.defineProperty(Yaku, getSpecies(), {
+ get: function () { return this; }
+ });
+ })();
+ /**
+ * Use this api to custom the species behavior.
+ * https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-speciesconstructor
+ * @param {Any} O The current this object.
+ * @param {Function} defaultConstructor
+ */
+ Yaku.speciesConstructor = function (O, D) {
+ var C = O.constructor;
+ return C ? (C[getSpecies()] || D) : D;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Catch all possibly unhandled rejections. If you want to use specific
+ * format to display the error stack, overwrite it.
+ * If it is set, auto `console.error` unhandled rejection will be disabled.
+ * @param {Any} reason The rejection reason.
+ * @param {Yaku} p The promise that was rejected.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.unhandledRejection = (reason) => {
+ * console.error(reason);
+ * };
+ *
+ * // The console will log an unhandled rejection error message.
+ * Promise.reject('my reason');
+ *
+ * // The below won't log the unhandled rejection error message.
+ * Promise.reject('v')["catch"](() => {});
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.unhandledRejection = function (reason, p) {
+ console && console.error(
+ $unhandledRejectionMsg,
+ isLongStackTrace ? p.longStack : genStackInfo(reason, p)
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Emitted whenever a Promise was rejected and an error handler was
+ * attached to it (for example with `["catch"]()`) later than after an event loop turn.
+ * @param {Any} reason The rejection reason.
+ * @param {Yaku} p The promise that was rejected.
+ */
+ Yaku.rejectionHandled = $noop;
+ /**
+ * It is used to enable the long stack trace.
+ * Once it is enabled, it can't be reverted.
+ * While it is very helpful in development and testing environments,
+ * it is not recommended to use it in production. It will slow down
+ * application and eat up memory.
+ * It will add an extra property `longStack` to the Error object.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.enableLongStackTrace();
+ * Promise.reject(new Error("err"))["catch"]((err) => {
+ * console.log(err.longStack);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.enableLongStackTrace = function () {
+ isLongStackTrace = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Only Node has `process.nextTick` function. For browser there are
+ * so many ways to polyfill it. Yaku won't do it for you, instead you
+ * can choose what you prefer. For example, this project
+ * [next-tick](https://github.com/medikoo/next-tick).
+ * By default, Yaku will use `process.nextTick` on Node, `setTimeout` on browser.
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.nextTick = require('next-tick');
+ * ```
+ * @example
+ * You can even use sync resolution if you really know what you are doing.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.nextTick = fn => fn();
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.nextTick = isBrowser ?
+ function (fn) {
+ nativePromise ?
+ new nativePromise(function (resolve) { resolve(); }).then(fn) :
+ setTimeout(fn);
+ } :
+ process.nextTick;
+ // ********************** Private **********************
+ Yaku._s = 1;
+ /**
+ * All static variable name will begin with `$`. Such as `$rejected`.
+ * @private
+ */
+ // ******************************* Utils ********************************
+ function getSpecies () {
+ return Yaku[$Symbol][$species] || $speciesKey;
+ }
+ function extend (src, target) {
+ for (var k in target) {
+ src[k] = target[k];
+ }
+ }
+ function isObject (obj) {
+ return obj && typeof obj === 'object';
+ }
+ function isFunction (obj) {
+ return typeof obj === 'function';
+ }
+ function isInstanceOf (a, b) {
+ return a instanceof b;
+ }
+ function isError (obj) {
+ return isInstanceOf(obj, Err);
+ }
+ function ensureType (obj, fn, msg) {
+ if (!fn(obj)) throw genTypeError(msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrap a function into a try-catch.
+ * @private
+ * @return {Any | $tryErr}
+ */
+ function tryCatcher () {
+ try {
+ return $tryCatchFn.apply($tryCatchThis, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ $tryErr.e = e;
+ return $tryErr;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a try-catch wrapped function.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} fn
+ * @return {Function}
+ */
+ function genTryCatcher (fn, self) {
+ $tryCatchFn = fn;
+ $tryCatchThis = self;
+ return tryCatcher;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a scheduler.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Integer} initQueueSize
+ * @param {Function} fn `(Yaku, Value) ->` The schedule handler.
+ * @return {Function} `(Yaku, Value) ->` The scheduler.
+ */
+ function genScheduler (initQueueSize, fn) {
+ /**
+ * All async promise will be scheduled in
+ * here, so that they can be execute on the next tick.
+ * @private
+ */
+ var fnQueue = Arr(initQueueSize)
+ , fnQueueLen = 0;
+ /**
+ * Run all queued functions.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function flush () {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < fnQueueLen) {
+ fn(fnQueue[i], fnQueue[i + 1]);
+ fnQueue[i++] = $undefined;
+ fnQueue[i++] = $undefined;
+ }
+ fnQueueLen = 0;
+ if (fnQueue.length > initQueueSize) fnQueue.length = initQueueSize;
+ }
+ return function (v, arg) {
+ fnQueue[fnQueueLen++] = v;
+ fnQueue[fnQueueLen++] = arg;
+ if (fnQueueLen === 2) Yaku.nextTick(flush);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a iterator
+ * @param {Any} obj
+ * @private
+ * @return {Object || TypeError}
+ */
+ function each (iterable, fn) {
+ var len
+ , i = 0
+ , iter
+ , item
+ , ret
+ ;
+ if (!iterable) throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ var gen = iterable[Yaku[$Symbol][$iterator]];
+ if (isFunction(gen))
+ iter = gen.call(iterable);
+ else if (isFunction(iterable.next)) {
+ iter = iterable;
+ }
+ else if (isInstanceOf(iterable, Arr)) {
+ len = iterable.length;
+ while (i < len) {
+ fn(iterable[i], i++);
+ }
+ return i;
+ } else
+ throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ while (!(item = iter.next()).done) {
+ ret = genTryCatcher(fn)(item.value, i++);
+ if (ret === $tryErr) {
+ isFunction(iter[$return]) && iter[$return]();
+ throw ret.e;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate type error object.
+ * @private
+ * @param {String} msg
+ * @return {TypeError}
+ */
+ function genTypeError (msg) {
+ return new TypeError(msg);
+ }
+ function genTraceInfo (noTitle) {
+ return (noTitle ? '' : $fromPrevious) + new Err().stack;
+ }
+ // *************************** Promise Helpers ****************************
+ /**
+ * Resolve the value returned by onFulfilled or onRejected.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p1
+ * @param {Yaku} p2
+ */
+ var scheduleHandler = genScheduler(999, function (p1, p2) {
+ var x, handler;
+ // 2.2.2
+ // 2.2.3
+ handler = p1._s !== $rejected ? p2._onFulfilled : p2._onRejected;
+ //
+ //
+ if (handler === $undefined) {
+ settlePromise(p2, p1._s, p1._v);
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ x = genTryCatcher(callHanler)(handler, p1._v);
+ if (x === $tryErr) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p2, $rejected, x.e);
+ return;
+ }
+ settleWithX(p2, x);
+ });
+ var scheduleUnhandledRejection = genScheduler(9, function (p) {
+ if (!hashOnRejected(p)) {
+ p[$unhandled] = 1;
+ emitEvent($unhandledRejection, p);
+ }
+ });
+ function emitEvent (name, p) {
+ var browserEventName = 'on' + name.toLowerCase()
+ , browserHandler = root[browserEventName];
+ if (process && process.listeners(name).length)
+ name === $unhandledRejection ?
+ process.emit(name, p._v, p) : process.emit(name, p);
+ else if (browserHandler)
+ browserHandler({ reason: p._v, promise: p });
+ else
+ Yaku[name](p._v, p);
+ }
+ function isYaku (val) { return val && val._s; }
+ function newCapablePromise (Constructor) {
+ if (isYaku(Constructor)) return new Constructor($noop);
+ var p, r, j;
+ p = new Constructor(function (resolve, reject) {
+ if (p) throw genTypeError();
+ r = resolve;
+ j = reject;
+ });
+ ensureType(r, isFunction);
+ ensureType(j, isFunction);
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * It will produce a settlePromise function to user.
+ * Such as the resolve and reject in this `new Yaku (resolve, reject) ->`.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} self
+ * @param {Integer} state The value is one of `$pending`, `$resolved` or `$rejected`.
+ * @return {Function} `(value) -> undefined` A resolve or reject function.
+ */
+ function genSettler (self, state) {
+ var isCalled = false;
+ return function (value) {
+ if (isCalled) return;
+ isCalled = true;
+ if (isLongStackTrace)
+ self[$settlerTrace] = genTraceInfo(true);
+ if (state === $resolved)
+ settleWithX(self, value);
+ else
+ settlePromise(self, state, value);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Link the promise1 to the promise2.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p1
+ * @param {Yaku} p2
+ * @param {Function} onFulfilled
+ * @param {Function} onRejected
+ */
+ function addHandler (p1, p2, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ // 2.2.1
+ if (isFunction(onFulfilled))
+ p2._onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
+ if (isFunction(onRejected)) {
+ if (p1[$unhandled]) emitEvent($rejectionHandled, p1);
+ p2._onRejected = onRejected;
+ }
+ if (isLongStackTrace) p2._p = p1;
+ p1[p1._c++] = p2;
+ // 2.2.6
+ if (p1._s !== $pending)
+ scheduleHandler(p1, p2);
+ // 2.2.7
+ return p2;
+ }
+ // iterate tree
+ function hashOnRejected (node) {
+ // A node shouldn't be checked twice.
+ if (node._umark)
+ return true;
+ else
+ node._umark = true;
+ var i = 0
+ , len = node._c
+ , child;
+ while (i < len) {
+ child = node[i++];
+ if (child._onRejected || hashOnRejected(child)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function genStackInfo (reason, p) {
+ var stackInfo = [];
+ function push (trace) {
+ return stackInfo.push(trace.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (isLongStackTrace) {
+ if (p[$settlerTrace])
+ push(p[$settlerTrace]);
+ // Hope you guys could understand how the back trace works.
+ // We only have to iterate through the tree from the bottom to root.
+ (function iter (node) {
+ if (node && $promiseTrace in node) {
+ iter(node._next);
+ push(node[$promiseTrace] + '');
+ iter(node._p);
+ }
+ })(p);
+ }
+ return (reason && reason.stack ? reason.stack : reason) +
+ ('\n' + stackInfo.join('\n')).replace($cleanStackReg, '');
+ }
+ function callHanler (handler, value) {
+ // 2.2.5
+ return handler(value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve or reject a promise.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Integer} state
+ * @param {Any} value
+ */
+ function settlePromise (p, state, value) {
+ var i = 0
+ , len = p._c;
+ // 2.1.2
+ // 2.1.3
+ if (p._s === $pending) {
+ //
+ p._s = state;
+ p._v = value;
+ if (state === $rejected) {
+ if (isLongStackTrace && isError(value)) {
+ value.longStack = genStackInfo(value, p);
+ }
+ scheduleUnhandledRejection(p);
+ }
+ // 2.2.4
+ while (i < len) {
+ scheduleHandler(p, p[i++]);
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve or reject promise with value x. The x can also be a thenable.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Any | Thenable} x A normal value or a thenable.
+ */
+ function settleWithX (p, x) {
+ // 2.3.1
+ if (x === p && x) {
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, genTypeError($promiseCircularChain));
+ return p;
+ }
+ // 2.3.2
+ // 2.3.3
+ if (x !== $null && (isFunction(x) || isObject(x))) {
+ //
+ var xthen = genTryCatcher(getThen)(x);
+ if (xthen === $tryErr) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, xthen.e);
+ return p;
+ }
+ if (isFunction(xthen)) {
+ if (isLongStackTrace && isYaku(x))
+ p._next = x;
+ // Fix https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=4162
+ if (isYaku(x))
+ settleXthen(p, x, xthen);
+ else
+ Yaku.nextTick(function () {
+ settleXthen(p, x, xthen);
+ });
+ } else
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, x);
+ } else
+ // 2.3.4
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, x);
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try to get a promise's then method.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Thenable} x
+ * @return {Function}
+ */
+ function getThen (x) { return x.then; }
+ /**
+ * Resolve then with its promise.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Thenable} x
+ * @param {Function} xthen
+ */
+ function settleXthen (p, x, xthen) {
+ //
+ var err = genTryCatcher(xthen, x)(function (y) {
+ //
+ //
+ x && (x = $null, settleWithX(p, y));
+ }, function (r) {
+ //
+ //
+ x && (x = $null, settlePromise(p, $rejected, r));
+ });
+ //
+ if (err === $tryErr && x) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, err.e);
+ x = $null;
+ }
+ }
+ root.Promise = Yaku;
+ })();
+ // _ESAbstract.EnumerableOwnProperties
+ /* globals Type, Get */
+ // 7.3.21. EnumerableOwnProperties ( O, kind )
+ function EnumerableOwnProperties(O, kind) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Let ownKeys be ? O.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ var ownKeys = Object.keys(O);
+ // 3. Let properties be a new empty List.
+ var properties = [];
+ // 4. For each element key of ownKeys in List order, do
+ var length = ownKeys.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ var key = ownKeys[i];
+ // a. If Type(key) is String, then
+ if (Type(key) === 'string') {
+ // i. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, key);
+ // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ // 1. If kind is "key", append key to properties.
+ if (kind === 'key') {
+ properties.push(key);
+ // 2. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let value be ? Get(O, key).
+ var value = Get(O, key);
+ // b. If kind is "value", append value to properties.
+ if (kind === 'value') {
+ properties.push(value);
+ // c. Else,
+ } else {
+ // i. Assert: kind is "key+value".
+ // ii. Let entry be CreateArrayFromList(+ key, value ;).
+ var entry = [key, value];
+ // iii. Append entry to properties.
+ properties.push(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Order the elements of properties so they are in the same relative order as would be produced by the Iterator that would be returned if the EnumerateObjectProperties internal method were invoked with O.
+ // 6. Return properties.
+ return properties;
+ }
+ // Object.entries
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, EnumerableOwnProperties, ToObject, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var toString = ({}).toString;
+ var split = ''.split;
+ // Object.entries ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'entries', function entries(O) {
+ // 1. Let obj be ? ToObject(O).
+ var obj = ToObject(O);
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ obj = (Type(obj) === 'string' || obj instanceof String) && toString.call(O) == '[object String]' ? split.call(O, '') : Object(O);
+ // 2. Let nameList be ? EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, "key+value").
+ var nameList = EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, "key+value");
+ // 3. Return CreateArrayFromList(nameList).
+ // Polyfill.io - nameList is already an array.
+ return nameList;
+ });
+ }());
+ // _ESAbstract.TrimString
+ /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
+ /* global RequireObjectCoercible, ToString */
+ // TrimString ( string, where )
+ function TrimString(string, where) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let str be ? RequireObjectCoercible(string).
+ var str = RequireObjectCoercible(string);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(str).
+ var S = ToString(str);
+ // 3. If where is "start", let T be a String value that is a copy of S with leading white space removed.
+ // The definition of white space is the union of WhiteSpace and LineTerminator. When determining whether a Unicode code point is in Unicode general category Space_Separator (Zs), code unit sequences are interpreted as UTF-16 encoded code point sequences as specified in 6.1.4.
+ var whitespace = /[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF]+/.source;
+ if (where === 'start') {
+ var T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp('^' + whitespace, 'g'), '');
+ // 4. Else if where is "end", let T be a String value that is a copy of S with trailing white space removed.
+ } else if (where === "end") {
+ T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp(whitespace + '$', 'g'), '');
+ // 5. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Assert: where is "start+end".
+ // b. Let T be a String value that is a copy of S with both leading and trailing white space removed.
+ T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '|' + whitespace + '$', 'g'), '');
+ }
+ // 6. Return T.
+ return T;
+ }
+ // String.prototype.trim
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, TrimString */
+ // String.prototype.trim ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'trim', function trim() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Let S be this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // Return ? TrimString(S, "start+end").
+ return TrimString(S, "start+end");
+ });
+ // _mutation
+ var _mutation = (function () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ function isNode(object) {
+ // DOM, Level2
+ if (typeof Node === 'function') {
+ return object instanceof Node;
+ }
+ // Older browsers, check if it looks like a Node instance)
+ return object &&
+ typeof object === "object" &&
+ object.nodeName &&
+ object.nodeType >= 1 &&
+ object.nodeType <= 12;
+ }
+ // http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#mutation-method-macro
+ return function mutation(nodes) {
+ if (nodes.length === 1) {
+ return isNode(nodes[0]) ? nodes[0] : document.createTextNode(nodes[0] + '');
+ }
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ fragment.appendChild(isNode(nodes[i]) ? nodes[i] : document.createTextNode(nodes[i] + ''));
+ }
+ return fragment;
+ };
+ }());
+ // DocumentFragment.prototype.append
+ /* global _mutation */
+ (function (global) {
+ var fragmentProto = document.createDocumentFragment().constructor.prototype;
+ fragmentProto.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ }(self));
+ // DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend
+ /* global _mutation */
+ (function (global) {
+ var fragmentProto = document.createDocumentFragment().constructor.prototype;
+ fragmentProto.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.after
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.after = Element.prototype.after = function after() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
+ viableNextSibling = this.nextSibling,
+ idx = viableNextSibling ? args.indexOf(viableNextSibling) : -1;
+ while (idx !== -1) {
+ viableNextSibling = viableNextSibling.nextSibling;
+ if (!viableNextSibling) {
+ break;
+ }
+ idx = args.indexOf(viableNextSibling);
+ }
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), viableNextSibling);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.after = Element.prototype.after;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.append
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.append = Element.prototype.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.before
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.before = Element.prototype.before = function before() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
+ viablePreviousSibling = this.previousSibling,
+ idx = viablePreviousSibling ? args.indexOf(viablePreviousSibling) : -1;
+ while (idx !== -1) {
+ viablePreviousSibling = viablePreviousSibling.previousSibling;
+ if (!viablePreviousSibling) {
+ break;
+ }
+ idx = args.indexOf(viablePreviousSibling);
+ }
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(
+ _mutation(arguments),
+ viablePreviousSibling ? viablePreviousSibling.nextSibling : this.parentNode.firstChild
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.before = Element.prototype.before;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.prepend
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.prepend = Element.prototype.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.remove
+ Document.prototype.remove = Element.prototype.remove = function remove() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.remove = Element.prototype.remove;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.replaceWith
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.replaceWith = Element.prototype.replaceWith = function replaceWith() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ this.parentNode.replaceChild(_mutation(arguments), this);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ('Text' in self) {
+ Text.prototype.replaceWith = Element.prototype.replaceWith;
+ }
+ })
+ ('object' === typeof window && window || 'object' === typeof self && self || 'object' === typeof global && global || {});
diff --git a/examples/js/e-commerce/index.html b/examples/js/e-commerce/index.html
index 17d3d489f5..9eed137aca 100755
--- a/examples/js/e-commerce/index.html
+++ b/examples/js/e-commerce/index.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
E-commerce demo | Algolia
diff --git a/examples/js/e-commerce/polyfills.js b/examples/js/e-commerce/polyfills.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5098001d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/js/e-commerce/polyfills.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5529 @@
+ * Polyfill service v3.111.0
+ * For detailed credits and licence information see https://polyfill.io.
+ *
+ * Features requested: Array.prototype.find,Array.prototype.findIndex,Array.prototype.includes,Object.assign,Object.entries,Promise,default
+ *
+ * - DocumentFragment, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.matches, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.closest, License: CC0
+ * - Node.prototype.contains, License: CC0
+ * - _DOMTokenList, License: ISC
+ * - DOMTokenList, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.classList, License: ISC
+ * - _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Call, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty, License: CC0
+ * - Object.keys, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.Get, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.HasOwnProperty, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsCallable, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToBoolean, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToObject, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetV, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetMethod, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Type, License: CC0
+ * - Number.isNaN, License: MIT
+ * - Object.isExtensible, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsConstructor, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.Construct, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IsRegExp, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorClose, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorNext, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorStep, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.IteratorValue, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.SameValueZero, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToInteger, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToLength, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToString, License: CC0
+ * - Array.of, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.fill, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.find, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.findIndex, License: CC0
+ * - Array.prototype.includes, License: MIT
+ * - Event, License: CC0
+ * - CustomEvent, License: CC0
+ * - Object.getOwnPropertyNames, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.endsWith, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.includes, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.startsWith, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.ToPropertyKey, License: CC0
+ * - Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, License: CC0
+ * - Object.assign, License: CC0
+ * - Symbol, License: MIT
+ * - Symbol.iterator, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetIterator, License: CC0
+ * - Symbol.species, License: MIT
+ * - Map, License: CC0
+ * - Set, License: CC0
+ * - Array.from, License: CC0
+ * - URL, License: CC0-1.0
+ * - Symbol.toStringTag, License: MIT
+ * - Promise, License: MIT
+ * - _ESAbstract.EnumerableOwnProperties, License: CC0
+ * - Object.entries, License: CC0
+ * - _ESAbstract.TrimString, License: CC0
+ * - String.prototype.trim, License: CC0
+ * - _mutation, License: CC0
+ * - DocumentFragment.prototype.append, License: CC0
+ * - DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.after, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.append, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.before, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.prepend, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.remove, License: CC0
+ * - Element.prototype.replaceWith, License: CC0
+(function(self, undefined) {
+ if (typeof Object.entries !== 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ // DocumentFragment
+ (function (global) {
+ global.DocumentFragment = function DocumentFragment() {
+ return document.createDocumentFragment();
+ };
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype = Object.create(fragment.constructor.prototype)
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.matches
+ Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || function matches(selector) {
+ var element = this;
+ var elements = (element.document || element.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector);
+ var index = 0;
+ while (elements[index] && elements[index] !== element) {
+ ++index;
+ }
+ return !!elements[index];
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.closest
+ Element.prototype.closest = function closest(selector) {
+ var node = this;
+ while (node) {
+ if (node.matches(selector)) return node;
+ else node = 'SVGElement' in window && node instanceof SVGElement ? node.parentNode : node.parentElement;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ // Node.prototype.contains
+ (function() {
+ function contains(node) {
+ if (!(0 in arguments)) {
+ throw new TypeError('1 argument is required');
+ }
+ do {
+ if (this === node) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
+ } while (node = node && node.parentNode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // IE
+ if ('HTMLElement' in self && 'contains' in HTMLElement.prototype) {
+ try {
+ delete HTMLElement.prototype.contains;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ if ('Node' in self) {
+ Node.prototype.contains = contains;
+ } else {
+ document.contains = Element.prototype.contains = contains;
+ }
+ }());
+ // _DOMTokenList
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2016, John Gardner
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ */
+ var _DOMTokenList = (function() { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var dpSupport = true;
+ var defineGetter = function (object, name, fn, configurable) {
+ if (Object.defineProperty)
+ Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
+ configurable: false === dpSupport ? true : !!configurable,
+ get: fn
+ });
+ else object.__defineGetter__(name, fn);
+ };
+ /** Ensure the browser allows Object.defineProperty to be used on native JavaScript objects. */
+ try {
+ defineGetter({}, "support");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ dpSupport = false;
+ }
+ var _DOMTokenList = function (el, prop) {
+ var that = this;
+ var tokens = [];
+ var tokenMap = {};
+ var length = 0;
+ var maxLength = 0;
+ var addIndexGetter = function (i) {
+ defineGetter(that, i, function () {
+ preop();
+ return tokens[i];
+ }, false);
+ };
+ var reindex = function () {
+ /** Define getter functions for array-like access to the tokenList's contents. */
+ if (length >= maxLength)
+ for (; maxLength < length; ++maxLength) {
+ addIndexGetter(maxLength);
+ }
+ };
+ /** Helper function called at the start of each class method. Internal use only. */
+ var preop = function () {
+ var error;
+ var i;
+ var args = arguments;
+ var rSpace = /\s+/;
+ /** Validate the token/s passed to an instance method, if any. */
+ if (args.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
+ if (rSpace.test(args[i])) {
+ error = new SyntaxError('String "' + args[i] + '" ' + "contains" + ' an invalid character');
+ error.code = 5;
+ error.name = "InvalidCharacterError";
+ throw error;
+ }
+ /** Split the new value apart by whitespace*/
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ tokens = ("" + el[prop].baseVal).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(rSpace);
+ } else {
+ tokens = ("" + el[prop]).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(rSpace);
+ }
+ /** Avoid treating blank strings as single-item token lists */
+ if ("" === tokens[0]) tokens = [];
+ /** Repopulate the internal token lists */
+ tokenMap = {};
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
+ tokenMap[tokens[i]] = true;
+ length = tokens.length;
+ reindex();
+ };
+ /** Populate our internal token list if the targeted attribute of the subject element isn't empty. */
+ preop();
+ /** Return the number of tokens in the underlying string. Read-only. */
+ defineGetter(that, "length", function () {
+ preop();
+ return length;
+ });
+ /** Override the default toString/toLocaleString methods to return a space-delimited list of tokens when typecast. */
+ that.toLocaleString =
+ that.toString = function () {
+ preop();
+ return tokens.join(" ");
+ };
+ that.item = function (idx) {
+ preop();
+ return tokens[idx];
+ };
+ that.contains = function (token) {
+ preop();
+ return !!tokenMap[token];
+ };
+ that.add = function () {
+ preop.apply(that, args = arguments);
+ for (var args, token, i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; ++i) {
+ token = args[i];
+ if (!tokenMap[token]) {
+ tokens.push(token);
+ tokenMap[token] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Update the targeted attribute of the attached element if the token list's changed. */
+ if (length !== tokens.length) {
+ length = tokens.length >>> 0;
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ el[prop].baseVal = tokens.join(" ");
+ } else {
+ el[prop] = tokens.join(" ");
+ }
+ reindex();
+ }
+ };
+ that.remove = function () {
+ preop.apply(that, args = arguments);
+ /** Build a hash of token names to compare against when recollecting our token list. */
+ for (var args, ignore = {}, i = 0, t = []; i < args.length; ++i) {
+ ignore[args[i]] = true;
+ delete tokenMap[args[i]];
+ }
+ /** Run through our tokens list and reassign only those that aren't defined in the hash declared above. */
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i)
+ if (!ignore[tokens[i]]) t.push(tokens[i]);
+ tokens = t;
+ length = t.length >>> 0;
+ /** Update the targeted attribute of the attached element. */
+ if (typeof el[prop] === "object") {
+ el[prop].baseVal = tokens.join(" ");
+ } else {
+ el[prop] = tokens.join(" ");
+ }
+ reindex();
+ };
+ that.toggle = function (token, force) {
+ preop.apply(that, [token]);
+ /** Token state's being forced. */
+ if (undefined !== force) {
+ if (force) {
+ that.add(token);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ that.remove(token);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Token already exists in tokenList. Remove it, and return FALSE. */
+ if (tokenMap[token]) {
+ that.remove(token);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /** Otherwise, add the token and return TRUE. */
+ that.add(token);
+ return true;
+ };
+ that.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
+ return that;
+ };
+ return _DOMTokenList;
+ }());
+ // DOMTokenList
+ /* global _DOMTokenList */
+ (function (global) {
+ var nativeImpl = "DOMTokenList" in global && global.DOMTokenList;
+ if (
+ !nativeImpl ||
+ (
+ !!document.createElementNS &&
+ !!document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg') &&
+ !(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").classList instanceof DOMTokenList)
+ )
+ ) {
+ global.DOMTokenList = _DOMTokenList;
+ }
+ // Add second argument to native DOMTokenList.toggle() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.toggle('x', false);
+ if (!e.classList.contains('x')) return;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.toggle = function toggle(token /*, force*/) {
+ var force = arguments[1];
+ if (force === undefined) {
+ var add = !this.contains(token);
+ this[add ? 'add' : 'remove'](token);
+ return add;
+ }
+ force = !!force;
+ this[force ? 'add' : 'remove'](token);
+ return force;
+ };
+ }());
+ // Add multiple arguments to native DOMTokenList.add() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.add('a', 'b');
+ if (e.classList.contains('b')) return;
+ var native = e.classList.constructor.prototype.add;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.add = function () {
+ var args = arguments;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ native.call(this, args[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ }());
+ // Add multiple arguments to native DOMTokenList.remove() if necessary
+ (function () {
+ var e = document.createElement('span');
+ if (!('classList' in e)) return;
+ e.classList.add('a');
+ e.classList.add('b');
+ e.classList.remove('a', 'b');
+ if (!e.classList.contains('b')) return;
+ var native = e.classList.constructor.prototype.remove;
+ e.classList.constructor.prototype.remove = function () {
+ var args = arguments;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ native.call(this, args[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ }());
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.classList
+ /* global _DOMTokenList */
+ /*
+ Copyright (c) 2016, John Gardner
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ */
+ (function (global) {
+ var dpSupport = true;
+ var defineGetter = function (object, name, fn, configurable) {
+ if (Object.defineProperty)
+ Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
+ configurable: false === dpSupport ? true : !!configurable,
+ get: fn
+ });
+ else object.__defineGetter__(name, fn);
+ };
+ /** Ensure the browser allows Object.defineProperty to be used on native JavaScript objects. */
+ try {
+ defineGetter({}, "support");
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ dpSupport = false;
+ }
+ /** Polyfills a property with a DOMTokenList */
+ var addProp = function (o, name, attr) {
+ defineGetter(o.prototype, name, function () {
+ var tokenList;
+ var THIS = this,
+ /** Prevent this from firing twice for some reason. What the hell, IE. */
+ gibberishProperty = "__defineGetter__" + "DEFINE_PROPERTY" + name;
+ if(THIS[gibberishProperty]) return tokenList;
+ THIS[gibberishProperty] = true;
+ /**
+ * IE8 can't define properties on native JavaScript objects, so we'll use a dumb hack instead.
+ *
+ * What this is doing is creating a dummy element ("reflection") inside a detached phantom node ("mirror")
+ * that serves as the target of Object.defineProperty instead. While we could simply use the subject HTML
+ * element instead, this would conflict with element types which use indexed properties (such as forms and
+ * select lists).
+ */
+ if (false === dpSupport) {
+ var visage;
+ var mirror = addProp.mirror || document.createElement("div");
+ var reflections = mirror.childNodes;
+ var l = reflections.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
+ if (reflections[i]._R === THIS) {
+ visage = reflections[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ /** Couldn't find an element's reflection inside the mirror. Materialise one. */
+ visage || (visage = mirror.appendChild(document.createElement("div")));
+ tokenList = DOMTokenList.call(visage, THIS, attr);
+ } else tokenList = new _DOMTokenList(THIS, attr);
+ defineGetter(THIS, name, function () {
+ return tokenList;
+ });
+ delete THIS[gibberishProperty];
+ return tokenList;
+ }, true);
+ };
+ addProp(global.Element, "classList", "className");
+ addProp(global.HTMLElement, "classList", "className");
+ addProp(global.HTMLLinkElement, "relList", "rel");
+ addProp(global.HTMLAnchorElement, "relList", "rel");
+ addProp(global.HTMLAreaElement, "relList", "rel");
+ }(self));
+ // _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate
+ // ArrayCreate ( length [ , proto ] )
+ function ArrayCreate(length /* [, proto] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: length is an integer Number e 0.
+ // 2. If length is -0, set length to +0.
+ if (1 / length === -Infinity) {
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ // 3. If length>2^32-1, throw a RangeError exception.
+ if (length > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Invalid array length');
+ }
+ // 4. If proto is not present, set proto to the intrinsic object %ArrayPrototype%.
+ // 5. Let A be a newly created Array exotic object.
+ var A = [];
+ // 6. Set A's essential internal methods except for [[DefineOwnProperty]] to the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
+ // 7. Set A.[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in
+ // 8. Set A.[[Prototype]] to proto.
+ // 9. Set A.[[Extensible]] to true.
+ // 10. Perform ! OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(A, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: length, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).
+ A.length = length;
+ // 11. Return A.
+ return A;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Call
+ /* global IsCallable */
+ // 7.3.12. Call ( F, V [ , argumentsList ] )
+ function Call(F, V /* [, argumentsList] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
+ var argumentsList = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : [];
+ // 2. If IsCallable(F) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(F) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(F) + 'is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 3. Return ? F.[[Call]](V, argumentsList).
+ return F.apply(V, argumentsList);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty
+ // 7.3.4. CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V )
+ // NOTE
+ // This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator.
+ // Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist and is not configurable or if O is not extensible, [[DefineOwnProperty]] will return false.
+ function CreateDataProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ var newDesc = {
+ value: V,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ };
+ // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
+ try {
+ Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow
+ /* global CreateDataProperty */
+ // 7.3.6. CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V )
+ function CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V).
+ var success = CreateDataProperty(O, P, V);
+ // 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!success) {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot assign value `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(V) + '` to property `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(P) + '` on object `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O) + '`');
+ }
+ // 5. Return success.
+ return success;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty
+ // 7.3.5. CreateMethodProperty ( O, P, V )
+ function CreateMethodProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}.
+ var newDesc = {
+ value: V,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ };
+ // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
+ Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
+ }
+ // Object.keys
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty */
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, "keys", (function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // modified from https://github.com/es-shims/object-keys
+ var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
+ var hasDontEnumBug = !isEnumerable.call({ toString: null }, 'toString');
+ var hasPrototypeEnumBug = isEnumerable.call(function () { }, 'prototype');
+ function hasProtoEnumBug() {
+ // Object.create polyfill creates an enumerable __proto__
+ var createdObj;
+ try {
+ createdObj = Object.create({});
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If this fails the polyfil isn't loaded yet, but will be.
+ // Can't add it to depedencies because of it would create a circular depedency.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return isEnumerable.call(createdObj, '__proto__')
+ }
+ var dontEnums = [
+ 'toString',
+ 'toLocaleString',
+ 'valueOf',
+ 'hasOwnProperty',
+ 'isPrototypeOf',
+ 'propertyIsEnumerable',
+ 'constructor'
+ ];
+ var equalsConstructorPrototype = function (o) {
+ var ctor = o.constructor;
+ return ctor && ctor.prototype === o;
+ };
+ var excludedKeys = {
+ $console: true,
+ $external: true,
+ $frame: true,
+ $frameElement: true,
+ $frames: true,
+ $innerHeight: true,
+ $innerWidth: true,
+ $outerHeight: true,
+ $outerWidth: true,
+ $pageXOffset: true,
+ $pageYOffset: true,
+ $parent: true,
+ $scrollLeft: true,
+ $scrollTop: true,
+ $scrollX: true,
+ $scrollY: true,
+ $self: true,
+ $webkitIndexedDB: true,
+ $webkitStorageInfo: true,
+ $window: true
+ };
+ var hasAutomationEqualityBug = (function () {
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return false; }
+ for (var k in window) {
+ try {
+ if (!excludedKeys['$' + k] && has.call(window, k) && window[k] !== null && typeof window[k] === 'object') {
+ try {
+ equalsConstructorPrototype(window[k]);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }());
+ var equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy = function (o) {
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !hasAutomationEqualityBug) {
+ return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
+ }
+ try {
+ return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ function isArgumentsObject(value) {
+ var str = toStr.call(value);
+ var isArgs = str === '[object Arguments]';
+ if (!isArgs) {
+ isArgs = str !== '[object Array]' &&
+ value !== null &&
+ typeof value === 'object' &&
+ typeof value.length === 'number' &&
+ value.length >= 0 &&
+ toStr.call(value.callee) === '[object Function]';
+ }
+ return isArgs;
+ }
+ return function keys(object) {
+ var isFunction = toStr.call(object) === '[object Function]';
+ var isArguments = isArgumentsObject(object);
+ var isString = toStr.call(object) === '[object String]';
+ var theKeys = [];
+ if (object === undefined || object === null) {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
+ }
+ var skipPrototype = hasPrototypeEnumBug && isFunction;
+ if (isString && object.length > 0 && !has.call(object, 0)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
+ theKeys.push(String(i));
+ }
+ }
+ if (isArguments && object.length > 0) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < object.length; ++j) {
+ theKeys.push(String(j));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var name in object) {
+ if (!(hasProtoEnumBug() && name === '__proto__') && !(skipPrototype && name === 'prototype') && has.call(object, name)) {
+ theKeys.push(String(name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasDontEnumBug) {
+ var skipConstructor = equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy(object);
+ for (var k = 0; k < dontEnums.length; ++k) {
+ if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnums[k] === 'constructor') && has.call(object, dontEnums[k])) {
+ theKeys.push(dontEnums[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return theKeys;
+ };
+ }()));
+ // _ESAbstract.Get
+ // 7.3.1. Get ( O, P )
+ function Get(O, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, O).
+ return O[P];
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.HasOwnProperty
+ // 7.3.11 HasOwnProperty (O, P)
+ function HasOwnProperty(o, p) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 3. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
+ // 4. If desc is undefined, return false.
+ // 5. Return true.
+ // Polyfill.io - As we expect user agents to support ES3 fully we can skip the above steps and use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty to do them for us.
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsCallable
+ // 7.2.3. IsCallable ( argument )
+ function IsCallable(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ // 2. If argument has a [[Call]] internal method, return true.
+ // 3. Return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - Only function objects have a [[Call]] internal method. This means we can simplify this function to check that the argument has a type of function.
+ return typeof argument === 'function';
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible
+ // 7.2.1. RequireObjectCoercible ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
+ // Table 12: ToObject Conversions
+ /*
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Boolean | Return argument. |
+ | Number | Return argument. |
+ | String | Return argument. |
+ | Symbol | Return argument. |
+ | Object | Return argument. |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function RequireObjectCoercible(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
+ throw TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) + ' is not coercible to Object.');
+ }
+ return argument;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber
+ // 7.2.12. SameValueNonNumber ( x, y )
+ function SameValueNonNumber(x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(x) is not Number.
+ // 2. Assert: Type(x) is the same as Type(y).
+ // 3. If Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
+ // 4. If Type(x) is Null, return true.
+ // 5. If Type(x) is String, then
+ // a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of code units (same length and same code units at corresponding indices), return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 6. If Type(x) is Boolean, then
+ // a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 7. If Type(x) is Symbol, then
+ // a. If x and y are both the same Symbol value, return true; otherwise, return false.
+ // 8. If x and y are the same Object value, return true. Otherwise, return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - We can skip all above steps because the === operator does it all for us.
+ return x === y;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToBoolean
+ // 7.1.2. ToBoolean ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToBoolean converts argument to a value of type Boolean according to Table 9:
+ /*
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | Undefined | Return false. |
+ | Null | Return false. |
+ | Boolean | Return argument. |
+ | Number | If argument is +0, -0, or NaN, return false; otherwise return true. |
+ | String | If argument is the empty String (its length is zero), return false; otherwise return true. |
+ | Symbol | Return true. |
+ | Object | Return true. |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function ToBoolean(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ return Boolean(argument);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToObject
+ // 7.1.13 ToObject ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
+ // Table 12: ToObject Conversions
+ /*
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ | Boolean | Return a new Boolean object whose [[BooleanData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.3 for a description of Boolean objects. |
+ | Number | Return a new Number object whose [[NumberData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 20.1 for a description of Number objects. |
+ | String | Return a new String object whose [[StringData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 21.1 for a description of String objects. |
+ | Symbol | Return a new Symbol object whose [[SymbolData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.4 for a description of Symbol objects. |
+ | Object | Return argument. |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function ToObject(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
+ throw TypeError();
+ }
+ return Object(argument);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetV
+ /* global ToObject */
+ // 7.3.2 GetV (V, P)
+ function GetV(v, p) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 2. Let O be ? ToObject(V).
+ var o = ToObject(v);
+ // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, V).
+ return o[p];
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetMethod
+ /* global GetV, IsCallable */
+ // 7.3.9. GetMethod ( V, P )
+ function GetMethod(V, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
+ // 2. Let func be ? GetV(V, P).
+ var func = GetV(V, P);
+ // 3. If func is either undefined or null, return undefined.
+ if (func === null || func === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(func) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method not callable: ' + P);
+ }
+ // 5. Return func.
+ return func;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Type
+ // "Type(x)" is used as shorthand for "the type of x"...
+ function Type(x) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ switch (typeof x) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ return 'undefined';
+ case 'boolean':
+ return 'boolean';
+ case 'number':
+ return 'number';
+ case 'string':
+ return 'string';
+ case 'symbol':
+ return 'symbol';
+ default:
+ // typeof null is 'object'
+ if (x === null) return 'null';
+ // Polyfill.io - This is here because a Symbol polyfill will have a typeof `object`.
+ if ('Symbol' in self && (x instanceof self.Symbol || x.constructor === self.Symbol)) return 'symbol';
+ return 'object';
+ }
+ }
+ // Number.isNaN
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var that = self;
+ // Number.isNaN ( number )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isNaN', function isNaN(number) {
+ // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
+ if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If number is NaN, return true.
+ if (that.isNaN(number)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 3. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ }());
+ // Object.isExtensible
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
+ (function (nativeIsExtensible) {
+ // Object.isExtensible ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'isExtensible', function isExtensible(O) {
+ // 1. If Type(O) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(O) !== "object") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. Return ? IsExtensible(O).
+ return nativeIsExtensible ? nativeIsExtensible(O) : true;
+ });
+ }(Object.isExtensible));
+ // _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject
+ /* global Type, CreateDataProperty */
+ // 7.4.7. CreateIterResultObject ( value, done )
+ function CreateIterResultObject(value, done) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(done) is Boolean.
+ if (Type(done) !== 'boolean') {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
+ var obj = {};
+ // 3. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value).
+ CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value);
+ // 4. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done).
+ CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done);
+ // 5. Return obj.
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor
+ /* global Get, Type */
+ // 9.1.14. GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
+ function GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object. The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the [[Prototype]] value of an object.
+ // 2. Assert: IsCallable(constructor) is true.
+ // 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
+ var proto = Get(constructor, "prototype");
+ // 4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
+ if (Type(proto) !== 'object') {
+ // a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
+ // b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
+ proto = intrinsicDefaultProto;
+ }
+ // 5. Return proto.
+ return proto;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor
+ /* global GetPrototypeFromConstructor */
+ // 9.1.13. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
+ function OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var internalSlotsList = arguments[2] || {};
+ // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object.
+ // The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the[[Prototype]] value of an object.
+ // 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
+ var proto = GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto);
+ // 3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
+ // Polyfill.io - We do not pass internalSlotsList to Object.create because Object.create does not use the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
+ var obj = Object.create(proto);
+ for (var name in internalSlotsList) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(internalSlotsList, name)) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: internalSlotsList[name]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsConstructor
+ /* global Type */
+ // 7.2.4. IsConstructor ( argument )
+ function IsConstructor(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
+ // 3. Return false.
+ // Polyfill.io - `new argument` is the only way to truly test if a function is a constructor.
+ // We choose to not use`new argument` because the argument could have side effects when called.
+ // Instead we check to see if the argument is a function and if it has a prototype.
+ // Arrow functions do not have a [[Construct]] internal method, nor do they have a prototype.
+ return typeof argument === 'function' && !!argument.prototype;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.Construct
+ /* global IsConstructor, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, Call */
+ // 7.3.13. Construct ( F [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] )
+ function Construct(F /* [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to F.
+ var newTarget = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : F;
+ // 2. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
+ var argumentsList = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : [];
+ // 3. Assert: IsConstructor(F) is true.
+ if (!IsConstructor(F)) {
+ throw new TypeError('F must be a constructor.');
+ }
+ // 4. Assert: IsConstructor(newTarget) is true.
+ if (!IsConstructor(newTarget)) {
+ throw new TypeError('newTarget must be a constructor.');
+ }
+ // 5. Return ? F.[[Construct]](argumentsList, newTarget).
+ // Polyfill.io - If newTarget is the same as F, it is equivalent to new F(...argumentsList).
+ if (newTarget === F) {
+ return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [null].concat(argumentsList)))();
+ } else {
+ // Polyfill.io - This is mimicking section 9.2.2 step 5.a.
+ var obj = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, Object.prototype);
+ return Call(F, obj, argumentsList);
+ }
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IsRegExp
+ /* global Type, Get, ToBoolean */
+ // 7.2.8. IsRegExp ( argument )
+ function IsRegExp(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
+ if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. Let matcher be ? Get(argument, @@match).
+ var matcher = 'Symbol' in self && 'match' in self.Symbol ? Get(argument, self.Symbol.match) : undefined;
+ // 3. If matcher is not undefined, return ToBoolean(matcher).
+ if (matcher !== undefined) {
+ return ToBoolean(matcher);
+ }
+ // 4. If argument has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, return true.
+ try {
+ var lastIndex = argument.lastIndex;
+ argument.lastIndex = 0;
+ RegExp.prototype.exec.call(argument);
+ return true;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) {} finally {
+ argument.lastIndex = lastIndex;
+ }
+ // 5. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorClose
+ /* global GetMethod, Type, Call */
+ // 7.4.6. IteratorClose ( iteratorRecord, completion )
+ function IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, completion) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]]) is Object.
+ if (Type(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // 2. Assert: completion is a Completion Record.
+ // Polyfill.io - Ignoring this step as there is no way to check if something is a Completion Record in userland JavaScript.
+ // 3. Let iterator be iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]].
+ var iterator = iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'];
+ // 4. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
+ // Polyfill.io - We name it returnMethod because return is a keyword and can not be used as an identifier (E.G. variable name, function name etc).
+ var returnMethod = GetMethod(iterator, "return");
+ // 5. If return is undefined, return Completion(completion).
+ if (returnMethod === undefined) {
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // 6. Let innerResult be Call(return, iterator, + ;).
+ try {
+ var innerResult = Call(returnMethod, iterator);
+ } catch (error) {
+ var innerException = error;
+ }
+ // 7. If completion.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(completion).
+ if (completion) {
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // 8. If innerResult.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(innerResult).
+ if (innerException) {
+ throw innerException;
+ }
+ // 9. If Type(innerResult.[[Value]]) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(innerResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError("Iterator's return method returned a non-object.");
+ }
+ // 10. Return Completion(completion).
+ return completion;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete
+ /* global Type, ToBoolean, Get */
+ // 7.4.3 IteratorComplete ( iterResult )
+ function IteratorComplete(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
+ if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // 2. Return ToBoolean(? Get(iterResult, "done")).
+ return ToBoolean(Get(iterResult, "done"));
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorNext
+ /* global Call, Type */
+ // 7.4.2. IteratorNext ( iteratorRecord [ , value ] )
+ function IteratorNext(iteratorRecord /* [, value] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If value is not present, then
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], + ;).
+ var result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']);
+ // 2. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], + value ;).
+ result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'], [arguments[1]]);
+ }
+ // 3. If Type(result) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
+ }
+ // 4. Return result.
+ return result;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorStep
+ /* global IteratorNext, IteratorComplete */
+ // 7.4.5. IteratorStep ( iteratorRecord )
+ function IteratorStep(iteratorRecord) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let result be ? IteratorNext(iteratorRecord).
+ var result = IteratorNext(iteratorRecord);
+ // 2. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(result).
+ var done = IteratorComplete(result);
+ // 3. If done is true, return false.
+ if (done === true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 4. Return result.
+ return result;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.IteratorValue
+ /* global Type, Get */
+ // 7.4.4 IteratorValue ( iterResult )
+ function IteratorValue(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
+ if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
+ }
+ // Return ? Get(iterResult, "value").
+ return Get(iterResult, "value");
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive
+ /* global Get, IsCallable, Call, Type */
+ // OrdinaryToPrimitive ( O, hint )
+ function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Assert: Type(hint) is String and its value is either "string" or "number".
+ // 3. If hint is "string", then
+ if (hint === 'string') {
+ // a. Let methodNames be + "toString", "valueOf" ;.
+ var methodNames = ['toString', 'valueOf'];
+ // 4. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let methodNames be + "valueOf", "toString" ;.
+ methodNames = ['valueOf', 'toString'];
+ }
+ // 5. For each name in methodNames in List order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; ++i) {
+ var name = methodNames[i];
+ // a. Let method be ? Get(O, name).
+ var method = Get(O, name);
+ // b. If IsCallable(method) is true, then
+ if (IsCallable(method)) {
+ // i. Let result be ? Call(method, O).
+ var result = Call(method, O);
+ // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert to primitive.');
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.SameValueZero
+ /* global Type, SameValueNonNumber */
+ // 7.2.11. SameValueZero ( x, y )
+ function SameValueZero (x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
+ if (Type(x) !== Type(y)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 2. If Type(x) is Number, then
+ if (Type(x) === 'number') {
+ // a. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
+ if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // b. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
+ if (1/x === Infinity && 1/y === -Infinity) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // c. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
+ if (1/x === -Infinity && 1/y === Infinity) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // d. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
+ if (x === y) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // e. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
+ return SameValueNonNumber(x, y);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToInteger
+ /* global Type */
+ // 7.1.4. ToInteger ( argument )
+ function ToInteger(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ if (Type(argument) === 'symbol') {
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');
+ }
+ // 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
+ var number = Number(argument);
+ // 2. If number is NaN, return +0.
+ if (isNaN(number)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 3. If number is +0, -0, +, or -, return number.
+ if (1/number === Infinity || 1/number === -Infinity || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
+ return number;
+ }
+ // 4. Return the number value that is the same sign as number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(number)).
+ return ((number < 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToLength
+ /* global ToInteger */
+ // 7.1.15. ToLength ( argument )
+ function ToLength(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let len be ? ToInteger(argument).
+ var len = ToInteger(argument);
+ // 2. If len d +0, return +0.
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 3. Return min(len, 253-1).
+ return Math.min(len, Math.pow(2, 53) -1);
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive
+ /* global Type, GetMethod, Call, OrdinaryToPrimitive */
+ // 7.1.1. ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] )
+ function ToPrimitive(input /* [, PreferredType] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ var PreferredType = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Assert: input is an ECMAScript language value.
+ // 2. If Type(input) is Object, then
+ if (Type(input) === 'object') {
+ // a. If PreferredType is not present, let hint be "default".
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ var hint = 'default';
+ // b. Else if PreferredType is hint String, let hint be "string".
+ } else if (PreferredType === String) {
+ hint = 'string';
+ // c. Else PreferredType is hint Number, let hint be "number".
+ } else if (PreferredType === Number) {
+ hint = 'number';
+ }
+ // d. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive).
+ var exoticToPrim = typeof self.Symbol === 'function' && typeof self.Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol' ? GetMethod(input, self.Symbol.toPrimitive) : undefined;
+ // e. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then
+ if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) {
+ // i. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, + hint ;).
+ var result = Call(exoticToPrim, input, [hint]);
+ // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
+ if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
+ return result;
+ }
+ // iii. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert exotic object to primitive.');
+ }
+ // f. If hint is "default", set hint to "number".
+ if (hint === 'default') {
+ hint = 'number';
+ }
+ // g. Return ? OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint).
+ return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint);
+ }
+ // 3. Return input
+ return input;
+ }
+ // _ESAbstract.ToString
+ /* global Type, ToPrimitive */
+ // 7.1.12. ToString ( argument )
+ // The abstract operation ToString converts argument to a value of type String according to Table 11:
+ // Table 11: ToString Conversions
+ /*
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Argument Type | Result |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Undefined | Return "undefined". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Null | Return "null". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Boolean | If argument is true, return "true". |
+ | | If argument is false, return "false". |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Number | Return NumberToString(argument). |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | String | Return argument. |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Symbol | Throw a TypeError exception. |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ | Object | Apply the following steps: |
+ | | Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String). |
+ | | Return ? ToString(primValue). |
+ |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------|
+ */
+ function ToString(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ switch(Type(argument)) {
+ case 'symbol':
+ throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
+ case 'object':
+ var primValue = ToPrimitive(argument, String);
+ return ToString(primValue); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ default:
+ return String(argument);
+ }
+ }
+ // Array.of
+ /* global ArrayCreate, Construct, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, CreateMethodProperty, IsConstructor, ToString */
+ // Array.of ( ...items )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'of', function of() {
+ // 1. Let len be the actual number of arguments passed to this function.
+ var len = arguments.length;
+ // 2. Let items be the List of arguments passed to this function.
+ var items = arguments;
+ // 3. Let C be the this value.
+ var C = this;
+ // 4. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, + len ;).
+ var A = Construct(C, [len]);
+ // 5. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
+ A = ArrayCreate(len);
+ }
+ // 6. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let kValue be items[k].
+ var kValue = items[k];
+ // b. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // c. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue);
+ // d. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true)
+ A.length = len;
+ // 9. Return A.
+ return A;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.fill
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToInteger, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.fill ( value [ , start [ , end ] ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'fill', function fill(value /* [ , start [ , end ] ] */) {
+ var start = arguments[1];
+ var end = arguments[2];
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. Let relativeStart be ? ToInteger(start).
+ var relativeStart = ToInteger(start);
+ // 4. If relativeStart < 0, let k be max((len + relativeStart), 0); else let k be min(relativeStart, len)
+ var k = relativeStart < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeStart), 0) : Math.min(relativeStart, len);
+ // 5. If end is undefined, let relativeEnd be len; else let relativeEnd be ? ToInteger(end).
+ var relativeEnd = end === undefined ? len : ToInteger(end);
+ // 6. If relativeEnd < 0, let final be max((len + relativeEnd), 0); else let final be min(relativeEnd, len).
+ var final = relativeEnd < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeEnd), 0) : Math.min(relativeEnd, len);
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < final
+ while (k < final) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Perform ? Set(O, Pk, value, true).
+ O[Pk] = value;
+ // c. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Return O.
+ return O;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.find
+ /* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.find ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', function find( predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
+ }
+ // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 5. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 6. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
+ // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, + kValue, k, O ;)).
+ var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O ]));
+ // d. If testResult is true, return kValue.
+ if (testResult) {
+ return kValue;
+ }
+ // e. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 7. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.findIndex
+ /* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.findIndex ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', function findIndex(predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
+ }
+ // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 5. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // 6. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
+ // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, + kValue, k, O ;)).
+ var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O]));
+ // d. If testResult is true, return k.
+ if (testResult) {
+ return k;
+ }
+ // e. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 7. Return -1.
+ return -1;
+ });
+ // Array.prototype.includes
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, SameValueZero, ToInteger, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
+ // Array.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', function includes(searchElement /* [ , fromIndex ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
+ var O = ToObject(this);
+ // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
+ // 3. If len is 0, return false.
+ if (len === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex). (If fromIndex is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var n = ToInteger(arguments[1]);
+ // 5. If n e 0, then
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ // a. Let k be n.
+ var k = n;
+ // 6. Else n < 0,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let k be len + n.
+ k = len + n;
+ // b. If k < 0, let k be 0.
+ if (k < 0) {
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // 7. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
+ var elementK = Get(O, ToString(k));
+ // b. If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true.
+ if (SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // c. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 8. Return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Event
+ (function () {
+ var unlistenableWindowEvents = {
+ click: 1,
+ dblclick: 1,
+ keyup: 1,
+ keypress: 1,
+ keydown: 1,
+ mousedown: 1,
+ mouseup: 1,
+ mousemove: 1,
+ mouseover: 1,
+ mouseenter: 1,
+ mouseleave: 1,
+ mouseout: 1,
+ storage: 1,
+ storagecommit: 1,
+ textinput: 1
+ };
+ // This polyfill depends on availability of `document` so will not run in a worker
+ // However, we asssume there are no browsers with worker support that lack proper
+ // support for `Event` within the worker
+ if (typeof document === 'undefined' || typeof window === 'undefined') return;
+ var existingProto = (window.Event && window.Event.prototype) || null;
+ function Event(type, eventInitDict) {
+ if (!type) {
+ throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
+ }
+ var event;
+ // Shortcut if browser supports createEvent
+ if ('createEvent' in document) {
+ event = document.createEvent('Event');
+ var bubbles = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.bubbles !== undefined ? eventInitDict.bubbles : false;
+ var cancelable = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.cancelable !== undefined ? eventInitDict.cancelable : false;
+ event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
+ return event;
+ }
+ event = document.createEventObject();
+ event.type = type;
+ event.bubbles = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.bubbles !== undefined ? eventInitDict.bubbles : false;
+ event.cancelable = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.cancelable !== undefined ? eventInitDict.cancelable : false;
+ return event;
+ }
+ Event.NONE = 0;
+ Event.AT_TARGET = 2;
+ window.Event = Window.prototype.Event = Event;
+ if (existingProto) {
+ Object.defineProperty(window.Event, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: existingProto
+ });
+ }
+ if (!('createEvent' in document)) {
+ window.addEventListener = Window.prototype.addEventListener = Document.prototype.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener() {
+ var
+ element = this,
+ type = arguments[0],
+ listener = arguments[1];
+ if (element === window && type in unlistenableWindowEvents) {
+ throw new Error('In IE8 the event: ' + type + ' is not available on the window object. Please see https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-service/issues/317 for more information.');
+ }
+ if (!element._events) {
+ element._events = {};
+ }
+ if (!element._events[type]) {
+ element._events[type] = function (event) {
+ var
+ list = element._events[event.type].list,
+ events = list.slice(),
+ index = -1,
+ length = events.length,
+ eventElement;
+ event.preventDefault = function preventDefault() {
+ if (event.cancelable !== false) {
+ event.returnValue = false;
+ }
+ };
+ event.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation() {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ };
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation = function stopImmediatePropagation() {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ event.cancelImmediate = true;
+ };
+ event.currentTarget = element;
+ event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement || null;
+ event.target = event.target || event.srcElement || element;
+ event.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
+ if (event.clientX) {
+ event.pageX = event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ event.pageY = event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ }
+ while (++index < length && !event.cancelImmediate) {
+ if (index in events) {
+ eventElement = events[index];
+ if (list.includes(eventElement) && typeof eventElement === 'function') {
+ eventElement.call(element, event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ element._events[type].list = [];
+ if (element.attachEvent) {
+ element.attachEvent('on' + type, element._events[type]);
+ }
+ }
+ element._events[type].list.push(listener);
+ };
+ window.removeEventListener = Window.prototype.removeEventListener = Document.prototype.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener() {
+ var
+ element = this,
+ type = arguments[0],
+ listener = arguments[1],
+ index;
+ if (element._events && element._events[type] && element._events[type].list) {
+ index = element._events[type].list.indexOf(listener);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ element._events[type].list.splice(index, 1);
+ if (!element._events[type].list.length) {
+ if (element.detachEvent) {
+ element.detachEvent('on' + type, element._events[type]);
+ }
+ delete element._events[type];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ window.dispatchEvent = Window.prototype.dispatchEvent = Document.prototype.dispatchEvent = Element.prototype.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(event) {
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
+ }
+ if (!event || typeof event.type !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error('DOM Events Exception 0');
+ }
+ var element = this, type = event.type;
+ try {
+ if (!event.bubbles) {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ var cancelBubbleEvent = function (event) {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ (element || window).detachEvent('on' + type, cancelBubbleEvent);
+ };
+ this.attachEvent('on' + type, cancelBubbleEvent);
+ }
+ this.fireEvent('on' + type, event);
+ } catch (error) {
+ event.target = element;
+ do {
+ event.currentTarget = element;
+ if ('_events' in element && typeof element._events[type] === 'function') {
+ element._events[type].call(element, event);
+ }
+ if (typeof element['on' + type] === 'function') {
+ element['on' + type].call(element, event);
+ }
+ element = element.nodeType === 9 ? element.parentWindow : element.parentNode;
+ } while (element && !event.cancelBubble);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Add the DOMContentLoaded Event
+ document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function() {
+ if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
+ document.dispatchEvent(new Event('DOMContentLoaded', {
+ bubbles: true
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }());
+ // CustomEvent
+ self.CustomEvent = function CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict) {
+ if (!type) {
+ throw Error('TypeError: Failed to construct "CustomEvent": An event name must be provided.');
+ }
+ var event;
+ eventInitDict = eventInitDict || {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: null};
+ if ('createEvent' in document) {
+ try {
+ event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ event.initCustomEvent(type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable, eventInitDict.detail);
+ } catch (error) {
+ // for browsers which don't support CustomEvent at all, we use a regular event instead
+ event = document.createEvent('Event');
+ event.initEvent(type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable);
+ event.detail = eventInitDict.detail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // IE8
+ event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
+ event.detail = eventInitDict && eventInitDict.detail || null;
+ }
+ return event;
+ };
+ CustomEvent.prototype = Event.prototype;
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyNames
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject */
+ (function() {
+ var toString = {}.toString;
+ var split = "".split;
+ var concat = [].concat;
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ var nativeGetOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || Object.keys;
+ var cachedWindowNames =
+ typeof self === "object" ? nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(self) : [];
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyNames ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(
+ Object,
+ "getOwnPropertyNames",
+ function getOwnPropertyNames(O) {
+ var object = ToObject(O);
+ if (toString.call(object) === "[object Window]") {
+ try {
+ return nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(object);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE bug where layout engine calls userland Object.getOwnPropertyNames for cross-domain `window` objects
+ return concat.call([], cachedWindowNames);
+ }
+ }
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ object =
+ toString.call(object) == "[object String]"
+ ? split.call(object, "")
+ : Object(object);
+ var result = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(object);
+ var extraNonEnumerableKeys = ["length", "prototype"];
+ for (var i = 0; i < extraNonEnumerableKeys.length; i++) {
+ var key = extraNonEnumerableKeys[i];
+ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && !result.includes(key)) {
+ result.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.includes("__proto__")) {
+ var index = result.indexOf("__proto__");
+ result.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ );
+ })();
+ // String.prototype.endsWith
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.endsWith ( searchString [ , endPosition ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'endsWith', function endsWith(searchString /* [ , endPosition ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var endPosition = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.endsWith must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 7. If endPosition is undefined, let pos be len, else let pos be ? ToInteger(endPosition).
+ var pos = endPosition === undefined ? len : ToInteger(endPosition);
+ // 8. Let end be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
+ var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. Let start be end - searchLength.
+ var start = end - searchLength;
+ // 11. If start is less than 0, return false.
+ if (start < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 12. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
+ if (S.substr(start, searchLength) === searchStr) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 13. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // String.prototype.includes
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.includes ( searchString [ , position ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'includes', function includes(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var pos = ToInteger(position);
+ // 7. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLen be the length of searchStr.
+ // var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. If there exists any integer k not smaller than start such that k + searchLen is not greater than len, and for all nonnegative integers j less than searchLen, the code unit at index k+j within S is the same as the code unit at index j within searchStr, return true; but if there is no such integer k, return false.
+ return String.prototype.indexOf.call(S, searchStr, start) !== -1;
+ });
+ // String.prototype.startsWith
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
+ // String.prototype.startsWith ( searchString [ , position ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'startsWith', function startsWith(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
+ var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
+ var S = ToString(O);
+ // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
+ var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
+ // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (isRegExp) {
+ throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.startsWith must not be a regular expression');
+ }
+ // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
+ var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
+ // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
+ var pos = ToInteger(position);
+ // 7. Let len be the length of S.
+ var len = S.length;
+ // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
+ var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
+ // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
+ var searchLength = searchStr.length;
+ // 10. If searchLength+start is greater than len, return false.
+ if (searchLength + start > len) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 11. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
+ if (S.substr(start).indexOf(searchString) === 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 12. Otherwise, return false.
+ return false;
+ });
+ // _ESAbstract.ToPropertyKey
+ /* globals ToPrimitive, Type, ToString */
+ // 7.1.14. ToPropertyKey ( argument )
+ function ToPropertyKey(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let key be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String).
+ var key = ToPrimitive(argument, String);
+ // 2. If Type(key) is Symbol, then
+ if (Type(key) === 'symbol') {
+ // a. Return key.
+ return key;
+ }
+ // 3. Return ! ToString(key).
+ return ToString(key);
+ }
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject, ToPropertyKey, HasOwnProperty, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ var supportsDOMDescriptors = (function () {
+ try {
+ return Object.defineProperty(document.createElement('div'), 'one', {
+ get: function () {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }).one === 1;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ var toString = ({}).toString;
+ var split = ''.split;
+ // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( O, P )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {
+ // 1. Let obj be ? ToObject(O).
+ var obj = ToObject(O);
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ obj = (Type(obj) === 'string' || obj instanceof String) && toString.call(O) == '[object String]' ? split.call(O, '') : Object(O);
+ // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(P).
+ var key = ToPropertyKey(P);
+ // 3. Let desc be ? obj.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).
+ // 4. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(desc).
+ // Polyfill.io Internet Explorer 8 natively supports property descriptors only on DOM objects.
+ // We will fallback to the polyfill implementation if the native implementation throws an error.
+ if (supportsDOMDescriptors) {
+ try {
+ return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (error) {}
+ }
+ if (HasOwnProperty(obj, key)) {
+ return {
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: obj[key]
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ }());
+ // Object.assign
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToObject */
+ // Object.assign ( target, ...sources )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'assign', function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let to be ? ToObject(target).
+ var to = ToObject(target);
+ // 2. If only one argument was passed, return to.
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return to;
+ }
+ // 3. Let sources be the List of argument values starting with the second argument
+ var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ // 4. For each element nextSource of sources, in ascending index order, do
+ var index1;
+ var index2;
+ var keys;
+ var from;
+ for (index1 = 0; index1 < sources.length; index1++) {
+ var nextSource = sources[index1];
+ // a. If nextSource is undefined or null, let keys be a new empty List.
+ if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) {
+ keys = [];
+ // b. Else,
+ } else {
+ // Polyfill.io - In order to get strings in ES3 and old V8 working correctly we need to split them into an array ourselves.
+ // i. Let from be ! ToObject(nextSource).
+ from = Object.prototype.toString.call(nextSource) === '[object String]' ? String(nextSource).split('') : ToObject(nextSource);
+ // ii. Let keys be ? from.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ /*
+ This step in our polyfill is not complying with the specification.
+ [[OwnPropertyKeys]] is meant to return ALL keys, including non-enumerable and symbols.
+ TODO: When we have Reflect.ownKeys, use that instead as it is the userland equivalent of [[OwnPropertyKeys]].
+ */
+ keys = Object.keys(from);
+ }
+ // c. For each element nextKey of keys in List order, do
+ for (index2 = 0; index2 < keys.length; index2++) {
+ var nextKey = keys[index2];
+ var enumerable;
+ try {
+ // i. Let desc be ? from.[[GetOwnProperty]](nextKey).
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, nextKey);
+ // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
+ enumerable = desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable === true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - We use Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable as a fallback
+ // because `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.location, 'hash')` causes Internet Explorer 11 to crash.
+ enumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(from, nextKey);
+ }
+ if (enumerable) {
+ // 1. Let propValue be ? Get(from, nextKey).
+ var propValue = Get(from, nextKey);
+ // 2. Perform ? Set(to, nextKey, propValue, true).
+ to[nextKey] = propValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Return to.
+ return to;
+ });
+ // Symbol
+ // A modification of https://github.com/WebReflection/get-own-property-symbols
+ // (C) Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Licensed
+ /* global Type */
+ (function (Object, GOPS, global) {
+ 'use strict'; //so that ({}).toString.call(null) returns the correct [object Null] rather than [object Window]
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ // supports getters
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, "t", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ var setDescriptor;
+ var id = 0;
+ var random = '' + Math.random();
+ var prefix = '__\x01symbol:';
+ var prefixLength = prefix.length;
+ var internalSymbol = '__\x01symbol@@' + random;
+ var emptySymbolLookup = {};
+ var DP = 'defineProperty';
+ var DPies = 'defineProperties';
+ var GOPN = 'getOwnPropertyNames';
+ var GOPD = 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor';
+ var PIE = 'propertyIsEnumerable';
+ var ObjectProto = Object.prototype;
+ var hOP = ObjectProto.hasOwnProperty;
+ var pIE = ObjectProto[PIE];
+ var toString = ObjectProto.toString;
+ var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
+ var cachedWindowNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self) : [];
+ var nGOPN = Object[GOPN];
+ var gOPN = function getOwnPropertyNames (obj) {
+ if (toString.call(obj) === '[object Window]') {
+ try {
+ return nGOPN(obj);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE bug where layout engine calls userland gOPN for cross-domain `window` objects
+ return concat.call([], cachedWindowNames);
+ }
+ }
+ return nGOPN(obj);
+ };
+ var gOPD = Object[GOPD];
+ var objectCreate = Object.create;
+ var objectKeys = Object.keys;
+ var freeze = Object.freeze || Object;
+ var objectDefineProperty = Object[DP];
+ var $defineProperties = Object[DPies];
+ var descriptor = gOPD(Object, GOPN);
+ var addInternalIfNeeded = function (o, uid, enumerable) {
+ if (!hOP.call(o, internalSymbol)) {
+ try {
+ objectDefineProperty(o, internalSymbol, {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ o[internalSymbol] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ o[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid] = enumerable;
+ };
+ var createWithSymbols = function (proto, descriptors) {
+ var self = objectCreate(proto);
+ gOPN(descriptors).forEach(function (key) {
+ if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, key)) {
+ $defineProperty(self, key, descriptors[key]);
+ }
+ });
+ return self;
+ };
+ var copyAsNonEnumerable = function (descriptor) {
+ var newDescriptor = objectCreate(descriptor);
+ newDescriptor.enumerable = false;
+ return newDescriptor;
+ };
+ var get = function get(){};
+ var onlyNonSymbols = function (name) {
+ return name != internalSymbol &&
+ !hOP.call(source, name);
+ };
+ var onlySymbols = function (name) {
+ return name != internalSymbol &&
+ hOP.call(source, name);
+ };
+ var propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) {
+ var uid = '' + key;
+ return onlySymbols(uid) ? (
+ hOP.call(this, uid) &&
+ this[internalSymbol] && this[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid]
+ ) : pIE.call(this, key);
+ };
+ var setAndGetSymbol = function (uid) {
+ var descriptor = {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ get: get,
+ set: function (value) {
+ setDescriptor(this, uid, {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: value
+ });
+ addInternalIfNeeded(this, uid, true);
+ }
+ };
+ try {
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, uid, descriptor);
+ } catch (e) {
+ ObjectProto[uid] = descriptor.value;
+ }
+ source[uid] = objectDefineProperty(
+ Object(uid),
+ 'constructor',
+ sourceConstructor
+ );
+ var description = gOPD(Symbol.prototype, 'description');
+ if (description) {
+ objectDefineProperty(
+ source[uid],
+ 'description',
+ description
+ );
+ }
+ return freeze(source[uid]);
+ };
+ var symbolDescription = function (s) {
+ var sym = thisSymbolValue(s);
+ // 3. Return sym.[[Description]].
+ if (supportsInferredNames) {
+ var name = getInferredName(sym);
+ if (name !== "") {
+ return name.slice(1, -1); // name.slice('['.length, -']'.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (emptySymbolLookup[sym] !== undefined) {
+ return emptySymbolLookup[sym];
+ }
+ var string = sym.toString();
+ var randomStartIndex = string.lastIndexOf("0.");
+ string = string.slice(10, randomStartIndex);
+ if (string === "") {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return string;
+ };
+ var Symbol = function Symbol() {
+ var description = arguments[0];
+ if (this instanceof Symbol) {
+ throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor');
+ }
+ var uid = prefix.concat(description || '', random, ++id);
+ if (description !== undefined && (description === null || isNaN(description) || String(description) === "")) {
+ emptySymbolLookup[uid] = String(description);
+ }
+ var that = setAndGetSymbol(uid);
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(that, "description", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: symbolDescription(that)
+ });
+ }
+ return that;
+ };
+ var source = objectCreate(null);
+ var sourceConstructor = {value: Symbol};
+ var sourceMap = function (uid) {
+ return source[uid];
+ };
+ var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(o, key, descriptor) {
+ var uid = '' + key;
+ if (onlySymbols(uid)) {
+ setDescriptor(o, uid, descriptor.enumerable ?
+ copyAsNonEnumerable(descriptor) : descriptor);
+ addInternalIfNeeded(o, uid, !!descriptor.enumerable);
+ } else {
+ objectDefineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
+ }
+ return o;
+ };
+ var onlyInternalSymbols = function (obj) {
+ return function (name) {
+ return hOP.call(obj, internalSymbol) && hOP.call(obj[internalSymbol], '@@' + name);
+ };
+ };
+ var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(o) {
+ return gOPN(o).filter(o === ObjectProto ? onlyInternalSymbols(o) : onlySymbols).map(sourceMap);
+ }
+ ;
+ descriptor.value = $defineProperty;
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, DP, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = $getOwnPropertySymbols;
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPS, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyNames(o) {
+ return gOPN(o).filter(onlyNonSymbols);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPN, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function defineProperties(o, descriptors) {
+ var symbols = $getOwnPropertySymbols(descriptors);
+ if (symbols.length) {
+ objectKeys(descriptors).concat(symbols).forEach(function (uid) {
+ if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, uid)) {
+ $defineProperty(o, uid, descriptors[uid]);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $defineProperties(o, descriptors);
+ }
+ return o;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, DPies, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = propertyIsEnumerable;
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, PIE, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = Symbol;
+ objectDefineProperty(global, 'Symbol', descriptor);
+ // defining `Symbol.for(key)`
+ descriptor.value = function (key) {
+ var uid = prefix.concat(prefix, key, random);
+ return uid in ObjectProto ? source[uid] : setAndGetSymbol(uid);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Symbol, 'for', descriptor);
+ // defining `Symbol.keyFor(symbol)`
+ descriptor.value = function (symbol) {
+ if (onlyNonSymbols(symbol))
+ throw new TypeError(symbol + ' is not a symbol');
+ return hOP.call(source, symbol) ?
+ symbol.slice(prefixLength * 2, -random.length) :
+ void 0
+ ;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Symbol, 'keyFor', descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, key) {
+ var descriptor = gOPD(o, key);
+ if (descriptor && onlySymbols(key)) {
+ descriptor.enumerable = propertyIsEnumerable.call(o, key);
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, GOPD, descriptor);
+ descriptor.value = function create(proto, descriptors) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || typeof descriptors === "undefined" ?
+ objectCreate(proto) :
+ createWithSymbols(proto, descriptors);
+ };
+ objectDefineProperty(Object, 'create', descriptor);
+ var strictModeSupported = (function(){ 'use strict'; return this; }).call(null) === null;
+ if (strictModeSupported) {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ } else {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ // https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-library/issues/164#issuecomment-486965300
+ // Polyfill.io this code is here for the situation where a browser does not
+ // support strict mode and is executing `Object.prototype.toString.call(null)`.
+ // This code ensures that we return the correct result in that situation however,
+ // this code also introduces a bug where it will return the incorrect result for
+ // `Object.prototype.toString.call(window)`. We can't have the correct result for
+ // both `window` and `null`, so we have opted for `null` as we believe this is the more
+ // common situation.
+ if (this === window) {
+ return '[object Null]';
+ }
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ }
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, 'toString', descriptor);
+ setDescriptor = function (o, key, descriptor) {
+ var protoDescriptor = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);
+ delete ObjectProto[key];
+ objectDefineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
+ if (o !== ObjectProto) {
+ objectDefineProperty(ObjectProto, key, protoDescriptor);
+ }
+ };
+ // The abstract operation thisSymbolValue(value) performs the following steps:
+ function thisSymbolValue(value) {
+ // 1. If Type(value) is Symbol, return value.
+ if (Type(value) === "symbol") {
+ return value;
+ }
+ // 2. If Type(value) is Object and value has a [[SymbolData]] internal slot, then
+ // a. Let s be value.[[SymbolData]].
+ // b. Assert: Type(s) is Symbol.
+ // c. Return s.
+ // 3. Throw a TypeError exception.
+ throw TypeError(value + " is not a symbol");
+ }
+ // Symbol.prototype.description
+ if (function () {
+ // supports getters
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, "t", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }()) {
+ var getInferredName;
+ try {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
+ getInferredName = Function("s", "var v = s.valueOf(); return { [v]() {} }[v].name;");
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (e) { }
+ var inferred = function () { };
+ var supportsInferredNames = getInferredName && inferred.name === "inferred" ? getInferredName : null;
+ // get Symbol.prototype.description
+ Object.defineProperty(global.Symbol.prototype, "description", {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let s be the this value.
+ var s = this;
+ return symbolDescription(s);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }(Object, 'getOwnPropertySymbols', self));
+ // Symbol.iterator
+ Object.defineProperty(self.Symbol, 'iterator', { value: self.Symbol('iterator') });
+ // _ESAbstract.GetIterator
+ /* global GetMethod, Symbol, Call, Type, GetV */
+ // 7.4.1. GetIterator ( obj [ , method ] )
+ // The abstract operation GetIterator with argument obj and optional argument method performs the following steps:
+ function GetIterator(obj /*, method */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If method is not present, then
+ // a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+ var method = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : GetMethod(obj, Symbol.iterator);
+ // 2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
+ var iterator = Call(method, obj);
+ // 3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(iterator) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
+ }
+ // 4. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
+ var nextMethod = GetV(iterator, "next");
+ // 5. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: iterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false}.
+ var iteratorRecord = Object.create(null);
+ iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'] = iterator;
+ iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'] = nextMethod;
+ iteratorRecord['[[Done]]'] = false;
+ // 6. Return iteratorRecord.
+ return iteratorRecord;
+ }
+ // Symbol.species
+ /* global Symbol */
+ Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'species', { value: Symbol('species') });
+ // Map
+ /* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Type, Symbol */
+ (function (global) {
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ // Need an internal counter to assign unique IDs to a key map
+ var _uniqueHashId = 0;
+ // Create a unique key name for storing meta data on functions and objects to enable lookups in hash table
+ var _metaKey = Symbol('meta_' + ((Math.random() * 100000000) + '').replace('.', ''));
+ /**
+ * hashKey()
+ * Function that given a key of `any` type, returns a string key value to enable hash map optimization for accessing Map data structure
+ * @param {string|integer|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {string|false} - Returns a hashed string value or false if non extensible object key
+ */
+ var hashKey = function(recordKey) {
+ // Check to see if we are dealing with object or function type.
+ if (typeof recordKey === 'object' ? recordKey !== null : typeof recordKey === 'function') {
+ // Check to see if we are dealing with a non extensible object
+ if (!Object.isExtensible(recordKey)) {
+ // Return `false`
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(recordKey, _metaKey)) {
+ var uniqueHashKey = typeof(recordKey)+'-'+(++_uniqueHashId);
+ Object.defineProperty(recordKey, _metaKey, {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: uniqueHashKey
+ });
+ }
+ // Return previously defined hashed key
+ return recordKey[_metaKey];
+ }
+ // If this is just a primitive, we can cast it to a string and return it
+ return ''+recordKey;
+ };
+ /**
+ * getRecordIndex()
+ * Function that given a Map and a key of `any` type, returns an index number that coorelates with a record found in `this._keys[index]` and `this._values[index]`
+ * @param {Map} map - Map structure
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {number|false} - Returns either a index to access map._keys and map._values, or false if not found
+ */
+ var getRecordIndex = function(map, recordKey) {
+ var hashedKey = hashKey(recordKey); // Casts key to unique string (unless already string or number)
+ if (hashedKey === false) {
+ // We have to iterate through our Map structure because `recordKey` is non-primitive and not extensible
+ return getRecordIndexSlow(map, recordKey);
+ }
+ var recordIndex = map._table[hashedKey]; // O(1) access to record
+ return recordIndex !== undefined ? recordIndex : false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * getRecordIndexSlow()
+ * Alternative (and slower) function to `getRecordIndex()`. Necessary for looking up non-extensible object keys.
+ * @param {Map} map - Map structure
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Record key to normalize to string accessor for hash map
+ * @returns {number|false} - Returns either a index to access map._keys and map._values, or false if not found
+ */
+ var getRecordIndexSlow = function(map, recordKey) {
+ // We have to iterate through our Map structure because `recordKey` is non-primitive and not extensible
+ for (var i = 0; i < map._keys.length; i++) {
+ var _recordKey = map._keys[i];
+ if (_recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(_recordKey, recordKey)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * setHashIndex()
+ * Function that given a map, key of `any` type, and a value, creates a new entry in Map hash table
+ * @param {Map} map
+ * @param {string|number|function|object} recordKey - Key to translate into normalized key for hash map
+ * @param {number|bool} recordIndex - new record index for the hashedKey or `false` to delete the record index for the hashedKey
+ * @returns {bool} - indicates success of operation
+ */
+ var setHashIndex = function(map, recordKey, recordIndex) {
+ var hashedKey = hashKey(recordKey);
+ if (hashedKey === false) {
+ // If hashed key is false, the recordKey is an object which is not extensible.
+ // That indicates we cannot use the hash map for it, so this operation becomes no-op.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (recordIndex === false) {
+ delete map._table[hashedKey];
+ } else {
+ map._table[hashedKey] = recordIndex;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Deleted map items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
+ var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
+ // Map ( [ iterable ] )
+ var Map = function Map(/* iterable */) {
+ // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!(this instanceof Map)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Constructor Map requires "new"');
+ }
+ // 2. Let map be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%MapPrototype%", + [[MapData]] ;).
+ var map = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Map.prototype, {
+ _table: {}, // O(1) access table for retrieving records
+ _keys: [],
+ _values: [],
+ _size: 0,
+ _es6Map: true
+ });
+ // 3. Set map.[[MapData]] to a new empty List.
+ // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
+ // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Map only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the map changes.
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(map, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ }
+ // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
+ var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
+ // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return map.
+ if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
+ return map;
+ }
+ // 6. Let adder be ? Get(map, "set").
+ var adder = map.set;
+ // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
+ throw new TypeError("Map.prototype.set is not a function");
+ }
+ // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
+ try {
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
+ // 9. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // b. If next is false, return map.
+ if (next === false) {
+ return map;
+ }
+ // c. Let nextItem be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextItem = IteratorValue(next);
+ // d. If Type(nextItem) is not Object, then
+ if (Type(nextItem) !== 'object') {
+ // i. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
+ try {
+ throw new TypeError('Iterator value ' + nextItem + ' is not an entry object');
+ } catch (error) {
+ // ii. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for steps: f, h, and j.
+ // e. Let k be Get(nextItem, "0").
+ var k = nextItem[0];
+ // f. If k is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, k).
+ // g. Let v be Get(nextItem, "1").
+ var v = nextItem[1];
+ // h. If v is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, v).
+ // i. Let status be Call(adder, map, + k.[[Value]], v.[[Value]] ;).
+ adder.call(map, k, v);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // j. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
+ if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
+ Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
+ // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
+ (!!iterable.callee)) {
+ var index;
+ var length = iterable.length;
+ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ adder.call(map, iterable[index][0], iterable[index][1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return map;
+ };
+ // Map.prototype
+ // The initial value of Map.prototype is the intrinsic object %MapPrototype%.
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ // get Map [ @@species ]
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, Symbol.species, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Return the this value.
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ } else {
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map, Symbol.species, Map);
+ }
+ // Map.prototype.clear ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = M._keys;
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // 5.a. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ M._keys[i] = undefMarker;
+ // 5.b. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ M._values[i] = undefMarker;
+ }
+ this._size = 0;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 5a. Clear lookup table
+ this._table = {};
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.constructor
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'constructor', Map);
+ // Map.prototype.delete ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'delete', function (key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 5a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
+ // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ // ii-a. Remove key from lookup table
+ // iii. Return true.
+ // 6. Return false.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ // Steps 4-5: Access record
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ // Get record's `key` (could be `any` type);
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ // 5a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
+ this._keys[recordIndex] = undefMarker;
+ // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
+ this._values[recordIndex] = undefMarker;
+ this._size = --this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // iia. Remove key from lookup table
+ setHashIndex(this, key, false);
+ // iii. Return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.entries ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'entries', function entries () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key+value").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, 'key+value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'forEach', function (callbackFn) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ if (arguments[1]) {
+ var T = arguments[1];
+ }
+ // 6. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = M._keys;
+ // 7. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} e that is an element of entries, in original key insertion order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
+ if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && M._values[i] !== undefMarker ) {
+ // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, + e.[[Value]], e.[[Key]], M ;).
+ callbackFn.call(T, M._values[i], M._keys[i], M);
+ }
+ }
+ // 8. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype.get ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'get', function get(key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return p.[[Value]].
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ return M._values[recordIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.has ( key )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'has', function has (key) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof M !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return true.
+ // 6. Return false.
+ // Implement steps 4-6 with a more optimal algo
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ var recordKey = M._keys[recordIndex];
+ if (recordKey !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(recordKey, key)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.keys ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'keys', function keys () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, "key");
+ });
+ // Map.prototype.set ( key, value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'set', function set(key, value) {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 6. If key is -0, let key be +0.
+ // 7. Let p be the Record {[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value}.
+ // 8. Append p as the last element of entries.
+ // 9. Return M.
+ // Strictly following the above steps 4-9 will lead to an inefficient algorithm.
+ // Step 8 also doesn't seem to be required if an entry already exists
+ var recordIndex = getRecordIndex(M, key); // O(1) access to record index
+ if (recordIndex !== false) {
+ // update path
+ M._values[recordIndex] = value;
+ } else {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-compare-neg-zero
+ if (key === -0) {
+ key = 0;
+ }
+ var p = {
+ '[[Key]]': key,
+ '[[Value]]': value
+ };
+ M._keys.push(p['[[Key]]']);
+ M._values.push(p['[[Value]]']);
+ setHashIndex(M, key, M._keys.length - 1); // update lookup table
+ ++M._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ M.size = M._size;
+ }
+ }
+ return M;
+ });
+ // get Map.prototype.size
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (M._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
+ // 5. Let count be 0.
+ // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
+ // 6a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty, set count to count+1.
+ // 7. Return count.
+ // Implement 4-7 more efficently by returning pre-computed property
+ return this._size;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ }
+ // Map.prototype.values ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'values', function values () {
+ // 1. Let M be the this value.
+ var M = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "value").
+ return CreateMapIterator(M, 'value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Map.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
+ // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the entries property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, Symbol.iterator, Map.prototype.entries);
+ // Map.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Map.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
+ if (!('name' in Map)) {
+ // name
+ Object.defineProperty(Map, 'name', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: 'Map'
+ });
+ }
+ // CreateMapIterator ( map, kind )
+ function CreateMapIterator(map, kind) {
+ // 1. If Type(map) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(map) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
+ }
+ // 2. If map does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (map._es6Map !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
+ }
+ // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%MapIteratorPrototype%, + [[Map]], [[MapNextIndex]], [[MapIterationKind]] ;).
+ var iterator = Object.create(MapIteratorPrototype);
+ // 4. Set iterator.[[Map]] to map.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[Map]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: map
+ });
+ // 5. Set iterator.[[MapNextIndex]] to 0.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapNextIndex]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ // 6. Set iterator.[[MapIterationKind]] to kind.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapIterationKind]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: kind
+ });
+ // 7. Return iterator.
+ return iterator;
+ }
+ // The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
+ var MapIteratorPrototype = {};
+ // Polyfill.io - We use this as a quick way to check if an object is a Map Iterator instance.
+ Object.defineProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'isMapIterator', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: true
+ });
+ // %MapIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
+ // 1. Let O be the this value.
+ var O = this;
+ // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(O) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Map Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!O.isMapIterator) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 4. Let m be O.[[Map]].
+ var m = O['[[Map]]'];
+ // 5. Let index be O.[[MapNextIndex]].
+ var index = O['[[MapNextIndex]]'];
+ // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[MapIterationKind]].
+ var itemKind = O['[[MapIterationKind]]'];
+ // 7. If m is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ if (m === undefined) {
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ // 8. Assert: m has a [[MapData]] internal slot.
+ if (!m._es6Map) {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(m) + ' has a [[MapData]] internal slot.');
+ }
+ // 9. Let entries be the List that is m.[[MapData]].
+ var entries = m._keys;
+ // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
+ var numEntries = entries.length;
+ // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
+ // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
+ while (index < numEntries) {
+ // a. Let e be the Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} that is the value of entries[index].
+ var e = Object.create(null);
+ e['[[Key]]'] = m._keys[index];
+ e['[[Value]]'] = m._values[index];
+ // b. Set index to index+1.
+ index = index + 1;
+ // c. Set O.[[MapNextIndex]] to index.
+ O['[[MapNextIndex]]'] = index;
+ // d. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
+ if (e['[[Key]]'] !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. If itemKind is "key", let result be e.[[Key]].
+ if (itemKind === 'key') {
+ var result = e['[[Key]]'];
+ // ii. Else if itemKind is "value", let result be e.[[Value]].
+ } else if (itemKind === 'value') {
+ result = e['[[Value]]'];
+ // iii. Else,
+ } else {
+ // 1. Assert: itemKind is "key+value".
+ if (itemKind !== 'key+value') {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ // 2. Let result be CreateArrayFromList(+ e.[[Key]], e.[[Value]] ;).
+ result = [
+ e['[[Key]]'],
+ e['[[Value]]']
+ ];
+ }
+ // iv. Return CreateIterResultObject(result, false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(result, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // 13. Set O.[[Map]] to undefined.
+ O['[[Map]]'] = undefined;
+ // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ );
+ // %MapIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map Iterator".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ );
+ // Export the object
+ try {
+ CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Map', Map);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
+ // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
+ global.Map = Map;
+ }
+ }(self));
+ // Set
+ /* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Symbol */
+ (function (global) {
+ var supportsGetters = (function () {
+ try {
+ var a = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ return true;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ return !!a.t;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ // Deleted set items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
+ var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
+ // Set ( [ iterable ] )
+ var Set = function Set(/* iterable */) {
+ // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!(this instanceof Set)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Constructor Set requires "new"');
+ }
+ // 2. Let set be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%SetPrototype%", + [[SetData]] ;).
+ var set = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Set.prototype, {
+ _values: [],
+ _size: 0,
+ _es6Set: true
+ });
+ // 3. Set set.[[SetData]] to a new empty List.
+ // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
+ // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Set only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the set changes.
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(set, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ }
+ // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
+ var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
+ // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return set.
+ if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
+ return set;
+ }
+ // 6. Let adder be ? Get(set, "add").
+ var adder = set.add;
+ // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
+ throw new TypeError("Set.prototype.add is not a function");
+ }
+ try {
+ // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
+ // 9. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // b. If next is false, return set.
+ if (next === false) {
+ return set;
+ }
+ // c. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
+ // d. Let status be Call(adder, set, + nextValue.[[Value]] ;).
+ try {
+ adder.call(set, nextValue);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // e. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
+ if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
+ Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
+ // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
+ (!!iterable.callee)) {
+ var index;
+ var length = iterable.length;
+ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ adder.call(set, iterable[index]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw (e);
+ }
+ }
+ return set;
+ };
+ // Set.prototype
+ // The initial value of Set.prototype is the intrinsic %SetPrototype% object.
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, 'prototype', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: {}
+ });
+ // get Set [ @@species ]
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, Symbol.species, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Return the this value.
+ return this;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ } else {
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set, Symbol.species, Set);
+ }
+ // Set.prototype.add ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'add', function add(value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ // i. Return S.
+ return S;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. If value is -0, let value be +0.
+ if (value === 0 && 1/value === -Infinity) {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ // 7. Append value as the last element of entries.
+ S._values.push(value);
+ this._size = ++this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 8. Return S.
+ return S;
+ });
+ // Set.prototype.clear ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ // a. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
+ entries[i] = undefMarker;
+ }
+ this._size = 0;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // 6. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ });
+ // Set.prototype.constructor
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'constructor', Set);
+ // Set.prototype.delete ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'delete', function (value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ // i. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
+ entries[i] = undefMarker;
+ this._size = --this._size;
+ if (!supportsGetters) {
+ this.size = this._size;
+ }
+ // ii. Return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.entries ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'entries', function entries() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "key+value").
+ return CreateSetIterator(S, 'key+value');
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'forEach', function forEach(callbackFn /*[ , thisArg ]*/) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ if (arguments[1]) {
+ var T = arguments[1];
+ }
+ // 6. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 7. For each e that is an element of entries, in original insertion order, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, + e, e, S ;).
+ callbackFn.call(T, e, e, S);
+ }
+ }
+ // 8. Return undefined.
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ );
+ // Set.prototype.has ( value )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'has', function has(value) {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, return true.
+ if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ // Polyfill.io - We need to define Set.prototype.values before Set.prototype.keys because keys is a reference to values.
+ // Set.prototype.values()
+ var values = function values() {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "value").
+ return CreateSetIterator(S, "value");
+ };
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'values', values);
+ // Set.prototype.keys ( )
+ // The initial value of the keys property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'keys', values);
+ // get Set.prototype.size
+ if (supportsGetters) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, 'size', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ get: function () {
+ // 1. Let S be the this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof S !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (S._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
+ }
+ // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = S._values;
+ // 5. Let count be 0.
+ var count = 0;
+ // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var e = entries[i];
+ // a. If e is not empty, set count to count+1.
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ count = count + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 7. Return count.
+ return count;
+ },
+ set: undefined
+ });
+ }
+ // Set.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
+ // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
+ CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, Symbol.iterator, values);
+ // Set.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Set.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
+ if (!('name' in Set)) {
+ // name
+ Object.defineProperty(Set, 'name', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: 'Set'
+ });
+ }
+ // CreateSetIterator ( set, kind )
+ function CreateSetIterator(set, kind) {
+ // 1. If Type(set) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof set !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
+ }
+ // 2. If set does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (set._es6Set !== true) {
+ throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
+ }
+ // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%SetIteratorPrototype%, + [[IteratedSet]], [[SetNextIndex]], [[SetIterationKind]] ;).
+ var iterator = Object.create(SetIteratorPrototype);
+ // 4. Set iterator.[[IteratedSet]] to set.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[IteratedSet]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: set
+ });
+ // 5. Set iterator.[[SetNextIndex]] to 0.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetNextIndex]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: 0
+ });
+ // 6. Set iterator.[[SetIterationKind]] to kind.
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetIterationKind]]', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: kind
+ });
+ // 7. Return iterator.
+ return iterator;
+ }
+ // The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
+ var SetIteratorPrototype = {};
+ //Polyfill.io - We add this property to help us identify what is a set iterator.
+ Object.defineProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'isSetIterator', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: true
+ });
+ // %SetIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
+ // 1. Let O be the this value.
+ var O = this;
+ // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (typeof O !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Set Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (!O.isSetIterator) {
+ throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
+ }
+ // 4. Let s be O.[[IteratedSet]].
+ var s = O['[[IteratedSet]]'];
+ // 5. Let index be O.[[SetNextIndex]].
+ var index = O['[[SetNextIndex]]'];
+ // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[SetIterationKind]].
+ var itemKind = O['[[SetIterationKind]]'];
+ // 7. If s is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ if (s === undefined) {
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ }
+ // 8. Assert: s has a [[SetData]] internal slot.
+ if (!s._es6Set) {
+ throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(s) + ' does not have [[SetData]] internal slot.');
+ }
+ // 9. Let entries be the List that is s.[[SetData]].
+ var entries = s._values;
+ // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
+ var numEntries = entries.length;
+ // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
+ // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
+ while (index < numEntries) {
+ // a. Let e be entries[index].
+ var e = entries[index];
+ // b. Set index to index+1.
+ index = index + 1;
+ // c. Set O.[[SetNextIndex]] to index.
+ O['[[SetNextIndex]]'] = index;
+ // d. If e is not empty, then
+ if (e !== undefMarker) {
+ // i. If itemKind is "key+value", then
+ if (itemKind === 'key+value') {
+ // 1. Return CreateIterResultObject(CreateArrayFromList(+ e, e ;), false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject([e, e], false);
+ }
+ // ii. Return CreateIterResultObject(e, false).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(e, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // 13. Set O.[[IteratedSet]] to undefined.
+ O['[[IteratedSet]]'] = undefined;
+ // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
+ return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
+ });
+ // %SetIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
+ // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set Iterator".
+ // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+ CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ );
+ // Export the object
+ try {
+ CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Set', Set);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
+ // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
+ global.Set = Set;
+ }
+ }(self));
+ // Array.from
+ /* globals
+ IsCallable, GetMethod, Symbol, IsConstructor, Construct, ArrayCreate, GetIterator, IteratorClose,
+ ToString, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, ToObject, ToLength, Get, CreateMethodProperty
+ */
+ (function () {
+ var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var stringMatch = String.prototype.match;
+ // A cross-realm friendly way to detect if a value is a String object or literal.
+ function isString(value) {
+ if (typeof value === 'string') { return true; }
+ if (typeof value !== 'object') { return false; }
+ return toString.call(value) === '[object String]';
+ }
+ // Array.from ( items [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'from', function from(items /* [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
+ // 1. Let C be the this value.
+ var C = this;
+ // 2. If mapfn is undefined, let mapping be false.
+ var mapfn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ if (mapfn === undefined) {
+ var mapping = false;
+ // 3. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (IsCallable(mapfn) === false) {
+ throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(mapfn) + ' is not a function.');
+ }
+ // b. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
+ var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
+ if (thisArg !== undefined) {
+ var T = thisArg;
+ } else {
+ T = undefined;
+ }
+ // c. Let mapping be true.
+ mapping = true;
+ }
+ // 4. Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(items, @@iterator).
+ var usingIterator = GetMethod(items, Symbol.iterator);
+ // 5. If usingIterator is not undefined, then
+ if (usingIterator !== undefined) {
+ // a. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // i. Let A be ? Construct(C).
+ var A = Construct(C);
+ // b. Else,
+ } else {
+ // i. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(0).
+ A = ArrayCreate(0);
+ }
+ // c. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, usingIterator).
+ var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(items, usingIterator);
+ // d. Let k be 0.
+ var k = 0;
+ // e. Repeat,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
+ while (true) {
+ // i. If k e 2^53-1, then
+ if (k >= (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1)) {
+ // 1. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
+ var error = new TypeError('Iteration count can not be greater than or equal 9007199254740991.');
+ // 2. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
+ }
+ // ii. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ var Pk = ToString(k);
+ // iii. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
+ var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
+ // iv. If next is false, then
+ if (next === false) {
+ // 1. Perform ? Set(A, "length", k, true).
+ A.length = k;
+ // 2. Return A.
+ return A;
+ }
+ // v. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
+ var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
+ // vi. If mapping is true, then
+ if (mapping) {
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step 2.
+ // 1. Let mappedValue be Call(mapfn, T, + nextValue, k ;).
+ var mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [nextValue, k]);
+ // 2. If mappedValue is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, mappedValue).
+ // 3. Let mappedValue be mappedValue.[[Value]].
+ } catch (e) {
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ // vii. Else, let mappedValue be nextValue.
+ } else {
+ mappedValue = nextValue;
+ }
+ try {
+ // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step ix.
+ // viii. Let defineStatus be CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
+ // ix. If defineStatus is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, defineStatus).
+ } catch (e) {
+ return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
+ }
+ // x. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. NOTE: items is not an Iterable so assume it is an array-like object.
+ // 7. Let arrayLike be ! ToObject(items).
+ // Polyfill.io - For Strings we need to split astral symbols into surrogate pairs.
+ if (isString(items)) {
+ var arrayLike = stringMatch.call(items, /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?|[^\uD800-\uDFFF]|./g) || [];
+ } else {
+ arrayLike = ToObject(items);
+ }
+ // 8. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(arrayLike, "length")).
+ var len = ToLength(Get(arrayLike, "length"));
+ // 9. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
+ if (IsConstructor(C)) {
+ // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, + len ;).
+ A = Construct(C, [len]);
+ // 10. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
+ A = ArrayCreate(len);
+ }
+ // 11. Let k be 0.
+ k = 0;
+ // 12. Repeat, while k < len
+ while (k < len) {
+ // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
+ Pk = ToString(k);
+ // b. Let kValue be ? Get(arrayLike, Pk).
+ var kValue = Get(arrayLike, Pk);
+ // c. If mapping is true, then
+ if (mapping === true) {
+ // i. Let mappedValue be ? Call(mapfn, T, + kValue, k ;).
+ mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [kValue, k]);
+ // d. Else, let mappedValue be kValue.
+ } else {
+ mappedValue = kValue;
+ }
+ // e. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
+ CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
+ // f. Increase k by 1.
+ k = k + 1;
+ }
+ // 13. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true).
+ A.length = len;
+ // 14. Return A.
+ return A;
+ });
+ }());
+ // URL
+ /* global Symbol */
+ // URL Polyfill
+ // Draft specification: https://url.spec.whatwg.org
+ // Notes:
+ // - Primarily useful for parsing URLs and modifying query parameters
+ // - Should work in IE8+ and everything more modern, with es5.js polyfills
+ (function (global) {
+ 'use strict';
+ function isSequence(o) {
+ if (!o) return false;
+ if ('Symbol' in global && 'iterator' in global.Symbol &&
+ typeof o[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') return true;
+ if (Array.isArray(o)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ;(function() { // eslint-disable-line no-extra-semi
+ // Browsers may have:
+ // * No global URL object
+ // * URL with static methods only - may have a dummy constructor
+ // * URL with members except searchParams
+ // * Full URL API support
+ var origURL = global.URL;
+ var nativeURL;
+ try {
+ if (origURL) {
+ nativeURL = new global.URL('http://example.com');
+ if ('searchParams' in nativeURL) {
+ var url = new URL('http://example.com');
+ url.search = 'a=1&b=2';
+ if (url.href === 'http://example.com/?a=1&b=2') {
+ url.search = '';
+ if (url.href === 'http://example.com/') {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!('href' in nativeURL)) {
+ nativeURL = undefined;
+ }
+ nativeURL = undefined;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
+ } catch (_) {}
+ // NOTE: Doesn't do the encoding/decoding dance
+ function urlencoded_serialize(pairs) {
+ var output = '', first = true;
+ pairs.forEach(function (pair) {
+ var name = encodeURIComponent(pair.name);
+ var value = encodeURIComponent(pair.value);
+ if (!first) output += '&';
+ output += name + '=' + value;
+ first = false;
+ });
+ return output.replace(/%20/g, '+');
+ }
+ // NOTE: URL API accepts inputs like `?x=%`, `?x=%a`, and `?x=%2sf`
+ // as literals, whereas legacy decodeURIComponent would throw
+ // URIError (as specified by ECMAScript).
+ //
+ // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#percent-decode
+ function percent_decode(bytes) {
+ // NOTE:
+ // * Only decode pairs of exactly two bytes.
+ // * Only decode bytes in range 0-9, A-F, a-f.
+ // * Decode as many pairs at the same time as possible.
+ // This is because we're not actually operating on internal bytes,
+ // but on a valid UTF string, and the string must remain valid at
+ // all times, and decodeURIComponent will throw when attempting to
+ // decode a byte that represents only part of a codepoint, for example
+ // "%7F" separately from "%7F%C3%BF".
+ return bytes.replace(/((%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*)/g, function (_, m) {
+ return decodeURIComponent(m);
+ });
+ }
+ // NOTE: Doesn't do the encoding/decoding dance
+ //
+ // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-parser
+ function urlencoded_parse(input, isindex) {
+ var sequences = input.split('&');
+ if (isindex && sequences[0].indexOf('=') === -1)
+ sequences[0] = '=' + sequences[0];
+ var pairs = [];
+ sequences.forEach(function (bytes) {
+ if (bytes.length === 0) return;
+ var index = bytes.indexOf('=');
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ var name = bytes.substring(0, index);
+ var value = bytes.substring(index + 1);
+ } else {
+ name = bytes;
+ value = '';
+ }
+ name = name.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+ value = value.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
+ pairs.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ });
+ var output = [];
+ pairs.forEach(function (pair) {
+ output.push({
+ name: percent_decode(pair.name),
+ value: percent_decode(pair.value)
+ });
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ function URLUtils(url) {
+ if (nativeURL)
+ return new origURL(url);
+ var anchor = document.createElement('a');
+ anchor.href = url;
+ return anchor;
+ }
+ function URLSearchParams(init) {
+ var $this = this;
+ this._list = [];
+ if (init === undefined || init === null) {
+ // no-op
+ } else if (init instanceof URLSearchParams) {
+ // In ES6 init would be a sequence, but special case for ES5.
+ this._list = urlencoded_parse(String(init));
+ } else if (typeof init === 'object' && isSequence(init)) {
+ Array.from(init).forEach(function(e) {
+ if (!isSequence(e)) throw TypeError();
+ var nv = Array.from(e);
+ if (nv.length !== 2) throw TypeError();
+ $this._list.push({name: String(nv[0]), value: String(nv[1])});
+ });
+ } else if (typeof init === 'object' && init) {
+ Object.keys(init).forEach(function(key) {
+ $this._list.push({name: String(key), value: String(init[key])});
+ });
+ } else {
+ init = String(init);
+ if (init.substring(0, 1) === '?')
+ init = init.substring(1);
+ this._list = urlencoded_parse(init);
+ }
+ this._url_object = null;
+ this._setList = function (list) { if (!updating) $this._list = list; };
+ var updating = false;
+ this._update_steps = function() {
+ if (updating) return;
+ updating = true;
+ if (!$this._url_object) return;
+ // Partial workaround for IE issue with 'about:'
+ if ($this._url_object.protocol === 'about:' &&
+ $this._url_object.pathname.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
+ $this._url_object.pathname = $this._url_object.pathname.split('?')[0];
+ }
+ $this._url_object.search = urlencoded_serialize($this._list);
+ updating = false;
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParams.prototype, {
+ append: {
+ value: function (name, value) {
+ this._list.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ 'delete': {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length;) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ this._list.splice(i, 1);
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ get: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ return this._list[i].value;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ getAll: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ result.push(this._list[i].value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ has: {
+ value: function (name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length; ++i) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ set: {
+ value: function (name, value) {
+ var found = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._list.length;) {
+ if (this._list[i].name === name) {
+ if (!found) {
+ this._list[i].value = value;
+ found = true;
+ ++i;
+ } else {
+ this._list.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ this._list.push({ name: name, value: value });
+ this._update_steps();
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ entries: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'key+value'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ keys: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'key'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ values: {
+ value: function() { return new Iterator(this._list, 'value'); },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ forEach: {
+ value: function(callback) {
+ var thisArg = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : undefined;
+ this._list.forEach(function(pair) {
+ callback.call(thisArg, pair.value, pair.name);
+ });
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function () {
+ return urlencoded_serialize(this._list);
+ }, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ },
+ sort: {
+ value: function sort() {
+ var entries = this.entries();
+ var entry = entries.next();
+ var keys = [];
+ var values = {};
+ while (!entry.done) {
+ var value = entry.value;
+ var key = value[0];
+ keys.push(key);
+ if (!(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(values, key))) {
+ values[key] = [];
+ }
+ values[key].push(value[1]);
+ entry = entries.next();
+ }
+ keys.sort();
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ this["delete"](keys[i]);
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
+ key = keys[j];
+ this.append(key, values[key].shift());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function Iterator(source, kind) {
+ var index = 0;
+ this.next = function() {
+ if (index >= source.length)
+ return {done: true, value: undefined};
+ var pair = source[index++];
+ return {done: false, value:
+ kind === 'key' ? pair.name :
+ kind === 'value' ? pair.value :
+ [pair.name, pair.value]};
+ };
+ }
+ if ('Symbol' in global && 'iterator' in global.Symbol) {
+ Object.defineProperty(URLSearchParams.prototype, global.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries,
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
+ Object.defineProperty(Iterator.prototype, global.Symbol.iterator, {
+ value: function() { return this; },
+ writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true});
+ }
+ function URL(url, base) {
+ if (!(this instanceof global.URL))
+ throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': Please use the 'new' operator.");
+ if (base) {
+ url = (function () {
+ if (nativeURL) return new origURL(url, base).href;
+ var iframe;
+ try {
+ var doc;
+ // Use another document/base tag/anchor for relative URL resolution, if possible
+ if (Object.prototype.toString.call(window.operamini) === "[object OperaMini]") {
+ iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ iframe.style.display = 'none';
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe);
+ doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ } else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) {
+ doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
+ } else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) {
+ doc = document.implementation.createDocument('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html', null);
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElement('head'));
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElement('body'));
+ } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ doc = new window.ActiveXObject('htmlfile');
+ doc.write('');
+ doc.close();
+ }
+ if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported');
+ var baseTag = doc.createElement('base');
+ baseTag.href = base;
+ doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag);
+ var anchor = doc.createElement('a');
+ anchor.href = url;
+ return anchor.href;
+ } finally {
+ if (iframe)
+ iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
+ }
+ }());
+ }
+ // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL
+ // object or an HTMLAnchorElement instance) is used to perform the
+ // URL algorithms. With full ES5 getter/setter support, return a
+ // regular object For IE8's limited getter/setter support, a
+ // different HTMLAnchorElement is returned with properties
+ // overridden
+ var instance = URLUtils(url || '');
+ // Detect for ES5 getter/setter support
+ // (an Object.defineProperties polyfill that doesn't support getters/setters may throw)
+ var ES5_GET_SET = (function() {
+ if (!('defineProperties' in Object)) return false;
+ try {
+ var obj = {};
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, { prop: { get: function () { return true; } } });
+ return obj.prop;
+ } catch (_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }());
+ var self = ES5_GET_SET ? this : document.createElement('a');
+ var query_object = new URLSearchParams(
+ instance.search ? instance.search.substring(1) : null);
+ query_object._url_object = self;
+ Object.defineProperties(self, {
+ href: {
+ get: function () { return instance.href; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.href = v; tidy_instance(); update_steps(); },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ origin: {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this.protocol.toLowerCase() === "data:") {
+ return null
+ }
+ if ('origin' in instance) return instance.origin;
+ return this.protocol + '//' + this.host;
+ },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ protocol: {
+ get: function () { return instance.protocol; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.protocol = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ username: {
+ get: function () { return instance.username; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.username = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ password: {
+ get: function () { return instance.password; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.password = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ host: {
+ get: function () {
+ // IE returns default port in |host|
+ var re = {'http:': /:80$/, 'https:': /:443$/, 'ftp:': /:21$/}[instance.protocol];
+ return re ? instance.host.replace(re, '') : instance.host;
+ },
+ set: function (v) { instance.host = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ hostname: {
+ get: function () { return instance.hostname; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.hostname = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ port: {
+ get: function () { return instance.port; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.port = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ pathname: {
+ get: function () {
+ // IE does not include leading '/' in |pathname|
+ if (instance.pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') return '/' + instance.pathname;
+ return instance.pathname;
+ },
+ set: function (v) { instance.pathname = v; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ search: {
+ get: function () { return instance.search; },
+ set: function (v) {
+ if (instance.search === v) return;
+ instance.search = v; tidy_instance(); update_steps();
+ },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ searchParams: {
+ get: function () { return query_object; },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ hash: {
+ get: function () { return instance.hash; },
+ set: function (v) { instance.hash = v; tidy_instance(); },
+ enumerable: true, configurable: true
+ },
+ toString: {
+ value: function() { return instance.toString(); },
+ enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ },
+ valueOf: {
+ value: function() { return instance.valueOf(); },
+ enumerable: false, configurable: true
+ }
+ });
+ function tidy_instance() {
+ var href = instance.href.replace(/#$|\?$|\?(?=#)/g, '');
+ if (instance.href !== href)
+ instance.href = href;
+ }
+ function update_steps() {
+ query_object._setList(instance.search ? urlencoded_parse(instance.search.substring(1)) : []);
+ query_object._update_steps();
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (origURL) {
+ for (var i in origURL) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(origURL, i) && typeof origURL[i] === 'function')
+ URL[i] = origURL[i];
+ }
+ }
+ global.URL = URL;
+ global.URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams;
+ })();
+ // Patch native URLSearchParams constructor to handle sequences/records
+ // if necessary.
+ (function() {
+ if (new global.URLSearchParams([['a', 1]]).get('a') === '1' &&
+ new global.URLSearchParams({a: 1}).get('a') === '1')
+ return;
+ var orig = global.URLSearchParams;
+ global.URLSearchParams = function(init) {
+ if (init && typeof init === 'object' && isSequence(init)) {
+ var o = new orig();
+ Array.from(init).forEach(function (e) {
+ if (!isSequence(e)) throw TypeError();
+ var nv = Array.from(e);
+ if (nv.length !== 2) throw TypeError();
+ o.append(nv[0], nv[1]);
+ });
+ return o;
+ } else if (init && typeof init === 'object') {
+ o = new orig();
+ Object.keys(init).forEach(function(key) {
+ o.set(key, init[key]);
+ });
+ return o;
+ } else {
+ return new orig(init);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ }(self));
+ // Symbol.toStringTag
+ /* global Symbol */
+ Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'toStringTag', {
+ value: Symbol('toStringTag')
+ });
+ // Promise
+ /*
+ Yaku v0.19.3
+ (c) 2015 Yad Smood. http://ysmood.org
+ License MIT
+ */
+ /*
+ Yaku v0.17.9
+ (c) 2015 Yad Smood. http://ysmood.org
+ License MIT
+ */
+ (function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ var $undefined
+ , $null = null
+ , isBrowser = typeof self === 'object'
+ , root = self
+ , nativePromise = root.Promise
+ , process = root.process
+ , console = root.console
+ , isLongStackTrace = true
+ , Arr = Array
+ , Err = Error
+ , $rejected = 1
+ , $resolved = 2
+ , $pending = 3
+ , $Symbol = 'Symbol'
+ , $iterator = 'iterator'
+ , $species = 'species'
+ , $speciesKey = $Symbol + '(' + $species + ')'
+ , $return = 'return'
+ , $unhandled = '_uh'
+ , $promiseTrace = '_pt'
+ , $settlerTrace = '_st'
+ , $invalidThis = 'Invalid this'
+ , $invalidArgument = 'Invalid argument'
+ , $fromPrevious = '\nFrom previous '
+ , $promiseCircularChain = 'Chaining cycle detected for promise'
+ , $unhandledRejectionMsg = 'Uncaught (in promise)'
+ , $rejectionHandled = 'rejectionHandled'
+ , $unhandledRejection = 'unhandledRejection'
+ , $tryCatchFn
+ , $tryCatchThis
+ , $tryErr = { e: $null }
+ , $noop = function () {}
+ , $cleanStackReg = /^.+\/node_modules\/yaku\/.+\n?/mg
+ ;
+ /**
+ * This class follows the [Promises/A+](https://promisesaplus.com) and
+ * [ES6](http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-promise-objects) spec
+ * with some extra helpers.
+ * @param {Function} executor Function object with two arguments resolve, reject.
+ * The first argument fulfills the promise, the second argument rejects it.
+ * We can call these functions, once our operation is completed.
+ */
+ var Yaku = function (executor) {
+ var self = this,
+ err;
+ // "this._s" is the internao state of: pending, resolved or rejected
+ // "this._v" is the internal value
+ if (!isObject(self) || self._s !== $undefined)
+ throw genTypeError($invalidThis);
+ self._s = $pending;
+ if (isLongStackTrace) self[$promiseTrace] = genTraceInfo();
+ if (executor !== $noop) {
+ if (!isFunction(executor))
+ throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ err = genTryCatcher(executor)(
+ genSettler(self, $resolved),
+ genSettler(self, $rejected)
+ );
+ if (err === $tryErr)
+ settlePromise(self, $rejected, err.e);
+ }
+ };
+ Yaku['default'] = Yaku;
+ extend(Yaku.prototype, {
+ /**
+ * Appends fulfillment and rejection handlers to the promise,
+ * and returns a new promise resolving to the return value of the called handler.
+ * @param {Function} onFulfilled Optional. Called when the Promise is resolved.
+ * @param {Function} onRejected Optional. Called when the Promise is rejected.
+ * @return {Yaku} It will return a new Yaku which will resolve or reject after
+ * @example
+ * the current Promise.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.resolve(10);
+ *
+ * p.then((v) => {
+ * console.log(v);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ then: function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ if (this._s === undefined) throw genTypeError();
+ return addHandler(
+ this,
+ newCapablePromise(Yaku.speciesConstructor(this, Yaku)),
+ onFulfilled,
+ onRejected
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * The `catch()` method returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only.
+ * It behaves the same as calling `Promise.prototype.then(undefined, onRejected)`.
+ * @param {Function} onRejected A Function called when the Promise is rejected.
+ * This function has one argument, the rejection reason.
+ * @return {Yaku} A Promise that deals with rejected cases only.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.reject(new Error("ERR"));
+ *
+ * p['catch']((v) => {
+ * console.log(v);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ 'catch': function (onRejected) {
+ return this.then($undefined, onRejected);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Register a callback to be invoked when a promise is settled (either fulfilled or rejected).
+ * Similar with the try-catch-finally, it's often used for cleanup.
+ * @param {Function} onFinally A Function called when the Promise is settled.
+ * It will not receive any argument.
+ * @return {Yaku} A Promise that will reject if onFinally throws an error or returns a rejected promise.
+ * Else it will resolve previous promise's final state (either fulfilled or rejected).
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Math.random() > 0.5 ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();
+ * p.finally(() => {
+ * console.log('finally');
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ 'finally': function (onFinally) {
+ return this.then(function (val) {
+ return Yaku.resolve(onFinally()).then(function () {
+ return val;
+ });
+ }, function (err) {
+ return Yaku.resolve(onFinally()).then(function () {
+ throw err;
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ // The number of current promises that attach to this Yaku instance.
+ _c: 0,
+ // The parent Yaku.
+ _p: $null
+ });
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.resolve(value)` method returns a Promise object that is resolved with the given value.
+ * If the value is a thenable (i.e. has a then method), the returned promise will "follow" that thenable,
+ * adopting its eventual state; otherwise the returned promise will be fulfilled with the value.
+ * @param {Any} value Argument to be resolved by this Promise.
+ * Can also be a Promise or a thenable to resolve.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.resolve(10);
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.resolve = function (val) {
+ return isYaku(val) ? val : settleWithX(newCapablePromise(this), val);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.reject(reason)` method returns a Promise object that is rejected with the given reason.
+ * @param {Any} reason Reason why this Promise rejected.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * var p = Promise.reject(new Error("ERR"));
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.reject = function (reason) {
+ return settlePromise(newCapablePromise(this), $rejected, reason);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.race(iterable)` method returns a promise that resolves or rejects
+ * as soon as one of the promises in the iterable resolves or rejects,
+ * with the value or reason from that promise.
+ * @param {iterable} iterable An iterable object, such as an Array.
+ * @return {Yaku} The race function returns a Promise that is settled
+ * the same way as the first passed promise to settle.
+ * It resolves or rejects, whichever happens first.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.race([
+ * 123,
+ * Promise.resolve(0)
+ * ])
+ * .then((value) => {
+ * console.log(value); // => 123
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.race = function (iterable) {
+ var self = this
+ , p = newCapablePromise(self)
+ , resolve = function (val) {
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, val);
+ }
+ , reject = function (val) {
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, val);
+ }
+ , ret = genTryCatcher(each)(iterable, function (v) {
+ self.resolve(v).then(resolve, reject);
+ });
+ if (ret === $tryErr) return self.reject(ret.e);
+ return p;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The `Promise.all(iterable)` method returns a promise that resolves when
+ * all of the promises in the iterable argument have resolved.
+ *
+ * The result is passed as an array of values from all the promises.
+ * If something passed in the iterable array is not a promise,
+ * it's converted to one by Promise.resolve. If any of the passed in promises rejects,
+ * the all Promise immediately rejects with the value of the promise that rejected,
+ * discarding all the other promises whether or not they have resolved.
+ * @param {iterable} iterable An iterable object, such as an Array.
+ * @return {Yaku}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.all([
+ * 123,
+ * Promise.resolve(0)
+ * ])
+ * .then((values) => {
+ * console.log(values); // => [123, 0]
+ * });
+ * ```
+ * @example
+ * Use with iterable.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.all((function * () {
+ * yield 10;
+ * yield new Promise(function (r) { setTimeout(r, 1000, "OK") });
+ * })())
+ * .then((values) => {
+ * console.log(values); // => [123, 0]
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.all = function (iterable) {
+ var self = this
+ , p1 = newCapablePromise(self)
+ , res = []
+ , ret
+ ;
+ function reject (reason) {
+ settlePromise(p1, $rejected, reason);
+ }
+ ret = genTryCatcher(each)(iterable, function (item, i) {
+ self.resolve(item).then(function (value) {
+ res[i] = value;
+ if (!--ret) settlePromise(p1, $resolved, res);
+ }, reject);
+ });
+ if (ret === $tryErr) return self.reject(ret.e);
+ if (!ret) settlePromise(p1, $resolved, []);
+ return p1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The ES6 Symbol object that Yaku should use, by default it will use the
+ * global one.
+ * @type {Object}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var core = require("core-js/library");
+ * var Promise = require("yaku");
+ * Promise.Symbol = core.Symbol;
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.Symbol = root[$Symbol] || {};
+ // To support browsers that don't support `Object.defineProperty`.
+ genTryCatcher(function () {
+ Object.defineProperty(Yaku, getSpecies(), {
+ get: function () { return this; }
+ });
+ })();
+ /**
+ * Use this api to custom the species behavior.
+ * https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-speciesconstructor
+ * @param {Any} O The current this object.
+ * @param {Function} defaultConstructor
+ */
+ Yaku.speciesConstructor = function (O, D) {
+ var C = O.constructor;
+ return C ? (C[getSpecies()] || D) : D;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Catch all possibly unhandled rejections. If you want to use specific
+ * format to display the error stack, overwrite it.
+ * If it is set, auto `console.error` unhandled rejection will be disabled.
+ * @param {Any} reason The rejection reason.
+ * @param {Yaku} p The promise that was rejected.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.unhandledRejection = (reason) => {
+ * console.error(reason);
+ * };
+ *
+ * // The console will log an unhandled rejection error message.
+ * Promise.reject('my reason');
+ *
+ * // The below won't log the unhandled rejection error message.
+ * Promise.reject('v')["catch"](() => {});
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.unhandledRejection = function (reason, p) {
+ console && console.error(
+ $unhandledRejectionMsg,
+ isLongStackTrace ? p.longStack : genStackInfo(reason, p)
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Emitted whenever a Promise was rejected and an error handler was
+ * attached to it (for example with `["catch"]()`) later than after an event loop turn.
+ * @param {Any} reason The rejection reason.
+ * @param {Yaku} p The promise that was rejected.
+ */
+ Yaku.rejectionHandled = $noop;
+ /**
+ * It is used to enable the long stack trace.
+ * Once it is enabled, it can't be reverted.
+ * While it is very helpful in development and testing environments,
+ * it is not recommended to use it in production. It will slow down
+ * application and eat up memory.
+ * It will add an extra property `longStack` to the Error object.
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.enableLongStackTrace();
+ * Promise.reject(new Error("err"))["catch"]((err) => {
+ * console.log(err.longStack);
+ * });
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.enableLongStackTrace = function () {
+ isLongStackTrace = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Only Node has `process.nextTick` function. For browser there are
+ * so many ways to polyfill it. Yaku won't do it for you, instead you
+ * can choose what you prefer. For example, this project
+ * [next-tick](https://github.com/medikoo/next-tick).
+ * By default, Yaku will use `process.nextTick` on Node, `setTimeout` on browser.
+ * @type {Function}
+ * @example
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.nextTick = require('next-tick');
+ * ```
+ * @example
+ * You can even use sync resolution if you really know what you are doing.
+ * ```js
+ * var Promise = require('yaku');
+ * Promise.nextTick = fn => fn();
+ * ```
+ */
+ Yaku.nextTick = isBrowser ?
+ function (fn) {
+ nativePromise ?
+ new nativePromise(function (resolve) { resolve(); }).then(fn) :
+ setTimeout(fn);
+ } :
+ process.nextTick;
+ // ********************** Private **********************
+ Yaku._s = 1;
+ /**
+ * All static variable name will begin with `$`. Such as `$rejected`.
+ * @private
+ */
+ // ******************************* Utils ********************************
+ function getSpecies () {
+ return Yaku[$Symbol][$species] || $speciesKey;
+ }
+ function extend (src, target) {
+ for (var k in target) {
+ src[k] = target[k];
+ }
+ }
+ function isObject (obj) {
+ return obj && typeof obj === 'object';
+ }
+ function isFunction (obj) {
+ return typeof obj === 'function';
+ }
+ function isInstanceOf (a, b) {
+ return a instanceof b;
+ }
+ function isError (obj) {
+ return isInstanceOf(obj, Err);
+ }
+ function ensureType (obj, fn, msg) {
+ if (!fn(obj)) throw genTypeError(msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrap a function into a try-catch.
+ * @private
+ * @return {Any | $tryErr}
+ */
+ function tryCatcher () {
+ try {
+ return $tryCatchFn.apply($tryCatchThis, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ $tryErr.e = e;
+ return $tryErr;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a try-catch wrapped function.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Function} fn
+ * @return {Function}
+ */
+ function genTryCatcher (fn, self) {
+ $tryCatchFn = fn;
+ $tryCatchThis = self;
+ return tryCatcher;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a scheduler.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Integer} initQueueSize
+ * @param {Function} fn `(Yaku, Value) ->` The schedule handler.
+ * @return {Function} `(Yaku, Value) ->` The scheduler.
+ */
+ function genScheduler (initQueueSize, fn) {
+ /**
+ * All async promise will be scheduled in
+ * here, so that they can be execute on the next tick.
+ * @private
+ */
+ var fnQueue = Arr(initQueueSize)
+ , fnQueueLen = 0;
+ /**
+ * Run all queued functions.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function flush () {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < fnQueueLen) {
+ fn(fnQueue[i], fnQueue[i + 1]);
+ fnQueue[i++] = $undefined;
+ fnQueue[i++] = $undefined;
+ }
+ fnQueueLen = 0;
+ if (fnQueue.length > initQueueSize) fnQueue.length = initQueueSize;
+ }
+ return function (v, arg) {
+ fnQueue[fnQueueLen++] = v;
+ fnQueue[fnQueueLen++] = arg;
+ if (fnQueueLen === 2) Yaku.nextTick(flush);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a iterator
+ * @param {Any} obj
+ * @private
+ * @return {Object || TypeError}
+ */
+ function each (iterable, fn) {
+ var len
+ , i = 0
+ , iter
+ , item
+ , ret
+ ;
+ if (!iterable) throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ var gen = iterable[Yaku[$Symbol][$iterator]];
+ if (isFunction(gen))
+ iter = gen.call(iterable);
+ else if (isFunction(iterable.next)) {
+ iter = iterable;
+ }
+ else if (isInstanceOf(iterable, Arr)) {
+ len = iterable.length;
+ while (i < len) {
+ fn(iterable[i], i++);
+ }
+ return i;
+ } else
+ throw genTypeError($invalidArgument);
+ while (!(item = iter.next()).done) {
+ ret = genTryCatcher(fn)(item.value, i++);
+ if (ret === $tryErr) {
+ isFunction(iter[$return]) && iter[$return]();
+ throw ret.e;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate type error object.
+ * @private
+ * @param {String} msg
+ * @return {TypeError}
+ */
+ function genTypeError (msg) {
+ return new TypeError(msg);
+ }
+ function genTraceInfo (noTitle) {
+ return (noTitle ? '' : $fromPrevious) + new Err().stack;
+ }
+ // *************************** Promise Helpers ****************************
+ /**
+ * Resolve the value returned by onFulfilled or onRejected.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p1
+ * @param {Yaku} p2
+ */
+ var scheduleHandler = genScheduler(999, function (p1, p2) {
+ var x, handler;
+ // 2.2.2
+ // 2.2.3
+ handler = p1._s !== $rejected ? p2._onFulfilled : p2._onRejected;
+ //
+ //
+ if (handler === $undefined) {
+ settlePromise(p2, p1._s, p1._v);
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ x = genTryCatcher(callHanler)(handler, p1._v);
+ if (x === $tryErr) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p2, $rejected, x.e);
+ return;
+ }
+ settleWithX(p2, x);
+ });
+ var scheduleUnhandledRejection = genScheduler(9, function (p) {
+ if (!hashOnRejected(p)) {
+ p[$unhandled] = 1;
+ emitEvent($unhandledRejection, p);
+ }
+ });
+ function emitEvent (name, p) {
+ var browserEventName = 'on' + name.toLowerCase()
+ , browserHandler = root[browserEventName];
+ if (process && process.listeners(name).length)
+ name === $unhandledRejection ?
+ process.emit(name, p._v, p) : process.emit(name, p);
+ else if (browserHandler)
+ browserHandler({ reason: p._v, promise: p });
+ else
+ Yaku[name](p._v, p);
+ }
+ function isYaku (val) { return val && val._s; }
+ function newCapablePromise (Constructor) {
+ if (isYaku(Constructor)) return new Constructor($noop);
+ var p, r, j;
+ p = new Constructor(function (resolve, reject) {
+ if (p) throw genTypeError();
+ r = resolve;
+ j = reject;
+ });
+ ensureType(r, isFunction);
+ ensureType(j, isFunction);
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * It will produce a settlePromise function to user.
+ * Such as the resolve and reject in this `new Yaku (resolve, reject) ->`.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} self
+ * @param {Integer} state The value is one of `$pending`, `$resolved` or `$rejected`.
+ * @return {Function} `(value) -> undefined` A resolve or reject function.
+ */
+ function genSettler (self, state) {
+ var isCalled = false;
+ return function (value) {
+ if (isCalled) return;
+ isCalled = true;
+ if (isLongStackTrace)
+ self[$settlerTrace] = genTraceInfo(true);
+ if (state === $resolved)
+ settleWithX(self, value);
+ else
+ settlePromise(self, state, value);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Link the promise1 to the promise2.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p1
+ * @param {Yaku} p2
+ * @param {Function} onFulfilled
+ * @param {Function} onRejected
+ */
+ function addHandler (p1, p2, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ // 2.2.1
+ if (isFunction(onFulfilled))
+ p2._onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
+ if (isFunction(onRejected)) {
+ if (p1[$unhandled]) emitEvent($rejectionHandled, p1);
+ p2._onRejected = onRejected;
+ }
+ if (isLongStackTrace) p2._p = p1;
+ p1[p1._c++] = p2;
+ // 2.2.6
+ if (p1._s !== $pending)
+ scheduleHandler(p1, p2);
+ // 2.2.7
+ return p2;
+ }
+ // iterate tree
+ function hashOnRejected (node) {
+ // A node shouldn't be checked twice.
+ if (node._umark)
+ return true;
+ else
+ node._umark = true;
+ var i = 0
+ , len = node._c
+ , child;
+ while (i < len) {
+ child = node[i++];
+ if (child._onRejected || hashOnRejected(child)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function genStackInfo (reason, p) {
+ var stackInfo = [];
+ function push (trace) {
+ return stackInfo.push(trace.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''));
+ }
+ if (isLongStackTrace) {
+ if (p[$settlerTrace])
+ push(p[$settlerTrace]);
+ // Hope you guys could understand how the back trace works.
+ // We only have to iterate through the tree from the bottom to root.
+ (function iter (node) {
+ if (node && $promiseTrace in node) {
+ iter(node._next);
+ push(node[$promiseTrace] + '');
+ iter(node._p);
+ }
+ })(p);
+ }
+ return (reason && reason.stack ? reason.stack : reason) +
+ ('\n' + stackInfo.join('\n')).replace($cleanStackReg, '');
+ }
+ function callHanler (handler, value) {
+ // 2.2.5
+ return handler(value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve or reject a promise.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Integer} state
+ * @param {Any} value
+ */
+ function settlePromise (p, state, value) {
+ var i = 0
+ , len = p._c;
+ // 2.1.2
+ // 2.1.3
+ if (p._s === $pending) {
+ //
+ p._s = state;
+ p._v = value;
+ if (state === $rejected) {
+ if (isLongStackTrace && isError(value)) {
+ value.longStack = genStackInfo(value, p);
+ }
+ scheduleUnhandledRejection(p);
+ }
+ // 2.2.4
+ while (i < len) {
+ scheduleHandler(p, p[i++]);
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve or reject promise with value x. The x can also be a thenable.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Any | Thenable} x A normal value or a thenable.
+ */
+ function settleWithX (p, x) {
+ // 2.3.1
+ if (x === p && x) {
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, genTypeError($promiseCircularChain));
+ return p;
+ }
+ // 2.3.2
+ // 2.3.3
+ if (x !== $null && (isFunction(x) || isObject(x))) {
+ //
+ var xthen = genTryCatcher(getThen)(x);
+ if (xthen === $tryErr) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, xthen.e);
+ return p;
+ }
+ if (isFunction(xthen)) {
+ if (isLongStackTrace && isYaku(x))
+ p._next = x;
+ // Fix https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=4162
+ if (isYaku(x))
+ settleXthen(p, x, xthen);
+ else
+ Yaku.nextTick(function () {
+ settleXthen(p, x, xthen);
+ });
+ } else
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, x);
+ } else
+ // 2.3.4
+ settlePromise(p, $resolved, x);
+ return p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try to get a promise's then method.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Thenable} x
+ * @return {Function}
+ */
+ function getThen (x) { return x.then; }
+ /**
+ * Resolve then with its promise.
+ * @private
+ * @param {Yaku} p
+ * @param {Thenable} x
+ * @param {Function} xthen
+ */
+ function settleXthen (p, x, xthen) {
+ //
+ var err = genTryCatcher(xthen, x)(function (y) {
+ //
+ //
+ x && (x = $null, settleWithX(p, y));
+ }, function (r) {
+ //
+ //
+ x && (x = $null, settlePromise(p, $rejected, r));
+ });
+ //
+ if (err === $tryErr && x) {
+ //
+ settlePromise(p, $rejected, err.e);
+ x = $null;
+ }
+ }
+ root.Promise = Yaku;
+ })();
+ // _ESAbstract.EnumerableOwnProperties
+ /* globals Type, Get */
+ // 7.3.21. EnumerableOwnProperties ( O, kind )
+ function EnumerableOwnProperties(O, kind) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
+ // 2. Let ownKeys be ? O.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ var ownKeys = Object.keys(O);
+ // 3. Let properties be a new empty List.
+ var properties = [];
+ // 4. For each element key of ownKeys in List order, do
+ var length = ownKeys.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ var key = ownKeys[i];
+ // a. If Type(key) is String, then
+ if (Type(key) === 'string') {
+ // i. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](key).
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, key);
+ // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ // 1. If kind is "key", append key to properties.
+ if (kind === 'key') {
+ properties.push(key);
+ // 2. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Let value be ? Get(O, key).
+ var value = Get(O, key);
+ // b. If kind is "value", append value to properties.
+ if (kind === 'value') {
+ properties.push(value);
+ // c. Else,
+ } else {
+ // i. Assert: kind is "key+value".
+ // ii. Let entry be CreateArrayFromList(+ key, value ;).
+ var entry = [key, value];
+ // iii. Append entry to properties.
+ properties.push(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Order the elements of properties so they are in the same relative order as would be produced by the Iterator that would be returned if the EnumerateObjectProperties internal method were invoked with O.
+ // 6. Return properties.
+ return properties;
+ }
+ // Object.entries
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, EnumerableOwnProperties, ToObject, Type */
+ (function () {
+ var toString = ({}).toString;
+ var split = ''.split;
+ // Object.entries ( O )
+ CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'entries', function entries(O) {
+ // 1. Let obj be ? ToObject(O).
+ var obj = ToObject(O);
+ // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
+ obj = (Type(obj) === 'string' || obj instanceof String) && toString.call(O) == '[object String]' ? split.call(O, '') : Object(O);
+ // 2. Let nameList be ? EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, "key+value").
+ var nameList = EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, "key+value");
+ // 3. Return CreateArrayFromList(nameList).
+ // Polyfill.io - nameList is already an array.
+ return nameList;
+ });
+ }());
+ // _ESAbstract.TrimString
+ /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */
+ /* global RequireObjectCoercible, ToString */
+ // TrimString ( string, where )
+ function TrimString(string, where) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. Let str be ? RequireObjectCoercible(string).
+ var str = RequireObjectCoercible(string);
+ // 2. Let S be ? ToString(str).
+ var S = ToString(str);
+ // 3. If where is "start", let T be a String value that is a copy of S with leading white space removed.
+ // The definition of white space is the union of WhiteSpace and LineTerminator. When determining whether a Unicode code point is in Unicode general category Space_Separator (Zs), code unit sequences are interpreted as UTF-16 encoded code point sequences as specified in 6.1.4.
+ var whitespace = /[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF]+/.source;
+ if (where === 'start') {
+ var T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp('^' + whitespace, 'g'), '');
+ // 4. Else if where is "end", let T be a String value that is a copy of S with trailing white space removed.
+ } else if (where === "end") {
+ T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp(whitespace + '$', 'g'), '');
+ // 5. Else,
+ } else {
+ // a. Assert: where is "start+end".
+ // b. Let T be a String value that is a copy of S with both leading and trailing white space removed.
+ T = String.prototype.replace.call(S, new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '|' + whitespace + '$', 'g'), '');
+ }
+ // 6. Return T.
+ return T;
+ }
+ // String.prototype.trim
+ /* global CreateMethodProperty, TrimString */
+ // String.prototype.trim ( )
+ CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'trim', function trim() {
+ 'use strict';
+ // Let S be this value.
+ var S = this;
+ // Return ? TrimString(S, "start+end").
+ return TrimString(S, "start+end");
+ });
+ // _mutation
+ var _mutation = (function () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ function isNode(object) {
+ // DOM, Level2
+ if (typeof Node === 'function') {
+ return object instanceof Node;
+ }
+ // Older browsers, check if it looks like a Node instance)
+ return object &&
+ typeof object === "object" &&
+ object.nodeName &&
+ object.nodeType >= 1 &&
+ object.nodeType <= 12;
+ }
+ // http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#mutation-method-macro
+ return function mutation(nodes) {
+ if (nodes.length === 1) {
+ return isNode(nodes[0]) ? nodes[0] : document.createTextNode(nodes[0] + '');
+ }
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
+ fragment.appendChild(isNode(nodes[i]) ? nodes[i] : document.createTextNode(nodes[i] + ''));
+ }
+ return fragment;
+ };
+ }());
+ // DocumentFragment.prototype.append
+ /* global _mutation */
+ (function (global) {
+ var fragmentProto = document.createDocumentFragment().constructor.prototype;
+ fragmentProto.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ }(self));
+ // DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend
+ /* global _mutation */
+ (function (global) {
+ var fragmentProto = document.createDocumentFragment().constructor.prototype;
+ fragmentProto.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ global.DocumentFragment.prototype.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ }(self));
+ // Element.prototype.after
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.after = Element.prototype.after = function after() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
+ viableNextSibling = this.nextSibling,
+ idx = viableNextSibling ? args.indexOf(viableNextSibling) : -1;
+ while (idx !== -1) {
+ viableNextSibling = viableNextSibling.nextSibling;
+ if (!viableNextSibling) {
+ break;
+ }
+ idx = args.indexOf(viableNextSibling);
+ }
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), viableNextSibling);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.after = Element.prototype.after;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.append
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.append = Element.prototype.append = function append() {
+ this.appendChild(_mutation(arguments));
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.before
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.before = Element.prototype.before = function before() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
+ viablePreviousSibling = this.previousSibling,
+ idx = viablePreviousSibling ? args.indexOf(viablePreviousSibling) : -1;
+ while (idx !== -1) {
+ viablePreviousSibling = viablePreviousSibling.previousSibling;
+ if (!viablePreviousSibling) {
+ break;
+ }
+ idx = args.indexOf(viablePreviousSibling);
+ }
+ this.parentNode.insertBefore(
+ _mutation(arguments),
+ viablePreviousSibling ? viablePreviousSibling.nextSibling : this.parentNode.firstChild
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.before = Element.prototype.before;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.prepend
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.prepend = Element.prototype.prepend = function prepend() {
+ this.insertBefore(_mutation(arguments), this.firstChild);
+ };
+ // Element.prototype.remove
+ Document.prototype.remove = Element.prototype.remove = function remove() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ("Text" in self) {
+ Text.prototype.remove = Element.prototype.remove;
+ }
+ // Element.prototype.replaceWith
+ /* global _mutation */
+ Document.prototype.replaceWith = Element.prototype.replaceWith = function replaceWith() {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ this.parentNode.replaceChild(_mutation(arguments), this);
+ }
+ };
+ // Not all UAs support the Text constructor. Polyfill on the Text constructor only where it exists
+ // TODO: Add a polyfill for the Text constructor, and make it a dependency of this polyfill.
+ if ('Text' in self) {
+ Text.prototype.replaceWith = Element.prototype.replaceWith;
+ }
+ })
+ ('object' === typeof window && window || 'object' === typeof self && self || 'object' === typeof global && global || {});
diff --git a/examples/react/e-commerce/index.html b/examples/react/e-commerce/index.html
index 60a663b686..bf6f97a12d 100644
--- a/examples/react/e-commerce/index.html
+++ b/examples/react/e-commerce/index.html
@@ -22,7 +22,13 @@
React InstantSearch - e-commerce
diff --git a/examples/vue/e-commerce/public/index.html b/examples/vue/e-commerce/public/index.html
index d850363344..09826d450a 100644
--- a/examples/vue/e-commerce/public/index.html
+++ b/examples/vue/e-commerce/public/index.html
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
E-commerce demo | Algolia
diff --git a/tests/e2e/all-flavors.spec.ts b/tests/e2e/all-flavors.spec.ts
index 56a2f6f9d7..32a0c4e3f2 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/all-flavors.spec.ts
+++ b/tests/e2e/all-flavors.spec.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import { flavors } from './flavors';
+import { getFilteredFlavors } from './flavors';
import { createBrandAndQueryTestSuite } from './specs/brand-and-query.spec';
import { createCategoryTestSuite } from './specs/category.spec';
import { createInitialStateFromRouteTestSuite } from './specs/initial-state-from-route.spec';
import { createPaginationTestSuite } from './specs/pagination.spec';
import { createPriceRangeTestSuite } from './specs/price-range.spec';
-flavors.forEach((flavor) => {
+getFilteredFlavors(browser).forEach((flavor) => {
describe(`${flavor}`, () => {
diff --git a/tests/e2e/flavors.js b/tests/e2e/flavors.js
index 83b2ef0fab..2c3bab6f95 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/flavors.js
+++ b/tests/e2e/flavors.js
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
+const ALL_FLAVORS = ['js', 'js-umd', 'react', 'vue'];
module.exports = {
- flavors: ['js', 'js-umd', 'react', 'vue'].filter(
- !process.env.E2E_FLAVOR
- ? Boolean
- : (flavor) => flavor === process.env.E2E_FLAVOR
- ),
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of flavors to be tested on.
+ * When E2E_FLAVOR is set, it only tests the requested flavor.
+ * When it is not set, it will tests all flavors, except on Internet Explorer
+ * where it will only test the JS flavors.
+ *
+ * @param {import("webdriverio").BrowserObject} browser The WebdriverIO browser object
+ * @returns The list of flavors to be tested on
+ */
+ getFilteredFlavors(browser) {
+ return ALL_FLAVORS.filter(
+ !process.env.E2E_FLAVOR
+ ? (flavor) =>
+ browser.capabilities.browserName !== 'internet explorer'
+ ? true
+ : flavor.startsWith('js')
+ : (flavor) => flavor === process.env.E2E_FLAVOR
+ );
+ },
diff --git a/tests/e2e/wdio.base.conf.js b/tests/e2e/wdio.base.conf.js
index 4d3706bd5e..d848b0904a 100644
--- a/tests/e2e/wdio.base.conf.js
+++ b/tests/e2e/wdio.base.conf.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const path = require('path');
-const { flavors } = require('./flavors');
+const { ALL_FLAVORS } = require('./flavors');
module.exports = {
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module.exports = {
mount: '/',
path: './website',
- ...flavors.map((flavor) => ({
+ ...ALL_FLAVORS.map((flavor) => ({
mount: `/examples/${flavor}/e-commerce/*`,
path: `./website/examples/${flavor}/e-commerce`,