To run adaptive pretraining on TPUs, refer to
To run adaptive pretraining on GPUs, use the
example from the huggingface repository, which we have copied over to scripts/
Just supply an input file with newline separated documents, e.g. input.txt
python -m scripts.run_language_modeling --train_data_file tweets.txt \
--line_by_line \
--output_dir roberta-twitter-dapt \
--model_type roberta-base \
--tokenizer_name roberta-base \
--mlm \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 128 \
--model_name_or_path roberta-base \
--do_train \
--max_steps 12500 \
--learning_rate 0.0005
python -m scripts.run_language_modeling --train_data_file input.txt
--line_by_line \
--output_dir roberta-tapt \
--model_type roberta-base \
--tokenizer_name roberta-base \
--mlm \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 16 \
--model_name_or_path roberta-base \
--eval_data_file ./dev.sample \
--do_eval \
--evaluate_during_training \
--do_train \
--num_train_epochs 100 \
--learning_rate 0.0001 \
--logging_steps 50