Releases: ampproject/amphtml
Releases · ampproject/amphtml
- fix(tool): filter non PR merges from changelog. (#971)
- norobots for experiments.html (#968)
- Implement a mechanism for AMP integrations to request an identifier for the current client. (#963)
- Switch AMP to use Cloud error reporting implemented by #911 (#965)
- Error reporting to Google Cloud Error Reporting (#911)
- Enable SauceLabs testing for Safari desktop. (#964)
- fix(tooling): make sure tag_name and name are strings. (#962)
- feature(tools): Create a new release with changelog through the github api (#946)
- Initial contribution of the validator (#951)
- Fix 3p embeds in Firefox (#960)
- Creates a timeout for preconnects (#893)
- Only run integration tests on SauceLabs and run them in more browsers. (#896)
- Renaming experiment cookie (#955)
- Temporarily ignore validator folder for some lint and presubmit rules (#953)
- UrlReplacements refactoring for amp-pixel and amp-list (#950)
- Clarify JSON types and their uses (#949)
- Simplify templates API (#944)
- Minimal Fetch API polyfill (#934)
- Fix bug where all .js urls in samples were changed to .max.js (#912)
- Ensure vsync is instantiated before extensions (#942)
- Promise.all polyfill (#935)
- fix gulp autofix (#932)
- Separate tools distribution from the rest (#929)
- Set cookie for the root path and update description (#928)
- Experiments.html page for our CDN (#923)
- Case-insensitive sanitizing of attribute values (#917)