issues Search Results · repo:andrealani/COOLFluiD language:C++
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inandrealani/COOLFluiD (press backspace or delete to remove)I followed the manual and successfully built the code with a configuration file similar to coolfluid.conf.mutationpp on
both cluster and local machine. The previous one was compiled with icc+impi and the ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 7, 2018
- #12
Hi Andrealani,
Just had a look at the repository - congratulations on this amazing work!
Was just wondering if the Gamma Re_th transition model is fully implemented and if it can be used for compressible ...
- 4
- Opened on Jul 24, 2015
- #8
Currently, I have the following test cases implemented:
- Tangent Slab: 2D and 3D solver.
- Cylinder : 2D Axi and 3D solver.
- Sphere: 2D Axi (3D next ).
I also have been coding and external program ...
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #6
These two issues are tightly coupled, so I ll discuss them together. I think having a simple C API for scripting
proposes would be very interesting. Why C if we are using C++? Two reasons
1. There is ...
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #5
The only way right now to run COOLFluiD on a local machine is to download the source and compile it. Could we also
distribute a precompiled binary along the source code? That would be primarily targeted ...
- 4
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #4
We should do a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a module. This exercise will also allow not so recent
collaborators ( like me and Alejandro ) to learn more about COOLFluiD and find problem with the ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #3
Currently there s no safe or consistent way to get the ID of a physical model variable. The current workaround is to set
it explicitly on the .CFcase file. For example, for the AeroCoeffs module, a typical ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #2
Possible problem of ParMETIS with openmpi (MPI_LONG_LONG != MPI_LONG_LONG_INT). Verify if problem persists with other
MPI (mpich, mvapich).
- Opened on Nov 13, 2014
- #1

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