It's built on top of the java client apache/incubator-pegasus/java-client.
- Scala friendly.
- Serialize/deserialize automatically.
import org.apache.pegasus.scalaclient.Serializers._
val c = ScalaPegasusClientFactory.createClient("resource:///")
// set/get/del
val hashKey = 12345L
c.set(table, hashKey, "sort_1", "value_1")
val value = c.get(table, hashKey, "sort_1").as[String]
c.del(table, hashKey, "sort_1")
c.exists(table, hashKey, "sort_1")
c.sortKeyCount(table, hashKey)
// multiset/multiget/multidel
val values = Seq("sort_1" -> "value_1", "sort_2" -> "value_2", "sort_3" -> "value_3")
val sortKeys = values.unzip._1
c.multiSet(table, hashKey, values)
val count = c.sortKeyCount(table, hashKey)
val multiGetValues = c.multiGet(table, hashKey, sortKeys).as[String]
val multiGetSortKeys = c.multiGetSortKeys(table, hashKey)
c.multiDel(table, hashKey, Seq("sort_1", "sort_2"))
Use scala format tool, see
sbt scalafmtSbt scalafmt test:scalafmt
NOTE: It requires the Pegasus onebox has been started.
Build Java dependency at first, then build and test Scala client.
cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/java-client/scripts
cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/java-client
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true
cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/scala-client
sbt test