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A maven-integrated IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ can easily be used to build the samples and the application template project.

If your IDE lacks a maven integration see samples/get-edgent-jars-project for a tool to create a bundle containing the Edgent runtime jars. You can unpack the bundle and adjust the projects in your IDE to use them.

Using Eclipse

The Edgent Git repository and samples source release bundle contains Maven project definitions for the samples.

Once you import the Maven projects into your workspace, builds in Eclipse use the same artifacts as the Maven command line tooling. Like the command line tooling, the jars for dependent projects are automatically downloaded to the local maven repository and used.

Note: Specifics may change depending on your version of Eclipse or the Eclipse Maven or Git Team Provider.

Download the samples

  1. Clone or download the samples as described in

Import the samples

  1. From the Eclipse File menu, select Import...
  2. From the Maven folder, select Existing Maven Projects and click Next
  • browse to the samples directory in the clone or source release directory and select it. A hierarchy of samples projects / pom.xml files will be listed and all selected.
  • Verify the Add project(s) to working set checkbox is checked
  • Click Finish. Eclipse starts the import process and builds the workspace.

Top-level artifacts such as are available under the edgent-samples project.

Run a sample

Once the samples projects have been imported you can run them from Eclipse in the usual manner. E.g.,

  1. From the Eclipse Navigate menu, select Open Type
    • enter type name HelloEdgent and click OK
  2. right click on the HelloEdgent class name and from the context menu
    • click on Run As, then Java application. HelloEdgent runs and prints to the Console view.

Cloning the application template

See template/ for general information.

To clone the template project for your application project:

  1. Recursively copy the template folder into a new folder from the command line, e.g., from the unpacked samples folder
    • cp -R template ~/myApp
  2. Import the new project into your Eclipse workspace
    1. from the Eclipse File menu, select Import...
    2. from the Maven folder, select Existing Maven Projects and click Next
      • browse to the new folder and select it. The project's pom.xml file will be listed and selected.
      • click Finish. Eclipse starts the import process and builds the workspace. Note, the new imported project's name will be my-app. This can be renamed later.

Verify you can run the imported template app:

  1. From the Eclipse Navigate menu, select Open Type
    • enter type name TemplateApp and click OK
  2. right click on the TemplateApp class name and from the context menu
    • click on Run As, then Java application.
      TemplateApp runs and prints to the Console view.

You can then start adding your application's java code and adjusting the template's pom for your application's dependencies.