Releases: apache/streampark
v1.2.0 release
Change Log
New Feature
- Support for Flink on Kubernetes runtime including Application/Session mode.
- Support for automatic building Flink-K8s Application image from Flink SQL.
- StreamX instance no longer forces a dependency on the Hadoop environment.
- Flink-1.14 Support.
Enhance / Bug Fix
- HADOOP_USER_NAME can be specified in Flink on YARN mode.
- Optimize the authentication renewal logic of kerberos.
- Fix isolation-related bugs for multiple versions of Flink.
- Fix create view syntax bugs of Flink.
- Optimize the sql parse tool.
- Sql dialect bug fixed.
- new startup script. new add restart|status option.
- 支持 Flink on Kubernetes 任务发布(包含 Application/Session Mode);
- 支持从 Flink SQL 自动构建 Flink-K8s Application 镜像;
- 与Hadoop解耦,不再强制依赖 Hadoop;
- 新增 Flink-1.14 支持(Flink-1.12,1.13,1.14);
优化 / Bug 修复
- Flink on YARN 环境下可指定 HADOOP_USER_NAME;
- 优化 kerberos 的认证续期逻辑;
- 修复 Flink 多版本的隔离相关 Bug;
- 修复Flink create view 等语法错误;
- 优化Flink Sql解析;
- 修复Flink Sql方言设置bug;
- 全新的启动脚本,新增 restart|status等操作.
v1.1.1 release
1. kerberos 自动续期bug修复
2. 参数配置优先级相关bug修复(flink-conf.yaml中参数优先级比页面任务级别优先级大)
3. 标准apache flink任务在编辑时mainClass不回显的bug修复
4. 邮件发送参数设置相关bug修复
5. parallelism和slot参数设置不生效bug修复
6. 项目在下载maven 依赖时发生错误导致任务名称全被修改的bug修复
7. 用户登录返回前端的用户登录信息带有"盐",优化修复 (issue/240)
8. 修复启动脚本中可能存在的找不到jdk环境的bug (issue/238)
9. 新增消息推送,构建失败,任务失败消息推送到前端
v1.1.0 release
v1.1.0 release change log:
1. hadoop2/hadoop3 环境的兼容支持
2. Kerberos认证支持
3. 优化读取hadoop配置文件的策略,使本地开发调试更方便
4. jdk8以上版本的支持和兼容
5. 针对checkpoint连续失败的处理(按照失败率邮件告警或重启)
6. flink 1.13新增的sql语法支持
7. 无需补全访问路径自动跳转到index.html(访问地址栏不用在手动输入/index.html了)
8. workspace (hdfs) 根路径可配置化
9. startlog 中点击任务applicationId即可跳转到yarn中查看详情
1. 简化streamx-console最终打完的包结构
2. create view,set,reset等语法的bug修复
3. 文件上传bug修复
4. 发送邮件模板优化及bug修复
5. 前端关于任务修改编辑表单验证相关的bug修复
6. program arguments字段类型修改为text,修复参数过长导致的bug
7. 优化FLINK_HOME未设置,启动异常但任务状态一直为启动中的bug
8. maven 依赖优化,依赖版本统一管理
9. flink sql任务中pom依赖下载失败,任务不能做任何操作的bug修复
10. 示例任务Flink SQL Demo执行失败的bug修复
11. jdk1.8+环境项目启动失败,不能动态加载资源到classpath的bug修复
12. 多个insert into插入优化(issues 186)
13. 修改任务时"更多参数"修改导致的空指针异常修复 (issues 202)
14. 修复解析flink-conf.yaml文件可能存在的bug
15. 修复checkpoint返回路径前缀可能存在的bug
v1.0.0 release
[Newfeature]: New support for flink1.13, which can seamlessly switch the version of Flink (flink1.11, flink1.12, flink1.13, minimum 1.11)
[Newfeature]: new logo
[Bugfix]: the project clone to the local possible bug fixed
[Bugfix]: get yarn web address compatible with HTTPS
[Bugfix]: all known bugs
newfeature: git branch automatic completion for project add, user name and password verification, git branch name verification
newfeature: project delete
newfeature: realDark theme
bugfix: get yarn web address bug fixed
bugfix: app condition search bug fixed
bugfix: unable to start bug fixed
change logs:
newfeature: flyway support,when system upgraded, the corresponding SQL is upgraded automatically without manual execution
newfeature: Real time tracking records the latest checkpoints of the task. The number of checkpoints reserved in the database is consistent with the configuration state.checkpoints.num-retained of Flink, which will be provided automatically when starting next time
newfeature: If the task fails, send alarm mail and restart automatically (optional)
bug fix: about get task state missing bug fixed
bug fix: get flink default config (flink-conf.yaml) bug fixed
bug fix: get yarn web address bug fix.
bug fix: appname check exists bug fix.
bug fix: Solve the problem of restart all the time
- Get the latest checkpoint and provide it when job restarting
- checkpoint keep max size support.
- Sql format support.
- Fault Alert support (email)
- other bug fixed.
- Fix bug in insert into syntax
- version control support
- specified FLINK_HOME support
- "streamX console workspace" path access check
- more bug fix.