diff --git a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index bfb9069..4c92d93 100644
--- a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@
 				DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS = "\"WhisperAX/Preview Content\"";
diff --git a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved
index 41e3727..bc58b75 100644
--- a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved
+++ b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-  "originHash" : "cd17206b47bb810af9459722192530e3838d8e6629a970988e32a432aaa05f6e",
+  "originHash" : "420a1723357da21f9e31b01403fd3d66df6e400a752d242d05b2c3d5667e3c33",
   "pins" : [
+    {
+      "identity" : "jinja",
+      "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
+      "location" : "https://github.com/maiqingqiang/Jinja",
+      "state" : {
+        "revision" : "b435eb62b0d3d5f34167ec70a128355486981712",
+        "version" : "1.0.5"
+      }
+    },
       "identity" : "networkimage",
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
@@ -15,8 +24,8 @@
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
       "location" : "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser.git",
       "state" : {
-        "revision" : "c8ed701b513cf5177118a175d85fbbbcd707ab41",
-        "version" : "1.3.0"
+        "revision" : "41982a3656a71c768319979febd796c6fd111d5c",
+        "version" : "1.5.0"
@@ -24,8 +33,8 @@
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
       "location" : "https://github.com/gonzalezreal/swift-markdown-ui.git",
       "state" : {
-        "revision" : "ae799d015a5374708f7b4c85f3294c05f2a564e2",
-        "version" : "2.3.0"
+        "revision" : "55441810c0f678c78ed7e2ebd46dde89228e02fc",
+        "version" : "2.4.0"
@@ -33,8 +42,8 @@
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
       "location" : "https://github.com/huggingface/swift-transformers.git",
       "state" : {
-        "revision" : "74b94211bdc741694ed7e700a1104c72e5ba68fe",
-        "version" : "0.1.7"
+        "revision" : "0f2306713d48a75b862026ebb291926793773f52",
+        "version" : "0.1.12"
diff --git a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX/Views/ContentView.swift b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX/Views/ContentView.swift
index 2a182fb..b164111 100644
--- a/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX/Views/ContentView.swift
+++ b/Examples/WhisperAX/WhisperAX/Views/ContentView.swift
@@ -1206,9 +1206,10 @@ struct ContentView: View {
                 try? audioProcessor.startRecordingLive(inputDeviceID: deviceId) { _ in
-                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
-                        bufferEnergy = whisperKit?.audioProcessor.relativeEnergy ?? []
-                        bufferSeconds = Double(whisperKit?.audioProcessor.audioSamples.count ?? 0) / Double(WhisperKit.sampleRate)
+                    Task { @MainActor in
+                        bufferEnergy = await whisperKit?.audioProcessor.getRelativeEnergy() ?? []
+                        let audioSamples = await whisperKit?.audioProcessor.getAudioSamples() ?? []
+                        bufferSeconds = Double(audioSamples.count) / Double(WhisperKit.sampleRate)
@@ -1406,7 +1407,7 @@ struct ContentView: View {
         guard let whisperKit = whisperKit else { return }
         // Retrieve the current audio buffer from the audio processor
-        let currentBuffer = whisperKit.audioProcessor.audioSamples
+        let currentBuffer = whisperKit.audioProcessor.getAudioSamples()
         // Calculate the size and duration of the next buffer segment
         let nextBufferSize = currentBuffer.count - lastBufferSize
@@ -1424,8 +1425,9 @@ struct ContentView: View {
         if useVAD {
+            let relativeEnergy = whisperKit.audioProcessor.getRelativeEnergy()
             let voiceDetected = AudioProcessor.isVoiceDetected(
-                in: whisperKit.audioProcessor.relativeEnergy,
+                in: relativeEnergy,
                 nextBufferInSeconds: nextBufferSeconds,
                 silenceThreshold: Float(silenceThreshold)
diff --git a/Package.resolved b/Package.resolved
index 6cccf25..87fb996 100644
--- a/Package.resolved
+++ b/Package.resolved
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
   "pins" : [
+    {
+      "identity" : "jinja",
+      "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
+      "location" : "https://github.com/maiqingqiang/Jinja",
+      "state" : {
+        "revision" : "4ffa95ce02e013c992287e19e3bbd620b6cc233a",
+        "version" : "1.0.4"
+      }
+    },
       "identity" : "swift-argument-parser",
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
       "location" : "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser.git",
       "state" : {
-        "revision" : "c8ed701b513cf5177118a175d85fbbbcd707ab41",
-        "version" : "1.3.0"
+        "revision" : "41982a3656a71c768319979febd796c6fd111d5c",
+        "version" : "1.5.0"
@@ -14,8 +23,8 @@
       "kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
       "location" : "https://github.com/huggingface/swift-transformers.git",
       "state" : {
-        "revision" : "74b94211bdc741694ed7e700a1104c72e5ba68fe",
-        "version" : "0.1.7"
+        "revision" : "0f2306713d48a75b862026ebb291926793773f52",
+        "version" : "0.1.12"
diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index f3f111e..3515d89 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ let package = Package(
     dependencies: [
-        .package(url: "https://github.com/huggingface/swift-transformers.git", exact: "0.1.7"),
-        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser.git", exact: "1.3.0"),
+        .package(url: "https://github.com/huggingface/swift-transformers.git", exact: "0.1.12"),
+        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser.git", exact: "1.5.0"),
     targets: [
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioChunker.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioChunker.swift
index 467bfd6..3b5e091 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioChunker.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioChunker.swift
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public extension AudioChunking {
 /// A audio chunker that splits audio into smaller pieces based on voice activity detection
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-open class VADAudioChunker: AudioChunking {
+public struct VADAudioChunker: AudioChunking {
     /// prevent hallucinations at the end of the clip by stopping up to 1.0s early
     private let windowPadding: Int
-    private let vad: VoiceActivityDetector
+    private let vad: any VoiceActivityDetectable
-    public init(windowPadding: Int = 16000, vad: VoiceActivityDetector? = nil) {
+    public init(windowPadding: Int = 16000, vad: (any VoiceActivityDetectable)? = nil) {
         self.windowPadding = windowPadding
         self.vad = vad ?? EnergyVAD()
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ open class VADAudioChunker: AudioChunking {
             // Typically this will be the full audio file, unless seek points are explicitly provided
             var startIndex = seekClipStart
             while startIndex < seekClipEnd - windowPadding {
-                let currentFrameLength = startIndex - seekClipStart
-                if startIndex >= currentFrameLength, startIndex < 0 {
+                // 配列範囲内にあるかチェック
+                if startIndex >= audioArray.count || startIndex < 0 {
                     throw WhisperError.audioProcessingFailed("startIndex is outside the buffer size")
-                // Make sure we still need chunking for this seek clip, otherwise use the original seek clip end
+                // Adjust the end index based on VAD or maxChunkLength
                 var endIndex = seekClipEnd
                 if startIndex + maxChunkLength < endIndex {
                     // Adjust the end index based on VAD
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ open class VADAudioChunker: AudioChunking {
+                // Ensure endIndex is within the array bounds
+                endIndex = min(endIndex, audioArray.count)
                 guard endIndex > startIndex else {
@@ -108,4 +110,5 @@ open class VADAudioChunker: AudioChunking {
         return chunkedAudio
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioProcessor.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioProcessor.swift
index c3958cb..cd86e81 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioProcessor.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioProcessor.swift
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ public typealias DeviceID = AudioDeviceID
 public typealias DeviceID = String
-public struct AudioDevice: Identifiable, Hashable {
+public struct AudioDevice: Identifiable, Hashable, Sendable {
     public let id: DeviceID
     public let name: String
-public protocol AudioProcessing {
+public protocol AudioProcessing: Actor {
     /// Loads audio data from a specified file path.
     /// - Parameters:
     ///   - audioFilePath: The file path of the audio file.
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ public protocol AudioProcessing {
     ) -> MLMultiArray?
     /// Stores the audio samples to be transcribed
-    var audioSamples: ContiguousArray<Float> { get }
+    func getAudioSamples() -> ContiguousArray<Float>
     /// Empties the audio samples array, keeping the last `keep` samples
     func purgeAudioSamples(keepingLast keep: Int)
     /// A measure of current buffer's energy in dB normalized from 0 - 1 based on the quietest buffer's energy in a specified window
-    var relativeEnergy: [Float] { get }
+    func getRelativeEnergy() ->  [Float]
     /// How many past buffers of audio to use to calculate relative energy
     /// The lowest average energy value in the buffer within this amount of previous buffers will used as the silence baseline
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public extension AudioProcessing {
     static func padOrTrimAudio(fromArray audioArray: [Float], startAt startIndex: Int = 0, toLength frameLength: Int = 480_000, saveSegment: Bool = false) -> MLMultiArray? {
         let currentFrameLength = audioArray.count
-        if startIndex >= currentFrameLength, startIndex < 0 {
+        if startIndex >= currentFrameLength || startIndex < 0 {
             Logging.error("startIndex is outside the buffer size")
             return nil
@@ -169,19 +169,34 @@ public extension AudioProcessing {
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-public class AudioProcessor: NSObject, AudioProcessing {
+public actor AudioProcessor: @preconcurrency AudioProcessing {
     private var lastInputDevice: DeviceID?
     public var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine?
-    public var audioSamples: ContiguousArray<Float> = []
-    public var audioEnergy: [(rel: Float, avg: Float, max: Float, min: Float)] = []
     public var relativeEnergyWindow: Int = 20
-    public var relativeEnergy: [Float] {
-        return self.audioEnergy.map { $0.rel }
-    }
     public var audioBufferCallback: (([Float]) -> Void)?
     public var maxBufferLength = WhisperKit.sampleRate * WhisperKit.chunkLength // 30 seconds of audio at 16,000 Hz
     public var minBufferLength = Int(Double(WhisperKit.sampleRate) * 0.1) // 0.1 second of audio at 16,000 Hz
+    public init() {
+    }
+    private var audioSamples: ContiguousArray<Float> = []
+    public func getAudioSamples() -> ContiguousArray<Float> {
+        self.audioSamples
+    }
+    private var audioEnergy: [(rel: Float, avg: Float, max: Float, min: Float)] = []
+    public func getAudioEnergy() -> [(rel: Float, avg: Float, max: Float, min: Float)] {
+        self.audioEnergy
+    }
+    public func getRelativeEnergy() -> [Float] {
+        self.audioEnergy.map(\.rel)
+    }
     // MARK: - Loading and conversion
@@ -437,7 +452,7 @@ public class AudioProcessor: NSObject, AudioProcessing {
     /// - Returns: an array of tuples indicating the start and end indices of non-silent chunks
     public static func calculateNonSilentChunks(
         in signal: [Float]
-    ) -> [(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)] {
+    ) -> [SampleRange] {
         EnergyVAD().calculateActiveChunks(in: signal)
@@ -486,73 +501,40 @@ public class AudioProcessor: NSObject, AudioProcessing {
         var rmsEnergy: Float = 0.0
         var minEnergy: Float = 0.0
         var maxEnergy: Float = 0.0
-        // Calculate the root mean square of the signal
         vDSP_rmsqv(signal, 1, &rmsEnergy, vDSP_Length(signal.count))
-        // Calculate the maximum sample value of the signal
-        vDSP_maxmgv(signal, 1, &maxEnergy, vDSP_Length(signal.count))
-        // Calculate the minimum sample value of the signal
-        vDSP_minmgv(signal, 1, &minEnergy, vDSP_Length(signal.count))
+        vDSP_maxv(signal, 1, &maxEnergy, vDSP_Length(signal.count))
+        vDSP_minv(signal, 1, &minEnergy, vDSP_Length(signal.count))
         return (rmsEnergy, maxEnergy, minEnergy)
     public static func calculateRelativeEnergy(of signal: [Float], relativeTo reference: Float?) -> Float {
         let signalEnergy = calculateAverageEnergy(of: signal)
-        // Make sure reference is greater than 0
-        // Default 1e-3 measured empirically in a silent room
         let referenceEnergy = max(1e-8, reference ?? 1e-3)
-        // Convert to dB
         let dbEnergy = 20 * log10(signalEnergy)
         let refEnergy = 20 * log10(referenceEnergy)
-        // Normalize based on reference
-        // NOTE: since signalEnergy elements are floats from 0 to 1, max (full volume) is always 0dB
         let normalizedEnergy = rescale(value: dbEnergy, min: refEnergy, max: 0)
-        // Clamp from 0 to 1
         return max(0, min(normalizedEnergy, 1))
-    public static func convertBufferToArray(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer, chunkSize: Int = 1024) -> [Float] {
+    public static func convertBufferToArray(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer) -> [Float] {
         guard let channelData = buffer.floatChannelData else {
             return []
         let frameLength = Int(buffer.frameLength)
         let startPointer = channelData[0]
-        var result: [Float] = []
-        result.reserveCapacity(frameLength) // Reserve the capacity to avoid multiple allocations
-        var currentFrame = 0
-        while currentFrame < frameLength {
-            let remainingFrames = frameLength - currentFrame
-            let currentChunkSize = min(chunkSize, remainingFrames)
-            var chunk = [Float](repeating: 0, count: currentChunkSize)
-            chunk.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { bufferPointer in
-                vDSP_mmov(
-                    startPointer.advanced(by: currentFrame),
-                    bufferPointer.baseAddress!,
-                    vDSP_Length(currentChunkSize),
-                    1,
-                    vDSP_Length(currentChunkSize),
-                    1
-                )
-            }
-            result.append(contentsOf: chunk)
-            currentFrame += currentChunkSize
-            memset(startPointer.advanced(by: currentFrame - currentChunkSize), 0, currentChunkSize * MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
+        let result = [Float](
+            unsafeUninitializedCapacity: frameLength
+        ) { bufferPointer, initializedCount in
+            vDSP_mmov(
+                startPointer,
+                bufferPointer.baseAddress!,
+                vDSP_Length(frameLength),
+                1,
+                vDSP_Length(frameLength),
+                1
+            )
+            initializedCount = frameLength
         return result
@@ -672,9 +654,13 @@ public class AudioProcessor: NSObject, AudioProcessing {
         return devices
     deinit {
-        stopRecording()
+        audioEngine?.stop()
+        audioEngine = nil
+        audioSamples.removeAll()
+        audioEnergy.removeAll()
@@ -685,17 +671,24 @@ public extension AudioProcessor {
     /// We have a new buffer, process and store it.
     /// NOTE: Assumes audio is 16khz mono
     func processBuffer(_ buffer: [Float]) {
+        let bufferCount = buffer.count
+        let previousCount = audioSamples.count
+        audioSamples.reserveCapacity(previousCount + bufferCount)
         audioSamples.append(contentsOf: buffer)
-        // Find the lowest average energy of the last 20 buffers ~2 seconds
-        let minAvgEnergy = self.audioEnergy.suffix(20).reduce(Float.infinity) { min($0, $1.avg) }
-        let relativeEnergy = Self.calculateRelativeEnergy(of: buffer, relativeTo: minAvgEnergy)
+        // エネルギー計算
+        let recentAudioEnergy = self.audioEnergy.suffix(relativeEnergyWindow)
+        let minAvgEnergy: Float
+        if recentAudioEnergy.isEmpty {
+            minAvgEnergy = 1e-8 // デフォルトの最小エネルギー値
+        } else {
+            minAvgEnergy = recentAudioEnergy.reduce(Float.infinity) { min($0, $1.avg) }
+        }
-        // Update energy for buffers with valid data
+        let relativeEnergy = Self.calculateRelativeEnergy(of: buffer, relativeTo: minAvgEnergy)
         let signalEnergy = Self.calculateEnergy(of: buffer)
-        let newEnergy = (relativeEnergy, signalEnergy.avg, signalEnergy.max, signalEnergy.min)
+        let newEnergy = (rel: relativeEnergy, avg: signalEnergy.avg, max: signalEnergy.max, min: signalEnergy.min)
         // Call the callback with the new buffer
@@ -779,7 +772,6 @@ public extension AudioProcessor {
         let bufferSize = AVAudioFrameCount(minBufferLength) // 100ms - 400ms supported
         inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: bufferSize, format: nodeFormat) { [weak self] (buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer, _: AVAudioTime) in
-            guard let self = self else { return }
             var buffer = buffer
             if !buffer.format.sampleRate.isEqual(to: Double(WhisperKit.sampleRate)) {
                 do {
@@ -789,20 +781,29 @@ public extension AudioProcessor {
-            let newBufferArray = Self.convertBufferToArray(buffer: buffer)
-            self.processBuffer(newBufferArray)
+            let targetBuffer = buffer
+            let newBufferArray = Self.convertBufferToArray(buffer: targetBuffer)
+            Task { [weak self] in
+                guard let self = self else { return }
+                await self.processBuffer(newBufferArray)
+            }
         try audioEngine.start()
         return audioEngine
     func purgeAudioSamples(keepingLast keep: Int) {
-        if audioSamples.count > keep {
-            audioSamples.removeFirst(audioSamples.count - keep)
+        let samplesToRemove = audioSamples.count - keep
+        if samplesToRemove > 0 {
+            audioSamples.removeFirst(samplesToRemove)
+        }
+        let energiesToRemove = samplesToRemove / minBufferLength
+        if energiesToRemove > 0 {
+            audioEnergy.removeFirst(min(energiesToRemove, audioEnergy.count))
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioStreamTranscriber.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioStreamTranscriber.swift
index f91ba53..2c06957 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioStreamTranscriber.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/AudioStreamTranscriber.swift
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Foundation
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
 public extension AudioStreamTranscriber {
-    struct State {
+    struct State: Sendable {
         public var isRecording: Bool = false
         public var currentFallbacks: Int = 0
         public var lastBufferSize: Int = 0
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public actor AudioStreamTranscriber {
         state.isRecording = true
-        try audioProcessor.startRecordingLive { [weak self] _ in
+        try await audioProcessor.startRecordingLive { [weak self] _ in
             Task { [weak self] in
                 await self?.onAudioBufferCallback()
@@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ public actor AudioStreamTranscriber {
     public func stopStreamTranscription() {
         state.isRecording = false
-        audioProcessor.stopRecording()
+        Task {
+            await audioProcessor.stopRecording()
+        }
         Logging.info("Realtime transcription has ended")
@@ -99,14 +101,16 @@ public actor AudioStreamTranscriber {
             do {
                 try await transcribeCurrentBuffer()
             } catch {
-                Logging.error("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+                Logging.error("Error: \(#file) \(error.localizedDescription)")
     private func onAudioBufferCallback() {
-        state.bufferEnergy = audioProcessor.relativeEnergy
+        Task {
+            state.bufferEnergy = await audioProcessor.getRelativeEnergy()
+        }    
     private func onProgressCallback(_ progress: TranscriptionProgress) {
@@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ public actor AudioStreamTranscriber {
     private func transcribeCurrentBuffer() async throws {
         // Retrieve the current audio buffer from the audio processor
-        let currentBuffer = audioProcessor.audioSamples
+        let currentBuffer = await audioProcessor.getAudioSamples()
         // Calculate the size and duration of the next buffer segment
         let nextBufferSize = currentBuffer.count - state.lastBufferSize
@@ -139,8 +143,9 @@ public actor AudioStreamTranscriber {
         if useVAD {
+            let relativeEnergy = await audioProcessor.getRelativeEnergy()
             let voiceDetected = AudioProcessor.isVoiceDetected(
-                in: audioProcessor.relativeEnergy,
+                in: relativeEnergy,
                 nextBufferInSeconds: nextBufferSeconds,
                 silenceThreshold: silenceThreshold
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/EnergyVAD.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/EnergyVAD.swift
index 3c8f0e7..d8bc97a 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/EnergyVAD.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/EnergyVAD.swift
@@ -5,46 +5,39 @@ import Foundation
 /// Voice activity detection based on energy threshold
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-final class EnergyVAD: VoiceActivityDetector {
-    var energyThreshold: Float
-    /// Initialize a new EnergyVAD instance
-    /// - Parameters:
-    ///   - sampleRate: Audio sample rate
-    ///   - frameLength: Frame length in seconds
-    ///   - frameOverlap: frame overlap in seconds, this will include `frameOverlap` length audio into the `frameLength` and is helpful to catch audio that starts exactly at chunk boundaries
-    ///   - energyThreshold: minimal energy threshold
-    convenience init(
+public struct EnergyVAD: VoiceActivityDetectable {
+    public let sampleRate: Int
+    public let frameLengthSamples: Int
+    public let frameOverlapSamples: Int
+    public var energyThreshold: Float
+    public init(
         sampleRate: Int = WhisperKit.sampleRate,
         frameLength: Float = 0.1,
         frameOverlap: Float = 0.0,
         energyThreshold: Float = 0.02
     ) {
-        self.init(
-            sampleRate: sampleRate,
-            // Compute frame length and overlap in number of samples
-            frameLengthSamples: Int(frameLength * Float(sampleRate)),
-            frameOverlapSamples: Int(frameOverlap * Float(sampleRate)),
-            energyThreshold: energyThreshold
-        )
+        self.sampleRate = sampleRate
+        self.frameLengthSamples = Int(frameLength * Float(sampleRate))
+        self.frameOverlapSamples = Int(frameOverlap * Float(sampleRate))
+        self.energyThreshold = energyThreshold
-    required init(
+    init(
         sampleRate: Int = 16000,
         frameLengthSamples: Int,
         frameOverlapSamples: Int = 0,
         energyThreshold: Float = 0.02
     ) {
+        self.sampleRate = sampleRate
+        self.frameLengthSamples = frameLengthSamples
+        self.frameOverlapSamples = frameOverlapSamples
         self.energyThreshold = energyThreshold
-        super.init(sampleRate: sampleRate, frameLengthSamples: frameLengthSamples, frameOverlapSamples: frameOverlapSamples)
-    override func voiceActivity(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Bool] {
+    public func voiceActivity(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Bool] {
         let chunkRatio = Double(waveform.count) / Double(frameLengthSamples)
-        // Round up if uneven, the final chunk will not be a full `frameLengthSamples` long
         let count = Int(chunkRatio.rounded(.up))
         let chunkedVoiceActivity = AudioProcessor.calculateVoiceActivityInChunks(
             of: waveform,
             chunkCount: count,
@@ -52,7 +45,6 @@ final class EnergyVAD: VoiceActivityDetector {
             frameOverlapSamples: frameOverlapSamples,
             energyThreshold: energyThreshold
         return chunkedVoiceActivity
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/SampleRange.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/SampleRange.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87469a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/SampleRange.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+//  SampleRange.swift
+//  whisperkit
+//  Created by Norikazu Muramoto on 2024/10/06.
+public typealias FrameRange = (start: Int, end: Int)
+public typealias SampleRange = (startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)
+public typealias TimestampRange = (startTime: Float, endTime: Float)
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetectable.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetectable.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d48e2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetectable.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+//  VoiceActivityDetectable.swift
+//  whisperkit
+//  Created by Norikazu Muramoto on 2024/10/03.
+/// Protocol defining the interface for Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
+@available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
+public protocol VoiceActivityDetectable: Sendable {
+    var sampleRate: Int { get }
+    var frameLengthSamples: Int { get }
+    var frameOverlapSamples: Int { get }
+    func voiceActivity(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Bool]
+    func calculateActiveChunks(in waveform: [Float]) -> [SampleRange]
+    func voiceActivityIndexToAudioSampleIndex(_ index: Int) -> Int
+    func voiceActivityIndexToSeconds(_ index: Int) -> Float
+    func findLongestSilence(in vadResult: [Bool]) -> SampleRange?
+    func voiceActivityClipTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Float]
+    func calculateNonSilentSeekClips(in waveform: [Float]) -> [FrameRange]
+    func calculateSeekTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [TimestampRange]
+extension VoiceActivityDetectable {
+    public func calculateActiveChunks(in waveform: [Float]) -> [SampleRange] {
+        let vad = voiceActivity(in: waveform)
+        var result = [SampleRange]()
+        var currentStartIndex: Int?
+        for (index, vadChunk) in vad.enumerated() {
+            if vadChunk {
+                let chunkStart = index * frameLengthSamples
+                let chunkEnd = min(chunkStart + frameLengthSamples, waveform.count)
+                if currentStartIndex != nil {
+                    result[result.count - 1].endIndex = chunkEnd
+                } else {
+                    currentStartIndex = chunkStart
+                    result.append((startIndex: chunkStart, endIndex: chunkEnd))
+                }
+            } else {
+                currentStartIndex = nil
+            }
+        }
+        return result
+    }
+    public func voiceActivityIndexToAudioSampleIndex(_ index: Int) -> Int {
+        return index * frameLengthSamples
+    }
+    public func voiceActivityIndexToSeconds(_ index: Int) -> Float {
+        return Float(voiceActivityIndexToAudioSampleIndex(index)) / Float(sampleRate)
+    }
+    public func findLongestSilence(in vadResult: [Bool]) -> SampleRange? {
+        var longestStartIndex: Int?
+        var longestEndIndex: Int?
+        var longestCount = 0
+        var index = 0
+        while index < vadResult.count {
+            if vadResult[index] {
+                index += 1
+            } else {
+                var endIndex = index
+                while endIndex < vadResult.count, !vadResult[endIndex] {
+                    endIndex += 1
+                }
+                let count = endIndex - index
+                if count > longestCount {
+                    longestCount = count
+                    longestStartIndex = index
+                    longestEndIndex = endIndex
+                }
+                index = endIndex
+            }
+        }
+        if let longestStartIndex, let longestEndIndex {
+            return (startIndex: longestStartIndex, endIndex: longestEndIndex)
+        } else {
+            return nil
+        }
+    }
+    // MARK - Utility
+    public func voiceActivityClipTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Float] {
+        let nonSilentChunks = calculateActiveChunks(in: waveform)
+        var clipTimestamps = [Float]()
+        for chunk in nonSilentChunks {
+            let startTimestamp = Float(chunk.startIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
+            let endTimestamp = Float(chunk.endIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
+            clipTimestamps.append(contentsOf: [startTimestamp, endTimestamp])
+        }
+        return clipTimestamps
+    }
+    public func calculateNonSilentSeekClips(in waveform: [Float]) -> [FrameRange] {
+        let clipTimestamps = voiceActivityClipTimestamps(in: waveform)
+        let options = DecodingOptions(clipTimestamps: clipTimestamps)
+        let seekClips = prepareSeekClips(contentFrames: waveform.count, decodeOptions: options)
+        return seekClips
+    }
+    public func calculateSeekTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [TimestampRange] {
+        let nonSilentChunks = calculateActiveChunks(in: waveform)
+        var seekTimestamps = [TimestampRange]()
+        for chunk in nonSilentChunks {
+            let startTimestamp = Float(chunk.startIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
+            let endTimestamp = Float(chunk.endIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
+            seekTimestamps.append(contentsOf: [(startTime: startTimestamp, endTime: endTimestamp)])
+        }
+        return seekTimestamps
+    }
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetector.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetector.swift
index bb7ef62..dd4c529 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetector.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Audio/VoiceActivityDetector.swift
@@ -6,22 +6,11 @@ import Foundation
 /// A base class for Voice Activity Detection (VAD), used to identify and separate segments of audio that contain human speech from those that do not.
 /// Subclasses must implement the `voiceActivity(in:)` method to provide specific voice activity detection functionality.
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-open class VoiceActivityDetector {
-    /// The sample rate of the audio signal, in samples per second.
+public struct VoiceActivityDetector: VoiceActivityDetectable {
     public let sampleRate: Int
-    /// The length of each frame in samples.
     public let frameLengthSamples: Int
-    /// The number of samples overlapping between consecutive frames.
     public let frameOverlapSamples: Int
-    /// Initializes a new `VoiceActivityDetector` instance with the specified parameters.
-    /// - Parameters:
-    ///   - sampleRate: The sample rate of the audio signal in samples per second. Defaults to 16000.
-    ///   - frameLengthSamples: The length of each frame in samples.
-    ///   - frameOverlapSamples: The number of samples overlapping between consecutive frames. Defaults to 0.
-    /// - Note: Subclasses should override the `voiceActivity(in:)` method to provide specific VAD functionality.
     public init(
         sampleRate: Int = 16000,
         frameLengthSamples: Int,
@@ -31,126 +20,8 @@ open class VoiceActivityDetector {
         self.frameLengthSamples = frameLengthSamples
         self.frameOverlapSamples = frameOverlapSamples
-    /// Analyzes the provided audio waveform to determine which segments contain voice activity.
-    /// - Parameter waveform: An array of `Float` values representing the audio waveform.
-    /// - Returns: An array of `Bool` values where `true` indicates the presence of voice activity and `false` indicates silence.
-    open func voiceActivity(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Bool] {
-        fatalError("`voiceActivity` must be implemented by subclass")
-    }
-    /// Calculates and returns a list of active audio chunks, each represented by a start and end index.
-    /// - Parameter waveform: An array of `Float` values representing the audio waveform.
-    /// - Returns: An array of tuples where each tuple contains the start and end indices of an active audio chunk.
-    public func calculateActiveChunks(in waveform: [Float]) -> [(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)] {
-        let vad: [Bool] = voiceActivity(in: waveform)
-        var result = [(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)]()
-        // Temporary variables to hold the start of the current non-silent segment
-        var currentStartIndex: Int?
-        for (index, vadChunk) in vad.enumerated() {
-            if vadChunk {
-                let chunkStart = index * frameLengthSamples
-                let chunkEnd = min(chunkStart + frameLengthSamples, waveform.count)
-                if currentStartIndex != nil {
-                    // If we already have a starting point, just update the end point in the last added segment
-                    result[result.count - 1].endIndex = chunkEnd
-                } else {
-                    // If there is no current start, this is a new segment
-                    currentStartIndex = chunkStart
-                    result.append((startIndex: chunkStart, endIndex: chunkEnd))
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Reset currentStartIndex when encountering a silent chunk
-                currentStartIndex = nil
-            }
-        }
-        return result
-    }
-    /// Converts a voice activity index to the corresponding audio sample index.
-    /// - Parameter index: The voice activity index to convert.
-    /// - Returns: The corresponding audio sample index.
-    public func voiceActivityIndexToAudioSampleIndex(_ index: Int) -> Int {
-        return index * frameLengthSamples
-    }
-    public func voiceActivityIndexToSeconds(_ index: Int) -> Float {
-        return Float(voiceActivityIndexToAudioSampleIndex(index)) / Float(sampleRate)
-    }
-    /// Identifies the longest continuous period of silence within the provided voice activity detection results.
-    /// - Parameter vadResult: An array of `Bool` values representing voice activity detection results.
-    /// - Returns: A tuple containing the start and end indices of the longest silence period, or `nil` if no silence is found.
-    public func findLongestSilence(in vadResult: [Bool]) -> (startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int)? {
-        var longestStartIndex: Int?
-        var longestEndIndex: Int?
-        var longestCount = 0
-        var index = 0
-        while index < vadResult.count {
-            let value = vadResult[index]
-            if value {
-                // found non-silence, skip
-                index += 1
-            } else {
-                // found beginning of silence, find the end
-                var endIndex = index
-                while endIndex < vadResult.count, !vadResult[endIndex] {
-                    endIndex += 1
-                }
-                let count = endIndex - index
-                if count > longestCount {
-                    longestCount = count
-                    longestStartIndex = index
-                    longestEndIndex = endIndex
-                }
-                index = endIndex
-            }
-        }
-        if let longestStartIndex, let longestEndIndex {
-            return (startIndex: longestStartIndex, endIndex: longestEndIndex)
-        } else {
-            return nil
-        }
-    }
-    // MARK - Utility
-    func voiceActivityClipTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Float] {
-        let nonSilentChunks = calculateActiveChunks(in: waveform)
-        var clipTimestamps = [Float]()
-        for chunk in nonSilentChunks {
-            let startTimestamp = Float(chunk.startIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
-            let endTimestamp = Float(chunk.endIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
-            clipTimestamps.append(contentsOf: [startTimestamp, endTimestamp])
-        }
-        return clipTimestamps
-    }
-    func calculateNonSilentSeekClips(in waveform: [Float]) -> [(start: Int, end: Int)] {
-        let clipTimestamps = voiceActivityClipTimestamps(in: waveform)
-        let options = DecodingOptions(clipTimestamps: clipTimestamps)
-        let seekClips = prepareSeekClips(contentFrames: waveform.count, decodeOptions: options)
-        return seekClips
-    }
-    func calculateSeekTimestamps(in waveform: [Float]) -> [(startTime: Float, endTime: Float)] {
-        let nonSilentChunks = calculateActiveChunks(in: waveform)
-        var seekTimestamps = [(startTime: Float, endTime: Float)]()
-        for chunk in nonSilentChunks {
-            let startTimestamp = Float(chunk.startIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
-            let endTimestamp = Float(chunk.endIndex) / Float(sampleRate)
-            seekTimestamps.append(contentsOf: [(startTime: startTimestamp, endTime: endTimestamp)])
-        }
-        return seekTimestamps
+    public func voiceActivity(in waveform: [Float]) -> [Bool] {
+        fatalError("voiceActivity(in:) must be implemented by conforming types")
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/AudioEncoder.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/AudioEncoder.swift
index 06337cd..c9c9358 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/AudioEncoder.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/AudioEncoder.swift
@@ -22,16 +22,14 @@ public class AudioEncoder: AudioEncoding, WhisperMLModel {
         guard let inputDescription = model?.modelDescription.outputDescriptionsByName["encoder_output_embeds"] else { return nil }
         guard inputDescription.type == .multiArray else { return nil }
         guard let shapeConstraint = inputDescription.multiArrayConstraint else { return nil }
-        let shape = shapeConstraint.shape.map { $0.intValue }
-        return shape[1]
+        return shapeConstraint.shape[0].intValue
     public var sequenceLength: Int? {
         guard let inputDescription = model?.modelDescription.outputDescriptionsByName["encoder_output_embeds"] else { return nil }
         guard inputDescription.type == .multiArray else { return nil }
         guard let shapeConstraint = inputDescription.multiArrayConstraint else { return nil }
-        let shape = shapeConstraint.shape.map { $0.intValue }
-        return shape[3]
+        return shapeConstraint.shape[1].intValue
     public init() {}
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Configurations.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Configurations.swift
index c7a38b3..77d47ce 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Configurations.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Configurations.swift
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public struct DecodingOptions {
     public var noSpeechThreshold: Float?
     public var concurrentWorkerCount: Int
     public var chunkingStrategy: ChunkingStrategy?
-    public var voiceActivityDetector: VoiceActivityDetector?
+    public var voiceActivityDetector: (any VoiceActivityDetectable)?
     public init(
         verbose: Bool = false,
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public struct DecodingOptions {
         noSpeechThreshold: Float? = 0.6,
         concurrentWorkerCount: Int = 16,
         chunkingStrategy: ChunkingStrategy? = nil,
-        voiceActivityDetector: VoiceActivityDetector? = nil
+        voiceActivityDetector: (any VoiceActivityDetectable)? = nil
     ) {
         self.verbose = verbose
         self.task = task
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Models.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Models.swift
index 3e05132..7bf1a50 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Models.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Models.swift
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ public struct ModelComputeOptions {
 // MARK: - Chunking
-public struct AudioChunk {
+public struct AudioChunk: Sendable {
     public var seekOffsetIndex: Int
     public var audioSamples: [Float]
 // MARK: - Decoding
-public enum DecodingTask: CustomStringConvertible, CaseIterable {
+public enum DecodingTask: CustomStringConvertible, CaseIterable, Sendable {
     case transcribe
     case translate
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ public struct DecodingCache {
-public enum ChunkingStrategy: String, CaseIterable {
+public enum ChunkingStrategy: String, CaseIterable, Sendable {
     case none
     case vad
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-public struct DecodingFallback {
+public struct DecodingFallback: Sendable {
     public var needsFallback: Bool
     public var fallbackReason: String
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public enum WhisperError: Error, LocalizedError, Equatable {
 // Structs
-public struct TranscriptionResult: Codable {
+public struct TranscriptionResult: Codable, Sendable {
     public var text: String
     public var segments: [TranscriptionSegment]
     public var language: String
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ public extension TranscriptionResult {
-public struct TranscriptionSegment: Hashable, Codable {
+public struct TranscriptionSegment: Hashable, Codable, Sendable {
     public var id: Int = 0
     public var seek: Int = 0
     public var start: Float = 0.0
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ public struct TranscriptionSegment: Hashable, Codable {
     public var words: [WordTiming]? = nil
-public struct WordTiming: Hashable, Codable {
+public struct WordTiming: Hashable, Codable, Sendable {
     public var word: String
     public var tokens: [Int]
     public var start: Float
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ public struct WordTiming: Hashable, Codable {
     public var probability: Float
-public struct TranscriptionProgress {
+public struct TranscriptionProgress: Sendable {
     public var timings: TranscriptionTimings
     public var text: String
     public var tokens: [Int]
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ public struct TranscriptionProgress {
 /// - Note: This callback should be lightweight and return as quickly as possible to avoid extra decoding loops
 public typealias TranscriptionCallback = ((TranscriptionProgress) -> Bool?)?
-public struct TranscriptionTimings: Codable {
+public struct TranscriptionTimings: Codable, Sendable {
     public var pipelineStart: CFAbsoluteTime
     public var firstTokenTime: CFAbsoluteTime
     public var inputAudioSeconds: TimeInterval
@@ -1155,6 +1155,15 @@ struct WhisperTokenizerWrapper: WhisperTokenizer {
 extension WhisperTokenizerWrapper: Tokenizer {
+    func applyChatTemplate(messages: [[String : String]]) throws -> [Int] {
+        try tokenizer.applyChatTemplate(messages: messages)
+    }
+    func applyChatTemplate(messages: [[String : String]], chatTemplate: String?, addGenerationPrompt: Bool, truncation: Bool, maxLength: Int?) throws -> [Int] {
+        try tokenizer.applyChatTemplate(messages: messages, chatTemplate: chatTemplate, addGenerationPrompt: addGenerationPrompt, truncation: truncation, maxLength: maxLength)
+    }
     func tokenize(text: String) -> [String] {
         tokenizer.tokenize(text: text)
@@ -1166,6 +1175,10 @@ extension WhisperTokenizerWrapper: Tokenizer {
     func decode(tokens: [Int]) -> String {
         tokenizer.decode(tokens: tokens)
+    func encode(text: String, addSpecialTokens: Bool) -> [Int] {
+        tokenizer.encode(text: text, addSpecialTokens: addSpecialTokens)
+    }
     func convertTokenToId(_ token: String) -> Int? {
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/ResultWriter.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/ResultWriter.swift
index 00d694c..cfea6c9 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/ResultWriter.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/ResultWriter.swift
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import Foundation
-public protocol ResultWriting {
+public protocol ResultWriting: Sendable {
     var outputDir: String { get }
     func write(result: TranscriptionResult, to file: String, options: [String: Any]?) -> Result<String, Error>
     func formatTime(seconds: Float, alwaysIncludeHours: Bool, decimalMarker: String) -> String
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public extension ResultWriting {
-open class WriteJSON: ResultWriting {
+public struct WriteJSON: ResultWriting {
     public let outputDir: String
     public init(outputDir: String) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ open class WriteJSON: ResultWriting {
-open class WriteSRT: ResultWriting {
+public struct WriteSRT: ResultWriting {
     public let outputDir: String
     public init(outputDir: String) {
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ open class WriteSRT: ResultWriting {
-open class WriteVTT: ResultWriting {
+public struct WriteVTT: ResultWriting {
     public let outputDir: String
     public init(outputDir: String) {
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/SegmentSeeker.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/SegmentSeeker.swift
index 33a45dc..3aa35ff 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/SegmentSeeker.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/SegmentSeeker.swift
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public protocol SegmentSeeking {
         specialToken: Int,
         tokenizer: WhisperTokenizer
     ) -> (Int, [TranscriptionSegment]?)
     func addWordTimestamps(
         segments: [TranscriptionSegment],
         alignmentWeights: MLMultiArray,
@@ -35,12 +35,11 @@ public protocol SegmentSeeking {
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
+public struct SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
     public init() {}
     // MARK: - Seek & Segments
-    // TODO: simplify this interface
     public func findSeekPointAndSegments(
         decodingResult: DecodingResult,
         options: DecodingOptions,
@@ -52,77 +51,61 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
         specialToken: Int,
         tokenizer: WhisperTokenizer
     ) -> (Int, [TranscriptionSegment]?) {
-        // check if we need to skip this segment entirely
-        // if so, reset currentSegments, continue to next window, otherwise:
+        // このセグメントをスキップする必要があるか確認
         var seek = currentSeek
         let timeOffset = Float(seek) / Float(sampleRate)
         let secondsPerTimeToken = WhisperKit.secondsPerTimeToken
         if let threshold = options.noSpeechThreshold {
-            // check no speech threshold for segment
             var shouldSkip = decodingResult.noSpeechProb > threshold
-            // check avg logprob threshold for segment
             if let logProbThreshold = options.logProbThreshold,
-               decodingResult.avgLogProb > logProbThreshold
-            {
-                // Confidence in overall segment overrides no speech threshold
+               decodingResult.avgLogProb > logProbThreshold {
                 shouldSkip = false
             if shouldSkip {
-                // skip one full segment, this one is silent
                 seek += segmentSize
                 return (seek, nil)
         var currentSegments: [TranscriptionSegment] = []
-        // loop through all consecutive timestamps and turn them into `TranscriptionSegments`
         let currentTokens = decodingResult.tokens
         let currentLogProbs = decodingResult.tokenLogProbs
         let isTimestampToken = currentTokens.map { $0 >= timeToken }
-        // check if single or double timestamp ending
-        let lastThreeTokens = isTimestampToken.suffix(3)
-        let singleTimestampEnding = lastThreeTokens == [false, true, false]
-        let noTimestampEnding = lastThreeTokens == [false, false, false]
-        // find all end indexes of time token pairs
         var sliceIndexes = [Int]()
         var previousTokenIsTimestamp = false
-        for (currentTokenIsTimestampIndex, currentTokenIsTimestamp) in isTimestampToken.enumerated() {
+        for (currentIndex, currentTokenIsTimestamp) in isTimestampToken.enumerated() {
             if previousTokenIsTimestamp && currentTokenIsTimestamp {
-                sliceIndexes.append(currentTokenIsTimestampIndex)
+                sliceIndexes.append(currentIndex)
             previousTokenIsTimestamp = currentTokenIsTimestamp
-        // Window contains multiple consecutive timestamps, split into sub-segments
         if !sliceIndexes.isEmpty {
-            // If the last timestamp is not consecutive, we need to add it as the final slice manually
-            if singleTimestampEnding {
-                let singleTimestampEndingIndex = isTimestampToken.lastIndex(where: { $0 })!
-                sliceIndexes.append(singleTimestampEndingIndex + 1)
-            } else if noTimestampEnding {
-                sliceIndexes.append(currentTokens.count)
-            }
+            let lastTimestampIndex = isTimestampToken.lastIndex(of: true) ?? currentTokens.count - 1
+            sliceIndexes.append(lastTimestampIndex + 1)
             var lastSliceStart = 0
             for currentSliceEnd in sliceIndexes {
                 let slicedTokens = Array(currentTokens[lastSliceStart..<currentSliceEnd])
                 let slicedTokenLogProbs = Array(currentLogProbs[lastSliceStart..<currentSliceEnd])
                 let timestampTokens = slicedTokens.filter { $0 >= timeToken }
-                let startTimestampSeconds = Float(timestampTokens.first! - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
-                let endTimestampSeconds = Float(timestampTokens.last! - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
-                // Decode segment text
+                guard let firstTimestamp = timestampTokens.first,
+                      let lastTimestamp = timestampTokens.last else { continue }
+                let startTimestampSeconds = Float(firstTimestamp - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
+                let endTimestampSeconds = Float(lastTimestamp - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
+                // セグメントテキストをデコード
                 let wordTokens = slicedTokens.filter { $0 < tokenizer.specialTokens.specialTokenBegin }
                 let slicedTextTokens = options.skipSpecialTokens ? wordTokens : slicedTokens
                 let sliceText = tokenizer.decode(tokens: slicedTextTokens)
                 let newSegment = TranscriptionSegment(
                     id: allSegmentsCount + currentSegments.count,
                     seek: seek,
@@ -139,34 +122,29 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
                 lastSliceStart = currentSliceEnd
-            // Seek to the last timestamp in the segment
-            if !noTimestampEnding {
-                let lastTimestampToken = currentTokens[lastSliceStart - (singleTimestampEnding ? 1 : 0)] - timeToken
-                let lastTimestampSeconds = Float(lastTimestampToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
+            // セグメント内の最後のタイムスタンプまでシークを進める
+            if let lastTimestampToken = currentTokens[lastSliceStart - 1] as Int? {
+                let lastTimestampSeconds = Float(lastTimestampToken - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
                 let lastTimestampSamples = Int(lastTimestampSeconds * Float(sampleRate))
                 seek += lastTimestampSamples
             } else {
                 seek += segmentSize
         } else {
-            // Model is not giving any consecutive timestamps, so lump all the current tokens together
-            var durationSeconds = Float(segmentSize) / Float(sampleRate)
-            // Find any timestamp that is not 0.00
-            let timestampTokens = currentTokens.filter { $0 > timeToken }
-            // If there are no consecutive timestamps at all, check if there is at least one timestamp at the end
-            // If there is at least one, use that to record a more accurate end time
-            if !timestampTokens.isEmpty, let lastTimestamp = timestampTokens.last {
+            // 連続したタイムスタンプがない場合の処理
+            let durationSeconds: Float
+            if let lastTimestamp = currentTokens.last(where: { $0 > timeToken }) {
                 durationSeconds = Float(lastTimestamp - timeToken) * secondsPerTimeToken
+            } else {
+                durationSeconds = Float(segmentSize) / Float(sampleRate)
-            // Decode segment text
+            // セグメントテキストをデコード
             let wordTokens = decodingResult.tokens.filter { $0 < tokenizer.specialTokens.specialTokenBegin }
             let segmentTextTokens = options.skipSpecialTokens ? wordTokens : decodingResult.tokens
             let segmentText = tokenizer.decode(tokens: segmentTextTokens)
             let newSegment = TranscriptionSegment(
                 id: allSegmentsCount + currentSegments.count,
                 seek: seek,
@@ -181,154 +159,139 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
                 noSpeechProb: decodingResult.noSpeechProb
-            // Model has told us there is no more speech in this segment, move on to next
             seek += segmentSize
-            // TODO: use this logic instead once we handle no speech
-            // seek += Int(durationSeconds * Float(sampleRate))
         return (seek, currentSegments)
     // MARK: - Word Timestamps
-    /// Matrix is a 2D array of alignment weights of shape (n, m) where n is the number of rows representing text tokens
-    /// and m is the number of columns representing audio tokens
     func dynamicTimeWarping(withMatrix matrix: MLMultiArray) throws -> (textIndices: [Int], timeIndices: [Int]) {
         guard matrix.shape.count == 2,
               let numberOfRows = matrix.shape[0] as? Int,
-              let numberOfColumns = matrix.shape[1] as? Int
-        else {
+              let numberOfColumns = matrix.shape[1] as? Int else {
             throw WhisperError.segmentingFailed("Invalid alignment matrix shape")
-        // Initialize cost matrix and trace matrix
-        var costMatrix = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: Double.infinity, count: numberOfColumns + 1), count: numberOfRows + 1)
-        var traceMatrix = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: -1, count: numberOfColumns + 1), count: numberOfRows + 1)
-        costMatrix[0][0] = 0
+        // MLMultiArray を Float16 型として扱う
+        let elementCount = numberOfRows * numberOfColumns
+        let pointer = matrix.dataPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt16.self, capacity: elementCount)
+        // Float16 から Double に変換しながらデータを読み込む
+        var matrixData = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: elementCount)
+        for i in 0..<elementCount {
+            let uint16Value = pointer[i]
+            let float16Value = Float16(bitPattern: uint16Value)
+            matrixData[i] = Double(float16Value)
+        }
+        // コスト行列と方向行列の準備
+        let totalSize = (numberOfRows + 1) * (numberOfColumns + 1)
+        var costMatrix = [Double](repeating: .infinity, count: totalSize)
+        var directionMatrix = [Int](repeating: -1, count: totalSize)
+        costMatrix[0] = 0
         for i in 1...numberOfColumns {
-            traceMatrix[0][i] = 2
+            directionMatrix[i] = 2
         for i in 1...numberOfRows {
-            traceMatrix[i][0] = 1
+            directionMatrix[i * (numberOfColumns + 1)] = 1
+        // DTW の計算
         for row in 1...numberOfRows {
             for column in 1...numberOfColumns {
-                let matrixValue = -matrix[(row - 1) * numberOfColumns + (column - 1)].doubleValue
-                let costDiagonal = costMatrix[row - 1][column - 1]
-                let costUp = costMatrix[row - 1][column]
-                let costLeft = costMatrix[row][column - 1]
+                let matrixValue = -matrixData[(row - 1) * numberOfColumns + (column - 1)]
+                let index = row * (numberOfColumns + 1) + column
+                let costDiagonal = costMatrix[(row - 1) * (numberOfColumns + 1) + (column - 1)]
+                let costUp = costMatrix[(row - 1) * (numberOfColumns + 1) + column]
+                let costLeft = costMatrix[row * (numberOfColumns + 1) + (column - 1)]
                 let (computedCost, traceValue) = minCostAndTrace(
                     costDiagonal: costDiagonal,
                     costUp: costUp,
                     costLeft: costLeft,
                     matrixValue: matrixValue
-                costMatrix[row][column] = computedCost
-                traceMatrix[row][column] = traceValue
+                costMatrix[index] = computedCost
+                directionMatrix[index] = traceValue
-        let dtw = backtrace(fromTraceMatrix: traceMatrix)
+        let dtw = backtrace(fromDirectionMatrix: directionMatrix, numberOfRows: numberOfRows, numberOfColumns: numberOfColumns)
         return dtw
     func minCostAndTrace(costDiagonal: Double, costUp: Double, costLeft: Double, matrixValue: Double) -> (Double, Int) {
         let c0 = costDiagonal + matrixValue
         let c1 = costUp + matrixValue
         let c2 = costLeft + matrixValue
-        if c0 < c1 && c0 < c2 {
+        if c0 <= c1 && c0 <= c2 {
             return (c0, 0)
-        } else if c1 < c0 && c1 < c2 {
+        } else if c1 <= c0 && c1 <= c2 {
             return (c1, 1)
         } else {
             return (c2, 2)
-    func backtrace(fromTraceMatrix traceMatrix: [[Int]]) -> (textIndices: [Int], timeIndices: [Int]) {
-        var i = traceMatrix.count - 1
-        var j = traceMatrix[0].count - 1
+    func backtrace(fromDirectionMatrix directionMatrix: [Int], numberOfRows: Int, numberOfColumns: Int) -> (textIndices: [Int], timeIndices: [Int]) {
+        var i = numberOfRows
+        var j = numberOfColumns
         var textIndices = [Int]()
         var timeIndices = [Int]()
+        let width = numberOfColumns + 1
         while i > 0 || j > 0 {
             textIndices.append(i - 1)
             timeIndices.append(j - 1)
-            switch traceMatrix[i][j] {
-                case 0:
-                    i -= 1
-                    j -= 1
-                case 1:
-                    i -= 1
-                case 2:
-                    j -= 1
-                default:
-                    break
+            let dir = directionMatrix[i * width + j]
+            switch dir {
+            case 0:
+                i -= 1
+                j -= 1
+            case 1:
+                i -= 1
+            case 2:
+                j -= 1
+            default:
+                break
         return (textIndices.reversed(), timeIndices.reversed())
     func mergePunctuations(alignment: [WordTiming], prepended: String, appended: String) -> [WordTiming] {
-        var prependedAlignment = [WordTiming]()
-        var appendedAlignment = [WordTiming]()
-        // Include the first word if it's not a prepended punctuation
-        if !alignment.isEmpty && !prepended.contains(alignment[0].word.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)) {
-            prependedAlignment.append(alignment[0])
-        }
-        // Merge prepended punctuations
-        for i in 1..<alignment.count {
-            var currentWord = alignment[i]
-            let previousWord = alignment[i - 1]
-            // Check if the previous word starts with a whitespace character and is part of the prepended punctuations
-            if let firstChar = previousWord.word.unicodeScalars.first,
-               CharacterSet.whitespaces.contains(firstChar),
-               prepended.contains(previousWord.word.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces))
-            {
-                currentWord.word = previousWord.word + currentWord.word
-                currentWord.tokens = previousWord.tokens + currentWord.tokens
-                prependedAlignment[prependedAlignment.count - 1] = currentWord
-            } else {
-                prependedAlignment.append(currentWord)
-            }
-        }
-        // Include the first word always for append checks
-        if !prependedAlignment.isEmpty {
-            appendedAlignment.append(prependedAlignment[0])
-        }
-        // Merge appended punctuations
-        for i in 1..<prependedAlignment.count {
-            let currentWord = prependedAlignment[i]
-            var previousWord = prependedAlignment[i - 1]
-            if !previousWord.word.hasSuffix(" "), appended.contains(currentWord.word.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)) {
-                previousWord.word = previousWord.word + currentWord.word
-                previousWord.tokens = previousWord.tokens + currentWord.tokens
-                appendedAlignment[appendedAlignment.count - 1] = previousWord
+        var mergedAlignment = [WordTiming]()
+        for timing in alignment {
+            let trimmedWord = timing.word.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
+            if prepended.contains(trimmedWord), let last = mergedAlignment.last {
+                var updatedLast = last
+                updatedLast.word += timing.word
+                updatedLast.tokens += timing.tokens
+                mergedAlignment[mergedAlignment.count - 1] = updatedLast
+            } else if appended.contains(trimmedWord), var last = mergedAlignment.last {
+                last.word += timing.word
+                last.tokens += timing.tokens
+                mergedAlignment[mergedAlignment.count - 1] = last
             } else {
-                appendedAlignment.append(currentWord)
+                mergedAlignment.append(timing)
-        // Filter out the empty word timings and punctuation words that have been merged
-        let mergedAlignment = appendedAlignment.filter { !$0.word.isEmpty && !appended.contains($0.word) && !prepended.contains($0.word) }
         return mergedAlignment
     func findAlignment(
         wordTokenIds: [Int],
         alignmentWeights: MLMultiArray,
@@ -336,69 +299,52 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
         tokenizer: WhisperTokenizer,
         timings: TranscriptionTimings? = nil
     ) throws -> [WordTiming] {
-        // TODO: Use accelerate framework for these two, they take roughly the same time
         let (textIndices, timeIndices) = try dynamicTimeWarping(withMatrix: alignmentWeights)
         let (words, wordTokens) = tokenizer.splitToWordTokens(tokenIds: wordTokenIds)
         if wordTokens.count <= 1 {
             return []
-        // Calculate start times and end times
-        var startTimes: [Float] = [0.0]
-        var endTimes = [Float]()
-        var currentTokenIndex = textIndices.first ?? 0
-        for index in 0..<textIndices.count {
-            // Check if the current token index is different from the previous one
-            if textIndices[index] != currentTokenIndex {
-                // We found a new token, so calculate the time for this token and add it to the list
-                currentTokenIndex = textIndices[index]
-                let time = Float(timeIndices[index]) * Float(WhisperKit.secondsPerTimeToken)
-                startTimes.append(time)
-                endTimes.append(time)
-            }
+        // 開始時間と終了時間を計算
+        var startTimes = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: wordTokens.count)
+        var endTimes = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: wordTokens.count)
+        var tokenIndex = 0
+        var wordIndex = 0
+        let secondsPerTimeToken = Float(WhisperKit.secondsPerTimeToken)
+        while tokenIndex < textIndices.count && wordIndex < wordTokens.count {
+            let startTime = Float(timeIndices[tokenIndex]) * secondsPerTimeToken
+            startTimes[wordIndex] = startTime
+            let wordTokenCount = wordTokens[wordIndex].count
+            tokenIndex += wordTokenCount - 1
+            let endTime = Float(timeIndices[min(tokenIndex, timeIndices.count - 1)]) * secondsPerTimeToken
+            endTimes[wordIndex] = endTime
+            tokenIndex += 1
+            wordIndex += 1
-        endTimes.append(Float(timeIndices.last ?? 1500) * Float(WhisperKit.secondsPerTimeToken))
         var wordTimings = [WordTiming]()
-        currentTokenIndex = 0
-        for (index, wordTokenArray) in wordTokens.enumerated() {
-            let wordStartTime: Float
-            let wordEndTime: Float
-            let startIndex = currentTokenIndex
-            // Get the start time of the first token in the current word
-            wordStartTime = startTimes[currentTokenIndex]
-            // Update the currentTokenIndex to the end of the current wordTokenArray
-            currentTokenIndex += wordTokenArray.count - 1
-            // Get the end time of the last token in the current word
-            wordEndTime = endTimes[currentTokenIndex]
-            // Move the currentTokenIndex to the next token for the next iteration
-            currentTokenIndex += 1
-            // Calculate the probability
-            let probs = tokenLogProbs[startIndex..<currentTokenIndex]
-            let probability = probs.reduce(0, +) / Float(probs.count)
+        for (index, word) in words.enumerated() {
+            let probability = tokenLogProbs[index].rounded(toPlaces: 2)
             let wordTiming = WordTiming(
-                word: words[index],
-                tokens: wordTokenArray,
-                start: wordStartTime,
-                end: wordEndTime,
+                word: word,
+                tokens: wordTokens[index],
+                start: startTimes[index],
+                end: endTimes[index],
                 probability: pow(10, probability)
         return wordTimings
     public func addWordTimestamps(
         segments: [TranscriptionSegment],
         alignmentWeights: MLMultiArray,
@@ -411,50 +357,37 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
         options: DecodingOptions,
         timings: TranscriptionTimings
     ) throws -> [TranscriptionSegment]? {
-        // Initialize arrays to hold the extracted and filtered data
+        // アライメントのためのデータを準備
         var wordTokenIds = [Int]()
         var filteredLogProbs = [Float]()
         var filteredIndices = [Int]()
         var lastSpeechTimestamp = lastSpeechTimestamp
-        // Iterate through each segment
         var indexOffset = 0
         for segment in segments {
             for (index, token) in segment.tokens.enumerated() {
-                filteredIndices.append(index + indexOffset) // Add the index to filteredIndices
-                // Assuming tokenLogProbs is structured as [[Int: Float]]
+                filteredIndices.append(index + indexOffset)
                 if let logProb = segment.tokenLogProbs[index][token] {
-            // Update the indexOffset as we start a new segment
             indexOffset += segment.tokens.count
-        // Filter alignmentWeights using filteredIndices
+        // alignmentWeights を効率的にフィルタリング
         let shape = alignmentWeights.shape
         guard let columnCount = shape.last?.intValue else {
             throw WhisperError.segmentingFailed("Invalid shape in alignmentWeights")
-        let filteredAlignmentWeights = initMLMultiArray(shape: [filteredIndices.count, columnCount] as [NSNumber], dataType: alignmentWeights.dataType, initialValue: FloatType(0))
-        alignmentWeights.withUnsafeMutableBytes { weightsPointer, weightsStride in
-            filteredAlignmentWeights.withUnsafeMutableBytes { filteredWeightsPointer, filteredWeightsStride in
-                for (newIndex, originalIndex) in filteredIndices.enumerated() {
-                    let sourcePointer = weightsPointer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: Int(originalIndex * columnCount * MemoryLayout<FloatType>.stride))
-                    let destinationPointer = filteredWeightsPointer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: Int(newIndex * columnCount * MemoryLayout<FloatType>.stride))
-                    memcpy(destinationPointer, sourcePointer, columnCount * MemoryLayout<FloatType>.stride)
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Logging.debug("Alignment weights shape: \(filteredAlignmentWeights.shape)")
+        let filteredAlignmentWeights = try filterAlignmentWeights(
+            alignmentWeights: alignmentWeights,
+            filteredIndices: filteredIndices,
+            rowCount: filteredIndices.count,
+            columnCount: columnCount
+        )
         var alignment = try findAlignment(
             wordTokenIds: wordTokenIds,
             alignmentWeights: filteredAlignmentWeights,
@@ -463,104 +396,70 @@ open class SegmentSeeker: SegmentSeeking {
             timings: timings
-        // TODO: This section is considered a "hack" in the source repo
-        // Reference: https://github.com/openai/whisper/blob/ba3f3cd54b0e5b8ce1ab3de13e32122d0d5f98ab/whisper/timing.py#L305
-        var wordDurations = alignment.map { $0.end - $0.start }
-        wordDurations = wordDurations.filter { $0 > 0 }
-        let medianDuration: Float = wordDurations.isEmpty ? 0.0 : wordDurations.sorted(by: <)[wordDurations.count / 2]
-        let constrainedMedianDuration = min(0.7, medianDuration)
-        let maxDuration = constrainedMedianDuration * 2
-        // Truncate long words at sentence boundaries
-        let sentenceEndMarks = [".", "。", "!", "!", "?", "?"]
-        if !wordDurations.isEmpty {
-            for i in 1..<alignment.count {
-                if alignment[i].end - alignment[i].start > maxDuration {
-                    if sentenceEndMarks.contains(alignment[i].word) {
-                        alignment[i].end = alignment[i].start + maxDuration
-                    } else if i > 0, sentenceEndMarks.contains(alignment[i - 1].word) {
-                        alignment[i].start = alignment[i].end - maxDuration
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Process alignment for punctuations
         let mergedAlignment = mergePunctuations(alignment: alignment, prepended: prependPunctuations, appended: appendPunctuations)
         var wordIndex = 0
         let timeOffset = Float(seek) / Float(WhisperKit.sampleRate)
         var updatedSegments = [TranscriptionSegment]()
         for segment in segments {
             var savedTokens = 0
             let textTokens = segment.tokens.filter { $0 < tokenizer.specialTokens.specialTokenBegin }
             var wordsInSegment = [WordTiming]()
-            for timing in mergedAlignment[wordIndex...] where savedTokens < textTokens.count {
+            while wordIndex < mergedAlignment.count && savedTokens < textTokens.count {
+                let timing = mergedAlignment[wordIndex]
                 wordIndex += 1
-                // Remove special tokens and retokenize if needed
                 let timingTokens = timing.tokens.filter { $0 < tokenizer.specialTokens.specialTokenBegin }
                 if timingTokens.isEmpty {
-                let start = (timeOffset + timing.start).rounded(2)
-                let end = (timeOffset + timing.end).rounded(2)
-                let probability = timing.probability.rounded(2)
+                let start = (timeOffset + timing.start).rounded(toPlaces: 2)
+                let end = (timeOffset + timing.end).rounded(toPlaces: 2)
+                let probability = timing.probability.rounded(toPlaces: 2)
                 let wordTiming = WordTiming(word: timing.word,
                                             tokens: timingTokens,
                                             start: start,
                                             end: end,
                                             probability: probability)
                 savedTokens += timingTokens.count
-            // Create an updated segment with the word timings
             var updatedSegment = segment
-            // TODO: This section is considered a "hack" in the source repo
-            // Reference: https://github.com/openai/whisper/blob/ba3f3cd54b0e5b8ce1ab3de13e32122d0d5f98ab/whisper/timing.py#L342
-            // Truncate long words at segment boundaries
-            if let firstWord = wordsInSegment.first, let lastWord = wordsInSegment.last {
-                // Logic for the first word
-                if firstWord.end - lastSpeechTimestamp > constrainedMedianDuration * 4 &&
-                    (firstWord.end - firstWord.start > maxDuration ||
-                        (wordsInSegment.count > 1 && wordsInSegment[1].end - firstWord.start > maxDuration * 2))
-                {
-                    if wordsInSegment.count > 1 && wordsInSegment[1].end - wordsInSegment[1].start > maxDuration {
-                        let boundary = max(wordsInSegment[1].end / 2, wordsInSegment[1].end - maxDuration)
-                        wordsInSegment[0].end = boundary
-                        wordsInSegment[1].start = boundary
-                    }
-                    wordsInSegment[0].start = max(lastSpeechTimestamp, firstWord.end - maxDuration)
-                }
-                // Prefer segment-level start timestamp if the first word is too long.
-                if segment.start < firstWord.end && segment.start - 0.5 > firstWord.start {
-                    wordsInSegment[0].start = max(0, min(firstWord.end - constrainedMedianDuration, segment.start))
-                } else {
-                    updatedSegment.start = firstWord.start
-                }
-                // Prefer segment-level end timestamp if the last word is too long.
-                if updatedSegment.end > lastWord.start && segment.end + 0.5 < lastWord.end {
-                    wordsInSegment[wordsInSegment.count - 1].end = max(lastWord.start + constrainedMedianDuration, segment.end)
-                } else {
-                    updatedSegment.end = lastWord.end
-                }
-                lastSpeechTimestamp = updatedSegment.end
-            }
             updatedSegment.words = wordsInSegment
         return updatedSegments
+    private func filterAlignmentWeights(
+        alignmentWeights: MLMultiArray,
+        filteredIndices: [Int],
+        rowCount: Int,
+        columnCount: Int
+    ) throws -> MLMultiArray {
+        let filteredAlignmentWeights = try MLMultiArray(shape: [rowCount, columnCount] as [NSNumber], dataType: .float16)
+        let sourcePointer = alignmentWeights.dataPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt16.self, capacity: alignmentWeights.count)
+        let destinationPointer = filteredAlignmentWeights.dataPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt16.self, capacity: filteredAlignmentWeights.count)
+        for (newIndex, originalIndex) in filteredIndices.enumerated() {
+            let sourceRow = sourcePointer.advanced(by: originalIndex * columnCount)
+            let destinationRow = destinationPointer.advanced(by: newIndex * columnCount)
+            destinationRow.update(from: sourceRow, count: columnCount)
+        }
+        return filteredAlignmentWeights
+    }
+extension Float {
+    func rounded(toPlaces places: Int) -> Float {
+        let divisor = pow(10, Float(places))
+        return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor
+    }
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/TokenSampler.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/TokenSampler.swift
index ce15cd5..1dd9b6e 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/TokenSampler.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Text/TokenSampler.swift
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public protocol TokenSampling {
     func finalize(tokens: [Int], logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult
-public struct SamplingResult {
+public struct SamplingResult: Sendable {
     public var tokens: [Int]
     public var logProbs: [Float]
     public var completed: Bool
@@ -21,73 +21,73 @@ open class GreedyTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
     public var temperature: FloatType
     public var eotToken: Int
     public var decodingOptions: DecodingOptions
     public init(temperature: FloatType, eotToken: Int, decodingOptions: DecodingOptions) {
         self.temperature = temperature
         self.eotToken = eotToken
         self.decodingOptions = decodingOptions
     public func update(tokens: [Int], logits: MLMultiArray, logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
         var softmaxOutput: BNNSNDArrayDescriptor?
         var argmaxOutput: BNNSNDArrayDescriptor?
         var softmaxInput: BNNSNDArrayDescriptor?
         var softmaxInputNeedsDeallocate = false
         var nextToken: Int?
         do {
             let logitsRawPointer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
                 start: logits.dataPointer,
                 count: logits.count * MemoryLayout<FloatType>.stride
             let logitsDescriptor = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor(
                 data: logitsRawPointer,
                 scalarType: FloatType.self,
                 shape: .vector(logits.count, stride: 1)
             softmaxInput = logitsDescriptor
             // Scale logits by temperature if > 0
             if temperature != 0.0 {
                 let scaledLogits = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(
                     scalarType: FloatType.self,
                     shape: .vector(logits.count, stride: 1)
                 try! BNNS.applyActivation(
                     activation: BNNS.ActivationFunction.linear(alpha: Float(1 / temperature)),
                     input: logitsDescriptor,
                     output: scaledLogits,
                     batchSize: 1
                 softmaxInput = scaledLogits
                 softmaxInputNeedsDeallocate = true
             // Always softmax once
             softmaxOutput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(
                 scalarType: Float.self,
                 shape: .vector(logits.count, stride: 1)
             try BNNS.applyActivation(
                 activation: BNNS.ActivationFunction.softmax,
                 input: softmaxInput!,
                 output: softmaxOutput!,
                 batchSize: 1
             if temperature != 0.0 {
                 // top-k multinomial sampling
                 let k = decodingOptions.topK
                 let bestValues = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float.self, shape: .vector(k, stride: 1))
                 let bestIndices = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Int32.self, shape: .vector(k, stride: 1))
                 try! BNNS.applyTopK(
                     k: k,
                     input: softmaxOutput!,
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ open class GreedyTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
                     axis: 0,
                     batchSize: 1
                 let bestValuesResult = bestValues.makeArray(of: Float.self)!
                 let bestIndicesResult = bestIndices.makeArray(of: Int32.self)!
                 // multinomial sample from top-k
                 let sumOfbestIndicesResult = bestValuesResult.reduce(0, +)
                 let rnd = Float.random(in: 0..<sumOfbestIndicesResult)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ open class GreedyTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
                 nextToken = Int(bestIndicesResult[chosenIndex])
             } else {
                 // Argmax sampling
@@ -123,40 +123,40 @@ open class GreedyTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
                     scalarType: Float.self,
                     shape: .vector(1, stride: 1)
                 try! BNNS.applyReduction(
                     input: logitsDescriptor,
                     output: argmaxOutput!,
                     weights: nil
                 let argmaxResult = argmaxOutput!.makeArray(of: Float.self)!
                 nextToken = Int(argmaxResult[0])
         } catch {
             Logging.error("Sampling error: \(error)")
         // Log of softmax probability of chosen token
         let softmaxResult = softmaxOutput!.makeArray(of: Float.self)!
         let nextLogprob = log(Float(softmaxResult[nextToken!]))
         let nextTokens = tokens + [nextToken!]
         let nextLogprobs = logProbs + [nextLogprob]
         let completed = nextToken == eotToken
         // Deallocations
         if softmaxInputNeedsDeallocate {
         return SamplingResult(tokens: nextTokens, logProbs: nextLogprobs, completed: completed)
     public func finalize(tokens: [Int], logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
         var finalTokens = tokens
         var finalLogProbs = logProbs
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ open class GreedyTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
         return SamplingResult(tokens: finalTokens, logProbs: finalLogProbs, completed: true)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ open class BeamSearchTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
     public var patience: Float
     var maxCandidates: Int
     var finishedSequences: [Float]
     public init(
         beamSize: Int,
         eotToken: Int,
@@ -191,18 +191,132 @@ open class BeamSearchTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
             fatalError("Invalid beam size \(beamSize) or patience \(patience)")
     public func reset() {
         finishedSequences = []
     public func update(tokens: [Int], logits: MLMultiArray, logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
         // TODO: Implement
         fatalError("Not implemented: \(#function)")
     public func finalize(tokens: [Int], logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
         // TODO: Implement
         fatalError("Not implemented: \(#function)")
+@available(macOS 15.0, iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, watchOS 11.0, *)
+open class NTokenSampler: TokenSampling {
+    public var temperature: Float
+     public var eotToken: Int
+     public var decodingOptions: DecodingOptions
+     public init(temperature: Float, eotToken: Int, decodingOptions: DecodingOptions) {
+         self.temperature = temperature
+         self.eotToken = eotToken
+         self.decodingOptions = decodingOptions
+     }
+     public func update(tokens: [Int], logits: MLMultiArray, logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
+         // MLMultiArrayがFloat32であることを確認
+         guard logits.dataType == .float32 else {
+             fatalError("Logits MLMultiArray must be of type Float32")
+         }
+         let logitsCount = logits.count
+         // ロジットデータへのアクセス
+         let logitsPointer = logits.dataPointer.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: logitsCount)
+         let logitsBuffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: logitsPointer, count: logitsCount)
+         var logitsArray = [Float](logitsBuffer)
+         // 温度が0より大きい場合はロジットをスケーリング
+         if temperature != 0.0 {
+             let tempReciprocal = 1.0 / temperature
+             vDSP_vsmul(logitsArray, 1, [tempReciprocal], &logitsArray, 1, vDSP_Length(logitsCount))
+         }
+         // ソフトマックス計算
+         var softmaxOutput = [Float](repeating: 0, count: logitsCount)
+         computeSoftmax(logitsArray, result: &softmaxOutput)
+         var nextToken: Int = 0
+         var nextLogprob: Float = 0.0
+         if temperature != 0.0 {
+             // トップKのサンプリング
+             let k = min(decodingOptions.topK, logitsCount)
+             // 値とインデックスをペアにしてソート
+             let indices = Array(0..<logitsCount)
+             let sortedPairs = zip(softmaxOutput, indices).sorted { $0.0 > $1.0 }
+             let topKPairs = sortedPairs.prefix(k)
+             let topKValues = topKPairs.map { $0.0 }
+             let topKIndices = topKPairs.map { $0.1 }
+             // トップKの確率を正規化
+             let sumTopK = topKValues.reduce(0, +)
+             let normalizedTopKValues = topKValues.map { $0 / sumTopK }
+             // トップKからサンプリング
+             let randomValue = Float.random(in: 0..<1)
+             var cumulativeProbability: Float = 0.0
+             for (i, probability) in normalizedTopKValues.enumerated() {
+                 cumulativeProbability += probability
+                 if randomValue < cumulativeProbability {
+                     nextToken = topKIndices[i]
+                     nextLogprob = log(probability)
+                     break
+                 }
+             }
+         } else {
+             // アーグマックスサンプリング
+             var maxValue: Float = 0
+             var maxIndex: vDSP_Length = 0
+             vDSP_maxvi(softmaxOutput, 1, &maxValue, &maxIndex, vDSP_Length(logitsCount))
+             nextToken = Int(maxIndex)
+             nextLogprob = log(maxValue)
+         }
+         let nextTokens = tokens + [nextToken]
+         let nextLogprobs = logProbs + [nextLogprob]
+         let completed = nextToken == eotToken
+         return SamplingResult(tokens: nextTokens, logProbs: nextLogprobs, completed: completed)
+     }
+     public func finalize(tokens: [Int], logProbs: [Float]) -> SamplingResult {
+         var finalTokens = tokens
+         var finalLogProbs = logProbs
+         if tokens.last != eotToken {
+             finalTokens.append(eotToken)
+             finalLogProbs.append(0)
+         }
+         return SamplingResult(tokens: finalTokens, logProbs: finalLogProbs, completed: true)
+     }
+     // ソフトマックスを効率的に計算するヘルパー関数
+     func computeSoftmax(_ input: [Float], result: inout [Float]) {
+         var input = input
+         // オーバーフローを防ぐために最大値を引く
+         var maxValue: Float = 0
+         vDSP_maxv(input, 1, &maxValue, vDSP_Length(input.count))
+         var negativeMax = -maxValue
+         vDSP_vsadd(input, 1, &negativeMax, &input, 1, vDSP_Length(input.count))
+         // 指数関数を適用
+         vvexpf(&result, input, [Int32(input.count)])
+         // 指数関数の合計を計算
+         var sumOfExponents: Float = 0
+         vDSP_sve(result, 1, &sumOfExponents, vDSP_Length(input.count))
+         // 合計で割って確率を得る
+         vDSP_vsdiv(result, 1, &sumOfExponents, &result, 1, vDSP_Length(input.count))
+     }
+ }
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Utils.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Utils.swift
index 8713510..1b5276f 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Utils.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/Utils.swift
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ extension AVAudioPCMBuffer {
 // MARK: - Helpers
 @available(macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 10, visionOS 1, *)
-func prepareSeekClips(contentFrames: Int, decodeOptions: DecodingOptions?) -> [(start: Int, end: Int)] {
+func prepareSeekClips(contentFrames: Int, decodeOptions: DecodingOptions?) -> [FrameRange] {
     let options = decodeOptions ?? DecodingOptions()
     var seekPoints: [Int] = options.clipTimestamps.map { Int(round($0 * Float(WhisperKit.sampleRate))) }
     if seekPoints.count == 0 {
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ func prepareSeekClips(contentFrames: Int, decodeOptions: DecodingOptions?) -> [(
-    var seekClips: [(start: Int, end: Int)] = []
+    var seekClips: [FrameRange] = []
     for i in stride(from: 0, to: seekPoints.count, by: 2) {
         let start = seekPoints[i]
         let end = i + 1 < seekPoints.count ? seekPoints[i + 1] : contentFrames
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ public class Logging {
 extension Logging {
-    enum AudioEncoding {
+    enum AudioEncoding: Sendable {
         static let logger = Logger(
             subsystem: Constants.Logging.subsystem,
             category: "AudioEncoding"
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ extension Logging {
 extension Logging {
-    enum FeatureExtractor {
+    enum FeatureExtractor: Sendable {
         static let logger = Logger(
             subsystem: Constants.Logging.subsystem,
             category: "FeatureExtractor"
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ extension Logging {
 extension Logging {
-    enum TranscribeTask {
+    enum TranscribeTask: Sendable {
         static let logger = Logger(
             subsystem: Constants.Logging.subsystem,
             category: "TranscribeTask"
diff --git a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/WhisperKit.swift b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/WhisperKit.swift
index c1b66d5..9aaae39 100644
--- a/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/WhisperKit.swift
+++ b/Sources/WhisperKit/Core/WhisperKit.swift
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     public private(set) var modelState: ModelState = .unloaded
     public var modelCompute: ModelComputeOptions
     public var tokenizer: WhisperTokenizer?
     /// Protocols
     public var audioProcessor: any AudioProcessing
     public var featureExtractor: any FeatureExtracting
@@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     public var textDecoder: any TextDecoding
     public var logitsFilters: [any LogitsFiltering]
     public var segmentSeeker: any SegmentSeeking
     /// Shapes
     public static let sampleRate: Int = 16000
     public static let hopLength: Int = 160
     public static let chunkLength: Int = 30 // seconds
     public static let windowSamples: Int = 480_000 // sampleRate * chunkLength
     public static let secondsPerTimeToken = Float(0.02)
     /// Progress
     public private(set) var currentTimings: TranscriptionTimings
     public private(set) var progress = Progress()
     /// Configuration
     public var modelFolder: URL?
     public var tokenizerFolder: URL?
     public private(set) var useBackgroundDownloadSession: Bool
     public init(_ config: WhisperKitConfig = WhisperKitConfig()) async throws {
         modelCompute = config.computeOptions ?? ModelComputeOptions()
         audioProcessor = config.audioProcessor ?? AudioProcessor()
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         useBackgroundDownloadSession = config.useBackgroundDownloadSession
         currentTimings = TranscriptionTimings()
         Logging.shared.logLevel = config.verbose ? config.logLevel : .none
         try await setupModels(
             model: config.model,
             downloadBase: config.downloadBase,
@@ -61,19 +61,19 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             modelFolder: config.modelFolder,
             download: config.download
         if let prewarm = config.prewarm, prewarm {
             Logging.info("Prewarming models...")
             try await prewarmModels()
         // If load is not passed in, load based on whether a modelFolder is passed
         if config.load ?? (config.modelFolder != nil) {
             Logging.info("Loading models...")
             try await loadModels()
     public convenience init(
         model: String? = nil,
         downloadBase: URL? = nil,
@@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             load: load,
             download: download,
             useBackgroundDownloadSession: useBackgroundDownloadSession
-            )
+        )
         try await self.init(config)
     // MARK: - Model Loading
     public static func recommendedModels() -> (default: String, disabled: [String]) {
         let deviceName = Self.deviceName()
         Logging.debug("Running on \(deviceName)")
         let defaultModel = modelSupport(for: deviceName).default
         let disabledModels = modelSupport(for: deviceName).disabled
         return (defaultModel, disabledModels)
     public static func deviceName() -> String {
         var utsname = utsname()
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         return deviceName
     public static func fetchAvailableModels(from repo: String = "argmaxinc/whisperkit-coreml", matching: [String] = ["openai_*", "distil-whisper_*"]) async throws -> [String] {
         let hubApi = HubApi()
         let modelFiles = try await hubApi.getFilenames(from: repo, matching: matching)
         return formatModelFiles(modelFiles)
     public static func formatModelFiles(_ modelFiles: [String]) -> [String] {
         let modelFilters = ModelVariant.allCases.map { "\($0.description)\($0.description.contains("large") ? "" : "/")" } // Include quantized models for large
         let modelVariants = modelFiles.map { $0.components(separatedBy: "/")[0] + "/" }
@@ -156,32 +156,32 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             return count > 0
         let availableModels = filteredVariants.map { variant -> String in
             variant.trimmingFromEnd(character: "/", upto: 1)
         // Sorting order based on enum
         let sizeOrder = ModelVariant.allCases.map { $0.description }
         let sortedModels = availableModels.sorted { firstModel, secondModel in
             // Extract the base size without any additional qualifiers
             let firstModelBase = sizeOrder.first(where: { firstModel.contains($0) }) ?? ""
             let secondModelBase = sizeOrder.first(where: { secondModel.contains($0) }) ?? ""
             if firstModelBase == secondModelBase {
                 // If base sizes are the same, sort alphabetically
                 return firstModel < secondModel
             } else {
                 // Sort based on the size order
                 return sizeOrder.firstIndex(of: firstModelBase) ?? sizeOrder.count
-                    < sizeOrder.firstIndex(of: secondModelBase) ?? sizeOrder.count
+                < sizeOrder.firstIndex(of: secondModelBase) ?? sizeOrder.count
         return sortedModels
     public static func download(
         variant: String,
         downloadBase: URL? = nil,
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             Logging.debug("Searching for models matching \"\(modelSearchPath)\" in \(repo)")
             let modelFiles = try await hubApi.getFilenames(from: repo, matching: [modelSearchPath])
             var uniquePaths = Set(modelFiles.map { $0.components(separatedBy: "/").first! })
             var variantPath: String? = nil
             if uniquePaths.count == 1 {
                 variantPath = uniquePaths.first
             } else {
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ open class WhisperKit {
                 Logging.debug("Searching for models matching \"\(adjustedModelSearchPath)\" in \(repo)")
                 let adjustedModelFiles = try await hubApi.getFilenames(from: repo, matching: [adjustedModelSearchPath])
                 uniquePaths = Set(adjustedModelFiles.map { $0.components(separatedBy: "/").first! })
                 if uniquePaths.count == 1 {
                     variantPath = uniquePaths.first
             guard let variantPath else {
                 // If there is still ambiguity, throw an error
                 throw WhisperError.modelsUnavailable("Multiple models found matching \"\(modelSearchPath)\"")
             Logging.debug("Downloading model \(variantPath)...")
             let modelFolder = try await hubApi.snapshot(from: repo, matching: [modelSearchPath]) { progress in
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             let modelFolderName = modelFolder.appending(path: variantPath)
             return modelFolderName
         } catch {
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             throw error
     /// Sets up the model folder either from a local path or by downloading from a repository.
     open func setupModels(
         model: String?,
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     ) async throws {
         // Determine the model variant to use
         let modelVariant = model ?? WhisperKit.recommendedModels().default
         // If a local model folder is provided, use it; otherwise, download the model
         if let folder = modelFolder {
             self.modelFolder = URL(fileURLWithPath: folder)
@@ -267,36 +267,36 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     open func prewarmModels() async throws {
         try await loadModels(prewarmMode: true)
     open func loadModels(
         prewarmMode: Bool = false
     ) async throws {
         modelState = prewarmMode ? .prewarming : .loading
         let modelLoadStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
         guard let path = modelFolder else {
             throw WhisperError.modelsUnavailable("Model folder is not set.")
         Logging.debug("Loading models from \(path.path) with prewarmMode: \(prewarmMode)")
         // Find either mlmodelc or mlpackage models
         let logmelUrl = detectModelURL(inFolder: path, named: "MelSpectrogram")
         let encoderUrl = detectModelURL(inFolder: path, named: "AudioEncoder")
         let decoderUrl = detectModelURL(inFolder: path, named: "TextDecoder")
         let decoderPrefillUrl = detectModelURL(inFolder: path, named: "TextDecoderContextPrefill")
         for item in [logmelUrl, encoderUrl, decoderUrl] {
             if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: item.path) {
                 throw WhisperError.modelsUnavailable("Model file not found at \(item.path)")
         if let featureExtractor = featureExtractor as? WhisperMLModel {
             Logging.debug("Loading feature extractor")
             try await featureExtractor.loadModel(
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             Logging.debug("Loaded feature extractor")
         if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: decoderPrefillUrl.path) {
             Logging.debug("Loading text decoder prefill data")
             textDecoder.prefillData = TextDecoderContextPrefill()
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             Logging.debug("Loaded text decoder prefill data")
         if let textDecoder = textDecoder as? WhisperMLModel {
             Logging.debug("Loading text decoder")
             let decoderLoadStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
@@ -327,30 +327,30 @@ open class WhisperKit {
                 prewarmMode: prewarmMode
             currentTimings.decoderLoadTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - decoderLoadStart
             Logging.debug("Loaded text decoder in \(String(format: "%.2f", currentTimings.decoderLoadTime))s")
         if let audioEncoder = audioEncoder as? WhisperMLModel {
             Logging.debug("Loading audio encoder")
             let encoderLoadStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
             try await audioEncoder.loadModel(
                 at: encoderUrl,
                 computeUnits: modelCompute.audioEncoderCompute,
                 prewarmMode: prewarmMode
             currentTimings.encoderLoadTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - encoderLoadStart
             Logging.debug("Loaded audio encoder in \(String(format: "%.2f", currentTimings.encoderLoadTime))s")
         if prewarmMode {
             modelState = .prewarmed
             currentTimings.prewarmLoadTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - modelLoadStart
         // Check model dimensions to assign appropriate tokenizer
         guard let logitsDim = textDecoder.logitsSize, let encoderDim = audioEncoder.embedSize else {
             throw WhisperError.tokenizerUnavailable()
@@ -359,55 +359,67 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         modelVariant = detectVariant(logitsDim: logitsDim, encoderDim: encoderDim)
         Logging.debug("Loading tokenizer for \(modelVariant)")
         let tokenizerLoadStart = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
         let tokenizer = try await loadTokenizer(
             for: modelVariant,
             tokenizerFolder: tokenizerFolder,
             useBackgroundSession: useBackgroundDownloadSession
         currentTimings.tokenizerLoadTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - tokenizerLoadStart
         self.tokenizer = tokenizer
         textDecoder.tokenizer = tokenizer
         Logging.debug("Loaded tokenizer in \(String(format: "%.2f", currentTimings.tokenizerLoadTime))s")
         modelState = .loaded
         currentTimings.modelLoading = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - modelLoadStart + currentTimings.prewarmLoadTime
         Logging.info("Loaded models for whisper size: \(modelVariant) in \(String(format: "%.2f", currentTimings.modelLoading))s")
     open func unloadModels() async {
         modelState = .unloading
         for model in [featureExtractor, audioEncoder, textDecoder] {
             if let model = model as? WhisperMLModel {
         modelState = .unloaded
         Logging.info("Unloaded all models")
     open func clearState() {
-        audioProcessor.stopRecording()
+        Task {
+            await audioProcessor.stopRecording()
+        }
         currentTimings = TranscriptionTimings()
     deinit {
-        audioProcessor.stopRecording()
+        modelState = .unloading
+        if let featureExtractor = featureExtractor as? WhisperMLModel {
+            featureExtractor.unloadModel()
+        }
+        if let audioEncoder = audioEncoder as? WhisperMLModel {
+            audioEncoder.unloadModel()
+        }
+        if let textDecoder = textDecoder as? WhisperMLModel {
+            textDecoder.unloadModel()
+        }        
+        modelState = .unloaded
     /// Pass in your own logging callback here
     open func loggingCallback(_ callback: Logging.LoggingCallback?) {
         Logging.shared.loggingCallback = callback
     // MARK: - Detect language
     /// Detects the language of the audio file at the specified path.
     /// - Parameter audioPath: The file path of the audio file.
@@ -417,35 +429,35 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     ) async throws -> (language: String, langProbs: [String: Float]) {
         let audioBuffer = try AudioProcessor.loadAudio(fromPath: audioPath)
         let audioArray = AudioProcessor.convertBufferToArray(buffer: audioBuffer)
-        return try await detectLangauge(audioArray: audioArray)
+        return try await detectLanguage(audioArray: audioArray)
     /// Detects the language of the audio samples in the provided array.
     /// - Parameter audioArray: An array of audio samples.
     /// - Returns: A tuple containing the detected language and the language log probabilities.
-    open func detectLangauge(
+    open func detectLanguage(
         audioArray: [Float]
     ) async throws -> (language: String, langProbs: [String: Float]) {
         if modelState != .loaded {
             try await loadModels()
         // Ensure the model is multilingual, as language detection is only supported for these models
         guard textDecoder.isModelMultilingual else {
             throw WhisperError.decodingFailed("Language detection not supported for this model")
         // Tokenizer required for decoding
         guard let tokenizer else {
             throw WhisperError.tokenizerUnavailable()
         let options = DecodingOptions(verbose: Logging.shared.logLevel != .none)
         let decoderInputs = try textDecoder.prepareDecoderInputs(withPrompt: [tokenizer.specialTokens.startOfTranscriptToken])
         decoderInputs.kvCacheUpdateMask[0] = 1.0
         decoderInputs.decoderKeyPaddingMask[0] = 0.0
         // Detect language using up to the first 30 seconds
         guard let audioSamples = AudioProcessor.padOrTrimAudio(fromArray: audioArray, startAt: 0, toLength: WhisperKit.windowSamples) else {
             throw WhisperError.transcriptionFailed("Audio samples are nil")
@@ -456,7 +468,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         guard let encoderOutput = try await audioEncoder.encodeFeatures(melOutput) else {
             throw WhisperError.transcriptionFailed("Encoder output is nil")
         let tokenSampler = GreedyTokenSampler(temperature: 0, eotToken: tokenizer.specialTokens.endToken, decodingOptions: options)
         guard let languageDecodingResult: DecodingResult = try? await textDecoder.detectLanguage(
             from: encoderOutput,
@@ -467,12 +479,12 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         ) else {
             throw WhisperError.decodingFailed("Language detection failed")
         return (language: languageDecodingResult.language, langProbs: languageDecodingResult.languageProbs)
     // MARK: - Transcribe multiple audio files
     /// Convenience method to transcribe multiple audio files asynchronously and return the results as an array of optional arrays of `TranscriptionResult`.
     /// - Returns: An array of optional arrays containing `TranscriptionResult`.
     open func transcribe(
@@ -488,7 +500,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         let results = transcribeResults.toOptionalArrays()
         return results
     /// Transcribes multiple audio files asynchronously and returns the results as an array of tuples containing the file path and the `Result` object.
     /// This method processes the provided audio file paths by loading the audio data and then transcribing the audio arrays.
@@ -507,45 +519,45 @@ open class WhisperKit {
     ) async -> [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>] {
         // Start timing the audio loading and conversion process
         let loadAudioStart = Date()
         // Load and extract audio data from the provided file paths
         let loadedAudioResult = await AudioProcessor.loadAudio(at: audioPaths)
         let audioArrays = loadedAudioResult.compactMap { try? $0.get() }
         // Calculate the time taken to load and convert audio
         let loadAndConvertTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(loadAudioStart)
         currentTimings.audioLoading = loadAndConvertTime
         Logging.debug("Total Audio Loading and Converting Time: \(loadAndConvertTime)")
         // Transcribe the loaded audio arrays
         let transcribeResults = await transcribeWithResults(
             audioArrays: audioArrays,
             decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
             callback: callback
         // Initialize the result array to hold final transcription results
         var result = [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>]()
         var transcribeResultIndex = 0
         // Iterate over loadedAudioResult and map each to the corresponding transcription result
         for audioResult in loadedAudioResult {
             switch audioResult {
-                case .success:
-                    // Append transcription result if audio loading was successful (may still contain failure)
-                    result.append(transcribeResults[transcribeResultIndex])
-                    transcribeResultIndex += 1
-                case let .failure(error):
-                    // Append failure result if audio loading failed
-                    result.append(.failure(error))
+            case .success:
+                // Append transcription result if audio loading was successful (may still contain failure)
+                result.append(transcribeResults[transcribeResultIndex])
+                transcribeResultIndex += 1
+            case let .failure(error):
+                // Append failure result if audio loading failed
+                result.append(.failure(error))
         return result
     // MARK: - Transcribe multiple audio arrays
     /// Convenience method to transcribe multiple audio arrays asynchronously and return the results as an array of optional arrays of `TranscriptionResult`.
     /// - Returns: An array of optional arrays containing `TranscriptionResult`.
     open func transcribe(
@@ -558,10 +570,10 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
             callback: callback
         return transcribeResults.toOptionalArrays()
     /// Transcribes multiple audio arrays asynchronously and returns the results as an array of `Result` objects.
     /// This method processes the provided audio arrays by dividing them into batches based on the concurrent worker count
@@ -587,7 +599,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             callback: callback
     /// Method to transcribe multiple audio arrays asynchronously with optional associated decoding options and return the results as an array of `Result` objects.
     /// - Parameters:
     ///  - audioArrays: An array of arrays, each containing audio
@@ -601,18 +613,18 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
     ) async -> [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>] {
         var result = [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>]()
         guard audioArrays.count == decodeOptionsArray.count else {
             return [.failure(WhisperError.transcriptionFailed("The number of audio arrays and decoding options must be balanced."))]
         // Determine the number of concurrent workers from decodeOptions based on the maximum value or default to 0
         let concurrentWorkerCount = decodeOptionsArray.map { $0?.concurrentWorkerCount ?? 0 }.max() ?? 0
         // Chunk the audio arrays based on the number of concurrent workers
         // If concurrentWorkerCount is 0, all audio arrays are processed in one batch
         let batchedAudioArrays = concurrentWorkerCount == 0 ? [audioArrays] : audioArrays.batched(into: concurrentWorkerCount)
         for (batchIndex, audioArrayBatch) in batchedAudioArrays.enumerated() {
             // Use withTaskGroup to manage concurrent transcription tasks
             let partialResult = await withTaskGroup(of: [(index: Int, result: Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>)].self) { taskGroup -> [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>] in
@@ -623,10 +635,10 @@ open class WhisperKit {
                         batchedProgress.windowId = audioIndex + batchIndex * audioArrayBatch.count
                         return callback?(batchedProgress)
                     // Setup decoding options for the current audio array
                     let batchedDecodeOptions = decodeOptionsArray[audioIndex]
                     // Add a new task to the task group for each audio array
                     taskGroup.addTask {
                         do {
@@ -643,29 +655,29 @@ open class WhisperKit {
                 // Collect results from all completed tasks in the task group
                 var batchResult = [(index: Int, result: Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>)]()
                 for await result in taskGroup {
                     batchResult.append(contentsOf: result)
                 // Sort the results by index to maintain the original order (they may not be in order due to concurrency)
                 batchResult.sort(by: { $0.index < $1.index })
                 // Map the sorted batch results to a simple array of results
                 return batchResult.map { $0.result }
             // Append the results of each batch to the final result array
             result.append(contentsOf: partialResult)
         return result
     // MARK: - Transcribe single audio file
     @available(*, deprecated, message: "Subject to removal in a future version. Use `transcribe(audioPath:decodeOptions:callback:) async throws -> [TranscriptionResult]` instead.")
     open func transcribe(
@@ -676,7 +688,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         let result: [TranscriptionResult] = try await transcribe(audioPath: audioPath, decodeOptions: decodeOptions, callback: callback)
         return result.first
     /// Transcribes an audio file from the given path asynchronously.
     /// - Parameters:
     ///   - audioPath: The file path to the audio file to be transcribed.
@@ -693,24 +705,24 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         let loadAudioStart = Date()
         let audioBuffer = try AudioProcessor.loadAudio(fromPath: audioPath)
         let loadTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(loadAudioStart)
         let convertAudioStart = Date()
         let audioArray = AudioProcessor.convertBufferToArray(buffer: audioBuffer)
         let convertTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(convertAudioStart)
         currentTimings.audioLoading = loadTime + convertTime
         Logging.debug("Audio loading time: \(loadTime), Audio convert time: \(convertTime)")
         let transcribeResults: [TranscriptionResult] = try await transcribe(
             audioArray: audioArray,
             decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
             callback: callback
         return transcribeResults
     // MARK: - Transcribe single audio sample array
     /// Deprecated
     @available(*, deprecated, message: "Subject to removal in a future version. Use `transcribe(audioArray:decodeOptions:callback:) async throws -> [TranscriptionResult]` instead.")
@@ -722,7 +734,7 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         let result: [TranscriptionResult] = try await transcribe(audioArray: audioArray, decodeOptions: decodeOptions, callback: callback)
         return result.first
     /// Main entry point for transcribing audio
     /// - Parameters:
     ///   - audioArray: Array of 16khz raw float audio samples
@@ -736,11 +748,11 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         callback: TranscriptionCallback = nil
     ) async throws -> [TranscriptionResult] {
         var transcribeResults = [TranscriptionResult]()
         // Determine if the audio array requires chunking
         let isChunkable = audioArray.count > WhisperKit.windowSamples
         switch (isChunkable, decodeOptions?.chunkingStrategy) {
-            case (true, .vad):
+        case (true, .vad):
             // We have some audio that will require multiple windows and a strategy to chunk them
             let vad = decodeOptions?.voiceActivityDetector ?? EnergyVAD()
             let chunker = VADAudioChunker(vad: vad)
@@ -749,35 +761,35 @@ open class WhisperKit {
                 maxChunkLength: WhisperKit.windowSamples,
                 decodeOptions: decodeOptions
-                // Reset the seek times since we've already chunked the audio
-                var chunkedOptions = decodeOptions
-                chunkedOptions?.clipTimestamps = []
-                let chunkedDecodeOptions = Array(repeating: chunkedOptions, count: audioChunks.count)
-                // Send chunked samples to transcribe (note: this is recursive)
-                let chunkedResults: [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>] = await transcribeWithOptions(
-                    audioArrays: audioChunks.map { $0.audioSamples },
-                    decodeOptionsArray: chunkedDecodeOptions,
-                    callback: callback
-                )
-                // Update the seek offsets based on the audio chunks
-                let updatedTranscriptionResults = chunker.updateSeekOffsetsForResults(
-                    chunkedResults: chunkedResults,
-                    audioChunks: audioChunks
-                )
-                transcribeResults = updatedTranscriptionResults
-            default:
-                // Audio is short enough to transcribe in a single window and doesn't require chunking
-                transcribeResults = try await runTranscribeTask(
-                    audioArray: audioArray,
-                    decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
-                    callback: callback
-                )
+            // Reset the seek times since we've already chunked the audio
+            var chunkedOptions = decodeOptions
+            chunkedOptions?.clipTimestamps = []
+            let chunkedDecodeOptions = Array(repeating: chunkedOptions, count: audioChunks.count)
+            // Send chunked samples to transcribe (note: this is recursive)
+            let chunkedResults: [Result<[TranscriptionResult], Swift.Error>] = await transcribeWithOptions(
+                audioArrays: audioChunks.map { $0.audioSamples },
+                decodeOptionsArray: chunkedDecodeOptions,
+                callback: callback
+            )
+            // Update the seek offsets based on the audio chunks
+            let updatedTranscriptionResults = chunker.updateSeekOffsetsForResults(
+                chunkedResults: chunkedResults,
+                audioChunks: audioChunks
+            )
+            transcribeResults = updatedTranscriptionResults
+        default:
+            // Audio is short enough to transcribe in a single window and doesn't require chunking
+            transcribeResults = try await runTranscribeTask(
+                audioArray: audioArray,
+                decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
+                callback: callback
+            )
         if let decodeOptions, decodeOptions.verbose {
             Logging.info("Total Transcription Results: \(transcribeResults.count)")
             for (i, transcribeTaskResult) in transcribeResults.enumerated() {
@@ -785,10 +797,10 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         return transcribeResults
     /// Runs the transcription task on a single audio sample array asynchronously.
     /// - Returns: An array of `TranscriptionResult`.
     /// - Throws: An error if the transcription fails or if the tokenizer is unavailable.
@@ -800,16 +812,16 @@ open class WhisperKit {
         if modelState != .loaded {
             try await loadModels()
         guard let tokenizer else {
             // Tokenizer required for decoding
             throw WhisperError.tokenizerUnavailable()
         let childProgress = Progress()
         progress.totalUnitCount += 1
         progress.addChild(childProgress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
         let transcribeTask = TranscribeTask(
             currentTimings: currentTimings,
             progress: childProgress,
@@ -819,25 +831,25 @@ open class WhisperKit {
             textDecoder: textDecoder,
             tokenizer: tokenizer
         do {
             try Task.checkCancellation()
             let transcribeTaskResult = try await transcribeTask.run(
                 audioArray: audioArray,
                 decodeOptions: decodeOptions,
                 callback: callback
             if let decodeOptions, decodeOptions.verbose {
             if progress.isFinished {
                 // Reset progress if it is completed
                 progress = Progress()
             return [transcribeTaskResult]
         } catch {
             // Handle cancellation
diff --git a/Tests/WhisperKitTests/UnitTests.swift b/Tests/WhisperKitTests/UnitTests.swift
index 709e4ec..c92f222 100644
--- a/Tests/WhisperKitTests/UnitTests.swift
+++ b/Tests/WhisperKitTests/UnitTests.swift
@@ -1132,38 +1132,38 @@ final class UnitTests: XCTestCase {
         // When looking for silence boundaries, a smaller frame length is preferred
         let vadForSilence = EnergyVAD(frameLengthSamples: 320)
         let nonSilentChunks1 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: [])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks1.map(\.startIndex), [])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks1.map(\.endIndex), [])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks1.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks1.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [])
         let nonSilentChunks2 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 0, count: 1600))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks2.map(\.startIndex), [])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks2.map(\.endIndex), [])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks2.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks2.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [])
         let nonSilentChunks3 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 1, count: 1600))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks3.map(\.startIndex), [0])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks3.map(\.endIndex), [1600])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks3.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [0])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks3.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [1600])
         let nonSilentChunks4 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 0, count: 1600) + Array(repeating: 1, count: 1600))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks4.map(\.startIndex), [1600])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks4.map(\.endIndex), [3200])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks4.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [1600])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunks4.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [3200])
         let nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength1 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 1, count: 1601))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength1.map(\.startIndex), [0])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength1.map(\.endIndex), [1601])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength1.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [0])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength1.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [1601])
         let nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength2 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 1, count: 1599))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength2.map(\.startIndex), [0])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength2.map(\.endIndex), [1599])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength2.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [0])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength2.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [1599])
         let nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength3 = vadForSilence.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 1, count: 1599) + Array(repeating: 0, count: 1600))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength3.map(\.startIndex), [0])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength3.map(\.endIndex), [1600]) // frame length
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength3.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [0])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithUnevenFrameLength3.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [1600]) // frame length
         // Even with a smaller frame lenth, sometimes we need an overlap to detect them when they are very close to the boundary
         let vadWithOverlap = EnergyVAD(frameLengthSamples: 320, frameOverlapSamples: 80)
         let nonSilentChunksWithOverlap = vadWithOverlap.calculateActiveChunks(in: Array(repeating: 0, count: 1600) + Array(repeating: 1, count: 1600))
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithOverlap.map(\.startIndex), [1280])
-        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithOverlap.map(\.endIndex), [3200])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithOverlap.map(\SampleRange.startIndex), [1280])
+        XCTAssertEqual(nonSilentChunksWithOverlap.map(\SampleRange.endIndex), [3200])
         // When specifically looking for speech instead of silence, a larger window is preferred
         let vadWithLargeWindow = EnergyVAD(frameLength: 0.2, frameOverlap: 0.1)