- cb096d6 feat: fallback to "docker compose" when docker-compose not found (#434)
- 046504f feat: review_app setup command copies configmaps and service accounts (#426) [Breaking Change]
- 2fba5a5 feat: review app create/delete namespace outside of yaml (#425)
- df4a45a let "hokusai staging/production/review_app run" commands derive overrides from deployment spec (#419)
- 9c204be feat: do not jinja render when applying review app spec
- 095659d feat: bump python and xcode versions (#409)
- 9426e0e fix: stray paren in command to describe deployments (#406)
- 29a9190 fix: minor version var missing (#396)
- fd09bac feat: un-decorate all commands, and print stacktrace for unanticipated exceptions (#392)
- 53c5b44 feat: hokusai review_app list command (#390)
- d5ced96 feat: new way of versioning beta builds (#389)
- 62f3dc8 feat: add a user global config file (#379)
- This is a !!! Breaking Change !!! to:
- Hokusai Global Config
- "hokusai configure" command
- 2bc836a fix: python -m setuptools_scm no longer creates _version.py file (#382)
- 2574cf0 fix: setuptools version too old for setuptools_scm (#381)
- a177174 fix: run no tty not return return code (#380)
- 9b61a18 feat: CommandRunner to load project's k8s secret if it exists (#376)
- 85525df feat: bump docker-compose 2.17.2 -> 2.20.3 (#371)
- 4843eac feat: label review app namespaces (#370)
- a8daedb fix: compatibility by relaxing python version constraints (#366)
- f477865 fix: use COMPOSE_COMPATIBILITY for all docker-compose calls (#365)
- fe85f73 chore: bump Xcode test version to 13.4.1 for CircleCI support (#361)
- a65fd73 fix: avoid verbose BuildKit output (#354)
- 2a45e9f feat: bump docker-compose version for multi-stage builds (#353)
- 89af1e9 feat: force x86_64 (amd64) when building docker image (#348)
- 3b86834 feat: use COMPOSE_COMPATIBILITY=true when building image (#347)
- b2103c5 fix: push command not interpreting --force flag properly [#FF] (#346)
- d5f2cd3 feat: use 'main' as default for check-branch params [#FF] (#345)
- 0b36b5d fix: create release tag script not compatible with sh (#344)
- 4d4ed55 fix: release build failures (#341)
- b3b2dbd feat: add tree command [#FF] (#334)
- 428e88f feat: make the app aware when it is a beta version (#330)
- c9f4899 fix: ci reference to dockerhub username (#326)
- d6c6491 feat: let main/release builds pull in circleci hokusai context (#325)
- 0877aad fix: CI build failures related to Poetry and Python install. (#324)
- e9c4bea feat: remove dependency on jupyter (#320)
- 76fd07c fix: ghr install for release github step (#316)
- 72e656c fix: Makefile curl on dockerhub api which has changed (#315)
- 345a52b feat: use --exit-code-from to ensure relevant exit code (#311)
- 9653389 feat: minor update after k8s upgrade (#308)
- 62f4554 fix: s3 macos release publish version fails because s3 linux release published version (#305)
8a88aef feat: switch macos pyinstaller build to use onedir (#301)
08df37c fix: click replacing review_app command with review-app (#298)
- ed3d1ae feat: track deployed project version in a Kubernetes deployment label
- 3b8a7e6 feat: drop support for Python 2.x, allow installation for Python 3.7+ only
- b804c4d feat: add digest support to CommandRunner:run() (#276)
- 126b373 feat: discontinue ecr repository exists test before run a kubectl command #272
- 3c58b49 feat: Introduce 'hokusai registry retag' command. (#262)
- 7930029 fix: python 3 fixes
- b7cd7d7 documentation updates
- 19a13b1 fix: replacing invalid character with '-' for the pod name
- 80fed3b fix: reverted promt-toolkit version due to mismatch with python 3.5
- 9d43922 fix: skip project config check when configuring hokusai (#249)
- 9c0f660 fix: filter returns iterable and not a list in py3 so cast to list
- 3c69774 fix: urlretrieve import
- e16f9b6 feature: Hokusai Lite
- adfbdfb fix: check command uses TemplateSelector
- 53e9020 Install JQ in hokusai image as it's required for the new version of slack orb
- 75b1be4 fix: treat HokusaiError separately from CalledProccessError on exit
- e2edea5 fix: mask CalledProcessError msg and output attributes
- 7bc6cc1 hotfix: upgrade pip and wheel dependencies in order to fix pip errors
- a547787 fix: use write mode for named tempfiles explicitly
- 2327502 fix: don't remove teh entire hokusai temp directory - another invocation of hokusai may be using it
- 75c851f chore: add a 1-liner to install Hokusai in README.md
- 53d6b65 fix: use a NamedTemporaryFile for rendering Yaml specs
- 65f1759 fix: don't try to print an exception with None as message or output
- 346a610 prefer .j2 ;)
- 4f6fa62 bump docker-compose to 1.25.5
- ad5ad81 fix pip installs - include VERSION in MANIFEST.in
- 900f2bb --enable-framework when running pyenv install in release_version_macos job
- dc8292c Move release homebrew from a sh file in the main repo to a circleci command
- 9c9ecad refactor circleci workflow so beta releases depend on their test versions
- ac6ba0d cleanup .hokusai-tmp directory on exit unless DEBUG is set
- e1ee684 use the test or development yaml template when building in test or dev environments
- 667d9bb Add get-hokusai.sh
- 1027b21 Fix pyinstaller hidden imports for Python 2 and 3 compatibility
- a6955a9 Fix traceback and exception handling
- b0383e6 downcase user when creating a pod name
- b974c75 Merge pull request #212 from izakp/python-3
- 212483f replace pipenv with poetry
- 9bf7f56 fix ssl linking in pyinstaller builds
- 74f85f6 downgrade virtualenv to 15.1.0
- 6f15580 for post deployment git tagging, force git to replace local tags.
- a649dd8 move head builds to beta
- 7809787 follow extends in rendered docker compose Yaml files to other templates
- fd5e3a7 git fetch tags, has been failing intermittently. Print the actual Git error. Retry up to 3 times. Don't fail the build.
- 2d2ab3f strip .j2 file extensions when rendering templates
- 59d4eb1 raise HokusaiError if no Yaml file or template found
- 9562696 leave templates in temp dir if DEBUG rather than printing to stderr
- b17976d NamedTemporaryFiles use the local hokusai temp directory as well
- b243069 create a .hokusai-tmp directory for rendered Yaml templates
- 4071e35 rename KubernetesSpec to YamlSpec
- f747e2e use TemplateSelector to find Yaml files and j2 templates for all docker-compose and kubernetes files
- 63eb8b9 Remove legacy docker compose Yaml file hokusai/common.yml
- 104cffe Add TemplateSelector
- f8eae5d render KubernetesSpec as template on review app setup
- 3bd7c85 Update publish-pip make target to run within pipenv
- e4c5af3 (upstream/pvinis-patch-1) Fix markdown
- 721bf51 Merge pull request #190 from izakp/fea-dynamic-interpolation
- dece53b add ipython / ipnb and jupyter dev dependencies
- c0a83b5 install pyinstaller outside pipenv
- 63846ed Use Pyenv and Pipenv to manage hokusai's py version and dependencies
- fec9f68 serialize / deserialize ConfigMaps as JSON
- f5ba644 missing imports in gitcompare / gitlog commands
- 52d7612 refactor deployment update behavior to account for canary and review apps
- 90deb7e update head releases on master to require all test suites
- 3be6be0 release Docker image tag head on master
- 8949ff4 fix --environment flag in creaste command to accept multiple occurances
- 2f2499a bugfix in hokusai/commands/deployment.py
- f8b56d4 update review app docs
- d28a724 update ECR tests
- a2605e5 trim the ecr.get_images method as it now is the images property a87c15f Refactor deployments to patch image digests and pipeline to resolve Git SHAs - always use the registry rather than k8s as source of * truth for current deployment tag
- 5b74e0e Add back image digest display to registry images with the --digests option
- eb2f3fa refactor ECR to cache images
- 19caa96 refactor ECR module to provide tags, deployment_tags, current_deployment_tag methods 0393a11 add --configmap option to review_app env copy command to copy other configmaps other than the app's environment and refactor * configmap.py to support this
- 266d542 Add --environment option to staging/production create to bootstrap stack with environment variables
- d641fd0 Add short option -u to --update-config option
- de9afff Add --update-config and --filename options to pipeline promote
- 4d9dd48 Update env get to sort results
- c13c985 Install bash in hokusai image
- 142310f Update README with updated installation instructions
- c6f8338 Add a short option -f for --filename ( -fi in dev logs command )
- 07bea52 Add --update-config and --filename options to staging/production deploy
- 1896d71 Fix ECR integration tests for boto update
- f2fa240 Update yaml-file-name to filename and refactor commands / fix kubernetes integration tests
- 1d93ee6 Add a --service-name option to test command to get the return value from a different docker-compose service
- 017f03c Add a global config file
to run hokusai configure with no arguments but keep backwards compatibility - 1b33220 Add a --dry-run flag to staging/production update and pass through to kubectl apply
- fdb2e6b Install the aws cli and iam authenticator in the docker image
- bb74eda Loosen dependencies
- 88220af Create and delete env configmap with stack
- 05c4bcf Add the option to override Yaml filename when building, test, dev, staging production and pushing images
- b6f7725 Add registry pull command
- d31a771 create tar archive upon release
- fdec578 fetch from remotes before running gitdiff and gitlog commands
- 1c7a4a8 add checks to staging and production updates command so they are run on up-to-date checkouts of master
- 5867d6b get test kube context before scrubbing the environment
- 9879cd2 strip all HOKUSAI_ env vars from environment before running the test suite
- e44e7a5 Add mask argument to shout_concurrent function
- 8b65615 mask verbose output - add a mask when shelling out to docker login
- 987a77d add --label option to logs to filter by additional label selectors
- a10105f print newline only after verbose log line
- 1cdb7b9 add the --previous option to logs commands
- 395d57d use a unique tmp dir to download and configure kubectl
- 36316e7 refactor printing always via smart_str and add some spacing
- 538f5d5 add --timeout flag to deploy and promote and patch deployments with progressDeadlineSeconds when rolling out
- 8cf1ce4 add flags --reverse-sort, --limit and --filter-tags to hokusai registry images
- 93dd0e1 update docs/Command_Reference.md with a note on deployment rollout behavior
- 4730592 refactor post-deploy steps to attempt post-deploy hook, pushing Git and ECR tags and print warnings if any fail before exiting 1 - fix CommandRunner.run so config value run-tty is not respected when running migrations, pre-deploy or post-deploy hooks
- 3061785 change order of precedence for configuration - project-specific config takes precedence over environment variable fallbacks
- 97fedd9 fetch from git-remote before creating or pushing tags
- a835e28 update docs for git-remote config option as it does not apply to review apps as well as run-constraints set via an env var
- 2d91f25 fix parsing run-constratins from an env var - accept a comma-delimited string and parse as a list
- 6ea6190 add hokusai.lib.constants and always-verbose to config
- d2b1da4 explicity tag git deployment tags at the tag to be deployed rather than HEAD
- 2b78d57 add the congif options follow-logs, tail-logs and run-constraints
- 76f4ccb call Docker.build() in commands/development.py and commands/test.py rather than passing the --build option to docker-compose so pre- and post-build hooks are executed
- d23aafc DRY up references to development, test, build and common yml files
- 867da74 update return value of hokusai/commands/logs.py
- 3295d9f remove the kubectl timeout flag and rely on deployment config to specify progressDeadlineSeconds to orchestrate deployment rollouts (note - this also fixes issues with pipeline commands referencing sidecar containers running alongside application containers)
- 708ffdd create and push git tags individually with --no-verify
- 2f68593 refactor and DRY-up calls to docker-compose build and add pre-build and post-build hooks
- ca89edf refactor gitcompare - add org-name as first, required option
- 76587b1 patch deployment targets only if the project repo matches
- 39ad325 properly quote json for bash
- cd7b48a More helpful error messages in hokusai/lib/config.py
- c027a4c update hokusai-required-version check to use PEP-440 version specifiers - add the packaging lib
- c785e39 change config key required-version to more explicit hokusai-required-version, refactor config check and add tests and docs
- 3a5234d refactor command decorator check config and allow commands like version and setup to opt-out and check required-version against current version if project specifies it
- 82d5129 add openssh client to Docker build
- 3deea30 lock docker-compose version to 1.22.0 in Dockerfile
- e352309 one-liner for downloading Pyinstaller binaries for your os
- f8a3564 remove distribute.sh
- 804eba6 Release to PyPi, DockerHub, and GitHub
- f370081 git-remote only in config file
- 87f02fa refactor config.get and use env var precedence before project yaml config
- 8be10ce refactor config.get and add run_tty config option
- d923476 add git_remote fallback to config
- b5f5c6a update config to parse either _ or -, fallback to env vars or set default values per property
- 9b4bad6 minor refactor in hokusai/services/configmap.py
- 23d3fd3 Fix install dependency make task references
- bac0f4b Release version and latest binaries for every version git tag
- 5f00acb Prevent verbosity from leaking between specs
- 4393b6c Configure CI to build and release hokusai binaries
- 831f3e7 Update Circle CI configuration to use virtualenv
- 64f8eb3 Add Circle CI config
- 4b4d6da Code review comment + update readme
- 91023b4 Add org name
- d3248c5 First pass in adding gitcompare
- 293a961 Report error when kubectl unavailable during context check
- 2c5dd5e add long description for pip repo
- 63472d5 Docker alpine build
- e9ed3a3 remove sudo recommendation from install instructions in README.md
- 4698007 Determine if AWS credentials are valid via AWS API call
- b6e2a84 Update hokusai check command to find executables via which
- 4a89e3d Fix build in push and add --skip-latest option and logging in build
- 8b38b51 copy non-template files on setup
- ffcfc94 add namespace to all k8s commands and small fixes
- 6726051 update output formatters for k8s_status and images
- 53eef13 rename common.yml to build.yml - maintain backwards compatibility
- 1e466e1 generalize setup further and drop port option - can be set in custom templates
- 2d472f3 Refactor setup to use git remote and path for a given project type and accept custom template variables
- 20518c9 Bust the registry cache when creating a new repository - fixes #69
- 9417d99 always resolve git SHA1 tags in pipeline and deploy commands
- 022e2b3 update review_app commands to support all staging/production commands
- 01d226d add --deployment option to refresh / restart
- c5da8d2 Update README with Artsy-specific config link
- 76c4fa0 Fix using context on k8s_update and not use yaml_file_name
- 1a9822a resolve this directory in hokusai.spec
- 5746219 (origin/fea-push-git-tags, fea-push-git-tags) push tags to specified git remote if provided on deploy and promote
- b6406df remove image digest from registry images output
- 2561c03 remove history command
- 3c43592 check project repo exists before updating deployment or running a command
- 5738ff4 bugfix in hokusai/services/deployment.py
- 93219ea include Pyinstaller spec
- 10a7e12 updates to pyinstaller build steps
- ec590d7 updates to distribute with PyInstaller
- 8011f78 read VERSION from module
- 96f8f52 fix Yarn failure in CI build
- 3a45ed0 add interactive 'console' command with click-repl
- 74ce4da aws region fallbacks with boto2 compatibility and default to us-east-1
- aaa241a fix flag collision in logs command -- timestamps now use short flag -s
- 42b3fe7, a034af5, 45628cf update documentation
- ce94d62 fix ECR repo auto-discovery
- d79f707 add restart command as alias for refresh
- hokusai test accepts cleanup/no-cleanup option
- Add review_app command group
- update dockerignore template for Python
- remove aws-account-id and aws-ecr-region setup flags and config values and fetch from boto
- d7b50ce fixes to setup templates
- 9a3273f default templates
- 723c657 Convert all yml to come from templates, first pass hardcoded location.
- 159b5da rename remote_environment to kubernetes / k8s
- 58bb825 remove references to remote
- ab759d8 Add --stop option to dev command to clean up services
- 6e8b33e Fix config error
- 388569e Template deploy user and service port default to 8080
- 6c4f87a Change dev run command to use docker-compose run and launch a new container
- d4c85cd Always Be Building (--build/--no-build flags)
- 7149d1b Add .dockerignore to setup command
- bcbfce8 allow local config file as an alternative to an s3 bucket/key
- c2790e7 verbose logging in shout_concurrent
- 92b4196 drop local / remote top-level command groups - create staging, production and pieline groups
- 2a654c3 bugfix in ./hokusai/commands/env.py
- 29299af add --internal flag to setup
- d578d5f add deployment subcommand - change deploy to deployment update, include history refresh and promote
- 5269c6b create hokusai registry command group
- 7cec07b replace stack with (remote) environment
- 409539a move setup command to top level
- 5dab4d3 nest dev commands inside local
- 907f20f refactor local / remote logs --tail and --follow options
- aed338a change dev_shell to dev_run
- afcb035 refactor click commands into groups - local, remote, env - drop dev and stack hacks
- 809175a refactor top-level commands into nested groups
- da166b0 bugfix in hokusai/services/deployment.py and wait for refreshes to finish
- 37f1eae fix broken import
- f928864 Change deploy hooks nomenclature: before to pre and after to post
- cecc967 Refactor return codes to use exception handling to abort execution
- 6e08148 Add gitlog, rename diff to gitdiff
- dcea815 Consolidate running concurrent subprocesses
- 1575b37 Error handling syntax fixes
- b891fbe update dependencies in setup.py
- cce8ee6 update concurrency in logs command
- b38c8df update check command
- 7d15b21 wait for deployments to finish when updating deployments
- 36255dd be more lenient on default AWS env vars
- 0d08068 hack terminal width
- 5d46b78 apply pod constraints for commands via node selector labels if provided
- 6eaadd6 PEP8 styling
- ab6b2fd implement deploy hooks
- e511b3e update command inline documentation
- e43f51f alias --tail for --follow option where available
- dfcec9e Add instructions to output for dev and test commands
- feb590f change dev command follow to detach - swap --skip-build with --build option for dev and test -also catch signals in dev to guard against orphaned running containers
- f67fe58 remove unreferenced service wrapper
- 8091034 bump click dependency
- a856592 formatting output around deploys and promotions
- 9553910 hotfix hokusai push
- b68c74b distribute script fixes
- f4d2cb8 distribute Hokusai as a Docker image
- 326469f formatting fixes
- 694f7dc bring back build command - consolidate docker compose stack names and clean up containers on test
- 719a71b fix hokusai dev to always cause docker-compose up which is needed to create the default network
- 66b0e8e generalize env setup in GettingStarted.md
- c7ef75a add installation note to try --ignore-installed flag if pip install fails
- 6f5b16c add dev build subcommand
- 7f682d7 update error handling and output
- b7d24c3 hokusai diff finds git sha1 tag from production and staging tags
- 6f75d0b force aws account id to string, even if user has changed it to int in hokusai config yaml
- b1fc5d1 remove -e flag from TestECR.test_get_login
- 1eae772 add hokusai diff command
- f27db8b fixes in project environment scaffolding in setup command
- b8541d0 add --overwrite option to push command to separate behavior overwriting repo image from --force
- 6f105e0 update check command
- a700906 remove service dependencies from setup command
- ebc0b1e push command accepts only one tag - checks working directory is clean and tag does not already exist
- 9c02a65 Remove -e from docker login command
- 8276c18 bugfix in bin/hokusai
- a6e7782 fetch tags before creating a new one
- 2507748 bail out of distribute.sh if version tag exists
- 957babe add two replicas for production web deployment and update tests
- de5e74b refactor run to CommandRunner, add --migration flag to deploy and promote commands
- 6786351 fix env vars passed to run command
- 150a4b9 make hokusai run containers more grep-able as they do not seem to support labels
- 49e7d5f update distribute.sh to tag versions
- bc5e1a0 add deployment history
- 785b69a template project volume synced to /app in setup command
- d1d0203 catch ImageAlreadyExistsException when retagging images on deploy
- cde590d Revert "add --skip-tags option for deploy"
- fb8ce9b expand dev command to include start,stop,status,logs,shell,clean subcommands
- a75c5de add --skip-tags option for deploy
- eaee99c ensure zero-downtime deployment with rollingUpdate / maxUnavailable: 0
- ff4ef6a update README
- 59cad28 simplify stack status command using label selector
- 42c287e use ECR api to retag images directly
- ba292cf bugfix in hokusai/commands/env.py
- 59eb48c bugfix in promote click command
- 5f695db add distribute.sh
- 01991da compose service and deployment names with project name and component
- a356105 fixes for v1.0b1 - label selectors, stack creation kubectl command and rabbitmq alpine image
- 0e6c260 fix support for multiple deployments using the 'project' label - add refresh command
- 174738e store environment in configmaps rather than secrets
- bdc2a90 (tag: v1.0-b1) update version to 1.0-b1 - add version command
- 551aff5 update README and cli help text for configure and env commands
- d82cb74 rename command secrets to environment - store env vars in secret object '{project_name}-environment
- 34dea7e rename dependencies command to configure
- deb58d7 update hokusai run to use envFrom
- 48782f5 add envFrom supported in kubernetes 1.6+
- dd9d670 print docker output in hokusai push command