The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Open Vault Agent Injector
chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.applicationNameLabel | Application Name. Must match label com.ovai.application | open-vault-agent-injector |
image.metricsPort | Port exposed for metrics collection | 9000 |
image.path | Image path | asaintsever/open-vault-agent-injector |
image.port | Service main port | 8443 |
image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for image: IfNotPresent or Always | IfNotPresent |
image.serviceNameLabel | Service Name. Must match label com.ovai.service | open-vault-agent-injector |
image.tag | Image tag | latest (local testing), VERSION_OVAI (release) |
imageRegistry | Image registry | |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.image.path | Image path | everpeace/curl-jq |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for image: IfNotPresent or Always | Always |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.image.tag | Image tag | latest |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.resources.limits.cpu | Job babysitter sidecar CPU resource limits | 120m |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.resources.limits.memory | Job babysitter sidecar memory resource limits | 25Mi |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.resources.requests.cpu | Job babysitter sidecar CPU resource requests | 100m |
injectconfig.jobbabysitter.resources.requests.memory | Job babysitter sidecar memory resource requests | 20Mi |
injectconfig.vault.image.path | Image path | vault |
injectconfig.vault.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for image: IfNotPresent or Always | Always |
injectconfig.vault.image.tag | Image tag | 1.6.5 |
injectconfig.vault.log.format | Vault log format: standard, json | json |
injectconfig.vault.log.level | Vault log level: trace, debug, info, warn, err | info |
injectconfig.vault.resources.limits.cpu | Vault Agent CPU resource limits | 200m |
injectconfig.vault.resources.limits.memory | Vault Agent memory resource limits | 80Mi |
injectconfig.vault.resources.requests.cpu | Vault Agent CPU resource requests | 160m |
injectconfig.vault.resources.requests.memory | Vault Agent memory resource requests | 65Mi |
mutatingwebhook.annotations.appLabelKey | Annotation for application's name. Annotation's value used as Vault role by default. | com.ovai.application |
mutatingwebhook.annotations.appServiceLabelKey | Annotation for service's name | com.ovai.service |
mutatingwebhook.annotations.keyPrefix | Prefix used for all Open Vault Agent Injector annotations | |
mutatingwebhook.cert.cacertfile | Default filename for webhook CA certificate (PEM-encoded) in generated or provided Kubernetes Secret | ca.crt |
mutatingwebhook.cert.certfile | Default filename for webhook certificate (PEM-encoded) in generated or provided Kubernetes Secret | tls.crt |
mutatingwebhook.cert.certlifetime | Default lifetime in years for generated certificates. Not used if generated is false. | 10 |
mutatingwebhook.cert.generated | Controls whether webhook certificates, private key and Kubernetes Secret are generated. If not, you have to provide a Kubernetes Secret with name secretName. | true |
mutatingwebhook.cert.keyfile | Default filename for webhook private key (PEM-encoded) in generated or provided Kubernetes Secret | tls.key |
mutatingwebhook.cert.secretName | Name of the Kubernetes Secret that contains the webhook certificates and private key. Secret should be in webhook's namespace. To provide if generated is false. | open-vault-agent-injector-cert |
mutatingwebhook.failurePolicy | Defines how unrecognized errors and timeout errors from the admission webhook are handled. Allowed values are Ignore or Fail | Ignore |
mutatingwebhook.loglevel | Enable V-leveled logging at the specified level | 4 |
mutatingwebhook.namespaceSelector.boolean | Enable to control, with label "vault-injection=enabled", the namespaces where injection is allowed (if false: all namespaces except kube-system and kube-public) | false |
mutatingwebhook.namespaceSelector.namespaced | Enable to control, with label "vault-injection={{ .Release.Namespace }}", the specific namespace where injection is allowed (ie, restrict to namespace where injector is installed) | false |
probes.liveness.failureThreshold | Number of probe failure before restarting the probe | 3 |
probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds | Number of seconds after the container has started before the probe is initiated | 2 |
probes.liveness.periodSeconds | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 20 |
probes.liveness.timeoutSeconds | Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 5 |
probes.readiness.failureThreshold | Number of probe failure before setting the probe to Unready | 3 |
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds | Number of seconds after the container has started before the probe is initiated | 2 |
probes.readiness.periodSeconds | How often (in seconds) to perform the probe | 20 |
probes.readiness.successThreshold | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed | 1 |
probes.readiness.timeoutSecon | Number of seconds after which the probe times out | 5 |
registryKey | Name of Kubernetes secret for image registry | |
replicaCount | Number of replicas | 3 |
resources.limits.cpu | CPU resource limits | 250m |
resources.limits.memory | Memory resource limits | 256Mi |
resources.requests.cpu | CPU resource requests | 100m |
resources.requests.memory | Memory resource requests | 128Mi |
revisionHistoryLimit | Revision history limit in tiller / helm / k8s | 3 |
service.exposedServicePort | Port exposed by the K8s service (Kubernetes always assumes port 443 for webhooks) | 443 | | Service name | open-vault-agent-injector |
service.prefixWithHelmRelease | Service name to be prefixed with Helm release name | false |
service.type | Kubernetes service type: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, ExternalName | ClusterIP |
vault.addr | Address of Vault server | null - To be provided at deployment time (e.g.: https://vault:8200) |
vault.authMethods.approle.path | Path defined for AppRole Auth Method | approle |
vault.authMethods.approle.roleid_filename | Filename for role id | approle_roleid |
vault.authMethods.approle.secretid_filename | Filename for secret id | approle_secretid |
vault.authMethods.kubernetes.path | Path defined for Kubernetes Auth Method | kubernetes |
vault.ssl.verify | Enable or disable verification of certificates | true |
You can override these values at runtime using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example,
$ helm install open-vault-agent-injector \
<chart_folder_location> \
--namespace <your namespace> \
--set <parameter1>=<value1>,<parameter2>=<value2>